Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

Hi Kath,
Adrian gets really bad trapped wind. His little tummy goes rock hard. We use Infacol which works to make all the wind join together to make them easier to burp. With Infacol you have to use it every feed and it has a cumulative effect, so can take a week to work. A friend of mine uses Gripe Water which has worked better for them and i think has an instant effect.
You can try tummy massage, clockwise rubbing, seems to help Adrian. Warm baths. If you think he needs to poo, try lying him on his back and doing like bicycle legs, but both at the same time, so bringing legs up bent and straightening them again (easiest when they are asleep!). Or lying him face down across your knees, so bit of pressure on his tummy and support his head with your hand. They should only go on their fronts for up to 30 seconds at this age though. Or you can put him on his tummy on the floor... Or really high on your shoulder so more pressure is on his tummy...
You'll find something that works for him :) Doctors say to keep a diary of when they cry and for how long, if it goes on for more than 3 hours a day, 3 days a week for 3 weeks they diagnose colic (stupid, i know) not sure what they do for you then though... Infacol on prescription so you don't have to pay for it?!
And after a feed keep him upright for a bit longer (if you can stay awake!) helps the wind come up?! It's good that he's sleeping for 3 hours at a time, better than my little chunky monkey! :)
Ladies, where have you all gone? :)
Well, i've had a bit of a pants last 48 hours... i took Adrian back to the doctors on monday because his 'cold' hadn't got any better in a week. The GP said he wanted us to go to Watford Paediatric A&E on tuesday - so not urgent that night. We went along yesterday midday and next thing i know we are being admitted, he's having a chest x-ray, blood taken and they put a canular in his arm, except they couldn't get it in the first time, or the second time so they brought him back to me cos he was screaming his head off - puncture wound in his hand and foot. Took him away again, more screaming, puncture wound in other hand and canular in his elbow. I was crying my eyes out hearing him cry :cry: So then they thought it might be a chest infection from having meconium in his waters, apparently it can take a while to develop. So they gave him a massive dose of anti-biotics and sent us up to the baby ward. Ironically, directly below where i was exactly 5 weeks earlier in labour.
So we stayed in last night and he seemed better from the anti-biotics. Today more doctors came round and said he'd have another massive dose of drugs and then we could go home until tomorrow when the community nurse would come to us for another dose and then he can have the canular out. He's really unsettled and unhappy.
Oh and they said i was over feeding him - he weighs 13lbs at 5 weeks and that i had to spread his feeds out and not do it 'on demand'. Just had a horrible time trying to stop him crying for food. Breaks my heart after hearing him cry so much yesterday... :cry:
But at least he's on the mend, havent cried so much in weeks!
hope you are all well with your little ones?
How awful for you Lilli, glad to hear he's feeling better. It must have been so stressful for you x :hugs:

I know everyone said that a baby takes up all your time, but I never realised how right they were! Yesterday we were awake at 7am, had baby rhyme time at 10.30 and we were still late cos it took so long to get the both of us ready!

Lana is feeding every 2-3 hours which is so tiring, I never thought that 3 continuous hours of sleep could be considered a 'treat'!! I think shes having a bit of a growth spurt though cos she was really grizzly and unsettled last night and this morning was feeding every 1-2 hours and barely let me put her down in between! I'm consoling myself with the thought that if this is a growth sprurt then hopefully she'll start having bigger amounts of milk less often and I'll start getting some decent periods of sleep.
Aww lilli, hope Adrian is feeling better now. I know exactly how you feel with them poking and prodding it's horrible, I cried my eyes out everytime they took blood from Tom. :flower:

With you on the sleep MrsWifey, god did I take pregnancy forgranted lol!! Xx

Tom is doing well, think he's suffering with reflux so going docs on Monday to get checked.
Hi Ladies,
We're all good now. The bruises are fading and his mood is improving - marginally! Been trying to spread the feeds out but it makes me sad when he's sad :(
everyone i have spoken to say it's horrible and barbaric to not feed them when they are asking... Going to call my Health Visitor tomorrow and see what she says...
Sleep is a luxury! During the week my hubby sleeps in the spare room, sometimes i'm just like "when's my turn?" Dont know when we mummies will next get to sleep through?!
Has anyone tried expressing? Sometimes i have so much milk that it literally squirts out when i take my bra off, but i tried expressing the other morning and it to AGES and i barely got any out... dont know if i'm just too impatient and it takes longer? :shrug:
Hello Ladies,
Sorry I have not been here for a while. In a way, it reminds me of the sweet pregnancy times and feel sentimental writing on this thread! Anyway, time to move on.
I thought we were doing ok-ish, we had a slow weight gain to start with an midwife wouldn't sign me off (she did in the end). Finally, with some help of lactatation consultant she really started thriving and recently put on 300g so I really relaxed...for a few days.
We have had some really green, explosive poos and she;s been really gassy for the last few days and I am worried. I spoke to HV and my lactation consultant, but they haven't got clear answers. It could be a sign she is not taking enough hindmilk but we haven't changed latch or feed duration so I don't think it could be it! I am having my 6 week check on Thursday so wil check with GP. I am just really worried if she keeps putting weight on. I hope so! My nights vary, she is very unsettled until 23-24 and then falls asleep for 3 hours and then another 3 hours after a feed. She slept once for 6 hrs, that was heaven, but one off unfortunately.

Lilli, how is your little man? Are you breastfeeding? I didn't think you could overfeed a brestfed baby! I also feed on demand and sometimes wonder if she is feeding too often, but I let her feed as often as she likes. It's so hard, isn't it!

MrsWifey, I know what you mean about growth spurts, we had that for 2 days this week and I just felt tied to the chair!!
Hey Satine,
He's much better thank you. Yes i am breast feeding, the Consultant was saying i was over feeding him in that i was feeding him too often... i cant really see the difference between lots of small feeds and less, longer feeds. Apart from the obvious benefit to me of not being constantly feeding, but if that's what he wants/needs...
He's so cute, i just want to make him happy! :)
I can't imagine what 6 hours sleep would be like!?
Can we have some recent pictures of the babies?


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Hi all, how are your babies doing? :flower:

I've got the health visitor in an hour, I have a huge list of questions that I'm hoping she'll answer! I'm starting to combi feed more now, Tom is so greedy he can drain me and still sink 3oz of formula on top! I feel bad but I've not had the best emotional time and the bf is really draining.

Lilli did the infacol work for Adrian? I'm thinking of getting some for Tom.

Hi Jax,
We infacol Adrian before every feed and it seems to do something... we think it helps him but the doctor told me it was more for the parents to feel they were doing something. If you do use it, you have to do it before every single feed for it to be effective. A friend of mine uses Gripe Water and that works better than Infacol for them. You just give baby a dose after each feed, but i dont think it matters if you miss one or two.
I'm thinking i might have to introduce some formula too. Done 6 weeks of breast feeding and he now weighs 13lb 8oz. Just find it exhausting, literally draining!! :)
I think we might be having the 'six week growth spurt' right now. He's screaming, a lot.
So much for stretching our feeds out, i cant bare the crying that starts 20 minutes after he's finished the last feed!
Hi Girls, its so nice to see everyone back here again! :thumbup: I think the initial shock of the first few weeks is wearing off and we are all settling in now (and getting used to the lack of sleep!!!) What a shock that is!!

Im sorry to hear Adrian was ill Lilli, this may sound stupid but what were his symptoms? how did you know he was ill? Jack also had meconium and he sneezes a lot - he doesn't seem ill but sneezes and just seems really upset sometimes. I think im just being paranoid though!

Im also breast feeding and wouldn't have thought you should stop feeding on demand? maybe you should get another opinion? Jack is 4 weeks old on Saturday - how time flies. He weighed 8lbs 4 at the last weigh in a week ago, so I will see what he is tomorrow but he is on the 50th centile. Is Adrian off the scale then? I wouldnt like to not feed him either if he was hungry!

Jack is very windy too - literally kicks and twists and hits out when im feeding - weve had him on dentrinox which he has every 4 hours after a feed and it seems to work well - I have a very farty baby at times!!

Hope we can keep in touch girls, this can be so tiring cant it, Jack hardly sleeps in the day so Im pinned to the sofa watching jeremy kyle and daytime tv all day - sounds good but it is so restricting - i keep looking atmy washing or the kitchen that needs cleaning and just cant do it, I put Jack down and he screams. I also have to sleep with him at night - he will go in his moses basket the first few hours but then just will not settle so I have to co-sleep - not what I want to do but its the only way I will get a few hours sleep.

Anyway its nce to get all this out - adult conversation is very little at the moment. My Oh has just started another job and hes doing nights 8pm - 8am - its his first night tonight and im feeling quite lonely. The trouble is when he comes in he will sleep until about 5pm ish so thats literally all night and day im on my own with very little time to get a few minutes to myself ho hum - hes doing 4 nights a week in a row!! :wacko: I lso hate being alone in the house - its kinda scary with a baby.

Anyway thanks for listening to my rambling - heres a few piccies I took the other day
Jack saying "mummy no more pictures"
Hi girls

Glad to hear all your babies are good

I cant believe Alex is 8 weeks today and all I can say is from 6 weeks it suddenly slowly started to ease up.
Infacol is amazing I did a test for a few days and he was a nightmare to wind without it and as soon as he was back on
It he was burping quickly again - he like your lo is windy and has slight reflux - I had him on all sorts of formulas including comfort which made him really poorly and now aptimal which Is making him have loads of windy tummy aches and constipation so now I'm going onto
Hipp organic - my friend has combo fed all 4 of her girls and always used hipp so I'm going to give it
a try.

Lilli - I can't believe how chunky he is bless Alex is only 11lb 11oz - that hospital stay sounds horrible

Kaths - I totally understand on the oh front how you feel Rus goes out at
5:30am and Is normally not home until 6 - 8pm and is then in
Bed by 11pm so I feel a bit like a single mum at times but it gets easier and Rus tries to take him off my hands and have some male bonding time as much as he can - love the pictures.

Alex is a happy baby most of the time apart from 7pm to 8pm where he has slight colic - the last week he has made his own little routine and now instead of falling asleep at 10 it's now 9 and he will sleep until 2 or 3 and then stays away for around a hour and then sleeps for another 4 hours and then reverts back to a every 3 hour feed - I fed on demand and he started to make his own routine I don't know how the hv can expect you to leave them to cry :nope:

Hi Ladies,
lovely to see you all on here :thumbup:
Kath, cute photos!
Adrian is very noisy when he breaths, it sounds like liquid/mucus catching in his throat and sort of gurgling. He sounds snotty but his nose is clear. His little chest was heaving and he was taking nearly 3 breaths in for every one breath out, if you get what i mean? it just wasn't smooth breathing. He was coughing occasionally too. And snoring! but as Tom and i both snore (he says i do and i don't believe him) that could be genetic! haha :haha:
He's so much better now, still a bit snorty but if that's the reflux...?! He's actually responded really well to the '2 hour minimum' and now works to it pretty much. But did you know you are meant to time from the start of the feed to the start of the next? i didnt and was making him go 2 hours from the end of the feed to the start of the next, so he's done even better! Sometimes i give in and he only goes an hour and a half, but that's still better and i've been told that there is a 6 week growth spurt to come.
I had him weighed on tuesday and he is now 13lbs 8oz, so 5lbs in 6 weeks! :wacko: I thought last week that he was on the 98th percentile, but when they plotted it on tuesday, he's right in the middle of the 91st and it looks like a curve. Yes he's a fatty, but someone has to be at the top of the scale or there wouldn't be a scale! :kiss: Love him!
Have you thought about one of those baby bjorn carriers or similar? then jack could be strapped to your front and you could move about and have both hands free to do stuff?
How was your first night? Tom used to do nights. Is your OH on all nights or a shift rota?
Adrian seems a little bit constipated the last few days... no poos over night or until mid afternoon when he totally fills a nappy! He wriggles and looks uncomfy quite a bit during the day. Not sure how or if i can help him?! Apparently it's normal for breastfed babies and they can go up to 5 days without pooing!!! i would not want to see the nappy after that!
Thinking we might have to get a little tumble dryer, this weather is not good for drying all the hundreds of clothes i have to wash!!! :laundry::hangwashing::hangwashing::iron:
Hope everyone is ok, i think i am getting used to the sleep deprication!
Me today trying out the Baby Bjorn carrier! think he likes it, must be able to hear my heart beat and slept for ages when he was due a feed! :thumbup:
Going to go shopping in a while!


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:wave: I apologise now for my typing, im typing one handed with one finger haha.

angie - thanks for saying it gets easier from 6 weeks, so only 2 weeks to go :haha: Yes it is kind of frustrating with not seeing my OH - the first night actually went ok, at least ive got jack to keep me company lol
They have to work though and I do love looking after my little man. He does 4 nights then has 3 days off so at least we have that time altogether...

Can I ask ladies, how on earth does anyone get out? I was late for jacks weigh in yesterday - meant to be there at 9am got there at 10.45 :blush: by the time he is dressed, he screams while im getting dressed so have to do it in stages.. please tell me its not just me that needs 2 hours to get anywhere :haha:
Anyway he was 8lb 15oz when i finally got there so still exactly on the 50th centile.

Lilli, being in the 90th centile is fine, as you say some babies have to be, I saw my friends baby yesterday he is off the chart and very very big!! I was shocked! the charts are an average and as long as they are kind of following their line all is ok. I didnt know the 2 hours was from the beginning of the feed that will explain why i think jack feeds so frequently because sometime he can feed for nearly an hour then seems like he needs feeding again.

I had ordered a carrier of ebay funnily enough it came this morning. Its quite good though i feel like he is wobbling about in it a bit, its ok though and at least i wont have to be attached to the sofa! I think maybe once its on I will have to get josh to tighten the straps a bit, its a bit fiddly trying to do it myself..

Talking of poos, how many a day is nomal? no poos for 4 or 5 days eeeek... jack does about 4 or 5 a day and they sound and look very diarhea like. They are liquidy yellow with bits in - is this normal? :wacko: its just my friend said her babys was greeny brown and solid - he's on formula though so i dont know if that makes a difference??

Anyone thinking of having another baby yet?? :haha: we actually talked about it the other night... im 32 so dont want to hang around too long.. i must be mad or maybe its the hormones! maybe going to wait a year :baby:

Anyway I better go and try and do something - I would love a shower but will have to wait for josh to get home - urghh i feel really stinky :nope:
oo lilli you posted while i was - same carrier :thumbup: Adrian looks very comfy, maybe Jack is still a bit too small? hes ok in it just doesnt seem to fill it very well.
:wave: I apologise now for my typing, im typing one handed with one finger haha.

angie - thanks for saying it gets easier from 6 weeks, so only 2 weeks to go :haha: Yes it is kind of frustrating with not seeing my OH - the first night actually went ok, at least ive got jack to keep me company lol
They have to work though and I do love looking after my little man. He does 4 nights then has 3 days off so at least we have that time altogether...

Can I ask ladies, how on earth does anyone get out? I was late for jacks weigh in yesterday - meant to be there at 9am got there at 10.45 :blush: by the time he is dressed, he screams while im getting dressed so have to do it in stages.. please tell me its not just me that needs 2 hours to get anywhere :haha:
Anyway he was 8lb 15oz when i finally got there so still exactly on the 50th centile.

Lilli, being in the 90th centile is fine, as you say some babies have to be, I saw my friends baby yesterday he is off the chart and very very big!! I was shocked! the charts are an average and as long as they are kind of following their line all is ok. I didnt know the 2 hours was from the beginning of the feed that will explain why i think jack feeds so frequently because sometime he can feed for nearly an hour then seems like he needs feeding again.

I had ordered a carrier of ebay funnily enough it came this morning. Its quite good though i feel like he is wobbling about in it a bit, its ok though and at least i wont have to be attached to the sofa! I think maybe once its on I will have to get josh to tighten the straps a bit, its a bit fiddly trying to do it myself..

Talking of poos, how many a day is nomal? no poos for 4 or 5 days eeeek... jack does about 4 or 5 a day and they sound and look very diarhea like. They are liquidy yellow with bits in - is this normal? :wacko: its just my friend said her babys was greeny brown and solid - he's on formula though so i dont know if that makes a difference??

Anyone thinking of having another baby yet?? :haha: we actually talked about it the other night... im 32 so dont want to hang around too long.. i must be mad or maybe its the hormones! maybe going to wait a year :baby:

Anyway I better go and try and do something - I would love a shower but will have to wait for josh to get home - urghh i feel really stinky :nope:

ha ha i'm also typing one handed

It takes me about 2 to 3 hours from getting up to be in the position to go anywhere but i managed to do it in a hour and 20 mins and was very proud of that.
I put Alex in his cot and turn his mobile on and put his dummy in and i know i have 7 mins until it stops to shower and it works - just. I then lay him next to me when i dry my hair and he loves the noise. Sometimes because i have no choice i have to leave him to cry for a few mins - i cant wait to do things when rus gets in at 7 otherwise i would never get to bed.

Alex got constipated but he is on formula but a friend of mine bf and her lo has been known to go 5 times a day or go 10 days without - i think it swings in roundabouts

Oooo Lilli lovely piccy - i got a carrier a while ago so i could get on with the house work.

I'm 32 too and we want 2 kids - we had this conversation last week and decided on end of 2012 early 2013

Today i managed tomop my hallway and kitchen - well chuffed - off to tesco soon to get some size 3 nappies they have 2 boxes for £20 in there offer and i think he will only be in size 2's for a few more max as they are started to leak a tiny bit
I also got a new pushchair yesterday - my was so unpractical and big and heavy
wooo 2 weeks until our holiday in yarmouth :happydance:

I'm one handed too!
Angie, that's so funny, today i managed to wash the kitchen floor and vacuum the whole downstairs and half way up the stairs! Adrian was asleep on his playmat and i literally vacuumed round him without him stirring!
I'm 30 and we've been talking vaguely about the next one... i want them to be quite close in age but the thought of being pregnant while still getting up lots in the night for Adrian is putting me off for a while... plus the fact that my OH sleeps in the spare room on work nights...
Poos, yes, very runny, english mustard yellow with little lumps. he was doing probably 4-5 a day until this week...
the carrier says it's for 8lbs up, as long as his head is supported he'll be fine :). in the photo i had adrian higher than he should be for his size. some people leave the arms tucked in as well.
on youtube.com, type in weesee and there are black and white things for babies. Adrian is transfixed! :thumbup:
And it takes me hours to get anywhere! i make it to weigh in for about half 10, then stay for rhyme time. Angie, do you go to Fleetville?
meant to be going to 10am rhyme time next tuesday, not sure if i'll make it! I didnt make it to the shops today. i was waiting for him to wake for a feed so i could go after and he just did not wake up! i'll go monday instead :)
How strange you did the floors today.

I haven't gone to rhymn time yet - if I go to a drop in its usually at Francis bacon cos I live 5 mins walk from there - I thought rhymn time was mainly for older babies- is it good?

How strange you did the floors today.

I haven't gone to rhymn time yet - if I go to a drop in its usually at Francis bacon cos I live 5 mins walk from there - I thought rhymn time was mainly for older babies- is it good?


yeah, it is for older ones really... or at least once they can hold their heads and look about more. I go with some ladies from NCT class just cos it makes me get organised and out of the house and i dont know any nursery rhymes so thought i should learn them! Any stimulation for them is good :shrug:
Sounds good I might have to go and see what it's all about - I have filled in the form to do the first aid course and baby massage - looking forward to it


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