Buddies for Late January/Early February Babies!

Amanda, I never got any unsolicited advice! People just recently started touching my belly all the time though which is awkward and uncomfortable for me... But I'm too nice to yell at anyone for it so I just smile and usually am like "she's not moving right now." In hopes that they'll take a hint haha. It's the worst when it's people you don't even know! I haven't had any completely random strangers, but just people who I have just been introduced to by a friend or someone else I know. So weird... Also, your mil is so annoying! What a controlling freak! She needs to back off. Dh needs to tell her she is making momma bear angry haha.

Flourish, hope the high bp was just from the shot! I'm sure it was. I feel like it's too late for you to develop diabetes at this point!

Hopeful, that is great that your friends baby is doing so much better finally :-) I'm so glad my ultrasound didn't show a blockage or anything bad! But I am still so anxious for her to be here so I can see that everything is ok and she is healthy! Too many episodes of grey's anatomy have given me reason to worry about the baby lol!

I'm not buying any gifts this year. I feel kind of bad but if I did buy gifts for OH and all my family, I would be spending all the money I have most likely and my job is ending Wednesday so I want to have a little bit of savings so I don't have to start asking OH for money right away lol. I told him not to get me anything for Xmas either but he insists on getting me new glasses because both pairs I have are cheap and the lenses are all scratched. So I'm getting a pair of nice ones Christmas which I am excited to go shopping for!

I had to go to OH's work Christmas party last night (last year it was my work Xmas party because I was working at that company and OH hadn't yet been hired there. He came to the party with me and met my bosses and a couple months later he was working there! Kind of funny lol). Everyone was so drunk and I hated it and was so ready to go when we left a little after 9... This gross girl was so wasted and puked ALL over the place. She was leaning over this stool while puking all over and had a super short dress on and NO underwear! You could see EVERYTHING! It was the most disgusting thing... I couldn't handle seeing that nasty puke so I was like lets go NOW! Even though I had agreed to stay till 9:30. Yuck... I don't miss going out at all... And bars are my least favorite place to be when pregnant I have decided...
Yeah she's something.
Dh told her off on the phone yesterday. She keeps trying to guess the babies name.
So he was like "you need to stop"
And she was like whaaat why.
And he explained that pretend guessing is trying to know the name, which he's said many times we won't tell and it's pissing him off.
She didn't like that.
Ahahaha. I was so proud of Dh. It was attractive lmao.

Yeah that's our thoughts with Christmas. Too expensive, not worth buying and shipping stuff to everyone. It's not what Christmas is about anyways!

And wow, that's some party! How embarrassing for that girl :/
I have 7 shifts left at work!so excited.
Finally got around to applying for ei, then saw I can't until after my last day of work. I didn't know that lol.
Oh well. I'll be done soon! But then back to school.
Michele - I would have wanted to leave as well! That is absolutely disgusting, I hope she is not an employee there and just a guest because I would be mortified to go back to work after behaving like that!

Amanda - I am glad your DH is sticking up for himself and you to your MIL.

I am jealous that you two will be off work soon! I still have 17 days of waking up for work. lol. It doesn't sound like many but with the holidays it is still not until Jan 15th.
You're tough working that long!
I go back to school on the 11th, and there's really no way to work and school this semester with my schedule. So it works out.
I have myself the extra week just for pure relaxing :)
But the countdown is on!
6 more shifts for me!
Good! We went to my aunt and uncle's on Christmas Eve then has a lazy relaxing Christmas Day watching holiday movies. How was yours, Navy??

I am getting so fat. It's really hard to be comfortable lately :-( the baby is always in my ribs and sitting sometimes hurts. I usually sit with my legs up and to the side and I lean on the arm of the couch. So it's like a half sitting/half laying down position lol. I am so ready for the baby to come but I'm still terrified of the birthing process itself. :-/

How is everyone else feeling?
Aww I hope you aren't too uncomfortable Michele, my legs seem to be restless and uncomfortable all the time.

I had contractions on Christmas Day in the evening and we thought we might be heading to the hospital, but once I got home and laid down they stopped and I only had a couple the next morning. Since then nothing. Baby is also still really high so everyone says he will be late.
I wish I could sleep I haven't been sleeping good at all lately, I can't even nap in the afternoons!

Michele are you on Maternity leave now??
I am counting down the weeks, 3 to go!

Navy - How is everything going with you? Any word from your doctors on the next steps?
It was ok, was sick during most of it. And for tests, still waiting on the results to come back
Heya, my holidays were low key. We went fishing then went and did some nature things. Videos games the rest of the day and chineese food for dinner lol.
I have 2 more shifts at work.
I think I had 2 Braxton hicks yesterday.
My mom was late with all three kids, so I'm guessing I will be too.
I also bled after sex on Sunday (not even pent ration, he just used his hands). That scared me a bit. But dr said it was normal.

I'm going to see star wars tonight!!
Thanks, hopeful! I hope you get more comfortable soon! The contractions sound scary... I haven't had any Braxton hicks in weeks. I have been having light period like cramping almost every day but not strong enough to be a contraction.

I am done working now for an indefinite amount of time. I'm going to try the stay at home mom thing for awhile and see how I like it. I might go back to school next year or I may look for a job. I'm keeping my options open for now! I hope the baby comes early though because I am already bored and I miss the little boys I nannied for so much! On my last day their mom came home early and they were still napping so I didn't even get to say bye :-( I have Christmas presents for them though so will hopefully be visiting later this week or next.

Navy, those test results take so long!! Ugh!

Amanda, fishing sounds so nice now. We had nice weather for December up until yesterday when it finally snowed and dropped below freezing. I'm assuming you probably went ice fishing though? Or is it warm where you live lol. That is scary about the bleeding and glad it turned out to be nothing! Have fun at the movie :-) I am one of those few who've never seen the Star Wars movies... Except for episode one that came out when I was a kid haha.
Amanda - That sounds awesome and relaxing!
Hopefully the bleeding doesn't continue, maybe your cervix is just irritated or something!

Michele - I wish we could afford to do the stay at home mom thing, maybe I can get things sorted enough to make it happen in a years time!
Movie was sold out :( seeing it thursday night now.
Yep the bleeding was normal and very minimal because of blood in the area.
Dr's app today, she said my cervix has leaned forward now and is soft instead of hard and straight. It's getting ready! She could fit her finger up into the cervix. Which felt terrible. Lol
Nope normal fishing, not ice. It doesn't really go below 0° here. So I just bundle up and it's a good time!
So I finished work just before Christmas as I had loads of holiday left to take- I kept thinking that I had finished too early and I would be sitting around just waiting for ages. Luckily I did leave when I did as it's meant I got to spend time with my family over Christmas and I've been Ill twice in this time already (I never normally get Ill) so been able to spend a few days resting.
Anywho no longer worried about having to sit around waiting as I had to go to the maternity day unit to be monitored earlier in the week because my BP went up - had consultant yesterday as well who did a scan and it shows that baby has stopped growing so I'm now being monitored every other day at the hospital then induced next Thursday to get her here safely. Both my husband and I are a little shocked that she is going to be here so soon and are now trying to make sure we have everything ready in time. Crazy to think this time next week we could have our little baby in our arms!!

Hope you all had a good New Year's Eve, anyone do anything exciting?
Hopeful, worrying over whether we can afford it stresses me out daily! OH thinks we'll be fine but I am kind of terrified...

Amanda, hope you enjoyed the movie! It just started getting really really cold here the day after Christmas. Our December was super mild though.

Flourish, omg, that is so exciting that your baby will be here next week! Sorry you have been sick. I woke up last night at 1:30 am (after going to sleep a little after ten not feeling the greatest) and was up all night long with food poisoning! I had the worst stomach pains I had ever had in my life... Finally done throwing up thankfully and starting to slowly feel better. I hope I can get some good sleep tonight as I was only able to get a few hours today :-/
Oh no Michele that sucks you have been do sick :( keep hydrated if you can and I hope you start to feel better and can keep food down.
Thanks! I woke up several times soaked in sweat during the night, but this morning I am feeling soooo much better-yay!
Flourish, that's exciting that you know when you'll meet your baby!
I can not wait! And my rib pain is so terrible. Moving, coughing, laughing. Everything hurts.
I'm done work now, and I have a week off before school starts again on the 11th.

That really sucks you've been sick Michelle! Hope you continue to feel better.
I've also been losing the tiniest bits of mucus plug. I'm hoping it'll all be out soon and I'll have this baby within the next 2 weeks. Ahha
But my mom was late with all 3 children, so i expect I will be too.

Star wars was amazing!
Had my weekly app.
Cervix still 3-4 centimeters long. But she can fit her finger up there. "Could touch his head if she wanted" she said lol. Hopefully I start to thin out soon
Flourish - That is so exciting that you could have your sweet baby any day now!

Michele - I hope you are feeling better soon!

Amanda - That is super exciting that you are starting to dilate and your cervix is softening!

I had my ultrasound last week and got the official results yesterday - Baby is only 30% for weight (but those are always estimations and not usually accurate) but other than that he scored a perfect 8/8 for everything else. He is head down and still posterior but he keeps getting closer to the ideal position each day. Due to my 2 hours of commuting each day and sitting at work all day my hips and pelvis have been terrible and I can barely walk at the end of the day. So this will be my last week of work. Plus by the end of each day I am having terrible Braxton Hicks. Just patiently awaiting the arrival of our little man. I am looking forward to not commuting for work anymore.

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