What a cutie Jax, big boy!
Kath, i have similar with Adrian, after the night feeds i have to make sure he is properly asleep before i put him in his crib or he wakes up and screams. If that happens, or he stirs but doesn't shout, i roll him on his side and rub his back/tummy alternately for a few mins to see if he'll settle. He seems to be more comfortable on his side so i sometimes leave him like that for a few mins and then roll him onto his back...
you could try putting a top that you've been wearing in the crib so he can smell you? I also moved our crib as close to our bed as possible so that i could lie down and rub him from my bed, i was getting back ache from leaning over all the time. And the closer they are to you, the happier. Adrian has started shuffling to the edge (dont know how) and stretches his little arm through to me and has his face right up to the bars! i took the bumper off pretty quick after the first time he did that.
As for co-sleeping, some mornings when hubby has gone to work i bring him into our bed, lie on my side and sort of curl round him so i know i wont roll on him, i only doze but he loves it and settles really well. I know it's frowned on in the UK but in some countries it's the norm!
There are special cribs you can get that attach to the side of your bed so there is literally a piece of material separating you from bub, but they are quite expensive.
I'd say don't book yourself up for the week after your OH goes back to work, allow yourself a bit of quiet time with baby and no time constraints, like meeting people.
I'm breast feeding and it does get easier and barely even pinches anymore, unless he dives on and doesn't latch on properly!

Apparently there is a Day 10 growth spurt, we had it on day 11 and he put on 4oz a day for 4 days. He just wanted to feed constantly and it was literally draining. I cried from hormones and exhaustion but stick with it if you have it, it's normal! Had it a few more times since, mainly in the evenings and a friend told me to google 'newborn cluster feeding'. It's where they stock up for the night by feeding 'constantly' for 3 hours. The first time he did it he slept for 4 hours! then we were up every 2 hours ish. The most he'll sleep is usually 2-3 hours. We'll be up for 30mins-hour feeding, nappy changing and making sure he's asleep, get him back down, then try to make me get to sleep!
One night i was awake with him for 4 hours. I was a mess after that one. He wasn't crying, just wanted to feed/cuddle. Think there were 3 nappy changes and a change of clothes in that one... Nappy changes and clothes changes normally make him cry!
Oh, so much to learn! I've had a few tears over the last few weeks, i've found great comfort from a couple of my NCT group who are 4 weeks ahead of me. Perfectly normal to doubt yourself! One thing, you cannot over feed a breast fed baby and even if you think 'he cant possibly still be hungry', he can! I worried i wasn't making enough milk but his weight gain showed that wasn't the case! The more they try to get, the more you will produce.
Sorry, really long post! i've just gone off on one