Bump, Flushes, Dimples and Beyond [closed]

Nope Lia, Harry isn't but he's quite a bit younger. He's a real chatter box but all if it is just gurgles etc at the moment. xx
Nah Kia just screams (literally a high pitched screeeeeeech) which means i'm happy/i'm upset :rofl: think the noise a cat would make if you stood on his tail... :dohh:

He's gone to Garry's for a sleepover tonight. I am GUTTED. I can't quite believe it's come to this, and i'm not ready at all, but he needs time with dad and G doing a 4 hour round trip twice in a day is too much :(. I have cried, blitzed my flat, cried some more and now i'm going to the cinema with my friend to keep busy.
Oh Yas, I can't imagine how tough that must be. Keep trying to keep yourself busy xxx
Hia all:flower:

Moggy- sound like it went ok hun...how do you feel about it? Dont worry if u dont want to talk about it :hugs:

Lia- that is soooo cute :cloud9: ana gets her arse i. The air when shes on the floor and lo es to stand if u hold her too...i wouldnt worry aboug the babbling. Cant remember jac saying anything recognisable till at least 10 months. He babbled before then but dont remember it being what u mentioned.

Yas- massive hugs hun... Can u believe that jac has never stayed with anyone else..its my mission for him to stay with grandma soon so we all could get used to it:blush: it scares the crap outta me...and ges nearly 2...

Hi Ladies!!

Yas: Big hugs...I have trouble letting go too...not ready for her to be out of my site...even if she's with daddy. Like the other girls said...keep busy and he'll be back home before you know it!

Lia: Peyton babbles...put I can't say that it's as clear as mama or baba...And I think D is only like 3 weeks older than P?

So news from me. DH has a week off from work so we are trying to establish new routines. Usually after bath time P would come in the living room with us and sleep on N until we went to bed at 11:30-12 then she'd go in her crib for the night...but it's not very restful sleep on her daddy so now we are trying to get her in her crib for like 9:30-10...last night she sceamed for about 20 minutes then slept. when we went to bed at 1 I dreamfed her and right back down she went. Also for her naps she just naps in her swing cause that's what I did from like 8 weeks...but now I want her to go in her crib for naps too...Oh! THATS not working vry well.... she's been in there crying for over 20 minutes now...we keep having to go and sooth her. Last thing...she loves to be swaddled and a friend bought me one of those swaddle blankets...well we're trying to get her out of it this week because it barely fits her anymore and she has trouble sleeping without it. UGH....fun times...

On phone so can't chat. Moggy, glad you're getting what sounds like helpful advice hun.

Yas, massive hugs, I can only start to imagine how you're feeling,

I wimped out of hen-do and came back early evening, I just couldn't pump enough and it was getting painful (plus I really missed her too!). My sister was lovely and completely uderstood, she had a fab weekend. Dance class was awesome!
:hi: ladies,

Moggy, good news on your appointment going well and OH being at home with you to give you a helping hand and no doubt some much needed moral support too. It can't be easy for you with the two little ones, not to mention the stress of having to move. :hugs:

F&C and MamaBird, lovely new pics of your little cuties. :cloud9:

P&F, thanks for uploading the pic to youtube for me. D is adorable. I had to watch it over and over. :blush: As for the babbling: I wouldn't worry, he will do it when he is ready. S has lots of lovely and noisy chats with daddy, but to anyone else but them two, they don't really make a lot of sense. :rofl:

Yas, sorry you are feeling down about K going to Garry's for a sleepover. Hope you had a good time at the cinema with your friend. What did you see? We haven't been to the cinema since I can't remember when.

:hi: Claire.

MrsMils, I can't blame you for "wimping" out of the hen-do. I once went to Tesco without S and really missed him. :blush:

As for us: Well, this morning we had a delivery. I didn't know what it was as I wasn't expecting anything. When I opened it, there was a brandnew Rose and Rebellion carrier in it. :shock: I really didn't expect it as we wanted one, but decided that we couldn't really afford it at the moment and since our Close carrier is still doing the job, we put the R&R on hold for now. Turns out our lovely daddy contacted R&R and asked if they had any sample carriers for a discounted price available. And lucky us they did...in the fabric that we wanted! :happydance: So he managed to get us the carrier that we wanted, which has only been used for a photoshoot for £20 off. Still can't believe it. Here is a pic of S currently sleeping in it.


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jealous much!!!!

How is it on the back efforts? Like the idea of the front but Jack is probably close to 9kilos now - more than triple Mogsters birthweight :shock: so think the back option is going to be better...how does it work as a back carrier - where do we fasten it etc?? Where abouts are you again Lydia? Would it be possible to meet halfway if we want to try the R&R?

Dilemmas dilemmas

Well found out this weekend that this week is our last week all together until we move unless OH takes holiday. Next week he is back and forth then the next week away three days then he goes during the week. No news from his boss as to what the timetable might be, interestingly though Jack has been playing up the last few nights so he is starting to understand more about the broken nights when he is away so he is really hoping to get the four day week....

Final bit of news here Mogster was playing with Jack and dropping a cuddly donkey soft rattle on to Jacks tummy, much laughter from both of them, after a few minutes he was a little enthusiastic and more slapped it onto Jacks tummy, cue much screaming and crying from Jack - shock not hurt - and then tears from Mogster as he thought he had hurt him. Both fine but think Mogster will be a little more cautious for hte next day or two.

Loving the pics ladies, how you all doing now...?

Nappy question....what type do you use and what size? We use pampers active fit for Jack size 4 but they dont last the night without being very heavy yet he doesnt wake fully s dont want to wake and change him...think might get some 4+ to try, what do you all use?
Moggy, does this make sense?

We haven't tried the back carry yet, but might give it a quick go when S seems up for it.

As for the nappies: we are currently using Pampers Baby-Dry Size 3, but have already got a pack of Size 4. At the moment I am contemplating whether to get him another pack of Size 3 or 4. :wacko:

It is nice to hear that your two boys are having fun with each other, Moggy.
One quick question for you all: What are your current LO's nap and sleep times and how long do they nap for?
Thanks ladies :flower:

Pip that's amazing - what a fantastic idea!!!! Very jealous!!! Pip / Moggy ask Yas about the back carries - she has just mastered them with K with the aid of someones vid clip from NP forum on here. I am going to have another go tomorrow - I can now safely get him down from a back carry on my own though which is the main thing :haha:

Moggy - 4 day week would be awesome :cloud9: we use the same nappies as it happens, but I have just decided to try asdas Little Angels as been told good things about them from a friend who has tried EVERY nappy :rofl: I got the equivalent in Little Angels and they seem good if a little bit bigger. But I got a dry nights type one for over night as, like you I am thinking the active fit aren't good for overnight? :shrug:

Pip - errrrrrrrrrrrrr don't ask about sleep :rofl: all out of the window at the mo since he has been poorly. But he roughly has about 2.5 - 3 hours of awake time at a time in the day before a nap. And has between 2 and 4 naps a day depending on how long I can make them / what we're doing. A 2 nap day is bad, we don't do those if it can be avoided!!!!!! FWIW though I have friends whose babies don't nap at all, same ages as ours, and they are ok :shrug:
Moggy you poor thing having your dh away so much. I have really been missing my dh and am so shattered and that's just with one kiddie. I take my hat off to you Mrs! FX you'll get some good news soon about his hours. Poor Mogster and Moglet.. bless them!

Pip, loving the R&R! I'm also very jealous. We are so skint now so nice purchases like that are a no go :(

Harry is in size 3 at the moment but I think he's quite a bit younger. His nappies are always very full in the morning but we don't like to wake and change him and he seems perfectly happy. Naps are a contentious issue for me! I'm so worried he's not sleeping enough during the day. He has recently been getting up at 6.30am and then napping for 30-60 mins (but only in his swing) at around 8.30am. Then he will need another kip around 11.30-12.30 but it's hard to get him to sleep more than 30 mins. He'll then need another one around 3.30pm-4.30pm, again generally quite short. I've noticed he sleeps for longer in his swing but I really want him to sleep well in his cot so I'm trying to weigh up which one I prefer!!
Forgot to post earlier....

Yas - Jack is chatting a lot but mainly to his big brother....not so much to me or OH

Lia - we tried the Asda nappies, theyre fab in the day but not so good as Pampers at night, so far not liking the baby dry so sticking with active fit and trying a 4+ tonight after a dash to Waitrose before dinner....watch this space!

Ann - saw D is back soon, bet you are so excited, would warn you that H might play up tomorrow night once he realises Daddy is home, its almost like a pulled face to say Daddy you left me! Boys do it and we are now used to a rough night the first one he is back for the full bedtime/bathtime routine

Claire :hi: How are your lovelies? How goes the wheel wait?

Brig - :flower: any more potty poops, I am fascinated by the idea of babies on potties and cannot believe Miss P already can poop on a potty - amazing :)

Lydia :hi: any pics of the hen do?

Pip - Jacks day - if it goes to plan....awake at 6.45, play, change, dress etc then boob at 7.30, play some more then nap in buggy when we take Mogster to school so 8.40-9.30 then he wakes, plays, boob at 10, bum change and more play then lunch at 10.45 - savoury and dessert - then into buggy at 11.15 to go get Mogster, he will drop off about 11.40 then sleep hopefully til about 1.30 (can be very hit n miss!) then he will play, have boob about 2 then more play, we all tend to head out for walk or to park at 3.30 and he is usually asleep by 4 then he will wake up about 4.45 then has boob followed by dinner of savoury and dessert then we eat whilst he plays in his highchair then 6.30 the boys go in the bath and then he will have final top up of boob before bed then into his cot by 7.15 and he will be out like a light. He wakes once in the night still around 3am for 10 minutes max but he is getting better at self settling....

In terms of daytime sleep, Charlie posted this on another thread... https://www.thesleepstore.co.nz/Sle...information/Catnapping+babies+0-4+months.html its quite useful, might try the prod tomorrow at lunchtime....

Off to watch OBEM with my full attention, I love that show! (sorry Brig, sire it will be on yootoob soon :) )
Thanks Moggy for the tip, I will keep it in mind. I hope he doesn't play up as Don will be so hurt by it.. he's such a big softy! xx

Pip - Naps are all over the shop here too.... generally we have 3 decent naps a day and cat naps inbetween....something like this....
awake 6.45am, bottle 7.15-30, cereal 9am, nap 9.30-10.30, lunch 12pm, nap 12.30-1.30, bottle 2pm, nap 3-4, supper 4.45, cat nap 6am sometimes, bottle 7.30 then bed. (she has a fair few cat naps for 10 mins here and there!)

Lydia - Dont blame you for coming home hun :hugs:

Moggy - Hia hun:hugs: No wheel..:growlmad: Phoned up again today and P&T had sent it to preciouslittleone so it was in the warehouse....sending it recorded today so should be here tomorrow. Hubby prefers it so i guess we'll keep it as long term it is the better option and smother/lighter to push.
Nappies are a minefield here :wacko: Was on babydry size 4 but had active fit on offer so switched to them last week (same size 4). Had so many leaks ive switched back and bought more baby dry. With jac i found active fit slightly bigger so suited him..but they may be too big for Ana at the moment....or the babydry is better for her shape...have 2 boxes of active fit size 4 i may have to swap in tesco lol...
No wonder you're stressed hun.....sounds like you have many ??? with move and hubbs schedule and managing 2 precious bundles...:hugs::hugs: One thing i adhere to....remember it doesnt matter if u dont get a chance to hoover/iron..etc....sometimes its better to relax and do it tomorrow :thumbup:

Ann - Hia hun :hugs: Ana generally sleeps for 30 mins in the cot...wakes up grumbles and most of the time goes back to sleep again...sometime she cries a bit but i leave her...and within minutes she'll be asleep again....its like 2 sleeep cycles with a break in rthe middle :dohh:

Lia - Hows D? Hope hes better :hugs:

Brig - Any more potty poops :blush:

I'm no use on nappies front really cos I use cloth, but I have been using disposables overnight for just over a week now till his new night nappies arrive- sainsburys eco babies ones, and he's a heavy wetter and they're coping fine. I don't even know what size they are though, I just grabbed the ones that fit his weight...!

PIP- amazing news on the r+r, how fantastic of your hubby to arrange that! Bargain!!!! There's a thread in NP about back carries, Dougie made this amazing video so now i've finally sussed them, I can't link to it cos i'm on my Blackberry. I tried loads of different ways and hers is by far the easiest imo... (any luck yet Lia?). MOGGY it's dead comfy on your back, like wearing a back pack, same as front carries really in terms of how it goes on? Just backwards :rofl: much comfier now they are bigger, K is around 20lbs xx

What else was I gonna say... hmmm... :dohh:

Oh yeah naps! Ok. Kia has a bottle at 8ish, 12ish, 4ish and 8ish and naps for at least an hour between each one. He always falls asleep an hour after waking up (almost by the clock, it's soooooooo funny!!!!!) for an hour. Afternoon nap about 2-3 hours. Then another for 1-2 hours around 5. Bed at 8ish. More naps if in car/r+r/buggy
Hi guys!

I'm not much help on nappies either, I only use a disposable at night - Nature Babies size 2 (even though she's out of the weight range they fit her much better than the size 3s.

Naps - Hmmm, its hit and miss, but usually she gets up about 7.30/8am, then naps at about 10.30/11am for a couple of hours and then again at 3.30/4pm for 2 or 3 hours. Although obviously sometimes this doesn't work out if we're out or is she wakes sooner. She usually goes to bed at about 7.30/8pm. Although we're STILL feeding every 2-3 hours throughout the night, I really don't know what to do?! (It has gone on too long to be a growth spurt/regression I think?).

Moggy - (and anyone with two or more babies!) you have my absolute respect, I can barely manage J! DH gave me a 'day off' on Sunday, I just fed her but she did absolutely everything else, it was heaven! He's off on holiday for a week (but staying at home), so we've got a few things planned.

Pip - brill on the carrier - lucky you and what a fabby OH!! Moggy, I'm about 25mins past Kings Lynn (towards coast), where are you? It would be lovely to meet you and the boys!!

Hope you're all well!
Yas/lydia hia huns:hugs:

Pip- im confused?? Who got u the r&r ...ur hubby or ur dad..when i read the post i thought ur dad but it seems u meant S daddy :dohh:

Pip- im confused?? Who got u the r&r ...ur hubby or ur dad..when i read the post i thought ur dad but it seems u meant S daddy :dohh:


Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear enough. Just so used to calling OH daddy in front of S. :dohh: It was my hubby who got us the carrier.

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