Bump, Flushes, Dimples and Beyond [closed]

oh yay for you! are you gonna keep both then x

For now.. But one will go as soon as we get the new seats. Have used the p&t today..its nicer than the britax in that its smaller..nicer to push..and a better looking pram ...but..the britax is so much more flexible with 2 kuds..especially with the reclining..and that jac has so much more room in the 2nd seat..in the p&t he has to up front...hmmm who knows which will go :shrug:

Moggy- where do you put J? Dont want Ana in lay flat so am buggered really as jav has to in front but no recline on doubles seat :dohh:

It is scary how quickly they grow...even faster when u have 2.. :cry:

Yay Claire!!

Yas and Lia - you guys have Rose&Rebellion carriers don't you? I'm getting one! Aaaaand, I'm getting a custom one in fabric that I've chosen! (a liberty peacock feather fabric) I'm SO excited!!
Yay Claire!!

Yas and Lia - you guys have Rose&Rebellion carriers don't you? I'm getting one! Aaaaand, I'm getting a custom one in fabric that I've chosen! (a liberty peacock feather fabric) I'm SO excited!!

Ohhhh loveeeeeely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE mine - we wear it at least once a day!!!! OOOooh can't wait to see yours !!!
Jack goes in the back as the dash has a recline on the doubles seat - not much but enough for him, he hated the cocoon so we never used it :shrug: TBH as soon as he was sitting enough we used the doubles seat behind as Mogster hated being up high at the front. Would think Ana would be ok to sit in back on short journey and see what you think...

We put Jack in the aquapod today after all the chat about them yesterday, he loved it and he got the giggles - proper belly laughs like he does but he couldnt stop :rofl: He and Mogster were pushing a boat back and forth when Jack pushed it and capsized it, he burst into giggles and it made Mogster laugh, he pushed the boat back to Jack and he did it again and started laughing again, wish I had had the camera as it was too cute :cloud9:

I love being a Mummy :happydance:

Lydia we are looking at the Littlelife Traveller for Jackster as he is getting to heavy for the front....
Aww, thats just wonderful! I actually can't wait to have two!!

I was also looking at this carrier Moggy, which looks similar to the traveller (I love the tractor design!) https://www.ergobabycarrier.com/ its had some great reviews.
Lydia, have you washed your Close carrier yet? I think ours could do with a wash, but I am a bit concerned about getting the fabric back into place afterwards. There are some instructions on the DVD, which don't sound too bad, but I read in a review somewhere before that someone really struggled and her carrier was never the same after washing it. :shrug:
Lydia I tried an ergo with Mogster in the past and found was ok but bit uncomfortable on the old boobies....spesh if they are due to feed bubs...have tried the traveller S2 with Mogster in it and its lovely but as we are buying a carrier to carry Jack have to wait til we can try him in it iykwim so another couple of weeks and we can try him in the littlelife - the traveller is defo the comfiest to carry as the lightweight one is unbalanced :wacko:

bit excited (its so sad really :blush:) new series of CSI:NY tonight - I LOVE it :)
Ladies I've just got back from an evening with a friend who has two kids and I think I'm doing everything wrong and would love your advice.

Ok problem 1..

Harry isn't napping properly during the day. Apparently he should be having 2 lengthy naps of 1 1/2 - 2 hours and then a cat nap around 5pm. She mentioned the 45 minute cycle which would make sense. I think he's waking after a cycle and I've just been picking him up assuming he was done but then he's tired again after about 30 mins. So do I just shush pat him until he falls back to sleep?

Problem 2 - My boob has become a prop. He can't fall asleep now without a feed. How do I get round this?

Problem 3 - He should be going longer than 3 hours between feeds at night. So should I just shush pat him back to sleep each time? Does he not need night feeds at 4 months?

I think I've got some major bad habits to iron out but I don't think I have the energy as am just always so drained.

Sorry for the selfish post but I really value your advice. x
Moggy- thanks foe the info..Ana seened ok at tge back.. But like u say for short periods. How cute with the little moglets in the bath :cloud9: jac loves to give Ana his hand do she squeezes his fingers..she enjoys it and he giggles :)

Ann- Problem 1...all kids nap differently hun..am sorry to say one persons way doesnt work for another. I wouldnt focus too much on the nap length as long as he sleeps enough. Ana sleeps loads for me still but by this age Jac was only having 3 x 30 mins a day. I tried to lengthen it but it never worked...thats all he wanted.
Your answer may be in getting a routine for maybe 2-3 good naps rather than focus on the length of them:shrug: sorry not much help was i...

Prob 2... Maybe you need to go tough and put him in the cot and do the shush thing...i had to let jac cry to get him to nap in his cot..i would pnly go to him if he got really upset..i would leave again and eventually he'd sleep. It was really hard for a while but worked..just an idea....

Prob 3-im no BF expert but maybe the shush back to sleep would work...i presume over time the night feeds would go..so if hes still having 3 maybe try to cut it to 2 feeds iykwim.. Then from 2 to 1...
The way i did it was not to offer a bottle straight away and try to settle instead. Youll soon know if he wants milk..but if he stll wants milk try to make him wait a bit and get him to go longer.
Jyst my thoughts..i suppose we'll all have our ideas and ways:hugs:

Oh..and thank yous sis for putting up with me:haha: and your deffo not selfish:hugs::hugs:


Prob 1: I would try to keep him down for longer than just 1 sleep cycle. Try to give him back his soother or shh him?? But as was mentioned...not all babies sleep the same. Peyton will have a morning to early afternoon nap (2-2:30 hrs) and an afternoon nap 4-6ish and then a cat nap in the evening and starts her night sleep between 9-10pm.

Prob 2- I'm with Claire....you'll just have to be tough...he'll get it. P couldn't fall sleep without my boob and now it's her soother and before she couldn't fall asleep unless she was on us...but now she's starting to go down awake.

Prob 3: P still wakes up for atleast 1-2 night feeds. But I tell myself that at her petit size...she may not be able to go all night without a feed. I don't think this is the case with Harry? But even P can go for a good stretch if she wants... *IF SHE WANTS* lol Last night I did a dreamfeed at 12:30 and she woke up at 3am I just gave her back her soother and she slept till 5:15 then she NEEDED a feed. Then she was up at 7:45 and seemed hungry again so I fed her.
Thanks ladies. I'm dreading leaving him to cry but I am pretty sure he's doing all this out of habit. I think the night feed problem may have to wait until I've fully recovered from this annoying cold/flu thing.

Tried to answer your Qs a few times but ended up waffling a lot...... long and short of it is I'm the softy mum and go for the non-cry methods (don't get me wrong - if he is just whinging I leave him be).

You will probably see quicker results with crying I suspect - if not I have a few books you are welcome to borrow that I found helpful (Elizabeth Pantley - No Cry Sleep / No Cry Nap Solution) which take into account breastfeeders etc so she pops stuff in to help stop the boob to sleep association etc :shrug:


Couple of links from babywhisperer on extending naps too....Dylan used to just do one sleep cycle as well :hugs:

https://www.babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=64168.0 :shrug:

PS - I have heard it is better tackling one then the other, ie not tackling naps and night sleep at the same time - don't know if it makes a difference :shrug: I found it easier getting the naps sorted first, then the night sleep helped itself a bit :shrug:
Ann- i have the 'no cry nap solution' book. You can have it if u want it? It didnt work for us but it got loads of good reviews so works for a lot of mums. Is your address the sticky label in the wipes kit? If not..pm me yous and i'll send it in next few days. :hugs:

Cant remember the order and Jack about ready for boob so will be quick....

Sort the naps in the day so he has a morning one, a longer lunchtime one and then a late afternoon one, hopefully if you get some sleep pattern to the day the night will improve....

Cruel to be kind can work for reducing night feeds but it depends how he is with the feeds, if he feeds like a gannet then sparks out after 5 mins and then wakes again in 3 hours it would be suggesting he isnt hungry and might be shusshed to sleep, best way to find out is to try when OH has late start next day as he can shush so milk smell doesnt have a play in it. Nothing to say he cant have a little cry to be sure he is hungry. If he doesnt cry or isnt allowed to cry for long it can be difficult to learn what he is crying for eg ungry, tired, cross, attention, wet, windy etc

As for boob dummy, try to reduce it to when he really needs the sleep to use it and gradually wean him off it. Controlled crying can work but personally I would be inclined to sort the naps and nightsleeping before you make him go cold turkey on booby dropping off as you may find he does it himself and will accept patting instead...?

Good luck and hope you feel better soon, you are an amazinf Mummy and you gave my hubby one of the best pressies ever :hugs:
Ladies thank you so much! My sister mentioned the no cry sleep solution and thinks she may have given us a book about it so will go look through the many books we've been leant first.. what's the principal of it? I have to say I like the idea of just working on the naps first. I don't want to be cruel and suddenly make Harry do cold turkey on boob and night feeds. And George I'm so glad your husband liked his keyring. And Claire my sister said she's more than happy to help to make sure you get something you love. X
F&C, as already suggested by the other ladies I would work on the naps first and see where you go. As for nights S is currently waking up more than he used to, too. I am blaming it on the 4 months growth spurt and sleep regression. The only way we can make it work at the moment is by co-sleeping, which I think he loves. :cloud9: Obviously at some stage we will have to get him back into his own bed again. However, I am not sure if you remember, but I had some issues with BF'ing and this seems to have helped them as S hasn't had a bottle of EBM since before Christmas. *Touching wood* Just waiting to see what the scales say on Tuesday as we haven't had him weighed for 4 weeks due to the holidays.

P&F and Claire, what is the principle of the No Cry Sleep solution?

Claire, thanks. I took the pic earlier before we went out in his new pramsuit. :cloud9:

Everyone else :hi:
Lydia, have you washed your Close carrier yet? I think ours could do with a wash, but I am a bit concerned about getting the fabric back into place afterwards. There are some instructions on the DVD, which don't sound too bad, but I read in a review somewhere before that someone really struggled and her carrier was never the same after washing it. :shrug:

Hi Pip, no, I haven't washed it and like you I'm worried that it will lose its stretch/shape etc. I think I will just put it on a very cool wash and then re-shape it on a flat surface when its still damp and then put it back together when its dry?
Lydia, have you washed your Close carrier yet? I think ours could do with a wash, but I am a bit concerned about getting the fabric back into place afterwards. There are some instructions on the DVD, which don't sound too bad, but I read in a review somewhere before that someone really struggled and her carrier was never the same after washing it. :shrug:

Hi Pip, no, I haven't washed it and like you I'm worried that it will lose its stretch/shape etc. I think I will just put it on a very cool wash and then re-shape it on a flat surface when its still damp and then put it back together when its dry?

That might be an idea. It is also the folding and refitting it through the rings that I am worried about.
Ladies I've just got back from an evening with a friend who has two kids and I think I'm doing everything wrong and would love your advice.

Ok problem 1..

Harry isn't napping properly during the day. Apparently he should be having 2 lengthy naps of 1 1/2 - 2 hours and then a cat nap around 5pm. She mentioned the 45 minute cycle which would make sense. I think he's waking after a cycle and I've just been picking him up assuming he was done but then he's tired again after about 30 mins. So do I just shush pat him until he falls back to sleep?

Problem 2 - My boob has become a prop. He can't fall asleep now without a feed. How do I get round this?

Problem 3 - He should be going longer than 3 hours between feeds at night. So should I just shush pat him back to sleep each time? Does he not need night feeds at 4 months?

I think I've got some major bad habits to iron out but I don't think I have the energy as am just always so drained.

Sorry for the selfish post but I really value your advice. x

Not sure I'm much help.... (you know how I'm doing with sleep issues!!)

1) I found that J was only doing 1 sleep cycle and being disturbed easily, so now I put her on her cot/sleeping bag/close curtains etc and she goes for two cycles, sometimes she grumbles and has a little cry, but mostly self-settles. If she does properly wake up and cry I sometime give her a little bit of boob and she's ready to go back down. Where does he currently nap?

2) Hmmm, J now wakes when I wind her, so goes down awake unless its a dream feed, but before if I tried to put her down awake she'd cry and I used to jiggle/rock her cot until she fell asleep (I think I've mentioned this before) and now she seems to have grown out of that and goes down awake. Recently she has found her thumb though and that has really helped.

3) Now I'm definitely not one to advise on this, J is going a max of 2 hours between feeds at the moment! Because of the weight issue (we weigh her this week, I'm completely dreading it), I feed her each time she wakes up, mostly she seems hungry, but a couple of times she definitely wasn't and just fed for a couple of minutes before falling back to sleep. The plan (if she's gained enough weight) is to put her in her own room and try and let her cry a bit and see if she settles herself again, if not, shusshing is the plan!

Like the others have said though, perhaps try and tackle one issue at a time. I no way should you be doubting yourself/worrying, you're a fab Mummy!! :flower:

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