Ann - Dylan still gets up through the night to feed, think he is a bit of a snacker unfortunately! No matter how much I try and feed him up in the day
worst thing is even though he doesn't have teeth he seems to have learnt how to bite, and if I try and give him more boob and he doesn't want it the little sod clamps down on my nipple
Would also love to meet up - and could potentially do crimbo break, if DH lets me as for the first year ever he has got a lot of time off at crimbo with his new job
he is used to working even christmas day (for a nice premium to be fair) but he gets a whole 10 days off this year, he's not going to know what to do with himself
Well, with regards to boob, I know I must be doing okay weighed in at 15lb 4oz!!!!!!
He is 18 weeks and 3 days, and has put on 19oz in 3 weeks!!!!!!
they were all gobsmacked when I said he is still exclusively BF! He is sneaking back closer to 50th centile from 25th lol. Was so worried with his chest infection as he wasn't eating much!
Bet J and K are chubbing up nicely ladies