Ouch girls! Stop getting migraines! That really sucks! I don't think I've ever had a migraine as I've never had my vision affected or thrown up from a headache or anything, but my bad headaches are bad enough and I can't imagine having them worse!

hope they get better real soon! Ick, I had morphine in an IV when I had a kidney infection earlier this year and it made me feel awful! My whole body and especially my head felt so weird and I felt nauseous. I hope you don't have to end up going that route, hopeful! Especially when pregnant! Feel better everyone!
I didn't do any of the gender prediction tests but the Chinese chart has given me different answers when I've done it on different websites lol. Also, the heartbeat was lower at my last appt (in the 150's down from the 170's) so I had thought maybe it was going to be a boy cause of the lower heart rate lol. I'm so excited for a mini me now!
I went to take my kitties to get fixed yesterday and when I picked them up they looked so sad that it made me cry. Poor little things... They were shaking and moving so slowly and barely making a sound. Probably from the drugs but still sad... But I did get to go shopping with my little sister yesterday and got 4 new outfits for the baby and bought a pattern and 3 different fabrics to make 3 more outfits. So that was nice and kind of helped balance out yesterday so it wasn't all bad. So excited to start sewing again.
I'm picking up that doppler today from OH's cousin. I hope I can figure it out!
Amanda, that's awesome about the new car!
I just have a 2004 Toyota highlander and that is the newest car I've ever had LOL. I'll have a better one someday! Haha.