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Bump, Flushes, Dimples and Beyond [closed]

AWWWE HUN! YOu look fab :) Sorry to hear your morning sickness was so horrible though :-(

Alright, so I'm going to jump back in both feet asking a mommy question.
How is your child's behaviour now that we are closing in on 2?? I find Peyton is soooooo challenging :-( The last week she is constantly whining, crying, tantrum (throwing herself on the ground kind).... I THINK maybe she is teething (2 year molars) because she is chewing on toys, extra drool, and soft poops that smell different from normal. (These were all symptoms for us before too).
BUT.... she's being so miserable that some days I don't even want to spend time with her :cry: And that makes me feel horrible. But every cute moment she has is followed by 2 hours of crankiness. :wacko: Please tell me this isn't the terrible twos and I'm in it for a year!!! :nope:

On another note
Birthday Secret Santa 2012
So the limit can be £10 like we've done before. I will send a PM to all the ladies with a couple questions.. and when I have all the answers I will draw from a hat as usual and message you who you have :thumbup:
Sound good!?

Thanks for organising, Brigitte.

Harry often throws a tantrum when he doesn't get his own way but generally only when he's tired or off par. He's a pretty good kid actually.. We've been so lucky so far but having said that I get the impression that Peyton is much more advanced with her development so she's probably more frustrated. Nearly all of the Sept Stars mums are saying the same as you though so it sounds normal to me. It must be so tiring though. :hugs: x
Thanks for organising the birthday secret santa Brig- can't believe my baby is 2 next week. Feel so strange about it, on the one hand I love seeing him growing up, but so sad on the other hand knowing i'll never have another baby :cry:

Ann, love the bump shot <3 suits you <3

Brig- I find K really challenging at the moment. But you are so not alone- at a mums coffee morning (organised by his nursery) last week, nearly half of us cried at some point! Mostly with relief that others were feeling the same way as us! K is going through bursts of utter brilliance, followed by behaving like a demon. I really struggle with my frustration- he's always hitting or screaming or raging or throwing and I am having to really work on my patience.

A few weeks ago I threw him in his cot and then went and cried in bed for 15 minutes in the middle of the afternoon- not my finest parenting moment :blush: but then that night I got out all of my pregnancy photos and those of the first six months of his life... got lost in the nostalgia.. then started googling parenting advice/tips using all the old forums I scoured when preggo i.e attachment parenting style. I was there on my laptop til my eyes felt like they'd bleed. I was just reminding myself of everything I already knew but for whatever reason, i'd forgot- that it's normal. He's normal. He's frustrated. He needs me to be calm. He NEEDS me. etc etc. All the obvious stuff but it realllllllllllllly helped. Since then I feel like we have been doing miles better- really, really enjoying each others company more and everything seems easier.

Logically, I know why- he reflects off me. I feel calmer and more confident, so he does. He feeds off my emotions. I focus on saying yes rather than no- I choose my battles more wisely- wanna wear Crocs in the rain? Ok. Want me to stop washing up and do jigsaws with you RIGHT NOW? Ok. And things are flowing more smoothly. Thank goodness, cos I was at my wits end just a month or so ago.

Bottom line: don't lose heart. P is going through normal toddler emotions right now and you are just one person. It is HARD WORK. I might die without nursery (he is going twice a week at the mo. He's off all of August, then back full time in Sep). Do what you gotta do to get through it and don't ever feel guilty- parenting is HARD FUCKING WORD. (sorry for the cursing).

Love to everyone. xx
Thanks for organising the Secret Birthday, Brig. :thumbup:

S has always been fine pretty much until we got here, which is when he got unsettled and started hitting, whinging, being less independent again (i.e. not wanting to walk and rather be carried all the time :dohh:). I know that a big part of it is frustration, but it can be trying. He also BF's a lot more again, which I know is for comfort, but can be really exhausting. Anyone else still BF'ing?

Yas, nice to see you. I still don't know the latest in your life...go on, spill the beans. :winkwink:
Yas so many of my mummy friends have said their toddler is the same so you are definitely not alone.

I saw the news on FB. Are you ok? X
Pip Harry's last feed was on the Queen's jubilee. I had stopped the week before but he had a nasty fall and was crying uncontrollably so I gave him a bfeed and he fell asleep. Bless him. Before that it was really only a feed in the morning. I really wanted to have a break between babies and when he went into his big boys bed it felt like the right time. Hats off to you for still doing it. X
While I have no doubt that S's behaviour was due to the changes in your circumstances, it could also be a bit of coincedence too- age wise he is bang on for reaching that stage- K went through a awfully clingy time of it too around then (still does occasionally).

Pip- I got a lovely gf. Things have been blissful for a few months- beyond happy- however we broke up a week or two ago. She's much younger than me and is quite depressed; having always been the crazy one myself I have no idea how to look after someone else. It's all gone tits up- from perfection to hell in the space of a week. She's furiously pushing me away, but i'm not giving up yet. Wish me luck- I really need it- and heartbroken.
I know from a friend with depression that it's relatively common for them to push their loved ones away almost as a test without actually realising this. They think they don't deserve you or that you don't love them so they end the friendship /relationship. If you accept this they think they were right all along. Obviously this isn't the case for everyone but thought I'd mention what happened to my friend incase it helps. X
Hi lovely ladies <3 trying to remember what I wanted to respond to now lol but hello mummies bumps and toddlers!

Pip - it must be so tough at that age to move somewhere I'm sure he will adjust soon, particularly useful still having BF as a tool in that respect IMO! D stopped feeding around 19 months mark as my milk totally diminished with the pregnancy, and I was too sore to even contemplate dry nursing to try and salvage it! It was an invaluable toddler taming tool in my bag of tricks tho!

On a similar note - Brig - sounds very normal but obviously not so fun! D is pretty 'good' on the whole but like Yas, I'm careful about what battles I pick and constantly have to remember he's frustrated moreso even than I am! Also as I'm back at work he has 2 days with my family and 2 days with his other grandparents so really I'm with him only 3 full days, so I have a little more patience with him than when I was at home full time.

Yas I'm sorry to hear about your missus - it's tough at the start of a relationship like that, A was very hard when I met him he went thru a rough patch and it is a total test when you are only just with them, I hope it works out well for you whatever that may be xxx

I'm good - but fricking massive seriously. Hospital have finally signed me off to say I can use midwife led unit as my thyroid has played ball throughout. Work have offered me my secondment on a permanent basis after maternity leave! D is just amazing right now - as one of you described, moments of brilliance interspersed with trying times lol. He's still sleeping through and even sleeping out which I never thought we'd see lol.

31wks almost. Eep!

I do follow as much as I can on fb and often nip on here to read, I'm just snoozing a lot or squeezing in D time too!

Hope you are all okay xxxxx
Hi my lovelies!!!

Lots to catch up on!

Ann - how are you feeling about having a boy now? I can completely understand your emotions, especially having thought/prepared for it being a girl, but Harry is going to adore having a brother, and I'm sure you already know that, coming from one of three girls. How are the boy names coming along? We're "debating" (to put it politely!) names at the moment!

Pip - Hi!!! I was worried when we hadn't heard from you, I'm glad you're settled and that S is getting back to normal, i LOVE the photo of him in your avatar, he looks so grown up!!

Brig - great to have you back online too! Sorry, I haven't really said anything on fb, no reason, I just haven't really thought to! J is going through a very testing time at the moment, boy, do I wish I could have a glass of wine or two at the end of the day! She's particularly bad around mealtimes, the other night she cried/hit/kicked/screamed for over an hour because she didn't want her supper, eventually she relented and decided that she just wanted milk and bed. My usual distraction techniques aren't even working. I'm still learning so much about parenting every day, I tend to get things wrong a few times, have a few tears etc, before working out, rationally, how to deal with her ever changing ways! I also love this stage too though, she's finally getting going with the chatter, saying so many new things/stringing words together every day, it constantly amazes me, she's developing such a sense of humour too!

Moggy - happy belated birthday to Mogster! I'm so sorry I missed it, I hope you had an amazing day, did the sun shine for you?

Lia - thats great news about the midwife-led-unit - fab! I feel massive too! Great news about the secondment too, how long do you plan to have off and when will mat leave start?

Claire - I hope you're about and lurking, is all well with your two? I hope work isn't too stressful hun

Yas - Massive hugs hun, I'm so, so sorry you're having such a hard time, I second what Ann says though about depression. I'm here for a rant whenever you need it xxx

AFM - I'm getting pretty porky, I don't think I'm much bigger than last time bump-wise, but because I didn't lose all the weight from having J I feel much bigger iykwim? Pip/Brig - no, I don't know what I'm having, I didn't see anything at the scan, just a feeling its a boy, but I could well be wrong! I'm nesting like a maniac at the moment, all I do is paint, I've got one more room, two wardrobes and a chest-of-drawers to paint before I feel like I can chill out, then I actually need to get sorted for the baby!

I've got my GTT on Weds, dreading that - whats it like?

Still trying to decide what to do re sleeping arrangements for J/baby. J is still in her cot, which converse back to a mini-cot which she had from nb, so ideally we want to use it for the baby. We've got a junior bed that my parents have at their house and want me to take, but I really don't dare disrupt her sleeping patterns, she's still so good I worry that if she had the freedom of a bed she'd just be up all the time. So, do I 1) risk putting her in a bed and deal with the consequences 2) Buy her a new cot which converts to a junior bed when she can climb out 3) Buy a rocking crib type thing for the baby, presuming J will be out of her cot a few months after the baby arrives? Help please ladies!

Also - for Moggy and Claire - I'm completely freaking out about how I'm going to divide my attention between two of them. J benefits from my undivided attention all the time and I worry that I won't be able to balance a needy baby with that. She's starting pre-school two mornings a week in Sept, which I think she'll love. What on earth will I do when I'm out and both of them are crying/kicking off? Will I just have to carry them both? J will just throw herself on the floor in a tantrum sometimes and I have to pick her up. Having major wobbles about it!
In the early days the baby will sleep a lot, you knid of have to ignore stuff around the house to make sure you get quality time with J during one of the sleeps...if J still sleeps you will get things done then :) Even if bub is in a sling on you!

We found Jack slotted into Mogsters routine and that combined with the confidence you carry from having got J this far without botching it gets you to establish a routine so muc more easily. With Mogster we wouldnt get him to bed til late in the early days as we missed so many signs, with Jack we knew the signs and could react so much better and in a more timely manner too.

Mogster had a month or so with me and Jack before he started pre-school for each morning, once we had the schoolrun in the mix we learned to match naps to the school run, we also made the most of the time after pre-schoolto have lunch together whilst Jack napped, even during school holidays now we have our lunch time :)

Another thing we found that helped was to have a safe place for Mogster to play and be whilst I was doing things, it gave him space to play and be himself and meant I could be nearby and BF Jack,we did find CBeebies came into the mix more as it would mean he would be still to watch, it also gave him rest time after pre-school so when he was tired but didnt want to nap he could have chill time after lunch then would be raring to play again!

Main thing is to try to get out every day - even if just for a walk with the buggy. You will do that anyway as you have M to walk, might be worth getting a new lead that is J's to walk M with, you can sling bub and M will walk with J (presuming you can have a short leash attached to her collar and the leash you hold?)

Any time you want stuff you know my number :) Not getting on here as much as stuff going on but still here!

Mogster had a lovely birthday, he had a Red Arrows cake - pic on FB - which he loved and is demanding a slice after dinner every night until he has eaten it all :rofl: Cant believe he is 5, yesterday we were joking that the MW had said I wasnt in labour and an hour or so later he was in my arms, cant believe how perfectly it all went given he was a month early but all was fine - just made for a very long pregnancy when Jack was late :dohh:

Glad youre all well,looking forward to the SS, thanks for organising Brig, havent forgotten the idea of a yacht midway :winkwink: just waiting on the lottery win :haha:
As for the bed....I would be inclined to find a way to not move J until you have to...if she sleeps then let her stay, then again she may surprise you and be happy to try a toddler bed....ask her...ask if she would like to choose new covers for her bed - she can have a single duvet just tuck the end under the mattress so she has much more to choose from. Just bought Jack a new set of stuff ready for when we move him to the toddler bed, he is still happy in the cot though and sleeping well so we arent rushing it!

As for tantrums I would wait and see and be open to trying different things. Your patience is the one thing you will have to cling to! It gets easier every day and it is such fun, love my boys and seeing them play together....:cloud9:
Lydia - gtt is fine, here it was one lot of bloods after fasting, a pint of lucozade original, 2 hours of Jeremy Kyle in the waiting room (worst bit!) and final lot of bloods.

They did my 28wk blOods at the same time too.

Beds - we switched early but D never did the cot thing anyway so a bit easier for us I'm not sure what to suggest, my policy is always whatever gets me the most sleep ;-)))

Also - google / Pinterest 'busy bags' or 'busy boxes'. They're great already but I'm thinking they'll be so handy when I'm tired or need to do something with the baby X

Moggy you always make a lot of sense! X

I'm so looking forward to two boys! Working as late as poss as work are happy to see how we go and review as needs be :)
Yas, I am sorry to hear that things are not going great with your GF, but I am keeping my fingers firmly crossed for you that things will work out if this is what you want as you so deserve to be happy. :hugs:

Moggy, any chance of a PM with a link to the birthday pics please? :coffee:

P&F, any thoughts on names yet?

Lydia, any names on the short list yet?

P&F and Lydia, bump pics please.

Everyone: Can we see some recent pics of your LO's please? Can't wait to see what all our LO look like now.

Also, ladies, since Moggy was the only one who noticed, have another look at these links...this time look for S rather than the toys. :winkwink: Don't mean to go on about it, but haven't really told anyone else about it and am a teeny bit proud. :blush:



OMG OMG OMG - Pip?!! Wowee! Thats brilliant! I'm so sorry, I was so busy trying to catch up on all that I'd missed I didn't even look! How exciting! When did he do that?

Moggy and Lia, thank you so much for all of the advice, my gut is definitely telling me to leave J as she is bed-wise, I don't want to upset what is a happy balance at the moment.

Its good to know that you didn't find it too bad when J arrived Moggy, I hope it'll all come easier to me this time too. J still naps for a couple of hours in the afternoon, so I'm really hoping that continues, fingers crossed! Good idea on the two leads thing too, J LOVES to hold M's lead when I'm carrying her, might have to get M a bit more trained though...!! :haha:

Will google the busy boxes/bags Lia, thank you. It's the bloods on an empty stomach (I faint easily!) and then the possibility of the Lucozade making me feel sick that I'm dreading!
Lydia I was the best of a bad bunch - nO veins for me so they struggle at the best of times.

They managed it without sending me to the phlebotomist with a naughty slip - unlike two other poor ladies!

Pip the links are not opening for me, but I am on my useless phone so I will have to try and look at work on the computer but it sounds like S is in the pics, how did that come about?! I mean he's gorgeous obv lol but I've never known any baby models! :-D

Pics - again at the mercy of my phone which allows easy upload to fb but not here! I think ash has a flash drive with some pics of D on so I will borrow that for work.

I don't have any bump pics tho amazingly - I'm not feeling photogenic haha but maybe if I cut my head off and just leave the blimp on!!!! X
Lydia I had to have GTT with Jack, I had to get my own lucozade!!! Least I could choose the flavour, the tropical fizzier one is quite mild in terms of flavour, the bubbles made it seem less syrupy so it wasnt as awful as expected :shrug:

Its 2pm and Im shattered, by this time tomorrow I will have done 3 5th birthday parties in 5 days...5 year olds in a group are tiring!!!!

Meant to add yesterday Jack is still not talking...having had words when he was 1 they have all but disappeared :shock: HV still not concerned....his understanding and non verbal communication is way ahead of his age and his physicality too just no speech :wacko: Gonna start taking bets if Mogsters besties little sister speaks before him :haha: she is 5 months nearly so you never know!
Ladies, I need to ask two favours please? :blush:

Firstly, we have stocked up on quite a few British things that I knew we couldn't get here, but I have since realised that there are some staple items that we cannot get here. :nope: Would any of you lovely ladies be prepared to get us a few items and post them to us. Pretty please. I would of course cover all your costs.

Secondly, we have seen an ad on TV earlier that the Sun are giving away a free Team GB sweat band over the next few days. S is in love with daddy's football sweat band and I think he would love one of those. Is there any chance that someone could pick us one up? Again, we will of course cover the costs.

This is what it says on the website:
"Collect four different tokens printed in The Sun (40p Mon-Fri, 50p Sat & Sun) each day between Sat 14 Jul and Fri 27 Jul. Attach them to the coupon which will be printed from Tue 17 Jul and take them to your nearest JD Sports to get your sweatband."
Lydia I'm feeling much better thanks. I can now imagine having 2 little boys and I like what I see :)

Pip so sorry I didn't click on the links before so didn't see your handsome superstar! How cool!

Moggy Harry isn't really talking yet. He understands most things and has his own way of communicating so I'm not too worried. The grunting he does when he wants something is getting a little tiresome though. Lydia, I've got another appointment in Burnham Market on the 15th August if you're about? X
Where are you Pip? Are you near any of the brit bases where they might be able to get it from the naafi?

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