Buddies wanted--Starting IVF April 2013-June 2013!

Hello Ladies :wave:,

May I join? My third attempt at IVF/FET will be in May.

My story is slightly unusual in that I didn't do the entire IVF protocol. I was doing a (over)medicated IUI cycle that resulted in 9 eggs (8 mature). They wanted to cancel the cycle, but I was not going to let 9 eggs die! So, we converted to IVF. We transferred one top grade blastocyct, resulting in m/c at 7 weeks. We were able to freeze 3 :cold: 5-day blasts.

FET #1 resulting in a chemical. I'm waiting for it to resolve now. In the next few days, I'll start BCPs for FET #2, expected in early May. The RE says that the m/c's are a result of chromosomal abnormalities and we just have to keep trying to find the right embryo. We have unexplained infertility, the embies are implanting, they found nothing wrong with either of us, but age. Ugh, when will this happen? We need a :baby:!

Lucie: nice to see you here. I hope you're doing well :)

First try - I have a question regarding FETa. How many weeks of injections do you have to do beforehand. ?

Every RE is different. Mine makes me take BCPs for 15-19 days, then estrodiol shots (1 every third day) for 25 days. I'm including all the days through transfer day. Lining check is on day 19 of shots. If your lining is thin, you might have to do more shots or wait a few more days. However, I've also seen shorter protocols. And ones that skip the BCPs altogether.

I got my transfer date wrong before. It will be May 9.
:hi: ladies waiting on this af is killing me :coffee: I cannot wait to start having updates to post on here :)

hopefulmom12 welcome :flower: you were truly blessed last time :) I really hope you are blessed once again this time around :) gl :)

firstry May 9th :happydance: so great that with an FET you know what date :)

starlight we can be impatient here together :)
firsttry - how exciting that you know the date of the transfer, May 9th is so soon!! :)

scerena - when do you think that AF will come? yes we can be impatient together lol!
Hello ladies

May i join you??
Am new to the whole IVf thing and was searching for some buddies for support!!

ME: 27 endo(diagnosed though lap in 2012 ), rt hydrosalpinx(not sure ), Ovarian cyst
DH: 30 great SC and mot but vpoor morpho.
ttc: 2yrs.

Had an appointment with an RE and she said that goin for IUI would be wasting our time and money and pushed us directly ti IVF.
Waiting for my AF to arrive so that i have the 3rd day testing done folled by saline sono.
MY Amh is 3.6 and AFC is good.

Am really nervous about all this!!!
starlight I haven't a clue :shrug: I took provera and my last pill was Monday evening so literally a waiting game :grr:

At least I have you to vent too now :)
How's time passing by for you???

mission_mommy IVF is very daunting when you realise that you will need it :hugs: we are all here to vent and ask questions too :)

Wishing you the world of luck :hugs:
missionmommy - Welcome! Totally understandable that you are nervous, but it is exciting too and you have all of us here to talk to!

scerena - Yes, you totally have me to vent to :) So annoying to have to wait and have no idea when AF is coming, I am willing it to come soon for you! I think that I am around 12dpo right now? So AF should be on her way by the weekend, and if so then that will be a 29 day cycle which is amazing for a natural cycle for me! (better if AF stayed away lol but I am not counting on that)!

The time seems to be flying by right now mainly because I am busy with other things like work and since I am on natural cycles, it takes the pressure off a bit so I haven't been keeping track very closely. How are you doing today??
Hello Ladies: I'm coming from the March IUI thread. We had our 4th and last IUI a few weeks ago resulting in a BFN....we had our consult appt. with our doc yesterday and he has referred us to another doctor for IVF. So that's where we are heading to. I made the appt. with the new doc and that's in 2 weeks. I just finished my period so we're thinking of just trying naturally this month, no meds nothing. I'm still taking the metformin, my doc said keep taking that until you see the new doc. So doing that.

My period is supposed to come end of April but i never get it on time by myself, so we will see what the doc says. good thing is i have the appt. right around the time i'm supposed to get AF. I know all facilities are different. Now would he put me directly on meds once AF arrives or do we have to go through other tests first. I'm really wanting to just get started with the whole process injections and all and just have my transfer day come fast. but i know that's the not the case. i'm sure he will explain everything to us that day. So this is the 1st IVF cycle we will be going through. i'm nervous and scared but excited at the same time!! anyone else in the same boat as me??
Welcome mission and kismat!

Nothing new to report here. Just waiting on AF. I used to be highly irregular when I wasn't on medication, but since I went on metformin this past summer I've had pretty regular 31 day cycles. I just hope my recent surgery hasn't messed that up.

I hope everyone else is doing well!
So the metformin also helps regulating you. that's good to know, thx Lucie!! my doc said it's to produce better quality eggs.
scerena- thank u :) Am with you and starlight and lucie in the :witch::witch: waiting..it was supposed to come today but no sign.may b i ovulated a day or two later...have been having mild cramps since a few days...also had a sharp twinging pain in the left ovary area yestrday for a few minutes..dont kno what al that is about..our body confuses us soo much sometimes....

Starlight- yes! and i am waiting for our cycles to start . i tried naturally this cycle but not hoping anything:( Had a BFN yestrday!

Lucie-thank you:) Well i had a 31 day cycle too..but lately its been around 35-37 days...i ovulated almost 8 days late this month.I had pcos too but was never put on metformin.... i have heard many women with pcos swear by it! I truly wish it helps you too::)

firsttry- hiee! my RE told me that if evrything goes according to the schedule my transfer would be around may 10th...what protocol are you on?

kismat- welcome aboard! Am having my first ivf too..i never had an iui..so very new to the fertility trtmnt process...
:hi: ladies nothing new to report just waiting on af STILL :grr:

starlight thanks Hunim praying af hurries up [-o< that would be great if your af did stay away!!! Ill be rooting you on that it does!!!! If not like you said a 29 day cycle would be amazing :)

I'm doing okay thanks :) went for lunch at my dads today and then I went and brought some new glasses :)

kismat062 welcome to the thread Hun :) gl with your consult appointment in two weeks :)

I'm not sure if the doc will get you going that cycle I think it depends on what tests you have done that are in date aspect I'm not sure

lucie great news that met has regulated your cycles I hope your af comes as normal since the surgery or that you have a nice surprise :)

mission_mommy it just sucks waiting on af right!!! I hope that we all get af real soon or a lovely surprise :)
scerena- thank u :) Am with you and starlight and lucie in the :witch::witch: waiting..it was supposed to come today but no sign.may b i ovulated a day or two later...have been having mild cramps since a few days...also had a sharp twinging pain in the left ovary area yestrday for a few minutes..dont kno what al that is about..our body confuses us soo much sometimes....

Starlight- yes! and i am waiting for our cycles to start . i tried naturally this cycle but not hoping anything:( Had a BFN yestrday!

Lucie-thank you:) Well i had a 31 day cycle too..but lately its been around 35-37 days...i ovulated almost 8 days late this month.I had pcos too but was never put on metformin.... i have heard many women with pcos swear by it! I truly wish it helps you too::)

firsttry- hiee! my RE told me that if evrything goes according to the schedule my transfer would be around may 10th...what protocol are you on?

kismat- welcome aboard! Am having my first ivf too..i never had an iui..so very new to the fertility trtmnt process...

Hi Mission :wave:

I am doing a frozen embryo transfer. My original IVF cycle resulted in miscarriage, but we were lucky enough to freeze 3 extra embryos. We transferred one in March. Chemical pregnancy. And we will transfer the other 2 on May 9.

So, my protocol is meant to prepare the womb, not to stimulate the ovaries. I have 17 days of BCPs, just to calm the ovaries. Then, an estrogen shot once every third day to build the lining. After a lining check 19 days later, I start progesterone shots every night.

Transfer is 5 days later. This mimics anatural cycle, because your body produces progesterone after releasing an egg and it takes 5 days or so for the egg to make it to the uterus.
firstry- that really nice...i truly wish it wil work out for you this time:)
wel atleast we can be togethr in the 2ww if the embies are transfered around the same day. so u wont be taking any progesterone after the transfer?thats nice to hear... i was dreading the progesterone injections..but luckily my RE has endometrin on the med list...

scerena- am scared of being hopeful for some miraacle .i am soo used to seeing the singleline on the hpt ...there is a very very minute chance i could be pregs on my own..but it never happened in 2yrs soo....:cry:
mission I know that feeling all too well :hugs: :hugs: miracles happen we just have to hold onto hope :hugs: we all have IVF to look forward too and I really hope we all get our longed after bfps :hugs:
mission I know that feeling all too well :hugs: :hugs: miracles happen we just have to hold onto hope :hugs: we all have IVF to look forward too and I really hope we all get our longed after bfps :hugs:

i truly hope some miracle happens....thank u for the suport:hugs::hugs:
i cant imagine how it would be like to finally get to see a bfp:happydance:
mission I know right I think I would cry or freak out if I got my bfp!!! We will get there soon don't worry :hugs:

And that's okay, we are all here to support each other :hugs:
firstry- that really nice...i truly wish it wil work out for you this time:)
wel atleast we can be togethr in the 2ww if the embies are transfered around the same day. so u wont be taking any progesterone after the transfer?thats nice to hear... i was dreading the progesterone injections..but luckily my RE has endometrin on the med list...

scerena- am scared of being hopeful for some miraacle .i am soo used to seeing the singleline on the hpt ...there is a very very minute chance i could be pregs on my own..but it never happened in 2yrs soo....:cry:

Oh, i didnt mean to confuse you. The PIO shots continue until after they see a heartbeat. Then, it switches to Endometin. Plus, estrodiol shots continue til 12 weeks. Fun times :thumbup:
scerena- soo true..i would probaby passout!

firsttry- lol...the meds r soo many...thats another scary part...especially the injectibles!!! just looking at the needle freaks me out...planning to make hubby give them to me....
mission I thought I was going to faint the first time I had to inject myself, but trust me the needles are fine they're not thick, after your first injection you will be a pro :) it's just getting over the fear of doing it :hugs:
Personally I prefer to do my own injections, other prefer their oh :)
Oh my word. My meds arrived today. I'm going to need a bigger fridge.

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