Bump, Flushes, Dimples and Beyond [closed]

Love the card Pip, thanks so much <3

I have a big stack of cards here that I've been meaning to write for ages. We've had the toughest month EVER. K has basically been ill for a month and now I am too! Everything is suffering- i'm beyond broke as haven't been able to work, falling behind at uni, and things with G are rubbish. We really need a break :-(

Ooooooooh we got our SS today- thank you!!!!! No idea who sent it, but I decided to give it to K early as he needs a treat, and he LOVES it <3 don't know how to explain what it is, but it's a Sing-A-Ma-Jig :Rofl: he loves it and so do I. Thank you xxxxxxx

Mine hasn't bloody arrived, i'm in wars with Amazon... tempted to just buy something else and get it sent direct to recipient. Which will mean no gift wrapping etc but I know what I want and can't find it anywhere except amazon and ebay!
Ann, how is Harry this evening? He is SO handsome, even when ill!

J is well, FINALLY walking! (just about anyway!) She's really good fun to hang around with at the moment, but still isn't saying anything, literally, she's regressed to only saying Dada every now and again, absolutely nothing else. When do I start to worry?

Very busy with work at the moment, also trying to plan J's baptism in Jan, we're left it a bit late, J will be walking, so it might be a bit odd!

Loads of love to you all, sorry I've been awol, I miss you all! xxx

He's better than yesterday but still poorly bless him. He is being incredibly clingy.

Yey to J walking! They're great fun at this age aren't they (when they're not ill!)? Harry isn't a big talker either although he makes noises which sound like all sorts so I think he's trying. If you know the context you can often make out a few words like toothbrush, door, stairs etc.

We ended up doing a naming ceremony with Harry when he was about 3 months old. We kept it small and to just family and it was lovely. Are you planning a big do after the babtisim?

Really relaxed office and loving it tbh. My SIL and her daughter are over from Oz now she and Dylan are playing so well together. V cute. Ash totally overloaded with work for his pgce :-/

My phone seems slow today struggling to see what I've typed lol. Going to try and get on at my dads this aft to catch up properly (hugs)

How lovely! I guess you don't see them much? Is it the first time they've met D?

We've had the toughest month EVER. K has basically been ill for a month and now I am too! Everything is suffering- i'm beyond broke as haven't been able to work, falling behind at uni, and things with G are rubbish. We really need a break :-(

Ooooooooh we got our SS today- thank you!!!!! No idea who sent it, but I decided to give it to K early as he needs a treat, and he LOVES it <3 don't know how to explain what it is, but it's a Sing-A-Ma-Jig :Rofl: he loves it and so do I. Thank you xxxxxxx

Mine hasn't bloody arrived, i'm in wars with Amazon... tempted to just buy something else and get it sent direct to recipient. Which will mean no gift wrapping etc but I know what I want and can't find it anywhere except amazon and ebay!

Oh hun, I guessed you were having a tough time from FB. What happened with G? Last I heard it was going really well and now it seems that not only are you not together but that he's gone a bit AWOL? If there is anything I can do to help please just ask as I'm really not that far from you. Perhaps I can pick you up and go somewhere together to give you a day out?

Good call with opening your SS present, I would have done the same! They sound like fun.. I bet Harry would love something like that.

I don't mind if your my SS and our gift is late so don't spend your hard earned cash on another present :hugs:

I remember the twilight pages...you n Yas were defo into it! I still dont get the appeal :shrug:

Stressing over my SS gift, know what I want to get but worrying it isnt going to arrive in time for me to wrap and post on....FX'd

No nephew yet, 38 weeks and waiting! Mogster got chicken pox and now Jack has it, he is covered in spots :(

Hope youre all ok, it is quiet in here. Miss you all!

I don't get the appeal either so if the guy from it makes a proposal to me I'll politely pass him Brigitte's details instead :haha:

Again, hun, don't worry if the present is for me or Harry. It's not worth the stress :hugs:

Poor Mogster and Moglet.. nasty chicken pox. I'm dreading Harry having it.

Pip, thanks so much for your LOVELY card!! It's stunning and was such a lovely surprise.

:hi: Claire!!
:haha:Hello lovelies....:flower:

Sorry I have also been awol...pretty busy with everything really ..zzzzzz

I have read all your posts but now have brain overload lol

Pip - Thanks for the card.....just beautiful :cloud9:

Yas - Thinks can only get better hun...so chin up im sure the worst is over and you both will be back to health asap :hugs::hugs: Dont worry if im your SS either hun. :hugs:

Moggy - We had the pox last year...found Ana easier to deal with than Jac as she was a baby bu overall it wasnt so bad anyway. :hugs:

Lydia - :happydance: for the walking....well done J. I love when they start walking...even though it means trouble lol

Brig - How have the fairs gone....hoping you're makign a fortune :winkwink:

Ann - Hope all is good..love the FB pics :hugs:

Lia - Glad work is going well hun:thumbup:

Is it bad that I havent written my cards yet :blush: I just dont have the time lol.... Had a busy work week so feel behind with studies and have spent every minute with kids and hubby. Luckily im quieter then next few weeks..:thumbup: Ended up workign extra last week to cover sick so have 1 less shift this week and a day off booked next week...so have managed to do all xmas shopping yesterday and today with hubby...finally! Trying to catchup with studies tonight and tomorrow so I can start next assignment next week and finish it off before xmas.
So chuffed to have had 84% in both assignmets so far :blush:
Enjoying work (mostly) except for the ward politics lol.
Kids are a handful now....big style....Jac wants everythign of Ana's, and Ana steals his stuff to wind him up :dohh: heeeeelp ..feel like a referee.....:haha:
Hubby has a chest infection poor thing.

All in all ready for xmas.....sort of :haha:

loves to all
oh Claire :hugs: sounds all go! Well done on the assignments :thumbup: You sound so happy, definitely the best decision for you all for you to have gone for it! Hope hubby is better and you dont get called in to cover sickness - unless they pay mega extra!

Yas - if we are your SS panic not, my two always have too many pressies so save your pennies. Thought of you and K yesterday when my two were fighting over who mowed the play area :dohh: Are things any better with K yet, poor lamb with getting everything at once. Hoping it means you are getting all your lurgy out the way before the new year so it can be new year new everything you want it to be. Garry doesnt deserve you two! What is the plan for chrimbo?

Aargh back later for more, school run time! Love to all :hugs:
Right my SS drama is over- amazon has cancelled the order and have re-ordered from boots.com :D also it was 3 for 2 on toys which is fab cos it was cheaper than amazon anyway, AND now I can get the same one for K too! Woooo (plus another toy I had my eye on for him anyway). Soooooooo if you're our SS, you should have it next week- it's being sent straight to me so I can gift wrap etc.

We're still loving our SS pressie here- am resisting the urge to google the postcode lol- I have no idea who sent it so I will resist! This thing is seriously bonkers... to whoever sent it, did you know it has teeth?! Madness!!

I thought of K when I saw the sing a ma jig trailer on Milkshake this morning :D
Yas - Dylan has a red singamajig!!!! they freak me right out - supposedly they can sing in harmony if you have a few?! And he loves the teeth biting him the odd boy!!!!

I was thinking of you today writing my cards lol - you are doing amazingly well with a month from hell. And I'm not as close as Ann but would totally enjoy a day out with you lol xxx

Still accessing only on my freaking phone as Ash totally takes the laptop everywhere so too bloody hard to multi quote or even read / remember a few posts at once.... I am going to try and go back and reply on individual ones to make my life easier lol - brb !!
Lydia - yay to J walking!!! We have my niece here from Oz who's 1 and not mobile but she's eyeing up dylans freedom lol!!!

Moggy hope your poor boys are dealing well with the pox (((hugs)))

G - beautiful card if i didnt remember to thank you in mu last post, S is just gorgeous!!!

Ann and Yas hope your boys are better soon too, Dylan had a bad cough/cold again but seems to have gone now, he puked Sunday night with coughing so much and got up at 4am argh!!!!!

Claire how are your lovely two?

And Brig - Miss P is such a cutie and is looking so mature in her latest pics omg!!!!

Miss you guys - if only BNB would get tapatalk I'd be more inclined to get in here lol, it's properly pants thru the phone! Xx
Oh - and Ann - they have met Dylan but think they left when he was 6 days old! First time we've met Zara tho! It's really lovely!

Claire - sounds like your studies are going fab what good result!!!!
Ps - sorry for clogging the wall now lol...! BFing bumps and flushes - how are your LOs getting on? As in has feeding cut down much? D is still a bit of a milk monster but eats heaps too. I'm starting to get those looks from hubby as to when I'm going to stop....:-/
Jackster stopped himself about a week and a bit ago, he just started to refuse. At first we thought it was a strike but he really seems to have self-weaned. Didnt think it could happen now but evidently he is ready. Still offer but he doesnt want it and just turns his head and pulls my top down. He is growing up on me - his big bro stopped at 23 months...

Glad you are all going well, miss it being busy in here!

G thank you for our card, he looks so grown up! Brig thanks for your email, definitely more slippers please :)
Lia Harry is breast milk obsessed but he's not a great eater. I've been trying to reduce it to 3 feeds in the day and one at night but as he's poorly it's all he wants so he's feeding pretty regularly. He bites when he feeds so I'm incredibly sore. I really want to get to just a feed in the morning and evening but we seem to be taking one step forward and two backwards.
Moggy it's great that he's been able to choose when to stop xxx

Ann - very similar to D. Since I went back to work things have improved - his eating is up and down. Some days you can't stuff enough solids in his face lol. Others it's mainly milk. I find if we keep busy it helps - we were out and about all day today doing things so it was 4pm before I sat down at which point I was fair game lol an he had his first feed of the day - but that is definitely an unusual day.

He's fine if I'm not around, and gradually distractions working so I can usually convince him to have breakfast before milk so he actually eats some solids.

D had a recent phase of biting (just poor latch really) but that has stopped again as his teeth have settled I guess.

Nights are still piss poor here x
Thanks everyone for your comments on our Christmas cards. I am glad they arrived with you all as a nice surprise. I did feel rather organised about getting the cards out so early, saying that a lot of our cards are going abroad, so we had to order and get them sent a tad earlier.

Great news on J walking, MrsMils. :thumbup: I wouldn't worry about the speech yet either. S is babbling, but that is still pretty much it.

P&F, S is still BF and isn't showing any signs of stopping yet. He eats a lot during the day, but still wants his milk although sometimes I think he just wants the cuddles and comfort. But there are also days when he doesn't eat too much and wants more milk. I am trying to cut the feeds down though as I am sure he isn't always hungry for it and also because he just pulls my tshirt up or down whenever he feels like it. :dohh:

Yas, sorry to hear that things have been tough for you and K. Hopefully you will be able to recharge your batteries and catch up on some things over Christmas. What is the situation with G? Glad your SS situation got sorted and you managed to get another one for K too.

F&C, glad to hear that H is on the mend. How are you settling in at your new place? I loved the pic of H sitting on the removal boxes. :cloud9:

Moggy, how is the kitchen coming along? Almost done now? Can't wait to see pics. Any news on your nephew?

Claire, sounds like you are enjoying your new chosen path. Well done on the assignments too. :thumbup:

Brig, good to hear you are busy with your new venture.

I think I have caught up now...

As for us, our SS present is pretty much sorted, just one more thing to do. S is doing great. He is such a character. He is not talking yet either, but has now started to babble back at us and wave his hands gesticulating wildly, especially when we said no to him about something. He isn't angry or anything, just discusses things thoroughly with us. It is too cute. :cloud9:
It's really reassuring to hear many of the BF experiences are similar to mine lol!

Pip - Dylans language literally exploded overnight, he'd not really babbled regularly until recently, just had a few words he liked lol.

Now he is taking us to what he wants if he doesn't have the word which is helpful, he marches me to the weetabix cupboard in the morning lol
LOL Lia!!

K has about 8 words he uses constantly. But he's had them for months, he doesn't need any more I think :rofl: he's so demanding and obvious with what he wants! His communication is great but he doesn't talk back.. like if I say 'go get your shoes' he will, or if I ask banana or orange? he'll point at the one he wants.

I'm so looking forward to christmas with K, even on his birthday he didn't have any interest in opening gifts, but now I think he will! We got him a big wooden kitchen from us which we're gonna build on christmas eve ready for him. Not gonna bother wrapping it. Plus a bag of gifts from Santa- i'm not that fussed about buying his gifts tbh, not a mean mama just that he's young and I don't like christmas being about gifts... however... he is in DESPERATE need of new toys so really I would have bought all this stuff anyway. He's got loads more books, puzzles, wooden jigsaws, games from ELC, Various vtech toys etc. :) xx
Yas - D is like that, amazing how you can ask him to do something and he knows what you're asking (may not do it pmsl) they are so different to those bubs who we started off with!

I must totally get a video of him doing his dances - particular favourites are the hokey cokey, and dingle dangle scarecrow he's so funny!

How are ladies and babies today? We've had a little snow, I'm just waiting for D to get up so I can go to work - typical! :)
Hi everyone! I haven't been on in so long again! Been pretty mad at work, sacking people here there and everywhere (for good reason i.e. stealing, fighting at work etc), pretty mental!

Secret Santa - My present (that we're giving) arrived and the box was totally broken, so I've been 'discussing' it with the company and they are sending a new one, I've asked them to post it directly to the recipient, so it should arrive before Christmas!

We've got J lots of little things for Christmas, toys she needs etc, as well as a wheely-bug, nothing big, but I'd rather get her lots of new toys as she's suddenly changed and seems to need toddler toys rather than her baby ones now!

Moggy - nephew here yet?!

Argh - I get on here and J starts waking! Typical - I'll catch up again later

Love to you all xxx
baby will be here soon, waters gone but nowt occuring so playing waiting game.....not heard for a bit though so maybe things are afoot....

Thank you SS our gift has arrived :xmas12:

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