bsb327 and Iwant2beamum's cycle buddy thread

Yeah 3 of my friends know and my mum n dad. I'll tell my little brother n sister (not that little, they r 15 and 18) next week. I feel like I need a support system around me at this time and if something goes wrong I'd want there help. I'm thinking positive today tho! Gonna have a lovely little bundle of joy in 8 months and I want to enjoy being pregnant!

I will tell the world on the 26th October! I'll be 13 weeks that day! Broadcast across Facebook!!!!! X
Hey how r u today? I got a digital to test with in the morning! I just wana see the word! :) hehe! I'm really tired. Boobs feel well weird as well x
So,so,so tired today @ work. Then had a friend over for dinner - of course accompanied by a bottle of vino!!! As soon as I told her I wasn't having any she was all over me with " ur pregnant aren't you!" of course I couldn't keep a straight I told her. She's one of my best friends and was by my side during the last few months so it wasn't gonna be long b4 I told her anyway. I felt a bit nauseated at work today aswell...prob didn't help that I didn't eat for 8 straight hours either...all else is well! Maybe I'll do the same and pick up a digi on my way home from work tomorrow! I wanna see a pic when ur thru with yours! xx
Hey love, in bed ATM with a heat pack on in pain on My left side. I hope it's just the little seed burrowing in but obviously I'm worried. No bleeding or anything. I posted a thread in the first trimester. I'm gonna stay in bed today and rest nd hopefully it's nothing. I haven't poo'ed in days so I wondered if that cud be it but the pain is really focused on my left side. I know I ovulated on that side two.keep ur fingers crossed for me today. How r u? U ok? I did my digi this morning too. Said pregnant and now I'm in pain! Great. I love that little seed so much already. I hope it's ok x
Hey pain has subsided a bit. Just the odd cramp. I'm not as worried as I was. I just wanted to update our thread so u wudnt worry. U must be working hard coz uve not been online. How u managing work with being pregnant?
I'm so glad to hear that your doing better!! Your mind must have been going a mile a minute!! I hope the thread you posted gave some sort of support. Sorry I wasn't around :flower: I had to do a 12hr shift today..uuugghh! I couldn't wait to get home!
You know its really weird cause I was getting the same kind of pain about 6 days ago, like bad pains/pressure over my ovaries. But it switched side to side, never both sides at the same time. Today I was feeling it again as well. I'm also having moderate cm at times - at one point I ran down to the bathroom and was praying I wouldn't see heart was racing and then I realized it was just cm!!! PHEW!!! I keep telling myself...."If I'm not meant to have this baby then thats what it was supposed to be." All in all each and everyday is gonna have its scary moments for me I think.
It's so scary isn't it?! I'm glad u weren't bleeding. I'm really upset with OH today. Yesterday I was really scared with the cramping etc. And he had a works night out last night but I thought yeah he can still go (I was supposed to of gone as well but I thought it best to stay home and rest). Now tonight he has a family birthday as well (again I have to miss this) but he needs to go so I thought ok. At leas he will he here overnight and in the day time this weekend. My mums dad brother and sister are away at the moment as well. So anyway last night he calls me pissed out of his head and tells mw he's staying at a workmates house and not comin home. I told him I really felt vulnerable right now and like I needed him around coz I was a bit scared and going out is ok but I dot like the idea of being left overnight. I think I I hadn't of had the odd cramping I'd be ok but I thought what is something was to go wrong (god forbid) I'd have to get the the ER all on my own and go thru it alone. I dunno I just felt abandoned when I needed him most. Do u understand or do u think I'm being stupid? I cried myself to sleep last night. Oh dear x
No I totally don't think you're being stupid. This a new and exciting time, but ALSO a very scary and emotional one too. TBH though...I'm starting to realize more and more that most guys don't get it. I know I said this before, but they really don't have it registered in their heads that we're PREGNANT!! They don't understand the hormonal changes we go through which quardruples our emotions tenfold!!! Me and OH had a HUGE argument last night over something silly, I'll admit I was kinda outta control - I wouldn't back down...I was soooo infuriated. I was like a dog with rabies...hissing and snarling (well thats what I felt like hahaha) but at one point I was trying to get my point across and I said to myself...whoaaa whats going on here, I'm gettin a little crazy....BUT do you think at any point HE would realize oh my wife is acting a bit strange and crazy right now, crap, my wife is pregnant so I should tone it down a notch and not get her so worked up. By the end of it we we're fine (I wouldn't let him go to sleep until we ended it.) I told him that I really want him to read a bit about pregnancy and what not. I acknowledged to him that I was a bit outta control BUT I had a really good excuse for it...I'M EFFING PREGNANT!!! Moral of the story is I don't think your OH hasn't registered the fact that you're pregnant, he may have verbalized it - but he hasn't internalized it...I think that when you guys are alone you should sit him down and talk with him about how you're feeling and what's going on with your body at this stage of pregnancy. Explain to him at this stage of the game it is very risky in addition to the fact we can be quite emotional and we need to be backed up by our OH's!!! See what he says....Honestly I'm going out to find a book or something for my
Sorry for such the long rant.
I loved ur rant! Yeah I've just bought one pregnancy for men:the whole 9months. Dunno if it's any good but was only a fiver off amazon. Hopefully that helps. I think I will try n have a chat with him about pregnancy! He got back about an hour and a half a go and was on his knees saying sorry! He better bloody had be! He didn't get it easy. I will not be tolerating that again. Now he's passed out on the sofa stinking of booze! I'll get him up in a bit and make him go to the shop and get me food. I'm knackered and I feel so sick! Euuurgh! Got loads of bills stuff I need to sort out today as well. Best get on it before I get too many late payment charges! Meh, I hate bills! Hey did u do ur digi yet?
Hey do u have skype? I asked u before but I don't think u noticed. I don't know how I cud get thru this without u ya know! Ur my life saver! I put u in my signature too haha x
*edited*I don't know where this post came from! Haha!!

Not this one anyway the one above me ^^^^^^^

It's like cryptic posts! I just didn't want you to miss the first reply!
Don't miss ths post above ^^^^

Oh my god, so angry at OH stayed out all night. Drank till 10.10am this morning and now says he has to lie down coz he feels sick and like he's gonna faint! I've nearly thrown up twice today! I'm so angry right now! He's rubbing me up all wrong today by being apathetic arsehole! Grrh. I feel so pregnant right now!
Hey Lady! Just sitting here with my coffee :coffee: watching the rain and wind blow the trees....Ms. Irene has come to town!! They shut down all of the public transportation and everything! I don't ever remember public transportation being shut down...except for maybe 9/11. TBH I think we'll not get it as bad as they say its gonna be, but better be prepared for the worst right?!
I'm kind of a little worried this morning. I feel like a lot of my symptoms have gone....I no longer feel the nausea or the pressure/activity in my uterus. I never had sore boobs which really bothers me cause last time mine were soooo tender probably a week before I even got a bfp. I'm not even as thirsty as I was about 5-6 days ago. Maybe I'm looking into this way too much....aaahhh the first trimester is and will be the hardest I'd say...its constant worry!!! Then you worry that your worrying too much!! You can't win!
As far as skype goes, I do have an account. Haven't used it in I don't know how long!
How you feeling today?? Hows OH? Any plans for the day?? I'll probably be on here for the most part of the day, I'm trapped inside until tomorrow!

PS: I know....I went a little crazy with the tickers, but check out below!!!
I didn't know u were gonna feel the hurricane. The geography of America isnt my strong point!Oh I hope everything goes ok and it's minimal! Hey don't worry about not having sore boobs. Every pregnancy is different and symptoms can come and go! Try not to worry. I know it's easier said than done!

I'm feeling ok today. OH is trying to redeem himself. But not really succeeding. He's just put my handwash only throw in the washer!!!! Ahhhhh men!!! Today consists of cleaning. The house is a tip. I'm gonna pay some bills as well and orgnaise some finances.
Sorry had to split this into two messages. My phone cocked up!

We will have a nice Sunday English roast dinner too! My fella loves his old fashioned english food! U gonna get an early scan? I think I might get one at 7 weeks so a bit of reassurance. It's Only £65.

How r u and OH at the moment? Are u still feeling moody? I am! not so much moody just paranoid...mmmmm so jealous Sunday roast sounds DELISH!!! Are you cooking or OH?? I wish I had someone here cooking for me!!
UGGGHHHH!!! the more time I spend on this website the more time drags by and I get more and more paranoid!! What is up with me!?? When did you say your first appt was?? I dont know if paying for an early scan is worth it for me. I have a feeling she might just schedule me in for an early scan (due to my history) when I go to my appt on Friday, Fx'd!!
OH is cooking. I've just run upstairs crying. I can not control My emotions and he doesn't get it. I can't help but explode and he just reacts back.thats makes me worse. He doesn't get that I'm pregnant. Why am I so emotional and angry! I want it to stop coz I'm worried about hurting the baby but I can't! I'm as paranoid as u! Just try n think positive! I wish I had some amazing advice but I don't x
Awww no, don't cry!!! Remember they totally don't get it! I'm the same way - my mood swings are magnified to the 10th power!!! OH is so stubborn that if I go off on him he gets super defensive and explodes right back...I think this is normal for everyone though. I mean most men are the same, so I know there is no way that we are the only ones who go through this. Even though you may not want to, just let him know (again) that you don't mean to be off the wall but you can't help it...see how he approaches that one. I mean the only thing that we can do at this stage is to keep reminding them that we seriously have a LEGIT excuse! Once the whole pregnancy thing sinks in with them (which I have a feeling won't be for a while in my case) this is going to be an ongoing issue for us....:hug:
I know it's really bad but all this makes me wish I was doing this on my own. I'd rather be a single mum right now. Live in a little house round the corner from my mum. He just came up then and had a go at me for crying all the time the past few days. He really doesn't get it. I've got borderline personality disorder as well so my moods can be crazy too coz of that. But I know this isn't that! I know it's my hormones. I just know. I'm sorry your going thru the same thing as me. I don't know how I'm going to cope with this! :hug: xxxxx
You'll be ok...maybe let him know that you both need a break, could you stay over at your mother's house??? Maybe he'll realize that your pretty serious and if he agrees maybe the time apart will be a good thing for both of you!
Ohhhhhh thanku so much for being so sweet then! Hs just come back from the shop and we had a little chat and I'm ok now. I think he needs to talk about how the pregnancy is affecting him. I can't wait till it sinks in for him and ur hubby too! Then we will be pampered and treated like godesses!!!! (we can dream right?) haha how's the storm over there now? Looking ok? Xxx

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