Bump, Flushes, Dimples and Beyond [closed]

Forgot to say Brig - yay to the staying at home - whoop! Thats very exciting! At least you know what you are doing now, I hate being in limbo (and I'm also going to take a leaf out of your book and just pipe up when I have issues with DH, hee hee!). Great news too on the napping, phew, you must be SO relieved!

Moggy - I know, she's ridiculous, but loving the jumperoo now, we were about to put it away! Did you tell Mogster and Moglet that J's Diddle Donkey is off to France? I'll try to take a photo of him with something 'French' to send to you!
Lol! Harry only just figured that out as well!

Brigitte that's great news. You must be so relieved. How is Nathan about it?

Yas, thanks so much for the advice. I think bribery is brilliant although all Harry wants is boob which would make changes extremely difficult!

Thanks Ladies :)

Ann: Nathan is all for it... he really didn't want to leave Peyton with strangers when she's so young. We both agree that maybe a year of daycare before going to school so she can get the hang of being with other etc... but until she can walk, talk etc...she's staying with mama! :) and I know just how lucky I am to be able to do this!
Morning ladies,

Sorry I have been a bit quiet. :blush:

Great news on most of you overcoming the sleep hurdle. And yay to the LO's re-discovering their jumperoos. :thumbup:

Brig, what a gorgeous photo of P.

Following on from Yas' comment on the dummy, when is everyone expecting to wean their LO's off theirs? We have been talking about it the other day as S won't take his dummy anymore when e.g. he is a bit whingy. He just pushes it out with his tongue. :dohh: I suppose on the plus side he is pretty much only really using it for comfort to get to sleep.

It appears that we have a right little cheeky boy: When he pulls himself up on things (mainly the newly installed safety gate and the jumperoo) and sometimes only with one hand, I tell him in a firm voice "No" and "S, get down!". What does he do? Turns around, gives me one of his cheeky smiles and continues with what he is doing. Oh and his latest favourite game is smashing his cup on the table upside down causing the valve to release the water. :dohh:

How is everyone else today?
Still on my phone, fingers still to fat to use it well ;-(( lol

Laptop with a fix it man, were currently away visiting friends in Lancaster this weekend, at my mums first as ash doing some in school observation.

Dylan keeping me on my toes as he jogs about now lol! Sleeping bad again!

Someone mentioned getting dressed - I find Dylan only kicks off if lay down so whatever bits I can manage with him sitting or standing I do that, any lie down bits I have a toy nearby for him to hold which helps?

Need to go back and read more ((hugs))
LOL Pip, that's just like K! Although he now does listen and come away from things if I tell him to, but that's a very recent development... previously for months he'd do things, give me a winning smile and then carry on doing them :rofl: :rofl:

Oh and his fave thing is noise.. he LOVES to slap his hands/bang his hands on the doors, raidiators, and bath. It's SO loud, my poor neighbours :blush:

Today we have 3 viewings at the flat- urgh. I don't really want to be here when they come but also I don't want to leave my flat unattended y'know? :blush: Also the horrid estate agents are SO rude, they made viewings for 8pm and 830pm and then when I just called them and said I can't do any viewings after 6pm because of K's bedtime, they were SOOOOOOOOOOOO rude to me. I told them in no uncertain terms to be a little more polite or i'd not allow any viewings at all until after I moved out- it doesn't say anywhere in my contract that I must allow viewings...
Hi Lia!!! :hugs:

That reminds me, my dad has said for K's first birthday he's gonna get him a garden climbing frame thingy with slide and swing and stuff. Anyone got any recommendations? I want one that will last a few years so i'm thinking wooden rather than plastic....

I quite like this but not sure how it'll survive living outside https://www.toysrus.co.uk/Toys-R-Us/Outdoor-and-Sports/Playcentres/Plum-My-First-Playcentre(0083901)
Pip that sounds just like Dylan, he even says what sounds like (though I'm sure isn't) YES which makes him seem naughtier!!!

Never had a dummy here so I'm no help there!

Brig that is fantastic news you get to stay home!

Lydia I'm glad you have an accord with dh now! I had been really struggling. Well now ash is home with us blimey I'm like a new woman things are working better with Dylan having time away from me/boob and I guess I'll be looking for something part time soon....:-(

Love seeing pics of all your LOs - they are too grown uP :-((

Did we do a thread on 1st birthday pressies yet? Do i need to check back further lol! X
Hi Lia!!! :hugs:

That reminds me, my dad has said for K's first birthday he's gonna get him a garden climbing frame thingy with slide and swing and stuff. Anyone got any recommendations? I want one that will last a few years so i'm thinking wooden rather than plastic....

I quite like this but not sure how it'll survive living outside https://www.toysrus.co.uk/Toys-R-Us/Outdoor-and-Sports/Playcentres/Plum-My-First-Playcentre(0083901)

Hello lovely! Haha we are cross posting - off to peruse your frame lol. I would like something for the garden to play now we're not moving imminently! X
Yas we have a fab one you could probs pick up on ebay and it will ast ages!!! Both boys play on it although Jack needs help to do anything other than slide iykwim


If you search on ebay under "berchet" or "clairbois" they come up and the beauty of them is they dismantle REALLY easily and fit in the back of the car - probs need 1/3 seats down so you lose half the back seat.....

This is the clairbois version on ebay at the mo...


Boys love it although we have had to replace the tunnel :dohh:
also bargainous are the little tikes cubes....

all of them pressure wash clean so if you find one second hand locally you can get a bargain!

Are we going to secret santa their first birthdays? Please say yes :happydance:
Oooh that looks good! There's a little tykes version on toys r us, do they last ok being kept out in the garden?? xx
yup but cos they cant help but get a bit weathered you are just a well off getting a preloved one as a new one, mumsnet and ebay have em all the time, best bargains are to be had when the weather is a bit manky, during the height of summer there are more on there but they also go sky high!

At K's age the best thing we bought was a play house and a sand/water table, have a squiz at my FB pics of summer 2008 and see what Mogster was doing :haha:
hi lovelies...

Lydia - :hugs: glad you managed so sort stuff with hubby hun.

Brig - Do you mean going from lying on back to sitting up? If so i think Jac was nearer 1 yrs old. It doesnt really make a difference as they will roll on their front and then push back to sitting position...thats what Ana does now.

Yas- tell the estate agents to bugger off if theyre rude...just make it difficult...theyll soon get it :winkwink:

moggy - love the garden toys...we dont have the room though :cry:

lia- bet u need an extra p[air of eyes now with dylan properly mobile

Pip - i also have a girl who likes to make a mess with water...intentionally here too lol

Thinks not really improving here as hubby decided he couldnt take any more and has put his notice in......he finishes july 1st. I have a backup plan of sorts though so we should be ok if nothing permanent turns up. My dept is short staffed at the moment so ive commited to full time hours in July...which helps us and gives us breathing space....so me and hubby are having a role reversal. Ill work full time and he can do 3 or so days with his brother. Unless something turns up in the mean time. IF...and its a big if...nothing does turn up...its likely i can change to full time long term as they are ready to advertise a position within my dept....they were going to ad full tiime but if i want full time they'll ad for part time. Im worried that if i do take full time and then a job turns up for hubby......we''ll both be full time and i dont want that. I want either of us to have some extra time with the kids....preferably me :haha:
So all complicated here.....best scenario is hubby gets a job within the next week....but think im asking a lot :nope::cry:

Oh...and all this means my studies or change in career is now on hold...gutted but we're a team and we need to look after each other.:hugs:

:hugs: Claire, you have to do what is right for your family but Im hoping that by getting some breathing space it means hubby will get to find the role and job he wants and that he will be happy doing, after all that is the main thing....could be that the stuff with BIL will take off and then bingo he will be the FT one and you can be PT....Would he consider a move to get the job he wants or are you planning to stay put and him commute if its further away?

Hope youre all ok, cant believe my little man is 10 months old :nope: Its only 33 days til Mogster is 4 :shock:
Hi Ladies!

Claire, sorry to hear you're plans are on hold. but I guess you're right...you're a team and need to support each other. I hope things work themselves out soon. xo

And I meant going from any lying down position back to sitting up. Peyton can't do that yet. If she's sitting she can smoothly get onto her tummy....but then can't push herself back to sitting:shrug: I guess I am just starting to wonder about her mobility. All she does is roll around and push herself back on her tummy. No crawling, no walking, no commando crawling etc. Oh and she's started to want to pull herself up. I guess I'm just anxious for her to move around more. ( I know I'll regret that statement once she does :haha:)

Yas that yard gym looks really fun. Sorry I heve no clue about plastic vs. wood though.

Happy 10 months moglet!!!!

Also, regarding soothers...I have no plans as of yet to remove Peyton's. I know many children who are 2.5 years and still get one for nap time and bedtime. I've heard it's only bad for their teeth and speech if they try to talk through the soother. Maybe around 12-18 months will switch to just bedtime and naps and then hopefully get rid of it by 2?

So my friend is getting married on Sat. and tonight a bunch of girls are going out to celebrate her. Sorta like a bachelorette I guess...dinner and dancing! Can't wait! :)
Hi everyone! Yay - its busy in here!!

Claire - I'm so sorry plans are on hold, I'll keep everything crossed for you that something turns up for him in July then, its horrible being in limbo, thinking of you and hope the tough times pass quickly hun.

Haven't got time to catch up with everything I'm afraid, lots of last minute packing and organising, although the car is packed - I'm AMAZED everything is in...

I'll definitely be keen to secret santa 1st birthday pressies, if it gets organised while I'm away (back on 21st), please count me in.

Brig, really don't worry for the moment about Peyton, she's doing fabulously. J is nowhere near pulling herself up, she doesn't really even put her feet down properly when she wants to stand (balances on the wrong side of her feet/toes sometimes). Also, Peyton was making proper 'sounds' very early too wasn't she? J doesn't even do 'da da' yet! Please don't think I don't have sympathy for your worries, I know exactly how you feel because I think the same sometimes about J, but its a long time before they wouldn't be considered to be meeting milestones, so at the moment they're 'normal' iykwim? I just tell myself all the time that she'll do it when she really wants to and is ready, and that I need to be grateful for the fact that she doesn't move very far/fast yet!! Hugs xxx

Yas - grr - be mean, like the others say, she'll get the message!!

Right - need to get myself sorted. Take care everyone, 'see' you all in 11 days! xxx
DEFINITELY just be grateful that your babies aren't mobile yet, once they are it's exhausting :rofl: and remember how stressed I was about him not rolling/sitting... and then within a week of sitting he was standing then a week later cruising. I've been knackered for the last 4 months running around him :dohh: :lol:

Claire, you're a great wife :hugs: I'm really hoping something happens amazing for you guys soon xxxxx
Thanks Lydia, and you're right she was saying papa at 6.5 months, then maman a month later and now she says mum mu for food and banana in french...we think she's working on a couple other words...but they haven't come out clear yet.

Anyway have a wonderful holiday!!!!

And I'm up for a 1st birthday secret santa if everyone else is! I don't mind organizing again if you ladies want :) I still have the one from Christmas with all your contact info...but whoever moved will have to send new info. Moggy, Yas....anyone else?

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