Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

Fingers crossed for mrs Wifey and Kaths. I bet they have had their babies already! Xx
Well I have had my beautiful baby boy, came home this morning.

Jack Ethan George arrived on Saturday at 9.42am - it was a 2.5 hour labour once I got to hospital - only just made it!! I went from 3cm to 7cm in about 20 minutes. Will do a full birth story later.
Really happy :cloud9:
Well I have had my beautiful baby boy, came home this morning.

Jack Ethan George arrived on Saturday at 9.42am - it was a 2.5 hour labour once I got to hospital - only just made it!! I went from 3cm to 7cm in about 20 minutes. Will do a full birth story later.
Really happy :cloud9:

CONGRATULATIONS!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Well I have had my beautiful baby boy, came home this morning.

Jack Ethan George arrived on Saturday at 9.42am - it was a 2.5 hour labour once I got to hospital - only just made it!! I went from 3cm to 7cm in about 20 minutes. Will do a full birth story later.
Really happy :cloud9:

:happydance: Yey! Fabulous news, congratulations!!! :happydance:
Cant wait to see some photos. :flower:
Hi girls, how is everyone? Hope all your little babies are behaving. Little Jack is a good little boy - so so in love. We had our first trip out today to my work and he behaved perfectly :cloud9:

Anyway here are a few pics my little man on the day he was born

Aw Kath! He's gorgeous!!!! :happydance:
Big congratulations! :flower:

How are you feeling in yourself? Hope you are recovering well! :hugs:
What a little stunner! Hope your both doing well! Xx

How is everyone else? Thomas is 18 days old today, can't believe it!! Nothing can prepare you for being a mum - it is a rollercoaster! Are you all breastfeeding? That has been a challenge but I'm so pleased I'm still doing it and he is back to his birth weight plus an ounce :)

Aw thank you, I think he's stunning - I cant stop looking at him. I am feeling ok Lilli, tired - but that is to be expected. Absolutely shattered!!

Where do your little ones sleep? Jack will not settle in his crib, he breast feeds falls asleep and then when I try and place him in his crib he wakes and screams. The only place he has slept the last 3 nights is laying skin to skin on me which results in no sleep for me because it means co-sleeping which im scared to death of.
Any tips?? - how long do your little ones sleep?

Jax, Im breast feeding - the first few days were really hard but my milk is now coming in and its going well - painful nipples but not too bad. Im glad im persevering and well done you for going for that long.
A few pictures of Thomas!




He is good most of the time! Got readmitted to hosp at 5 days old for light therapy for jaundice which was hard but were getting into a routine now I think xx

Kaths, Tom was exactly the same with going down in his moses basket - only sleeping on people. We tried putting a hot water bottle in before etc but in the end I think it just took time. He is still reluctant at times (has gone down for 5 mins all day!!) but at night he's much better. Unfortunatly I gave up on moses basket and he now sleeps in the pram. Oh it helps loads when your milk comes in and they can have a really good feed first too xxx
What a cutie Jax, big boy!

Kath, i have similar with Adrian, after the night feeds i have to make sure he is properly asleep before i put him in his crib or he wakes up and screams. If that happens, or he stirs but doesn't shout, i roll him on his side and rub his back/tummy alternately for a few mins to see if he'll settle. He seems to be more comfortable on his side so i sometimes leave him like that for a few mins and then roll him onto his back...
you could try putting a top that you've been wearing in the crib so he can smell you? I also moved our crib as close to our bed as possible so that i could lie down and rub him from my bed, i was getting back ache from leaning over all the time. And the closer they are to you, the happier. Adrian has started shuffling to the edge (dont know how) and stretches his little arm through to me and has his face right up to the bars! i took the bumper off pretty quick after the first time he did that.
As for co-sleeping, some mornings when hubby has gone to work i bring him into our bed, lie on my side and sort of curl round him so i know i wont roll on him, i only doze but he loves it and settles really well. I know it's frowned on in the UK but in some countries it's the norm!
There are special cribs you can get that attach to the side of your bed so there is literally a piece of material separating you from bub, but they are quite expensive.
I'd say don't book yourself up for the week after your OH goes back to work, allow yourself a bit of quiet time with baby and no time constraints, like meeting people.
I'm breast feeding and it does get easier and barely even pinches anymore, unless he dives on and doesn't latch on properly! :)
Apparently there is a Day 10 growth spurt, we had it on day 11 and he put on 4oz a day for 4 days. He just wanted to feed constantly and it was literally draining. I cried from hormones and exhaustion but stick with it if you have it, it's normal! Had it a few more times since, mainly in the evenings and a friend told me to google 'newborn cluster feeding'. It's where they stock up for the night by feeding 'constantly' for 3 hours. The first time he did it he slept for 4 hours! then we were up every 2 hours ish. The most he'll sleep is usually 2-3 hours. We'll be up for 30mins-hour feeding, nappy changing and making sure he's asleep, get him back down, then try to make me get to sleep!
One night i was awake with him for 4 hours. I was a mess after that one. He wasn't crying, just wanted to feed/cuddle. Think there were 3 nappy changes and a change of clothes in that one... Nappy changes and clothes changes normally make him cry!
Oh, so much to learn! I've had a few tears over the last few weeks, i've found great comfort from a couple of my NCT group who are 4 weeks ahead of me. Perfectly normal to doubt yourself! One thing, you cannot over feed a breast fed baby and even if you think 'he cant possibly still be hungry', he can! I worried i wasn't making enough milk but his weight gain showed that wasn't the case! The more they try to get, the more you will produce.
Sorry, really long post! i've just gone off on one :)
I also had another thought, have you tried swaddling him? we used these with Adrian: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000HED...de=asn&creative=22206&creativeASIN=B000HED5MO
and he settled really well. Now though he wont let us restrain his arms so we have him in a Mothercare sleeping bag. It's good because you can cuddle them whilst they are wearing it so they get all warm and then when you put them down they're not going onto a cold surface.
Hope your nights get easier, :hugs:
thanks Jax and Lilli - that is really helpful. Jax Thomas is gorgeous - all little babies are gorgeous really :baby:

Lilli, I have a picture of Jack just like adrian in your signature - they look identical.

Yes I have tried swaddling, he loved it the first few days but now he just wants his arms out and flaps about until they are free.
I still havent managed to get Jack in the crib, he also prefers to be on his side so might try that. I seem to be feeding alot at the moment, its the only thing that settles him. He cries when changing and dressing too.. all sounds like its normal then.
I had a lovely sleep last night, it resulted in me being on the sofa but at least we slept and i feel refreshed today. We had 4 hours straight had a feed then another 2 hours sleep :thumbup:
I have been co-sleeping but that results in my OH getting kicked out on a camp bed :haha: the night before last was awful so he had to go downstairs which resulted in my bursting into tears and just laying there with Jack who was wide awake at 4am. I just cant have my Oh in bed with us though - I worry less as I know im not a heavy sleeper - my OH can sleep through anything and sleeps really heavily so I worry about him being in the bed - he is also a big chap - 18 stone so I wont have Jack in the bed with both of us! I do what you do Lilli and wrap myself round and also lay on my arm so I have no way of rolling forward.
My OH who is called Josh by the way has been so fab though and really supportive and so far done all the dirty nappies lol - having a baby really does put things in perspective doesnt it and makes you realise who and what is important in life. I hope your guys are being great too!

I wonder how MrsWifey is?? - she must have had her bump by now!!

It is a big learning curve this baby lark isnt it but im loving every minute of it, I adore my little boy
Hi kath,
Do you use ebay?
still quite a bit of money, but brand new one for £76. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BEDSIDE-...urniture_ET&hash=item53e79398f7#ht_4063wt_907
might be worth it for a good night sleep and not having to evict your hubby! :)
i'm really pleased for you that your hubby is being great. mine has been fab too. he misses us when he has to go to work! He's slept in the spare room a few times but only so he's not so tired at work.
good stuff with the 4 hour stretch, i've only had that once. had a couple of 3 hours last night... :thumbup:
can you attach your photo of jack? adrian has grown so much since then, got a photo of a smile earlier! :happydance:

And yes, massively steep learning curve with a few bumps along the way! I love him so much :cloud9:


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Hi ladies,

Been a manic 2 weeks, I have no idea where it's gone, but yes bump has arrived and it's a she!!

I had a sweep at 3.30pm on 18th Aug (40+2), baby's heart-rate dropped after it so had to go to Lister for monitoring but everything seemed ok by then. Went home, was feeling a bit 'off' and uncomfortable from the sweep and started having some cramps but the mw said that would happen and often fot 24 hrs after a sweep you can have cramps and think you're going into labour when you're not. Cramps kept happening so i started to time them at around 11.30pm and by 3am I'd had enough and the tens machine wasn't helping anymore so we went into Lister. Contractions were still a bit irregular and they said I was only 2cm but they had gas and air so we stayed!! My waters broke at 4cm, I think I'd alreadt had some methadone by then and was starting to ask about epidural. Baby had moved round at the last minute to back to back so was very painful. Felt like labour was taking forever and they still wouldn't let me have the epidural but then it got quite stressful cos baby's heartrate kept dropping everytime I lay on my back and there was some questionable bleeding too. I was hooked up to all sorts of things, a catheter, a drip for fluids, baby monitoring belt. They took blood from baby's head 3 times to check she was getting enough oxygen to the brain and they still didn't know why her heart rate kept slowing. Consultants kept checking up on me and baby and eventually they let me have an epidural which was lovely as the methadone had long worn off and I was getting a bit too friendly with the gas and air!! Finally at 9cm the decision was made to go to emergency c section and after that everything went so quickly! I was in theatre and I barely realised that they'd started when Lana Letitia was born. OH saw it and said they lifted her out by one leg! She cried immediately and snuggled up to Daddy while I got stitched up. We then all got taken to a recovery room where I couldn't stop shaking for 2 hours so didn't get to hold her for a while. She weighed 5lb 10 and was so pretty!

I started breastfeeding but switched to bottles after 9 days. It was so painful I started to resent her. Well done to you ladies who made it past that bit, but I was sore from the section, my nipples were bleeding so much her poo went almost black and I was so tired and tense all the time and couldn't stop crying. I think the benefits of a happy mummy and well fed baby outweigh any benefit lost by switching to bottles! I managed to continue expressing for a further 8 days so she was part breast milk and part formula but now we're just on formula. Part of me still wants to breastfeed, but I want to bf like in all the pictures of happy mums and fat sleepy babies, whereas my experience of bf was far from that!

I'll try to get some pics on here when I can, congratulations Kaths on your little arrival too xx

Lana Letitia, 19th August, 5lb 10
Hey Wifey,
:flower: Congratulations!!! :flower:
Sorry to hear it wasn't straight forward but good to know you are both well. Wow, your breast feeding experience sounds horrendous. Very well done for doing it out as long as you did. When i was in the hospital there were two women on my ward who didn't even try, not even the colostrum.
Looking forward to seeing some photos, lovely name! :happydance:
Congratualtions MrsWifey, Im glad your little girl has arrived, time certainly does fly doesnt it!

Hows everyone doing? Im starting to feel like there's light at the end of the tunnel, breastfeeding is going well, I dont even need my lasinoh anymore, my nipples ae well and truely toughened up! I tell you something though - my breasts will never be the same again - they are huge and my nipples are down by my knees -the joys of parenthood :haha:

The last 2 nights Jack has slept in his moses basket, he goes about 11pm, wakes at 1pm, 4pm, 7pm so seems to be every 3 hours but as soon as hes fed he goes back in and settles to sleep which is fab! no more sleeping on me!

The only thing im struggling with is I think he has colic, from 7pm until about 11pm he cries constantly, really angry upsetting cries - I can hear the wind gurgling in his tummy - its horrible seeing him in pain :cry:
Anyone elses babies have this?

Hope you are all well xx

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