Buddies for Late January/Early February Babies!

I am totally an oversharer - When we were having fertility issues I was definitely not secret about it - and I am having a hard enough time not talking about it to all of our friends right now. - Thank you ladies for being my outlet!!

I think we will find out, keeping it a secret will be very very hard...if not impossible.

Also peeing every single hour...
We want to know ASAP as well but at the same time we really want to have a gender reveal party!! I've always wanted one but with DS I was so excited I spilled the beans within the hour of finding out XD
Lately I've been emotional and crying easily.
Whenever Dh tells me how amazing I am, or he does something great I just start tearing up. But I try not to.
So he goes "are you going to cry?"
I nod my head,he hugs me and let's me cry.
Silly hormones :p
Just so happy!!
I craved olives and cool ranch doritos together earlier and it tasted glorious!!! LOL Now I want KFC with honey and hot sauce :'(

I've been have A LOT of fullness, tenderness, twinges and other oddities in my uterus area. It doesn't HURT its just odd and uncomfortable as at this point with DS, I felt NOTHING apart from the rare occasional twinge or light cramp
They always say your pregnancies can be very different from one to the next but especially when its the opposite gender! Maybe these early signs are a girl Navy!

Amanda - I have also been slightly more emotional more when I am reading the news. Most sappy movies/books/music etc. have always made me be emotional.

I haven't felt anything lately. I have still been having crazy dreams - 3 of my ex flings were in my dream last night...so weird...and my bosses... also strange.
I feel the odd twinge but it doesn't last more than a couple seconds. And obviously peeing more frequently.

I am terrified to lose this babe.
Hopeful you won't lose it! Symptoms come and go, you'll be fine ♡
And that's odd about the dreams!

Navy lady those are funny cravings for sure!

I'm getting a few cramps this morning but nothing crazy!
They started about this time with DS, but while him I wanted rum raisin ice cream and salt and vinegar chips XD

Hopeful, as long as you aren't in serious pain I think you'll be ok :) With DS and this baby I made "goals" which for me are "Make it to 12 weeks, just to 12" and then "Make it 24, you can get to 24" then "Make it to 32, you can get to 32" and after that I pretty much breathe sigh of relief because at that point I know that if I go into labor they have a good chance of them either stopping it or of baby surviving. But thats just me, some women don't like to do that :)
That is a great idea Navy! I will definitely do that. This first week since I found out has actually gone pretty fast for me, I have been busy at work so that helps.
That's definitely a great way to do it.
I'm looking at 10 weeks when I get back from vacation. Aiming for that. Then I'll be going for second trimester!
For me, my reasons was at 12 weeks, your now out of the most risk filled part of the pregnancy and the risk of miscarriage drops drastically. At 24, the baby is viable outside the womb even though the rate is low and there will be TONS of medical assistance, it's still hope. At 32 then the chance of survival outside the womb is very high thanks to modern medicine. At 35, many Drs (unless there is a specific reason not to) will often let labor progress as many babies at this time are capable of living outside the womb with very little medical assistance. My son was born at 35+4 and he went home right on time with no complications, just a little small :)
Good milestone information!

Okay I need opinions. Little bit of blood in stool, noticed when wiping. Not from Vagina, thank god that'd have me more scared.
Should I take a trip to the doctors for this??
Are you prone to hemorrhoids? Have you been constipated?

It is always safe to check with your Doctor just in case.

Because I am super constipated and prone to hemorrhoids I have had slight constant blood in my stool from irritating them. Could be nothing but if it is hemorrhoids he can advise a cream to apply that is safe for pregnancy.
Were you constipated or did it hurt to go? Even a little? If so, this can be a little "normal" as the rectum will stretch and get small scratches or tears. It can also be a sign of early hemorrhoids, which are VERY common in pregnancy. If you aren't in a lot of pain, you don't need the ER or anything but it worth mentioning to your Dr if it continues or you suspect hemorrhoids. For now, take a stool softener (not a laxitive) to help not cause it to reopen next time and perhaps use a little ointment/Preparation H and see if it helps. If it begins to become painful to sit, walk and other such activities, it is likely hemorrhoids and you'll need to see a Dr.
hmm... are you going more frequently? It could just be that the area is dry and irritated from over wiping? Next time you go apply some coconut oil on the tp before your final wipe. It may help sooth if the area is dry and irritated.
It's not irritated either. I feel like I'm going the normal amount. Maybe less but not significantly that I was worried.
I can't tell if it's just wiping or in the stool or a bit of both?
Hm. It's hard to know what to do
Oh and I'll add I don't have an official doctor. I'm seeing what should be my ob on June 22 so if I go to the clinic it's not like I'll be seeing my doctor.
When your pregnant, even this early, your muscles and bowels begin to change. It's also possible, especially if you eat a lot of grains, (corn and other indigestible grains especially) that sometimes a harder undigested food particle scratched your rectum and you didn't feel it. You'd be surprised at how often this happens and there just isn't enough blood to show on TP.

With DS, I was constipated a lot and several times I would see blood but each time my Dr said that as long as I wasn't in pain or there wasn't an excessive amount of blood and could go on with my daily routine, then to just not worry about it to much unless it began happened between bathroom visits.
LOL your welcome. Of course, still mention it and anything else that concerns you to your Dr but for the most part, its just one of the those things that happens :)

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