Buddies for Late January/Early February Babies!

Yay navy!!

So we upgraded our car today. From a 2014 Mitsubishi Lancer to a 2015 Mitsubishi Lancer hatchback. More trunk space and easier on the back to put stuff in and out of trunk. Dh is 6"6' aha

Just a little over 100$extra a month cause of negative equity stuff. But I think it'll be great for us in the long run
Congrats on the new vehicle! It is always exciting getting a new vehicle.

Today will be a rough day at work, we had a thunderstorm that lasted from around 5:30pm to 3:00am constant thunder & lightning and on and off downpour. We got 3 inches of rain in that time and my corn in my garden is ruined. :( Today we are under a wind warning.
Ouch girls! Stop getting migraines! That really sucks! I don't think I've ever had a migraine as I've never had my vision affected or thrown up from a headache or anything, but my bad headaches are bad enough and I can't imagine having them worse! :-( hope they get better real soon! Ick, I had morphine in an IV when I had a kidney infection earlier this year and it made me feel awful! My whole body and especially my head felt so weird and I felt nauseous. I hope you don't have to end up going that route, hopeful! Especially when pregnant! Feel better everyone!

I didn't do any of the gender prediction tests but the Chinese chart has given me different answers when I've done it on different websites lol. Also, the heartbeat was lower at my last appt (in the 150's down from the 170's) so I had thought maybe it was going to be a boy cause of the lower heart rate lol. I'm so excited for a mini me now!

I went to take my kitties to get fixed yesterday and when I picked them up they looked so sad that it made me cry. Poor little things... They were shaking and moving so slowly and barely making a sound. Probably from the drugs but still sad... But I did get to go shopping with my little sister yesterday and got 4 new outfits for the baby and bought a pattern and 3 different fabrics to make 3 more outfits. So that was nice and kind of helped balance out yesterday so it wasn't all bad. So excited to start sewing again.

I'm picking up that doppler today from OH's cousin. I hope I can figure it out!

Amanda, that's awesome about the new car!
I just have a 2004 Toyota highlander and that is the newest car I've ever had LOL. I'll have a better one someday! Haha.
Hopeful, that sucks about the storm and missing out on sleep and having the corn ruined! Hope you can make it through the day and get some rest after work. And yay for your ultrasound on Friday!
Thanks Michele!

I have dinner tonight with one of my best friends (who I haven't told yet!!) so that will occupy most of my evening but I am excited for it.

That is awesome that you are making some of your own outfits for baby!! I really want to learn to sew better than I do now. I can do basics but nothing that great lol.
Good Luck with the Doppler, I kinda want to get one.
I need your honest opinion... does this sound to corny??

"Even I didn't know I was so good in net... after 15 periods of play,
(DH) finally got one past the goalie! Baby H arriving January 2016"

A little background - We literally spend 5 nights/week in the hockey rink between DH playing and coaching.

I would say just 15 periods but people will just think of my monthly time haha.
Totally cute! I've been trying to figure out a good way to announce on Facebook since Sunday and still have got nothing... Haha.

That's awesome that you get to tell your friend tonight. Have fun!

Also, I haven't sewn anything since I was 16 or 17 so it's been over ten years. I used to make my little sister baby clothes and dresses and loved doing it so I'm really hoping I haven't lost the talent after taking a break for so many years! I'll post pics of my finished products after I'm done with them :-) and I bet if you'd practice and just start with easier patterns that you could totally work up to doing more detailed or difficult projects!
Got the doppler yesterday and was able to find her heartbeat within a few min! Every time I'd find it, it'd be there for a bit and then she'd move and id have to figure out which way to find it again haha. It was soooo cool! I really wasn't expecting to be able to find it for a couple weeks so it was pretty exciting :-) the one I borrowed is a $60 one so not a super expensive one either.

How's everyone doing today?
That's cute hopeful! And Michele, that's awesome about the doppler :)

I'm great. Not sure if I'm feeling little gas bubbles or some flutters. Hoping for flutters!!I know it'll still be a month or 2 before I really feel anything.
But im 14+2 I can hope!!
That is super exciting that you were able to find the heartbeat so quick!

DH and I have a busy weekend coming up, the fair is in town so we are going to walk the midway and hit a concert tomorrow with 2 of my cousins, then Saturday we have a wedding and Sunday a Family Reunion so I am hoping to have a lot of energy for the weekend, lol. Plus it is a long weekend here so I am looking forward to having Monday off and having no plans!

I am getting more and more anxious for Friday! I had some mild cramping that had me worried yesterday but no blood and probably nothing to worry about. I just want to see my baby already! lol
Amanda, I swear I've felt the flutters too a few different times now but Ive been telling myself it's too early. But, I've read that the only reason girls feel it sooner on pregnancies after the first is because they recognize it. So I bet we are feeling the babies!

Hopeful, I get a cramp or two pretty often and have not had any spotting or anything. The doc said as long as you're not bleeding or in pain that it is fine! :-) that's so exciting that you FINALLY get to see baby on Friday! Yay!!!
Can't wait for you to see your baby Hopeful!!!

I've been nauseus and peeing what seems like every 30 mins on my end :rofl: Thats the thing about having multiple pregnancies, you feel the symptoms A LOT sooner XD Also, Michele, I first felt DS at 14 weeks
Thanks Ladies!

Navy - Nausea already! Woop Woop!

I feel twinges when I am laying on my back and sometimes they make me stop and wait for another one, I know it is early but I swear it is babe! I can't wait to confirm and feel movements!!
Hopefully I'm sure it's both the babe and some growing pains!!
I sorta like the cramps. It's the one thing that makes me know baby is growing in there cause I can't yet really feel or see a big bump!!
But I don't often cramp either. Just here and there.

We get our car tomorrow!!thinking of taking a short road trip on Friday to test it out an hour away to this cool lake to go fishing.
Yay for symptoms navy!! Even though the nausea sucks. At least it's a great sign! And that's awesome that you felt DS at 14 weeks. I bet we really are feeling them moving then! Also, I have gas like every day now (sorry tmi haha) and the fluttery feeling definitely felt different than gas. I'm so familiar with gas bubble feelings I think I'd know if it was gas :-p

Yay for the new car and road trip, Amanda! I love fishing! OH will be gone this weekend putting up tree stands on his hunting land up north so aside from gettin dinner with a friend who moved back recently on Saturday, my weekend will be super uneventful. But I'm happy for the days to keep passing cause my next appt is only a week from Monday.
I'm starting to get worried as I don't feel or see anything ever!
is that normal.
so can't wait for my next app!
Amanda, I still don't have a bump and sometimes I go several days without feeling a cramp or weird pain. Just think of all those girls who never knew they were pregnant till they went into labor! Some people never show throughout their whole pregnancy and never feel pregnant! I'm sure we'll get bumps soon though! You can't feel anything when you push in a few inches below your belly button? Try feeling around by pushing while moving your fingers around to see if you can tell a difference in how things feel. Try while laying flat on back also. I can feel mine better while standing though... Also, you should get a cheap doppler. It works wonders for anxiety :-) I love that I can listen to her heartbeat whenever I want now!
Hopeful, hope you have an amazing time at your appt today :-) it'll be so great to finally see baby!
I'm going to make my first "official" OB appt today, the last one was just a pee and blood confirmation (Of which my beta was 48 so perfect for my gestation)

Hopeful I'm so excited to hear how your appt goes!!

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