Bump, Flushes, Dimples and Beyond [closed]

Claire that is fab they were so good in together!!!

Tbh I can get on fb on my phone but not BNB for some reason :dohh: so until I get a swanky phone in April I'm struggling a bit haha. Dylan has also been a bit off colour with his bronchiolitis (back again argh!) he has an inhaler at the moment so no sleep for me............ except superdad stepped up on Saturday and I got a good sleep!

Yaaaaaaaaaay Moggy on the house front!!!! We are going to look at property tonight, a pair of bungalows it is, we know the vendor. Our house due to go on the market this next week. Good luck for Mogsters school place!!!!!

My lunch has just pinged, got to wolf it down before heading off to meet hubby and my parents at this house - hope all you ladies are doing well? I have been looking at pics and things on fb - Brig the new ones of P are too cute!!! :hugs:
ooh Lydia where in Bristol is she?

Loving the pics on FB :thumbup:

Have you tried Ana on meat yet Claire? Jack is still mainly on the chicken, he had chicken risotto today - pureed - and loved it, probably the fastest he has ever eaten a new flavour :)
I can't remember Moggy, Clifton perhaps? I'll let you know when I find her address.

Lia - poor Dylan, glad super-dad is there to help you out, I hope he improves again soon. I hope the house viewing goes well.

I'm getting a little more sleep here - Claire and Ann, the move of the rooms did exactly what you said, I think we're out of the vicious circle of us disturbing each other and now she's having a dream feed at 10.30pm and then wakes at about 5am for a feed and then goes back down until about 8am, SO much better than before. I do feel like I'm missing a part of me though without her being next to me!

J was fab in the church with my MIL, she fed her and then J went to sleep thank goodness. Not so great when we got to the hotel though, J really screaming so we went up to a room and MIL started changing her (?) while I was taking dress down to feed her in a panic, and then MIL announced (once she'd taken nappy off) that she didn't have another nappy and just plonked her on my lap with a naked bum, straight onto my bridesmaid's dress???!!! She left for 5 mins to go and find the nappy bag, thank goodness J didn't wee in that time....
Kia LOVES chicken! He noms it till it's in a thousand pieces lol. Yesterday was lemon chicken and he couldn't get enough of it- spat out the onions though :rofl:

I've missed you all, I can get BNB on my blackberry but it takes forever and a day to load :(
can imagine the pics with the bride holding her bouquet over the wet patch :haha: As it was J did you proud and you looked beautiful, hubby looked smiley

We will be in Thornbury so not far from her if she is in Clifton, we are avoiding the Bristol City schools system so aimed for South Gloucestershire areas as Im not a fan of living in Bath dunno why :shrug:

Lia hope D is on the mend soon, does he have the cute yellow teddy spacer mask thingy? We still have one for Mogster but not had to use it this winter yet - touchwood!

Is Jack the only baby still not going into his own room yet? Plan is to move him over May bank holiday as we expect to move over easter so week into the summer term and we will move him that weekend....hopefully he will be well established on his three meals by then so wont be waking anyway, at the moment he sleeps 7pm til 3.30am then a 10 minute period in which he wakes feeds and resettles himself back to sleep til morning. He is fab, both my boys are, have I ever told you how much I love them? :rofl:

Any one got any news?
Feel free to say no but I thought we could all do a mini quiz to update each other on where we're at?? Moggy and Claire, obviously answer for the big boys too!! xx


How old is your baby/babies now?
Current weight/clothes size:
Fave food:
Baby clubs/groups etc:
Fave toy:
Latest achievements:
Cutest thing they do:
Do they look like you, or your partner?
What do you love the most about being a mummy:
Your top 3 baby products that you could not have been without:
How is your partner liking fatherhood?
What do you enjoy the least?

How old is your babynow? He's 6.5 months! WOW that went fast.

Nicknames: Mr Piggles or KPants or Boo :haha:

Current weight/clothes size: 20.5lbs. He wears 9-12 clothes, but that's because of his cloth bum, otherwise he'd still be in 6-9 I think!

Weaning?: BLW for 5 weeks now and loving it- messy as hell but he is amazing, he eats tons, two meals a day and swallows a LOT!

Fave food: He goes craaaaazy for mango, avacado and baby sweetcorn. He also loves bread.

Baby clubs/groups etc: Still haven't worked up the bottle to go to any groups yet :blush: we do go to Waterbabies and MonkeyMusic though. Love both of them- he screams merrily thoughout his 'singing' lol.

Fave toy: He'll play for aaages with this baby walker thing that makes loads of noise. Still loves the jumperoo too. Oh and he's got a talking 'Violet' (same as Scout but purple) and he loves that, too.

Latest achievements: NYE he sat up unassisted, a week later rolled front to back and a week after that rolled back to front! He can make his way easily across the living room now.

Cutest thing they do: He has this massive, soppy open mouthed smile- it makes me melt!

Do they look like you, or your partner? Both of us! He's definitely our son. He's dark like me, with eyes like mine but his features especially nose and mouth are all Garry.

What do you love the most about being a mummy: Waking up every day next to his smiley face- he greets me with the biggest smile EVER, as if he's so happy he could burst, like he hasn't seen me for years. It makes every day start better than anything.

Your top 3 baby products that you could not have been without: My Arms Reach co-sleeping cot, my rose+rebellion carrier, and my medela swing breast pump! That's a close tie with his musical cot mobile though. :thumbup:

How is your partner liking fatherhood? He loves it. He's a bit crap around the edges sometimes, and after a verrrry slow rocky start he's embracing it now and they have so much fun together- thank goodness.

What do you enjoy the least? Making up/sterilising/washing bottles every bloody night! Zzzzzzzzzzzz!
Hi ladies. I kept checking also but it seemed so quiet and like others said I have been getting updates on Fb. Sorry for being rubbish!

Lydia that's great news! Is Harry the only one waking twice at night still?

Moggy Ooh I love Bristol! I nearly moved their once but then got together with my oh.

Claire, how sweet that the two of them are in the same room!

Yas will try and do the quiz when I am not on my phone.

Wow..didnt i start something..lol

Just a quicky for now ALERT ...Proud mummy moment...Ana just rolled from back to front:happydance: oh..she can sit alone for a while too but has to kerp her hands on the floor:cloud9:

Clever girl!!!

I think Harry may have a top tooth coming now. Am a bit worried about my nipples!! It already hurts when he bites but surely teeth at the top and bottom with cut?!
you would think they would but honestly they dont because the nipple goes further into the mouth, the sensation is different to toothless but doesnt hurt. I BF Mogster til 23 months and he only bit me once - I yelped, he cried and never did it again, Jack gumbites me and pulls and if I say "Ow" he just laughs :dohh:

Yas will fill in later as in a rush to do final feed before bed, more splash n dash to keep him going once we get three meals proper think this will become longer feed to make him last til morning as currently we are 3.30ish for a quick splash n dash feed
Thanks hun. He keeps biting me and it blimen hurts as he does it before he properly latches on. I think it stimulates the milk so he keeps doing it!
and loving the new avatar Claire :hugs:

Thanks hun :hugs:
Great news about the house.....i'm crossing everything that you get the school you want for mogster :thumbup: I nosey on here and fb but dont post much as im usually on phone during the day. I still love you in case you were worried :kiss:

Lydia - The wedding looked fab ...love the pics :thumbup: Glad the new room helped the sleeping. I'll admit that with Jac i was really nervous about it too...but it worked so much better for us all i havent really worried about it this time. I did wake up a few times trying to listen in though...just in case LOL

Moggy - Ana has had chicken and beef but not in food i prepare :blush: Like i mentioned i do both my own food and jars... but will tsrat on our proper meals in the nest wek or so. Oh....Ana seems to love everything...mostly fruits now....but isnt all that fussed about cheesy stuff but she'll eat it :shrug: Started finger foods here too...will give toast a try during this week...will see how it goes...:wacko:

Yas - Hia hun...will try and do the quiz tonight.. :hugs: Glad K is loving his food :thumbup:

Ann - I cant help on the biting front but...OUCH comes to mind :cry:

Pip - Did you sort out the dreamshow hun? :hugs:

Lia - How exciting....so why you moving then? Nosey me :blush:

Brig - Miss P is so gorgeous...you have great pics on fb :cloud9:

We're good here in exciting north wales:haha: Had a hard week with Jac up until the weekend but he seems to have settled now..phew...lol But he's growing up so fast now i have proud mummy moments so often its amazing..:cloud9: Ana is also rapidly growing and it seems to go faster still with 2 babies :shrug: She's rolled today and sat on her own....so proud mummy moments are in abundace.....loving it :cloud9::cloud9:

How old is your babynow?
Ana - Over 5 months old
Jac - 21 months :wacko:

Ana - princess, mary-jane (i really dont know why :dohh:) gorgeous,
Jac - JY, mate, tiger, sausage

Current weight/clothes size:
Ana - moving over to 6-9 now.....approx 16-17lbs...i think :shrug:
Jac - soon to be 2-3yrs, approx 30lbs :wacko:

Ana - Weaning for nearly 7 weeks now.....3 meals a day and introduced finger foods in the last week. Started slowly but has loved her food for ages now.
Jac - Can feed himself everything and has been for ages...sometimes help him out but rarely these days.

Fave food:
Ana - Fruity stuff...she easnt keen when we started weaning but loves them now.
Jac - Bangers and mash

Baby clubs/groups etc: Havent done any this time round....i spend most of my time in grandparents/friends house or at home...my aim is to go to one i did with Jac which was really good. Need to find out when the next lot starts.

Fave toy:
Ana - hmmm....at the moment a rattle teddy but she also loves the bugs nuby tether.
Jac - Books and anythign with wheels.

Latest achievements:
Ana - Rolled from back to front today and sat alone while pressing on the floor for ages.
Jac - Understanding/learining new words daily...oh has picked up the concept of stabing food to get in on the fork.

Cutest thing they do:
Ana - Blowing bubbles for attention...its so cute.
Jac - When he babbles/talks adult style using his hands to express his feelings....its so cute and funny especially when he's serious lol

Do they look like you, or your partner?
Jac looks like Kevin....Ana looks the spit of Jac but i think she looks a mixture of both of us.

What do you love the most about being a mummy:
The unconditional love....there's nothign better than both of them smiling and getting excited when they see you.

Your top 3 baby products that you could not have been without:
Ana - Fisher price rocker, Double buggy, Slumberbear, sterliliser, sleeping bags,
Jac - Jumperoo, Fisher price rocker, buggy, sleeping bags, muslin squares,

Ive named loads and could name a lot more ...

How is your partner liking fatherhood? He loves it. I sometimes have to encourage him to do stuff but on the whole we share most of the stuff e.g. feeding, bottles, bath etc.....
He wants more kids and im not sure yet...

What do you enjoy the least?
The washing...both clothes and dishes. We have a dishwasher but most of jac and ana's dishes and stuff i do int he sink..

Thats me ..

Yay Ana, she is doing fabulously!!! :hugs:
lol@mary jane!!!

Yay that Jac likes books!!!!

Love the new avatar Claire :cloud9:

I meant to ask you if you wanted more kids. I think I remember Moggy saying she was sticking at two. Everyone else???x

how do you give them cheese? i'm never sure what to do with it... just sticks or melt it or what? x
How old is your baby/babies now? 5 Months
Nicknames: Grizzle Guts, Mr Grizzles, Cheeky Chops,
Current weight/clothes size: Depends on the brand but either 3-6 or 6-9 mths
Weaning?: Starting slowly
Fave food: Mum's milk
Baby clubs/groups etc: NCT & Baby Signing
Fave toy: Sophie the Giraffe
Latest achievements: Spinning around in his cot
Cutest thing they do: Smiles then nuzzles in to my neck
Do they look like you, or your partner? My husband
What do you love the most about being a mummy: How much I love this boy
Your top 3 baby products that you could not have been without: The aquarium swing, Jac the peacock and Sophie the Giraffe
How is your partner liking fatherhood? He loves it. He is the proudest Daddy!
What do you enjoy the least? Being bitten whilst feeding!!
Yay Ana, she is doing fabulously!!! :hugs:
lol@mary jane!!!

Yay that Jac likes books!!!!

Love the new avatar Claire :cloud9:

I meant to ask you if you wanted more kids. I think I remember Moggy saying she was sticking at two. Everyone else???x

how do you give them cheese? i'm never sure what to do with it... just sticks or melt it or what? x

I think we're goinmg to confuse the poor thing as hubby calls her that sometimes too :dohh:
Yes he loves book...especially fireman sam :thumbup: Not too long either as he's impatient with pages so spot on.

I would love 3 kids but.....the doing things bug me.....harder to go places...need a mini bus to ship them around...who wants to babysit 3 kids when 2 are poishing it!! this is on my mind....get my drift.....coordinating 2 is hard work...:wacko:

I think i did cheese on toast for jac first (as toast was one of first finger foods)...but not long after i did sandwiches...but only with one layer of bread iykwim....for example a slice of bread (thin strips) with jam, egg mayo, tuna, cheese etc......on top. I did the finger foods like sandwiches, cheese toast, pancakes and stuff for lunch. Do what you feel is right...you know what k is comfortable....maybe he'd loved cheese strips??

yas - sorry i rambled on about the food... you only asked how to do cheese:dohh:


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