Was it a cold snowy day a year ago? ;-)
yay for conception dates! this time last year I was already 7 weeks preggo and preparing to tell my dad and stepmum tomorrow...
Pip, LOVE that photo, S looks so frigging cute
Brig I love your piccies in your sig! Did you make it??
Readybed sounds like a good idea Claire, if Jac really fights it you can always make a little game out of it for him, set him up with a snack or drink or fave toy etc and say it's a special Big Boy nap bed :wink:
I never put K down awake in the day, he'd never stand for it, he's pretty by the clock for his naps though so as soon as he starts his "WAAAAH IM SUDDENLY TIRED" whinge we give him a dummy and snuggle him into us and he's usually asleep within 5 minutes. On me, he snuggles his face into my neck, I fricking love it
. When Garry has him, he lays him across his belly and strokes the back of his neck. My dad puts him on his shoulder and walks around the flat- his way takes the longest though, but all 3 of us have a way that works! No idea why he wont stand being put down awake in the day but is happy to at night
That said, since his op he just wont be put down awake in the evenings at all... there were 3 nights following the operation that he slept on us in bed so since then he's resisted it and screeeeeeeeeeeeeams till we eventually hold him to sleep then lay him down. The last few nights i've put him down awake in his cot and laid next to him on my bed (he's in an arms reach, so right there next to me) but not spoke to him or looked at him, and he's drifted off like that. Am going to start tiptoeing out of the room quicker and quicker each night till he learns to go to sleep alone again!
Moggy, my SS pressie is here so shall we all post next week? And then wait till christmas day to open??