I know that feeling LiteBright! With chasing DS and working, I sometimes forget as well! I know they'll put me down as high risk soon, it just depends on which of my problems presents itself first.

I can't wait to find out the gender on my end, with DS I did every wives tale I could (Ramzi's Theory, Gender Charts, Moon Phases, Symptoms, The Ring Test and even an OTC Gender test for pee plus more) and compared them to the 19 week gender/anatomy scan and 7/10 were correct and it was so fun to do! Also, wonderful progression lines!!
Aww, I'm sorry you couldn't sleep Flourish
AFM, I've got some fullness/tenderness/cramping going on but nothing horrible, just hurts to sit a certain way and such which is normal. I'm also the only one in my family to think this baby is a boy, everyone else says girl! I feel EXACTLY the same way as I did with DS, I even had the same dream I did after find out we were expecting DS!