Omg Navy, that sounds like an effing nightmare

I am so so sorry and really hope these tests give you the info you so badly need to be able to avoid this situation. So glad DH is able to come home and then not be so far away.
Amanda, glad to hear your baby is doing good!! Where did you find all those clothes for so cheap? I am going by my cousin's tonight to pick up a box of hand-me-down maternity clothes. Super excited!
I just got back from Portland last night. Had fun but didn't get to explore as much as I would have liked. I ate so much yummy food though and probably gained another 5 lbs!! I'll be starting weight watchers tomorrow haha. Also, when I got home and finally took my shoes off after the long flight home, my ankles looked like they had tennis balls in them! I had massive cankles and it hurt so bad to walk! This morning when I woke up they were almost back to normal.
Today I returned to the doctors office for another u/s to try and get the rest of those heart pics and the upper lip and nose pic. It was soooo awesome seeing the baby kick on the screen while feeling it in my tummy at the same time. She is sooo adorable! Omg I cannot wait for her to be here

the pics I got this time were better also. I will post some. The tech said that the heart and lip look perfect which I was surprised because the last tech said she wasn't allowed to tell me anything. But I'm so happy.
^ I made this post last week Thursday but my internet was not working or letting me attach any pics so I said "screw it" and copied and pasted this into a note with intentions on posting it on Friday at work but completely spaced, haha.
Amanda, seasonal decorations are great! And I am 22 weeks today also. That's so cool about the shower also! How nice of your school friends!
Hopeful, that's awesome about DH feeling bear! I felt my baby on the outside twice so far, when she was super active, but was home alone and had to push in really far to feel it.
I bought a box of maternity clothes (6 jeans and 4 dress pants and a shirt) off a lady on Craigslist this weekend for $25! I didn't try any of it on till I got home but every pair ended up fitting which was awesome! I also bought a dress for my cousin's wedding yesterday from a different person on Craigslist for $5 haha. A few more shirts and my maternity wardrobe will be complete and for under $200! Woohoo!
Flourish, how have you been feeling?
Navy, how are you??