Bump, Flushes, Dimples and Beyond [closed]

Can you ladies remember the jewellery I was planning on making? Well my sister and I have bought a kit to do it in a slightly different way which we hope will allow for more interesting pieces. We've just taken Harry's hand and footprints and are hoping to make cufflinks etc using them. Watch this space! x
Can you ladies remember the jewellery I was planning on making? Well my sister and I have bought a kit to do it in a slightly different way which we hope will allow for more interesting pieces. We've just taken Harry's hand and footprints and are hoping to make cufflinks etc using them. Watch this space! x

Ann - hurry hurry :winkwink: was about to pay £55 for some hand/footprint cufflinks for christmas, and £40 for 3 x charms for my pandora style bracelet as a treat to me lol (one with fingerprint, one with handprints / one with footprints)


But I was too shattered to go to my slot on Monday :sleep:
Ooh cufflinks for xmas would be fab....let nme know how you get on Ann as I'll be in the queue....

Jack still pooping pure liquid so took him to be weighed today....16lb exactly - 8oz in 3 weks, less than previously but HV thinks he is just getting on to his curve :wacko: I think his birthweight was cos he was late rather than cos he is destined to be a chunk. He is gonna be tall I think cos his 8oz comes with an inch in height!!!

Sample came back all fine but HV said she saw another baby today with similar problem and both have an older sibling that is fine so she wonders if the sibling has picked something up that has upset the little one and its just a case of waiting for it to pass....in BF baby case can be up to 4 weeks!!!

Yas hoping you and K are recuperating well :hugs:

Ann look forward to hearing if sleeping bag helps, Jack definitely has a preferred one that he sleeps longer in :wacko:

Seems theyre all stuffing their hands in their mouths, Jack can nearly get his whole fist in :shock:

:cloud9: Jack has a new favourite plaything.....Mogster!!! :cloud9: My boys are friends :)
Well I think we're going to start working on the trial on Tuesday if that's any help?

We had a good night last night thanks Moggy! He did a 3 hour then a 4 hour stint! whoop whoop!
Hi everyone! I'm on my phone, i've been reading but too tired/dopey to catch up properly. Just to say we're home now and all is well. Kia is VERY clingy and tearful, but also smiley and happy too at the same time- he just wants to be held. The scar is very angry looking but they've done a great job.

I'm so proud of him- yesterday was absolutely horrendous and I really had to search deep for inner strength to get through it without melting down- one thing was clear to me the whole day though: I love being a mummy and am so, so glad that he was born. I feel so loved up and my little man is just incredible. :cloud9:

Moggy, hope Jack is feeling better xxxx
Hi Ladies!

Ann: Peyton also has her fist in her mouth most of the time, especially when she drops her pacifier. She drools quite a bit too, mostly when she sits in her Ocean Wonders bouncer chair.,..she stares at the fish and drools! lol

Yas: So happy K is good! Can't wait for an update!

Sorry forgot what else I was gonna say :-/ So tomorrow morning DH and I are bringing Peyton for her tongue tie release. I'm a little nervous, and anxious to see if it will actually help her feeding or not. If not I am starting on the domperidone. Give you an update i nthe am. :)

Oooh I can multi quote on my phone! Yay!

Were not too bad here...jac is going through a teething phase again so can be hard work at times. Ana is hard work when i give her a bottle now...she gets hysterical when i stop to wind her. Only started this past week:shrug: it really gets to me sometimes so hope its a phase.
So all in all its non stop here but still loving my brood so much:cloud9:

Sounds tough, hun. It's ok to say it's hard! We're here for you, even if most of us can't relate to having two. :hugs:

We have been to Baby Signing again today and once again S slept pretty much through it in his sling. :cloud9:
Oh Pip, I want to start babysign but it clashes with his naptime so I wouldn't if it was worth it. Maybe I should just go though... you seem to love it and maybe he'll wake up if we're there. If I don't meet another mum soon I think I might go barmy, I get really jealous when I see photos on facebook of my friends babies hanging out with other babies and stuff. :blush:

So nothing much to report here, my baby (a.k.a. little devil :haha:) has been a handful. Still has crap feeds, is back to waking up twice a night and taking an hour to get back to sleep...UGH! So tired. I keep telling myself its all related to her tongue tie...but what if it's not. And she keeps being a challenge even after its released?? :cry:
Ah Brig! I don't know what to say. It's probably just a phase eh, everything seems temporary with these babies xxxxx

Yas, I can't imagine how you must feel. I am dreading Harry's next set of jabs so goodness knows how I would cope with an op. Massive :hugs: my lovely. I've always had a massive amount of respect for you and the way you coped with the whole Gary thing so I know you are strong and will cope but at the same time I know it won't be easy. I really feel for you and K.

Harry is currently going through a phase of hating the car. Does anyone have any experience of this? I heard this was quite uncommon? He's fine in his seat until I start the engine. It's driving me crazy as his cries just escalate. He's fine if one of us are in the back with him, with our little finger in his mouth!
Kia hates the car- it's really upsetting. Same as Dylan... he's fine when car is moving/revving but screams at every bloody traffic light. Living in London with endless traffic jams means we're forever stopping and so he's forever screaming! I don't know what to do :shrug:

And thanks for the kind words. I don't feel strong but I have to admit, i've been a weakling my whole life and i've really surprised myself with how i've coped the past 4 months (CAN'T BELIEVE I'VE GOT A 4 MONTH OLD!!!!!!!!!! :rofl:). Yay for mummy-resolve!
^^ what she said :flower:

Go H - heres hoping he has a good night tonight too....think J is having a growth spurt which isnt helping him get better :dohh: up to feed twice last night :sleep: AND fed longer each feed today, hoping maybe he will have his spurt and clear the squits at the same time :shrug: Review at docs tomorrow so see what that brings...

Yas you are wonderwoman :hugs: hope little K is feeling better soon, Im a great believer in cuddles and snuggles making everything better :hug:

Everyone else :hi: and nite :sleep:
Am going to create a trial piece of personalised jewellery using hand and foot prints. x
Am going to create a trial piece of personalised jewellery using hand and foot prints. x

oh yeah! doh- I did see that! I can't wait to buy some (not that little man is very helpful when it comes to handprints, i've tried his mould 3 times now but he wont uncurl his fist :dohh::dohh::dohh:)
This probably sounds daft, but I feel really guilty when i read all of your posts about bad nights sleep :blush: I just can't relate at all as K is so fantastic. He's also in a very rigid routine but it's all his doing: I am ENTIRELY babyled and it's just what we've fallen into. Feeds at the same time, wakes/naps at the same time, the only thing I lead is the bed time routine but even that happens at the same time without fail cos as soon as he rubs his eyes, to the bathroom we go. He's just like his mama- likes things in order!
We have been to Baby Signing again today and once again S slept pretty much through it in his sling. :cloud9:
Oh Pip, I want to start babysign but it clashes with his naptime so I wouldn't if it was worth it. Maybe I should just go though... you seem to love it and maybe he'll wake up if we're there. If I don't meet another mum soon I think I might go barmy, I get really jealous when I see photos on facebook of my friends babies hanging out with other babies and stuff. :blush:

Yas, I can only recommend it. I think K is probably a good age for it too as you would see results sooner (can't wait for my little man to sign "Milk" or something similar to us :cloud9:). I am sure K would love the interaction. We sit in a big circle and the babies crawl and play inside the circle in front of their mummies (apart from S as he is sleeping in his sling :haha:).
We seem to have a bit of an issue for the past three days with getting S to bed at night. Up to then he was fine. But now he kicks his legs and throws his arms around like crazy until he gets quite frustrated and starts crying/screaming...until he is picked up and walked around. Last night he fell asleep within minutes of me picking him up and rocking him gently. Earlier I picked him up and put him in the sling and within minutes he was asleep. I really don't want him to get used to only falling asleep when he is being held, but I don't want to leave him crying either. :nope: I know he is not hungry and doesn't need changing. Sometimes there is a little bit of wind coming up. He sleeps in a sleeping bag. We cannot swaddle him as he hasn't liked that since day 2. OH had a bit of cold last week and I had a slight sore throat two days ago, so I was wondering maybe he is feeling a bit under the weather too? But as I said I am just concerned about him falling into a habit of falling asleep anywhere other than his bed...
teething mebbe? doctor told me gums can start hurting months before teeth appear and 95% of baby illnesses/gripes are teeth related!
teething mebbe? doctor told me gums can start hurting months before teeth appear and 95% of baby illnesses/gripes are teeth related!

We have been thinking of that too, especially as he also drools and eats his fist all the time.
Hi all! Quick post, battery about to go...

Yas - I'm SO pleased K is through it and smiling, enjoy the cuddles hun, you're amazing for getting through all of this and being so strong.

Ann - I'd been sitting on my drawing and details until you'd settled with H, I didn't want you to be worrying about doing it if you were having a hard time! Will pop it in the post, but no hurry!

Brig - really hope it goes well, I'll be thinking of you.

Hi everyone else!! I'll post again when I have plugged in and have more time, DH off tomorrow so we're having a day out.


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