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Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Sorry Kara I haven't had a chance to get on since yesterday! Unfortunately that's as far as it went - blood and nothing since :nope: My mum was ridiculously excited and rang me this morning going well? Bless her, she too is obsessed with my knickers :haha: I really hoped it was starting to kick off but I'm still as big and pregnant as I was yesterday with no sign of any shifting. Argh!
Thanks pink for sorting all that out, I actually tend to be on here more than on facebook but I will endeavour to flit in and out of both! Oh wow, really hope Krissi's ok - what time did she go in?
Wow Kara you really are going through it, bloody hell we can't choose our family and wish we flipping well could sometimes. Think you're much better off out of it and maybe severing contact is the best thing to do, as much as it's a massive decision to make. Bless your husband though!
I've got nothing on today except a big pile of ironing. And bouncing around on my ball a bit in the vain hope it might make bubs think about coming out!
Hi Girls,

I don't know about putting anyone to shame Kara - I am blinking miserable with all this waiting! I am trying to keep busy and keep things as normal as possible and for me that involves walking the dog all over and going to the gym - I am still pretty mobile - but still totally miserable to be around! I have no conversation, keep getting annoyed at people on the TV and my friends who text me ALL. THE. FREAKIN' TIME. I'm horrible. If I was in my tummy I wouldn't want to come out to meet me!!

Sorry you're having such a hard time with your family Kara - where are you thinking of moving to? Its nice up here :winkwink:

Vanessa - if you're in the middle of it good luck!!

Krissi - hope all is ok. Keep us posted
I too am a misery Emma! I just want to give birth dammit!
I think i need to get the internet sorted on my phone ...i take it its easier with a phone app? x

I will try harder to get on here too dont want to miss everything! x

Krissi going in at 11am for checkup x
Wish we all lived nearer and we could be miserable together!

Here's my weird confession for the day: I keep eating and drinking stuff I know will make me have a BM - just so I can feel better about having one and get temporarily caught up in whether its a "clearout" or not.

I used to be cheerful, lucid and sensible. I am deteriorating at a rate of knots!:dohh:
Hey ladies im sorry but i doubt i will get on here much anymore im much more into facebook and bnb is just so slow since the changes...when i do finally get in i have missed a tonne and find it hard (im sorry im lazy too) to read through everything (have a serious lack of concentration atm!). Ive requested Darling as a friend but i cant add her and without being friends i dont think i can. Anyone wanting to join needs to request and then i will approve it (we dont have to be fb friends too lol). The group is completely closed and no one can see our posts/chit chat so very private more private infact that our conversations on here (which i much prefer). Preethi maybe consider setting up a new account purely for the fb group...you dont even need a profile pic or anything just pm us what your account name is and could use it solely for that.

Updated fb earlier had a message from krissi - she woke up this morning to trickling watery blood. As blood is bright red has to go in to be checked (also having mild contractions (she thinks)). Waiting to hear back from her and if she is unable to get on i will keep you updated x

Hope everyone is well and that were not all driving ourselves insane playing the waiting game...hopefully next time i get on more babies will have arrived! x

Hi sweetie
I didn't get the friend request can you try me again? I haven't got Leeze's group invite either. Grr! Bloody FB! You're right though. Anyone can read what we post here for years to come.
Lol! I love you girls!! Truly I do!

Emma - you crack me up! You are like the Bionic Woman - special pregnant edition! I think you're absolutely wonderful to be so active this far gone! Seriously girl you're a legend! I hear you on the bm's! Lol. I am dissappointed daily by the lack of erm.. an upset tummy! How ridiculous! Haha! We'll probably all end up in the funny farm with our little ones! Lol. I'm not going far because our life is here and our friends and Issy likes her school and Joe has his work. If we review it, it will be on our terms not because some psycho is trying to ruin my life!

Hope Krissi is ok. Bless her.

Vanessa a show is better than plug loss because the blood is usually indicative of dilation so don't be surprised if you go in the next few days! That's exciting. Try not to be deflated. :) x
Hi Ladies,
I had a midwife appointment this morning and am now totally bummed out.
My blood pressure has increased gradually over the last few weeks, the midwife did blood tests etc and obviously tested my urine for protein and it was all fine. And my blood pressure was only borderline. So they tested me again today and my blood pressure has dropped slightly again so that was fine.
But then she said she needed to weigh me as she didn't do it at 36 weeks when she was supposed to. Now i was overweight when i got pregnant and knew my weight was an issue and in all honesty i didn't plan on gaining as much weight as i have. So i know i'm in the wrong. I've gained 3.5 stone which horrifies me!! A lot of it has gone on quite recently as i am retaining a lot of water, but even so i know its bad.
But the midwife weighed me today (my due date is tomorrow!) and then started going on that i had gained too much weight and my BMI was now on the border of those that need to be referred to a consultant. Then she sat on the phone to someone for 15 minutes going on about my weight and if i should see a consultant as i had gained too much weight. So now i have to see a consultant on Monday to discuss my weight.
I am so upset with myself for letting this happen. I feel really ashamed of myself and feel like i have let myself down as well as my husband and baby.

Sorry to go on, i just feel really upset right now.
Oh really? Thanks Kara you've cheered me up a bit! :flower: This is clearly nature's way of making us want to embrace the ordeal of labour, getting us all so fed up we'll put up with anything to not be pregnant anymore :haha:
Well I don't know about you Emma but I've been hoping that my spinning and training kick starts labour - no word of a lie, I think it sends Noah to sleep :dohh: My trainer gets so disappointed cos she loves having a feel if he's squirming around, but he normally waits till I've left and wakes up :haha: I am trying to be cheerful but am also getting irritating texts from people asking if he's arrived yet - seriously debating putting a status on FB along these lines; 'Oh I forgot to mention - gave birth last week and have been hiding a football up my top ever since to fool you all! Mwah ha ha!'
Oh wow bernie, that sucks :nope: I do think though that 3.5 stone isn't a stupid amount of weight to gain, and it seems like a slight over-reaction from her (in my opinion anyway). And is there any point worrying about this when you're so close to having the baby anyway?
Hi everyone

Kara and Jayne - I've just sent you both a fb friend suggestion for each other - hopefully this will mean you can find each other more easily. I think re the group request that I did that this wouldn't work until Jayne had approved it and if you guys aren't friends yet then maybe this doesn't work?

I'm trying hard to tap into my nesting instinct today but it's really not working. I'm thinking this means my LO is quite comfy in there and not ready to make a move for a couple of weeks still. I guess if you have to work at it then it's not an instinct, right? I just can't be bothered. I want to lie on the sofa and read, or sleep!!! The last thing I want to do is clean the kitchen/bathroom etc - although I'm trying to force myself to do it!!

I wonder how Krissi's getting on, we could have another little pumpkin here very soon!!! Sending her lots of love and strength.

Kara - that stuff with your family and the horrible man from your past sounds like a nightmare - something you really could do without at the moment (or any time for that matter!). How awful to have to worry about people knowing where you live or what your number is etc. Sounds like a good plan to do your best to remove yourself completely from all of it, much as that might feel difficult in some ways given it's your family. Great you've got supportive friends, lovely children and a fab hubby. I'm impressed you're coping with it all, I've suddenly become a bit of a nervous wreck in the last few days - not answering the phone or the door because I don't want to deal with anyone - and lots of noises are making me jump. Friends keep asking me to go out (for lunch or to the pub etc) - I'm now saying they can come round here if they like but I'm not venturing out anywhere!

Vanessa - you must be getting quite impatient now then, after having the blood and now nothing more today. Does sound like your LO is nearly ready to come though. I'm impressed you're doing a big pile of ironing!! And cute that your Mum is really excited!

Emma - I'm with you on the losing sanity side of things. And how it would be great to live nearer then we could all have company in our insanity!! It's funny because I do feel like no-one else really gets it at the moment apart from you guys. And I've become obsessed with my bowel movements, they seem to be about 4 times a day at the moment. I think it's partly nerves though!! I'm still majorly impressed you're going to the gym. I'm struggling to get up and down stairs at the moment - and given we live on the 2nd floor this is another reason to not go out!!

Jayne - sorry to hear your hubby isn't well. hope he gets better soon. Sounds like you've got some promising symptoms too!!! I agree re fb, it does feel more private and is generally easier to get on than on here.

Hi to everyone else, I'm going to lie on the sofa again - even typing on here has felt like a lot of effort!!!! They do say you should get lots of rest in the last couple of weeks, I dunno if I'm taking it to its extremes though!! I think part of it is because I only finished work 2 weeks ago and the last 2 weeks since I finished were really busy. This week is much quieter so I think I've finally got a chance to relax!!! :hugs::hugs:
Oh, I meant to say - the m/w said to me on Monday that we should be having lots of sex to help the baby come. That's the last thing on my mind at the moment, I'm finding it hard enough to get a sitting or lying position where I feel comfy on my own - never mind negotiate a position that involves both of us!!!! :haha:
Sex? What's that? :haha: I couldn't think of anything worse right now, I'm starting to think I need a crane to lift myself off the sofa, never mind having sex!
I did feel like it for a bit in third tri up until about 3/4 weeks ago, but Dave flat out refused. His reasoning was that he wouldn't want to do it if I put a baby underneath my jumper, so why would he want to do it now when in his view it's practically the same thing? :rofl:
No sex here either Leeze - my husband refuses to do it! Ever since we had that scan at 36 weeks and he saw how close the head is to the "exit" he hasn't been near me. I'm saving this memory for a few months down the line...its rubbish!! I don't even really feel like it but thats the only thing EVERYONE agrees on to get things moving. I think I may get him drunk at the weekend and jump him! Oh no, I can't, he won't drink more than one drink at the moment "just in case".....AAAAARGRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH:growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:
Bernie breastfeeding combined with walking wherever you need to go and I swear to god love you will be amazed!! Its better than any miracle diet. Just stick rigidly to these three easy steps:
1. Breast feed if you can
2. push the baby in the buggy
3. Eat sensibly - do NOT diet!
Simples! :) I promise you honey I lost 2 and a half stone that way in less than six months with my daughter and 1 and a half with my son. DO NOT feel down, you are a beautiful, sexy, pregnant goddess and you are supposed to put on weight during pregnancy and two stone is the average so in the grand scheme of things it really isn't that bad. :hugs:
Bernie breastfeeding combined with walking wherever you need to go and I swear to god love you will be amazed!! Its better than any miracle diet. Just stick rigidly to these three easy steps:
1. Breast feed if you can
2. push the baby in the buggy
3. Eat sensibly - do NOT diet!
Simples! :) I promise you honey I lost 2 and a half stone that way in less than six months with my daughter and 1 and a half with my son. DO NOT feel down, you are a beautiful, sexy, pregnant goddess and you are supposed to put on weight during pregnancy and two stone is the average so in the grand scheme of things it really isn't that bad. :hugs:

Thanks. 12lbs have been gained in the last 3 weeks due to water retention. So up until that point i wasn't too worried, as figured 2.5 stone wasn't so bad in the grand scheme of things. But the water retention has gone crazy.
I just feel so upset with myself and am really ashamed that i've gained so much. And i don't really know what they want me to do considering my due date is tomorrow. I kept jogging until 25 weeks but since then i have had pelvic pain and so had to stop. And whilst my diet isn't perfect it isn't awful either. I just feel so upset. Which is irrational as it is all my own fault.
If i can't take care of myself how am i ever going to take care of a baby.
Sorry, the appointment just knocked me, i couldn't even speak to my husband when he called as i kept crying.....bless him.....he has a crazy lady for a wife.
Update from Krissi - waters have gone and she is having mild contractions, just waiting to see if she will be admitted or sent home, she thinks its more than likely that she will be sent home.

Ive sent another request Darling - unsure what is going on with fb i know they too have made a lot of changes which can mess about with things.

Bernie - i will send you a request for curvy ladies on fb (if your not already there) we are all on the high bmi side and going though the same things...bloody ignore them though i put on 4 stone with my first baby and the day after she was born i was already a stone lighter, i had put on 2.5 stone last time i weighed myself and i now weigh the heaviest i have ever weighed...i have got really down about it but theres not a lot i can do now but wait until bubs is here and get myself fit and healthy then xxx
Oh bernie this isn't your fault! You've said yourself that you've been unable to keep up with exercise because of pain, please don't beat yourself up, you don't deserve it. And if a lot of this is water retention there's precious little you could have done to stop it. We all vary in our weight gain over pregnancy and you'll get it off after bubs is born :hugs:
I think the midwife was unnecessarily insensitive - there's nothing to be done now regardless, you're due tomorrow for God's sake. In fact most places have a policy of not weighing pregnant women because all it does it get us down. I was weighing myself up until about 3 weeks ago (when I'd reached about 2 and a half stone in weight gain) but decided I wasn't doing my self esteem any good. We find it hard to separate our own self-worth from the fact that our bodies HAVE to put on the weight to support our little ones.
Please, please don't worry about it, you WILL get it off afterwards! And also, don't worry about behaving like a crazy lady, my God I've had some crazy moments over this pregnancy and my hubby has put up with it silently (and then teased me about it later when he knew it was safe :haha:). They love us, they're here to look after us and I'm sure he completely understands why it got to you so much.
Bernie breastfeeding combined with walking wherever you need to go and I swear to god love you will be amazed!! Its better than any miracle diet. Just stick rigidly to these three easy steps:
1. Breast feed if you can
2. push the baby in the buggy
3. Eat sensibly - do NOT diet!
Simples! :) I promise you honey I lost 2 and a half stone that way in less than six months with my daughter and 1 and a half with my son. DO NOT feel down, you are a beautiful, sexy, pregnant goddess and you are supposed to put on weight during pregnancy and two stone is the average so in the grand scheme of things it really isn't that bad. :hugs:

Thanks. 12lbs have been gained in the last 3 weeks due to water retention. So up until that point i wasn't too worried, as figured 2.5 stone wasn't so bad in the grand scheme of things. But the water retention has gone crazy.
I just feel so upset with myself and am really ashamed that i've gained so much. And i don't really know what they want me to do considering my due date is tomorrow. I kept jogging until 25 weeks but since then i have had pelvic pain and so had to stop. And whilst my diet isn't perfect it isn't awful either. I just feel so upset. Which is irrational as it is all my own fault.
If i can't take care of myself how am i ever going to take care of a baby.
Sorry, the appointment just knocked me, i couldn't even speak to my husband when he called as i kept crying.....bless him.....he has a crazy lady for a wife.

Sweetheart did you feel that bad about about it before your saw her?!! Water retention is not fat! Most of this will sort itself out once you've had the baby. Cheer up sweetie. Honestly its not half as bad as they're making out and the silly insensitive cow should have more sense than to make such a song and dance about it now. I promise you, you will be so surprised by how quickly and easily it will come off. Its not like when you're dieting to lose weight. The production of breast milk burns 500 calories a day! Try not to let it get you down. When you have your baby you're going to feel so connected and wonderful and all of this will fall into perspective.
:hugs:Leeze thanks for your lovely supportive comments hun. I'm trying very hard to distance myself emotionally and be very stoical about it because it is what it is and I have my family to consider. I'm done with their bullsh*t frankly!

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