Bump, Flushes, Dimples and Beyond [closed]

Lydia- thanks hun...and will look into acas too:hugs:

Moggy- i would be happy to do something from home...im not sure what though...making things?? Hubby has also thought of working with his brother and starting a decorating side maybe...but its risky...hes a very good decorater

I dont have much planned for Ana's 1st bday...we'll be in my BIL wedding....gutted to say the least. At least i only need to to a small party day b4 or after for my family.

How about something to complement that....does he fancy plastering as well as that would be a fab service....they come and skim your wall then decorate it for you :D

If you go for something people always NEED then you will usually be able to stay in business....I always think my brother had it sussed when he said he would go into plumbing, electrics or IT.....

You know where we are if you want to bounce ideas :hugs:
His brother is a plasterer by trade but also does most building work too....so he could to the decorating side and compliment his work as well as be a labourer for him. Will see what turns up hey...thnaks hun :hugs:

Just a quickie as have a screaming baby in the other room refusing to sleep. Claire I'm so glad the funeral went well. Sorry that your dh is hating his job eve more so. I really hope something comes up for you both.

Loving the present ideas. We'll probably get Harry one of those trike things that you can push along.

Harry is being such hard work at the moment. He's refusing to sleep and is therefore constantly tired and whingey. Every nap time is a battle and then when he does fall asleep it won't be for long enough. I just don't know what to do. He's suddenly so miserable and it's making me question if I'm doing things right. :(
You are Ann!!!!!! 8 months- 9 months was hardcore awful for me, but I battled through it and K is now back to sleeping well again :shrug: it's a huge developmental stage, just keep going love xxxxxxx
Yas you're making me feel so much better because Peyton has been a nightmare lately...pretty much exactly what Anne described. She was easy to put down and the last couple of weeks it's hit or miss. Some nights she just screams...I go in BF again and try to put her down again and nope...we need to get her up for another 30-60 minutes and then try again. It's crazy a little peanut her age going to bed at 10:30pm some night!! WTF?? I'm happy to hear there's a light at the end of the tunnel!

Also, since Peyton loves swimming we're thinking of having her First birthday party at the pool! :) Not sure on gifts yet though ??

So guess what happened last night on cycle day 57?? Aunt Flow finally came to town! lol After taking like 4 pregnacy tests inthe last 6 weeks! lol
Thanks Yas. I didn't realise it's a common problem at Harry's age. I'm so exhausted physically and emotionally. I have no idea how you did it on your own, you really are an inspiration.

A swimming party sounds lovely Brigitte. I'm sure Peyton would love it! X
I wrote on fb in utter desperation; I really was at breaking point, he'd stopped napping and when he did it was with a HUGE fight, bedtimes were horrendous, he'd be up all night long too, and was just a mess in the days. He also refused milk. Anyway I was SO surprised when loads and loads of people said "yep, mine too!" all the same age.

You will get through it just like every other tough stage, it always passes, that's the one thought I have to keep at the front of my mind. Perseverence and being firm is key,xx
Yas you could have been describing Harry. Thank you so much. You've given me hope! Hopefully I will soon get my lovely boy back. Phew..

Well we have had the chat with the inlaws about financing a move. It was a little awkward as my fil obviously wasn't aware that I knew. He has asked us to go back to them with a figure of what we would need. The only problem is is that we will get a better mortgage if we use some of the money to pay off our debts and we feel it's only right to ask them. It's very embarrassing but needs to be done.
Ann - we are in completely the same position, in-laws having to help so we can sell (bought just before the crash, mortgaged with Northern Rock...), I hate it as now I feel completely 'tied', but I'm so grateful for the help. You're right though, needs must, it'll be better in the long run. Sorry you're having a rough time with Harry, we had a bad couple of weeks, but she seems to have come out the other side, I really hope this doesn't mea I'm in for another bout now in line with your monkeys!!

Brig - swimming party sounds fab! Will she have a cake that she smushes etc (I always see these on Canadian/American TV shows! I always think I'd like to do that with my cake on my birthday!!). And yay to AF, after all those tests and stress!

Claire - how annoying about the wedding? Was she already born when they started planning?!

I had a melt-down tonight, got too stressed with work/house/holiday etc and properly sobbed/shouted at DH. Feels better now though!!

Love to you all.
Lydia I hope you're ok? Is your dh not pulling his weight? We wouldn't be able to move if it wasn't for our inlaws and the bonus is that we will probably be debt free as well, although after speaking to our mortgage adviser it might be worth us putting down a larger deposit to get a better loan to value for a better rate. So when do you think you will move? X
I'm ok thanks hun. Well, we had a big argument about it, he was getting annoyed with me getting stressed and snapping all the time, so I explained why (I'm very good at ignoring issues and hoping they'll go away, I'm not an argumentative type, especially not with him), and had a good old rant at each other, but then worked out what we could try to do to make it easier on each other, so fingers crossed things get better! We go on hols Fri, so hopefully him spending a bit more time doing a 50/50 will give him a little more of a grasp of what I do everyday (although we're going with in-laws, so maybe not...). Anyhow, I feel a lot better now, although still got way too much on my plate with a lot of work to do, getting sorted for holiday (sorting tickets, hotels, packing, washing etc), organising packing up of 3 rooms of our house which are going to be painted while we're away, the sale of the house, as well as deal with the day-to-day rubbish! I'm looking forward to holiday/busy season etc all being over and life being steady and normal.

We're not moving, we're just trying to sell our house that we used to live in, we'll stay in rented - mainly for affordability etc. Jus keeping everything crossed the sale goes through, its all gone a bit quiet for a few days.

How is H today? I was thinking about it today, and he is probably still adapting to not being in nursery for that couple of weeks, I know if J has a few days of different routine on the trot, she (and I!) suffers and is not her usual self for a couple of days after.

How is everyone else? Lia, you haven't been about for a bit - still on your phone?

Lydia you sound like me. I also don't pipe up when things annoy me in the hope they'll Hi sort themselves out. You really do sound like you have a lot on your plate so fingers crossed your chat means you get more help.

Harry has been much better thanks although he is now throwing massive tantrums if I change his nappy/clothes, put him in the car or not give him the boob when he wants it. Oh and bed and nap times are still very much a battle. But at least I am seeing a happy boy for the rest of the time. In fact he suddenly seems so much older so I guess it was partly due to a developmental growth spurt.

He's back for one day a week at the nursery on Tuesday which I hope he'll still enjoy. Xx
Small improvements Ann!!! :hugs: I have to admit I am partial to good old bribery when it comes to controlling his behaviour; I feel guilty admitting it, but I hate the constant fighting!!! So for nappy changes I tempt him to not have a tantrum by giving him what he thinks is a naughty object :lol: i.e current fave is a nurofen syringe! Other items in the past have included my purse, my phone, and my necklace!

No advice for the clothes changing cos Kia still HATES it and has a fit every time. Soooo I've taken to doing one bit of clothing at a time... lots of mini battles rather than one big one! A t-shirt here, a sock there.... also we sing a really daft made up song but as time has gone on it's started to help cos now he's getting old he plays along- like I sing push push PUSH! when his arms go through a hole etc, and he laughs and pushes.

As for bed/nap time.... perseverence is everything! Routine, routine, routine. I did it endlessly for a month feeling like I was getting nowhere and eventually my stubborn boy cracked and admitted defeat; seemingly overnight things got a million times better. It will come for you, this stage is so tough, just keep going, you are doing amazingly :hugs:

Did everyone see Lia's video of D walking?? Clever kid that one!! It was super cute :cloud9:

Moggy, Claire, you guys ok? xxx
In the car... well it's a bit of a disaster zone. Kia no longer has dummies except for naps, but he has them in the car because he STILL does that awful, high pitched incessant screaming... HATE IT. He does it when he's happy, annoyed, bored, you name it and it drives me mad! Anyway, he gets the dummy, which sometimes helps. If not, he gets a snack... I always said I wouldn't get into the habit of feeding him in the car at all but needs must for an easier life :blush:
Oops Lydia I missed your post, sorry! :blush: I hope you're alright and things improve with the hubby now that you've cleared the air a bit. It's funny, because when i'm on my own I cope just fine with juggling everything, but when G is here at a weekend I get suppppper annoyed at doing everything; I feel your pain is what i'm attempting to say, if there's two parents around then two people should be doing the parenting IMO. :hugs:

Hope the house selling goes ok x
Hi Ladies!!

Ann and Lydia, I'm the complete opposite! I don't mind making my point and hashing things out one bit.:blush::haha:

Lydia: I too hope that things start to clear up now that you've talked about it. and I hope the house selling gets sorted soon! :hugs:

Ann: Like Yas has said already...there is hope...Remember just last week I was complaining because Peyton has been a nightmare for the past few weeks? Well over the weekend we had some sort of break through. she goes to bed around 9 and will only get up once during the night and then wake up around 7:30-8. sometimes I can get her back down for an hour or so but sometimes she's up for the day. Last night she slept 9:15-5:30 straight!! :happydance: And then till 8:20...so nice!!!

And Yes Peyton will have a cake just for her that she can dig into and get messy! lol :cloud9: I used to get really sad...like cry sad when I thought of my baby turning one...but now I'm sorta excited. I'll bet I'll have a good old cry when the day gets here...but for now I'm excited!

Yas: That incessant high-pitched screeching...we get that usually during meal time. :wacko: Oh man it gets on my nerves... she also does it when she plays sometimes or gets tired...I can't wait for that stage to get over.

So what has made you decide to take away Kia's soother except for naps and car?

Also, I was coming on here to ask Claire a question.
I actuallu just googled about babies getting from lying down to the sitting position and it brough me to a post from baby and bump you made last year.
I am wondering the same thing... Peyton has been sitting unassisted from 6.5-7 month and she now goes smoothly from sitting to her tummy...but can't get back up. when did Jac finally manage?

Not much going on here...Peyton has been napping in her crib for almost a week now...so I think in another week or so we will take apart that swing. She does well most naps..but some times she'll sleep 30 minutes and wake up screaming :shrug:

Also we have another wedding...3 one of the season:wacko: Plus I have 2 baby showers in 2 weeks...All these events are emptying my pockets! :haha:

Oh and not sure if I mentioned it here...but it's a sure thing now...I'm staying home with Peyton. Nathan was offered 2 part-time jobs. He will either be a bouncer at a club one night a week (his friend runs the club) or work for another friend who runs a program for at risk youth. Most of the boys are native and foster children. Anyway, they may be getting an additional boy who needs to be monitored 24/7 so Nathan would take a couple overnight shifts. Also, I will remain on the Occasional teacher's list so I will do supply work here and there. But the majority of my time will be with Peyton.

Alright well enough about me! Hope everyone is well!
That's great Brig that you get to stay at home, and that P is napping better!!! :hugs:

No more dummy cos it's bad for their teeth, and he can't have it when he starts nursery. x
Thanks everyone, you're all the fabbiest ladies ever!! I definitely feel a lot better now that I've got lots off my chest, and DH is being a lot more helpful already, fingers crossed that continues! i'm getting through everything that I've got to do, so hopefully by Friday morning we'll be on our way and I can chill out! Yas, thank you hun - I know what you mean, I cope fine when I'm here on my own (which is 8am until 11pm most days, sometimes without a break, so I do owe him some sympathy!), its when he has a day off or pops home in the afternoon (rather than go to the golf club or stay at work) that I really get annoyed with him, if he didn't come home then I'd just do thins myself and be fine with it - crazy!

Ann - glad Harry is better, but boo to the tantrums, I guess we'd all better get used to them!!

Brig - J has just got the hang of going from her tummy to sitting, she started by backing into things and then using the solid something from stopping her from skidding backwards while she pushed herself up, then literally 10 minutes later she could do it in the middle of the room, she's very pleased with herself! I know what you mean about them turning a year, it makes me sad but excited too. I definitely want pics of the cake!

Lia - that video of Dylan is amazing (well, both, the walking and the standing up!), he is SO advanced!

Pip, Moggy, Claire - how are you doing?

This will make you giggle - we bought J her jumperoo for christmas, she goes in it every day and plays with the toys, but she's only just worked out she can bounce in it! Its hysterical!

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