Buddies for Late January/Early February Babies!

They prescribed prochloperazine.

I haven't bought anything yet.. I'm still a bit nervous about it just yet. I think once we've moved into our new house we will start looking at things then... Or once we've found out if it's a girl or boy... Well really I can't decide so just whenever lol!
Sorry I've not been on for a few days, as just been resting as much as possible due to tiredness, but getting a bit more energy back now.

Navy: I've got everything crossed for you as well!!
So there's evidence to suggest that I O'd on CD21 instead of CD15 (putting me at 8DPO) but it's not definite, no sign of AF this morning (I ALWAYS see her in the morning) so maybe there's hope?
That is good news Navy!!!

Flourish, I hope that you start to feel better soon with those meds!

Welcome Back Olivia!
Oooh that's good news Navy... Still time to get your bfp!!
I have to Rant...

My all time favourite restaurant in the city closest to us (where all of our appointments, etc. will be plus the city I work in) is closing for 20 Months due to the mall it is located in getting major renovations! I am so disappointed that in my one year of maternity leave I won't be able to stop and grab lunch at this place when I am in the city for appointments. I have been going to this restaurant since I was 2!! Ahhh... Sad day. - I took an extra long lunch at work today so I could go and have lunch there.

Lol...I almost cried.
Omg, been so busy the past few days. I've been working on Mondays and Tuesday's now the past couple weeks also for a family I used to work for which is pretty cool. I've been taking the boy I used to nanny (who is now 9. He was 3-5 when I worked for them) swimming and to the movies haha. We went to see inside out on Tuesday and it had tears streaming down my face even though it is just a silly kids movie! There was a part where the girls imaginary friend faded away and it was just so sad to me lol! Then I'll be house/dog sitting from Sunday till next Saturday while they are on vacation.

Omg so on Tuesday night I typed out a long post and then my wifi stopped working suddenly and it deleted everything I typed and I was so mad I haven't wanted to use the Internet at home to go on this message board since! We split internet and TV with the a-hole landlord downstairs and his wifi router sucks so I hardly ever get signal. But oh swears it always works fine for him which I don't get... I'm probably going to get my own internet hooked up soon though because it drives me nuts not being able to use the Internet unless I stand in a very specific place.

Omg navy, that is GREAT news! I am sending good vibes and babydust your way and keeping fingers and toes crossed for you! That is a long time for DH to be away!! :-(

I've been getting bad headaches but usually slamming water and taking tylenol makes them subside pretty quickly. They just come back before its time to take more tylenol sometimes which sucks... I hope your girls' migraines stop asap! I can only imagine how much that must suck...

Flourish, glad your doc was able to give you something that's helping. Hope you feel back to normal soon! I haven't felt any nausea for the past couple days so fx'd it stays that way!

Amanda, your names are adorable! Why are you scared to take tylenol? And your dh's family is ridiculous! That is a lot to deal with from people who are supposed to be family!

Hopeful, that sucks about your restaurant! :-(

Is anyone noticably pregnant yet? I still just look fat haha.
Wowsa Michele, you are a busy lady! I want to see Inside Out - My little cousins went and their dad went with them and he was very disappointed in the storyline for children. When he got home his daughter threw a fit over something silly and said she was going to "Run Away" she didn't even know what running away was before the movie... I still want to see it though.

I still just feel fat, but I am wearing a maternity pencil skirt today and it actually looks like a cute little bump today not just all the fries I have been eating.

I hope you all have a great weekend!
It was a really cute movie. Maybe she was a little too young for it! But I loved it and I love how now that I'm an adult, I notice all the things they throw in kids movies for adults that go right over the kids heads haha. There were a few parts that made me cry but that is pretty much anything these days... Ha.

Oh cute! I tried on some maternity clothes at old navy but they all just made me look fatter so I didn't buy any... I really love maxi skirts but haven't tried one on yet that looked flattering on me... And I don't like shorter skirts cause they always make me look huge. I don't even wear shorts or dresses unless they come at least 2/3 the way down my thighs haha.

I'm so excited for my thing on Sunday even though if they tell me I'm having a girl I won't trust it at all! If they say it's a boy, hopefully they can't be wrong about that haha. I'll let you all know how it went Sunday night :-)

Happy weekend!
Michelle I'm nervous cause its drugs and I don't want it to cause any harm to the baby
Although I've been was sure day so many people that it's okay to take in moderation.

I'm getting anxious for my next app. I just want to see our baby again and hear the hheartbeat to know everything is okay ♡
Thanks for liking the names! :D
His mil and sister stress me out so much. I hate to admit it and i ttry not to let him know.

Everything makes me cry too. I cried after sex yesterday cause it was so loving. I was laughing at myself through tears with Dh but still crying. It was so weird :p

Clothes are tough. I have a few full length dresses I've bought and love. Some days I just feel fat. Some days I feel like it's a bump. Who knows.
Will be one day soon!!
Ah and I'm sorry about the wifi thing.
That's got to he the most frustrating thing ever
I'm kinda freaking out, ladies. I MAY have gotten the squintiest of squinters on a HPT this morning, but its so faint its crazy. I'm gonna retest with SMU and update you!
I *think* I can see what you mean.. Showed DH and he said the same.. I can't wait for yojr SMU test. Fingers crossed for you x
I can see it better on the Inverted setting but its still so faint that I'm not sure. I'm retesting in 2 hours (10AM) and I'm so nervous I'm shaking. I'm steeling myself for a negative but hoping for a positive
Oh my god navy! Totally got goosebumps when I read that! And I can definitely see it! Omg omg!! Please let it be a BFP!!! Af was due yesterday or the day before, right?? I have a good feeling about this! Woop woop!

Amanda, makes sense about the tylenol. I just wanted to make sure there wasn't something your doc told you that I didn't know about!

When is your next appointment? Mine is in a couple weeks from Monday so I'm super excited to go to the 3d place cause I will get to see baby twice in one month :-D nothing is better than seeing the little guy (or girl) on the screen and hearing that heartbeat! Hope your appt is soon :-) almost late enough in our pregnancies for dopplers! Are you thinking of getting one?

Omg, I cry over situations I create in my head. Like I'll think what if me and oh end up not together in the future and I cry. Or I get miscarriage anxiety and cry. But trying to stay positive and happy is important. I read recently about a study that showed baby can feel so much more than they ever knew, including our stress and emotions. Reminding myself of that makes it easier to calm down because then it's not just me dealing with the anxiety-it's baby too. So try not to stress too much! Totally easier said than done though... I wish you could just put dealing with them completely on hold till the pregnancy was over!

My uterus is definitely getting bigger and moving up more. Now I would love to believe that it is pushing my belly up and making it fatter but im pretty sure it's still just fat in my belly above my uterus haha. I can't wait for a bump...

I went out to eat with my sister and grandma on Thursday night and ran into a girl I used to work with. She was 7 months pregnant and barely showing! BUT, she was a pill addict when I worked with her and she still seemed super weird and spaced out so I hope to god that it is just from getting off the pills and that she's not still doing that shit while she's pregnant! I was so disgusted and angry at the thought that she probably is the type of person who would. And that could be why her bump is so small too I feel like... I wish being a drug addict made you infertile so those situations didn't exist :-(
Sorry for the novel... Lol. I just have so much to say sometimes haha.

Navy, what time zone are you in?? I'm really anxious for your next test! It's 7:30am over here.
Oh, nvm. You said 10am was in 2 hours so you must be an hour ahead of me :-p

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