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Bump, Flushes, Dimples and Beyond [closed]

P&F, yes please to bump pics even if they are without your head. :rofl:

On another note last week I seem to have had my first "real" AF since October 2009. :wacko: I had a little bit of spotting in June 2011 (which I think was due to the pill), but that was it. It felt really strange, but I suppose it had to happen sometime.

For those of you asking about S's photos: We were stopped in Manchester and they commented on his looks and asked if we were interested in modelling with him. As S loves having his picture taken we agreed and S was selected for this shoot. They wanted him for another shoot, but for clothes this time, but it was the week we left, so we couldn't do it and that was pretty much it.
Hello lovelies!! :flower:

Thank you all so much for the support and encouragement regarding Peyton. It's really the only thing I have to complain about. She's absolutely brilliant in every other way...but sometimes day after day of crying, whining etc can take it's toll.

Pip, our last BF was the day Peyton turned 13months...so almost a year done now :cry: In some ways I wished I could go even longer...but in another I was happy to have all my body back.

Yas, thanks so much for the post regarding behaviour etc. Much appreciated.:hugs: And I'm sorry to hear about you and your gf :( I thought all was going well from your updates on FB. But I think Ann is right... sometimes we push away the ones we care the most for just to see if they'll keep bothering with us. Sending good vibes, hoping you can get through to her. xo

Lydia, I TOTALLY understand about the constant learning how to interact with them. As soon as you think you have them figured out... BAM! They change it up on you again. :wacko:
As for sleeping arrangement... I have no freaking clue! I only have one and I'm nervous about putting her in a big girl bed....so for now she's still in her crib. Don't want to jinx it but she hasn't tried to climb out once yet.

PIP!!!! That's S on the site!!!!! :happydance: That is so so cool!!!! :haha:
He is so adorable!!!
And yes, for sure! I will try to remember how to load a picture so you can see Peyton. :)

And I agree... I would LOVE to see bump pics! :flower:

Finally, thank you all for the messages! We only have Claire left to hear from and then I can let everyone know who they have. Also, I got an updated address from Pip, Lydia and Moggy. Has anyone else moved?


P.S. Figured out the photos so here are a few currents of P :)


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Cute photos! Brig, there is a secret santa generator online which means you can be kept in the dark too ;) x
Wow! That's kinda cool! lol

Ok ladies, if I use a Secret Santa name generator I'll need all of your e-mail addresses. And then i guess I can make one huge post and paste everyone's answers to the little quiz. And then the generator will send you a name, you'll have to look up their question info on here and I will send a group personal message with everyone's updated mailing address. That could work!?

Does that sound good?
Pip my local newsagents have reserved me today's newspaper so I will pop in tomorrow to get it along with the one from tomorrow. Then only 2 more to go! I had to explain on the phone that I would be buying the Sun purely for the tokens ;)
Moggy - J literally only had 7 words in her vocal until about 3 weeks ago and now she has loads, it was so odd that the language thing just 'clicked' over night. I was talking to my MIL about it and she said that Hubby didn't say anything for ages, mainly because his big sister knew what he wanted so he didn't really need to speak! I'm sure, like J, he'll suddenly 'get' it. J seems to have gained confidence in what she's saying, which has encouraged her, before, if there was a new word coming she'd only whisper it for ages.

Pip - I'll try and get a bump pic for you, I haven't got ANY of me with a bump so far, I need to get my sister to take some soon! No names really yet either, hubby and I just don't agree on so many!! I think, like last time, the name won't be decided until we actually meet the baby (iykwim, last time we had a shortlist for each sex, met J and then decided).

Ann - that would be brilliant, what sort of time do you think you'll be free to meet up? I'm flexible, but will let E know so he can organise golf or something around my plans! I'll probably have J with me this time, so you can meet the little munchkin!

Brig - I've PM'd you, thank you so much for organising it. I'm a bit worried that K's present will be late whatever now though, Yas, I hope you don't mind stringing his birthday out that little bit longer?
there is always amazon prime or the entertainer toy shop if we get the name today :)
No rush- he doesn't know when his birthday is :rofl:

Brig, will PM you mine!

Pip- S looks sooooooooo good in those photos <3

We had K's birthday party on Sunday and it was wonderful. Mostly adults though as usual! My amazing friend E threw it and hosted it at her house- the decorations and food were out of this world. The bouncy castle went down a treat and was worth every penny! Unfortunately K woke up funny after his nap, was clingy all through the party and wouldn't go to anyone or eat anything, then threw up everywherrrrrre in front of everyone :blush: bless him! He never gets sick really except in the car. Was a great party though- I feel so emotional that my littlest boy is going to be 2!

..and me and V have sorted ourselves out :cloud9:
Yas, poor K for having a bit of an off-day after his nap, but it sounds like it was a great party apart from that.

Great news on sorting things out with V. :thumbup:
I'm so pleased you're back together Yas!

Pip here are a couple of photos of Harry from the other day..


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Ok I have permission from one of the brands to sell current season items at cost price + postage. It will treated as a normal order ie I would get commission but it will be minimal for a small order.. basically what I'm trying to say is that you are all welcome to order what you like at the cost prices shown on the attached plus postage but please don't feel pressurised as I will only benefit by a couple of pounds so it's more something I want to do for you ladies.

It's for delivery in September and all the sizes are currently available. Prices are in the middle of the catalogue.

Any questions just ask. If you want anything just pm me the details.

Enjoy x


Password is skater

It might not be working tonight so if it doesn't try again tomorrow. x

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