Bubbles in my Belly!

sorry hun but i just had to let you know im so happy...

so i went to my mothers this weekend and she doesnt no im ttc.. and was a reason why i was abit reluctant (sorry bad spelling) to ttc.. i was worried of disappointing her.. even though i know she wud always be supportive of me no matter what.. but still couldnt find the words to tell her...

i went got home.. and my mom said straight away when she saw me.. your not happy.. whats wrong please tell me.. i just broke down crying and told her everything that i really want my family now.. ever since i m/c in march.. thats ALL ive taut about.. becoming a mother like...and being a family me my david and our baby its what i really want to do with my life and im in a situation where thats possible.. and she was so understanding and we talked about ttc for hours and well i feel better.. i feel like a whole weight has been lifted from my shoulders... i think that was whats was holding me back from getting a bfp.. i dunno i feel so positive now that she knows...

wow sorry for the novel i just had to express that some where.. now next is to sit down DF and explain the same.. i feel like jumping around i feeel so happy!!! i cant describe it.. its like yes she understands.. :happydance:

sorry hun just wanted to share with u.. i think no matter what happens af or bfp ill be ok cuz there always next cycle :D
Oh that's wonderful hun!!:hugs: I'm glad you have that kind of rapport with your mum, she sounds way cool.
It does take a load off when you finally bite the bullet and do something that you have wanted to for ages.... you are still sooo young and there is no shame in asking for the support of your folks, well your mum in particularly.
I am sure DF will understand too....

So how you feeling??:hugs:

I am ok and have decided to call it 3dpo today.... just going on what my last couple cycles have been like.... the thing is I have not had any indication of ov and it is now cd19! So I am going on that and will just see where it takes me.... the thing is if I ov'd any later then we have no chance this cycle, so will go with that and if I get symptoms I will test when I am due, but if no symptoms, then onto next cycle! Whatever, basically!!:thumbup:
:hugs: wohooo at 3dpo :thumbup: thats really great hun :hugs: im sure you will be getting your xmas in july baby. hows G? and your night with R last night i home you got to relax

i dont want a penny off my parents... just there understanding, that this is wat makes me happy.. ive wanted to be a mother and wanted my own family since i was 9... my mom said since i was a baby i used to "take care of" everything and everyone lol. i used to find animals that needed a "mommy" hehe silly really i guess.

and i know once i have kids i wont be able to do much like go out etc.. but the thing is i dont anyway. its not that i dont like it, its just i prefere to be with david. :D

and now that my mom gets it.. its like yayyy.

im good thanks im feeling happy today.. and i realised yesterday i havent been happy in a long time, i guess since march even david said wow you seem cheerful today and its cuz my mom told me whats wrong with me.. she knew b4 i told her lol.

anyway sorry for going on.. just so cheerful today :happydance: i spent all day with mom, shopping :) and we went to the cinema to see UP that was great hehe. though she knows im ttc she doesnt know im late now.. hehe i thought it wudn be better to surprise her rather than her saying every day.. well are you?

im 18-20 dpo and very late hehe. when you were preg with G did u get any pains in your sides?? like kidneys or back... i have a pain in my sides.. and a few cramps. i felt my stomach (once i got past my extra stomach :blush:) lol and it was rock hard that was below my belly button.. i dont wanna get my hopes up but omg i feel so excited..

sorry for the novel im a chatter box today
Oh its nice to hear you so chirpy! And you should be excited! You are soooo preg hun - how can you not be!!?? Eeeeeeek!!! I am excited for you!:happydance:
Pains in my side?? I know I had quite strong crampy pains, but I can't remember for sure where exactly they were... I think more like down in pelvic region - that's what I have always described them as.... but I think there are lots of different areas that start to hurt or cramp. Mine felt like a UTI (I have never had one, but from what people have said) so like a pulling down there, quite uncomfortable!
G is fine now and last night we went out to spend the evening with my scottish friend and her family - was nice.... Giulia took about an hour and a half to warm up and start playing with the her little friends and then she didn't want to leave at 11pm! Consequently, me and R did not relax last night, but it was a good time and this morning are grateful for the time change so we got that extra hour (not that it makes much difference!)...! So today we will be doing some work on the house, basically cleaning up after the plasterers - not much to do and then... i dunno!
So strange that I have not felt ANYthing this month.... is that weird? I know that not all women do, but just that last month they were so strong... but I guess before ttc I never felt anything either, so.... :shrug:
Anyways the sun is out today! So makes for a better mood!:happydance:
Have a lovely rest of the weekend with mum and I will catch ya later!:hugs:
thanks hun :hugs: im just sooo excited, this wait is killing me, basically last night i tried to buy some online tests and my stupid card wont buy things out of ireland :wacko: so im just gonna have to buy one in the chemist (i get so embarrassed buying them i dunno why) maybe i can convience david to buy them lol!

im glad you had a nice night :hugs: , hun id say u just didn feel it, i mean its meant to be rare a woman feels that ov feeling anyway and its only meant to hurt if the friction is alot... in nursing we learnt the ovary kinda rubs and gets thinner till the egg just pops out hehe and thats what can make it abit painful.. for maybe it wasn so sore this time and u wudnt feel it :hugs:

omg trish... im 2 weeks late today!!! im half scared and excited....im trying not to get my hopes up but omg... please bring me back to earth!! lol
Oh hunni!!!! hehehe Why wld you wanna come back down to earth??!!! lol Stay as excited as possible hun....:hugs:

2 wks late, come on!! I wldn't even believe a neg hpt at this stage! Hey, maybe its a sign tho about the internet tests, cos I have been seeing so many posts about them giving false results, so don't bother - I think at this point you deserve a frer or similar! :thumbup:

So yeah, I have not seen or felt anything at all so I have to assume what I said before to be true... I am 4dpo and waiting! Of course if I am any less dpo than 4, then I have no baby... BUT, if I'm right, then we r in with a chance!:happydance:
Anyways... so what time will ya be testin then???:winkwink:
well my friend picks me up at 3ish.. two hour drive there at 5.. sometime then. see my parents live in a small town and it has like 7 chemists for such a small down BUT its bank holiday weekend :wacko: soooo not one is open :dohh:

but in the city where i live they wud still be open or at least a tesco will have some.. if i had on here i would of pee'd on it already :haha:
trish the only reason im abit worried that im not is cuz you now how long my last cycle was.. what if this is just like that and im not.. i know i sud be positive but that just is in the back of my mind..
and with david not thinking im pregnant i cant even talk to him about symptoms etc :( he hasnt texted or rang me all day.. and i have left him lots of messages.. he cant be like that if i am preg.. im trying not to stress but its hard.. i dont wanna m/c again either... id be 6 weeks today :happydance:

hun we are both sooooooo gonna get our bfp... :drunk: bump buddies we will be hehe
Hello MsLynn225 and welcome back!!:flower:
Best of luck getting that BFP very very soon!!:winkwink:

Thanks alot Trishy!!

Oh and I were just talking and realized I haven't gotten my P this month, I'm way past due, and my boobs have been tender for a week now, and my back feels terrible liek ive been lifting weights...

Well I want to test hopefully next weekend! So we will see how that goes!

baby dust to all the BNB Ladies :)
Hello MsLynn225 and welcome back!!:flower:
Best of luck getting that BFP very very soon!!:winkwink:

Thanks alot Trishy!!

Oh and I were just talking and realized I haven't gotten my P this month, I'm way past due, and my boobs have been tender for a week now, and my back feels terrible liek ive been lifting weights...

Well I want to test hopefully next weekend! So we will see how that goes!

baby dust to all the BNB Ladies :)

Wow - it must be nice to "just realize" that you haven't gotten your P!:haha: Most girls here know exactly how many minutes before they are due!!:rofl: Good on you for having a relaxed attitude about it!!:thumbup: Let us know what happens when you test hun! F X'd!!:winkwink:
well my friend picks me up at 3ish.. two hour drive there at 5.. sometime then. see my parents live in a small town and it has like 7 chemists for such a small down BUT its bank holiday weekend :wacko: soooo not one is open :dohh:

but in the city where i live they wud still be open or at least a tesco will have some.. if i had on here i would of pee'd on it already :haha:
trish the only reason im abit worried that im not is cuz you now how long my last cycle was.. what if this is just like that and im not.. i know i sud be positive but that just is in the back of my mind..
and with david not thinking im pregnant i cant even talk to him about symptoms etc :( he hasnt texted or rang me all day.. and i have left him lots of messages.. he cant be like that if i am preg.. im trying not to stress but its hard.. i dont wanna m/c again either... id be 6 weeks today :happydance:

hun we are both sooooooo gonna get our bfp... :drunk: bump buddies we will be hehe

I know there is always that possibilty that you will have a long stretch without AF like before, but I don't think it is likely with all the symptoms you have.... do you feeeeel preg? And David I think is trying very hard to not watch you in case you fall..... unfortunately its a male thing PLUS you have the fact that he is a YOUNG male.... don't worry about him right now - focus on YOU cos he will come round..... On the m/c, that was due to a horrible accident last time (whether it was done on purpose or not) and you will be careful with this next little bean and probably not even venture out where there are crowds, so don't worry!! Now move your butt and go test wld ya! or maybe you already have while I been ramblin on here..... well??:winkwink:
heyyyyy hun :hugs: no not tested yet.. well i broke down crying to david last night :blush: i cudnt help it and he didnt realise how late i was tut etc etc and i was like duhhh cuz u didnt wanna hear it.
he is very excited now and is gonna take me home so we can buy a test cuz now shops open here hehe and then he is gonna go get me one :D i feel so happy.. i sud know about 5ish?? thanks for you help :hugs: yeah i feel pregnant like this is it.. but part of me doesnt wanna listen just incase im not :(
Oh hun I'm glad you had a chat with david, its the only way sometimes to just break down cos they can be a bit slow on the uptake! Not their fault - genetics unfortunately!:dohh:

I am waiting with bated breath.... so.... will hear from you later on.....:hugs:

I am 5dpo and feel absolutely nothing.... dtd last night, so I guess if I ov'd REALLY late (was cd20!) then I am covered for that too hahaha! Aaaaaah, che sera sera.... (sorry have no idea how to put on the accents?!) lol
strangly enough ive also been getting bubbles the last 2 days..im 9dpo,i hope its a good sign!!
yep sounds like your covered hun :) 5dpo is early to feel anything anyway hun.. in the next two days u sud :D

im still waiting for david ugh lol im so excited.. so to calm me down me and david have been thinking of names.. prob a bad thing.. but it helps for now :)
yep sounds like your covered hun :) 5dpo is early to feel anything anyway hun.. in the next two days u sud :D

im still waiting for david ugh lol im so excited.. so to calm me down me and david have been thinking of names.. prob a bad thing.. but it helps for now :)

Oooooh I wldn't be able to handle the next couple hours!! Oops... should be saying stuff to calm ya hey?! Sorry!! Baby names huh?! So how exactly does that calm you down....? I guess it helps to pass the time really doesn't it? Have you settled on any? I don't wanna know what they are, just if you are agreeing at least!! Gd Lk!:hugs:
i dont mind telling u my baby name ideas :D it helps me calm down.. i dunno why.. i guess cuz its not really anything to ttc.... in the long run yes.. but i dunno it just helps.. but agree on some names is hard... boys we like thomas, james and ben :D and girls we like brook, etainne(irish for rescued princess), chloe

and i love the name devon for a boy but david dont like it :( oh well
im leaving in 10 mins omg!!! hehe
Oh great names hun! That irish one is fabulous - if I pronounced it right!lol oooooh I am getting goose bumps for ya! So where are ya going?? Isn't D bringing a test home for you? Are you not testing there? Sorry - all the questions!! My excitement!!:happydance:
:cry: i took the test right away.. and bfn :( i cant believe it im so upset :cry: and no sign of AF... its not fair!!! there is no way im waiting for another 100 day cycle im going to the doctor 2mor!!!

i cant stop crying this confirms it for me... there must be something wrong with me.. ever since march my cycles have been messed up!! sorry for the long wait ladies and the disappointing result :cry:.. well im off to be with david.
:cry: i took the test right away.. and bfn :( i cant believe it im so upset :cry: and no sign of AF... its not fair!!! there is no way im waiting for another 100 day cycle im going to the doctor 2mor!!!

i cant stop crying this confirms it for me... there must be something wrong with me.. ever since march my cycles have been messed up!! sorry for the long wait ladies and the disappointing result :cry:.. well im off to be with david.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Thinking of you. xxx

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