So glad all is ok, its so scary when they disappear, they just think it is a game though as theyre almost too innocent to think that anything might happen....Mogster has only done it a busy indoor shopping centre....we found him in minutes and he was fine but we had the mini heart I dont know which is worse, the letting him walk but worrying he will not stop when we say and get run over or the fear I am being overprotective and he will become a wuss....we do the walk solo but he HAS to stop at every lamppost or signpost if he goes off ahead....dread the day Jack wants to walk solo too and they leg it
Jack sounds like Ana, zooming everywhere with his walker,competent to cruise and walk holding one hand but just not willing to let go yet....cant blame their logic as each time he has done he has landed on his bum
It will come when theyre ready, he soo much more advanced than Mogster was in many ways although Mogster seems so mature now...when did he get so big
Have been on here but dont always post as tend to comment/reply but to leave main update for journal iykwim
We did Weston (beach, pier and steam fairground) and then Cheddar Gorge, Bristol Balloon Fiesta and the Red Arrows last weekend, off to my grans birthday meal (Herts) and Bournemouth Air Festival next so busy, must dash as kitchen designe due tomorrow and house is cluttersome after a weekend away followed by a rainy afternoon
Hope youre all well, is P next birthday?