Bump, Flushes, Dimples and Beyond [closed]

How old is your baby/babies now? Nearly 5 months :shock:
Nicknames: Pickle, Tinker-bum, Tinky, Birdy, Piccalilli, Cheeky-chops, Gorgeousness...
Current weight/clothes size: 3-6 months, but will soon be in 6+m
Weaning?: Not started yet (aside from the chip incident :blush:)
Fave food: Milk!
Baby clubs/groups etc: I do baby music (did baby massage), NCT group and starting water-babies at the end of the month.
Fave toy: Jumperoo!! She also loves a Lamaze doll and her Sophie the Giraffe.
Latest achievements: So close to sitting, she does it for a few seconds (propping herself with hands) but then inevitable head-buts the floor slowly!
Cutest thing they do: Like several of the others, the cheeky shyness, where she grins and then hides her face.
Do they look like you, or your partner? A real mixture I think, more like me on baby pics, but definitely has some of DHs features, and hopefully his height!!
What do you love the most about being a mummy: I still cannot get over quite how much I ADORE this baby, my heart actually hurts. I love that she is starting to show signs of being attached to me rather than others (I really didn't want her to be clingy so from the start everyone has cuddles her whenever, but I have been a little upset that it has meant that she doesn't really favour me). Its that first smile in the morning/after a nap that gets me :cloud9:
Your top 3 baby products that you could not have been without: Jumperoo, video monitor, sling/carrier.
How is your partner liking fatherhood? He loves it, like me, he can't get over how much he loves her. Before we had her he thought that he couldn't love her more than the dog :dohh: but now he understands what his friends meant when they told him how awesome fatherhood was.
What do you enjoy the least? The dread that something might happen to her one day. I feel sick thinking about it and drive myself crazy imagining scenarios.
So putting J in her own room has really helped!?? We are still having crap sleep here. But it's weird... I noticed that when Nathan and I go to bed she only sleeps for about another 2-3 hours tops and then wakes up...For example she goes to bed around 9:30 in her bed (still in our room) and we go to bed around 11:30 and she wakes up 2-3 hours after that. Saturday we were out late visiting friends and came home at like 1 am and then Nathan and I stayed up to watch movies and only went to bed around 4am and Peyton woke up at 7:15 the first time that night...I'm wondering if it's us disturbing her??

Yup, it really was instant. I miss her like crazy and I really didn't want her away from me until she was at least 6 months, but she's gone from waking several times a night to max twice. I do honestly think we were disturbing each other. I don't think I could have done it without the video monitor though, I wake and watch her every now and then (and see which o'clock she's at in the cot, her latest trick is to spin 360!)
How old is your baby/babies now? Nearly 5 months :shock:
Nicknames: Pickle, Tinker-bum, Tinky, Birdy, Piccalilli, Cheeky-chops, Gorgeousness...
Current weight/clothes size: 3-6 months, but will soon be in 6+m
Weaning?: Not started yet (aside from the chip incident :blush:)
Fave food: Milk!
Baby clubs/groups etc: I do baby music (did baby massage), NCT group and starting water-babies at the end of the month.
Fave toy: Jumperoo!! She also loves a Lamaze doll and her Sophie the Giraffe.
Latest achievements: So close to sitting, she does it for a few seconds (propping herself with hands) but then inevitable head-buts the floor slowly!
Cutest thing they do: Like several of the others, the cheeky shyness, where she grins and then hides her face.
Do they look like you, or your partner? A real mixture I think, more like me on baby pics, but definitely has some of DHs features, and hopefully his height!!
What do you love the most about being a mummy: I still cannot get over quite how much I ADORE this baby, my heart actually hurts. I love that she is starting to show signs of being attached to me rather than others (I really didn't want her to be clingy so from the start everyone has cuddles her whenever, but I have been a little upset that it has meant that she doesn't really favour me). Its that first smile in the morning/after a nap that gets me :cloud9:
Your top 3 baby products that you could not have been without: Jumperoo, video monitor, sling/carrier.
How is your partner liking fatherhood? He loves it, like me, he can't get over how much he loves her. Before we had her he thought that he couldn't love her more than the dog :dohh: but now he understands what his friends meant when they told him how awesome fatherhood was.
What do you enjoy the least? The dread that something might happen to her one day. I feel sick thinking about it and drive myself crazy imagining scenarios.

Doesn't this suck!! I'm almost always thinking...ok ig there was a fire i would....if we were in an accident i would....robbed....SIDS... :cry: it's too much to think about.
yey Jackster is 6 months old today and to celebrate he slept 7-7 :happydance:
I agree it's terrifying being so in love with this little person. Harry is my world.. everything revolves around him. Obviously I still completely love his Daddy but it's different.

Lydia I'm so glad you're getting more sleep now. Harry also improved instantly when we put him in his own room. I have shared a few times since and we both didn't sleep well.

Brigitte, unfortunately non of those listings are near me but most seem to offer postage. Otherwise we could wait and see if any come up near me? Am more than happy to post it to you though and I reckon if we used a courier it will be cheaper than the post.

Harry has definitely got a top tooth coming through as I can see it clearly now and his gum around it is all red and swollen poor sausage. He's being really unhappy so must be in pain.

Well done Jackster! X
hope the tooth comes through soon Ann, its tough watching them and knowing what the matter is but not being able to help sort it for them. Jack has some gummy key style shapes which seem to help, he has some of the fridge keys too but they dont seem to help as theyre so big :shrug: These are the ones, we picked them up in the Asda baby event a few events ago


Hope you have a good day with him :hugs:

:hi: everyone else

Brig do you specifically want an aquapod or would you like a seat? If we can find one locally happy to post out
Quiz a good idea :thumbup: enjoying reading them!!

How old is your baby/babies now? 6 months :cry:

Nicknames: Dyl-tastic, Dylpot, chubby bum and monkey - was potato when he was a bump :cloud9:

Current weight/clothes size: somewhere over 17lbs, gaining again after losing while poorly :cry: and in mostly 6-9, some 3-6.

Weaning?: BLW - started around christmas but slowed with him being poorly.

Fave food: LOVES butternut squash wedges / sweet potato wedges, any kind of bread, rice cakes and watermelon :thumbup:

Baby clubs/groups etc: loads at the surestart centre (baby crawlers, baby massage / yoga, booby group), we go for a walk every Friday AM with the yummy mummies from booby group, and also have a little pool booked for Friday afternoons with them for a swim (cheaper than council pool :thumbup:). Lots and LOTS of netmummies meets here too (music bugs sessions, baby signing and more soft play than I could ever cope with lol) and sling meets too :thumbup: Busy boy argh!!!!!!!

Fave toy: Mine or his? LOL - I love Hug and Learn Tad as the 6mins of classical music is a swift path to sleep! He loves Captain Calamari and his cookie jar shape sorter, and his triangle thing (like this https://www.dooyoo.co.uk/baby-toy/elc-activity-triangle/) oh and his jumperoo!!!!!!!!!!

Latest achievements: He has been sitting a while and now can go from sitting up to lying down and back to sitting IYKWIM? He crawls backwards and is currently pulling himself up to standing on anything he can grab. He gives kisses :cloud9: he high 5s, he blows raspberries and rolls/spins around :baby:

Cutest thing they do: feeds in random positions like a little acrobat :haha: and gives kisses :cloud9:

Do they look like you, or your partner? everyone says he looks like Ash now - but he has my nose, and he looks just like me as a baby

What do you love the most about being a mummy:

Your top 3 baby products that you could not have been without: jumperoo, sling, musical frog thing, my pacapod changing bag of joy, ummmmmmmmmm!

How is your partner liking fatherhood? Loving it - he loves the sling, the belly laughs and the rough and tumble!

What do you enjoy the least? Being exhausted from rubbish sleep :rofl: oh and the poo!

I think we'll have at least one more baby but don't know when now I've taken VR from work :shrug:

Moggy - yep got the teddy mask thing, he hates it......lol. Oh well! Oh and Dylan is still in our room. With us planning to move I'm not sure what to do tbh :shrug: the bungalows we like are no chain and pretty much in the bag I think, so just need to sell ours.

Claire - well done Ana yay!!!! Well hubby got his new job in Wakefield and realises its more of a commute (hardly a commute compared to normal people but more than his previous 15mins lol) so he wants to move nearer, as he'll get an extra couple of hours with Dyl. Couple that with my work giving me a big voluntary redundancy offer I now don't need to be this close to Sheffield, so off we go :wacko: oh and the schools here..........are awful lol.

Not sure if I've caught up on everyone yet but sleepy D is stirring :hugs: roll on my new phone for more bnb haha! :hugs:
Thanks Moggy. We have the fridge teething toy but like you say they're a bit big so he doesn't really like them. Thanks for the tip re the TT ones. I'm heading to Tescos once H wakes up (he's just fallen asleep in my arms bless him so one handed typing in progress!) so I'll see if they have any there.

Wow Dylan sounds so advanced!! I can't believe how quickly they are all growing up. We'll be planning first birthday parties before we know it!
Thanks Moggy. We have the fridge teething toy but like you say they're a bit big so he doesn't really like them. Thanks for the tip re the TT ones. I'm heading to Tescos once H wakes up (he's just fallen asleep in my arms bless him so one handed typing in progress!) so I'll see if they have any there.

Wow Dylan sounds so advanced!! I can't believe how quickly they are all growing up. We'll be planning first birthday parties before we know it!

I think he is just physically strong - has liked trying to get on his feet pretty much from birth and seemed to be born with great head control. But I was an early walker, walking around the furniture from 6 months. He is 28 weeks now too so getting old lol. They all seem to have differemt strengths though don't they, as none of the other babies at our baby group are rolling yet, or sitting, but are playing games that Dylan doesn't "get" lol. Some of them are chattering mamamama daddadada etc which D definitely isn't.

Oh............and of course my trade off appears to have been distinct lack of sleepability from this beautiful monster of mine - I often wonder if I'd prefer more sleep with a less active baby haha.

First birthdays omg don't make me cry :haha: :cry:
LOL! I think Harry might be following in his footsteps! He's so active!
Happy 6 months Jack!!!!!

Ann: Thanks so much hun, I will have a look and if I win an aution I will post to your house. Can you PM me your address again, I must have deleted the message I had it in before. thank so much for doing this! Peyton will be so happy sitting up in the tub!!:happydance:

Moggy: At first I didn't care if it was an aqua pod or a seat but I should hubby and he thinks it will be too hard to wash P while she's in a seat so aqua pod it is since he does bathtime a lot!:shrug:

So yesterday we bought peaches and plums so when I have the chance I will make more baby food for Peyton! I love trying new things with her!


Moggy- happy 6 months jack:cake:
Got a new zebra so no worries...itllwre get good use so best option in the end.

Brig- i tried toast with ana this morning.....she loved it...started getting upset when were done..she was happy with eating bits she chewed off too:thumbup:

Ann- sounds like harry will have a mouthful of teeth soon.


Lia- i know where ur hubbys coming from..my work commute is 10 mins too..so anything longer sounds like a nightmare to me..im really lucky..but i guess my pay is lower too because where we live...

Ann - I am loving the scan pic charms, how are they done? :wohoo: I be wanting one of those!!!!!

And also, what is the absolutely positively cheapest thing you can do? I am thinking of a bit of something for Dylans scrapbook so would only need to be thin and flimsy :haha:
Thanks Lia!

I take the scan and edit it (increase the contrast and cut out any of the image that is not necessary) then add any text and shrink it all down. We then make a negative image of it and put it on top of some special plastic that hardens when it is exposed to UV light. As only the baby and text goes hard, I can then scrub away the soft plastic leaving the image which I can press in to silver (in a clay form).

We then file it and put it in a kiln which turns it to solid silver. Then it's just a case of polishing it up.

We've perfected the polishing part now so if anyone wants us to re-polish their pieces we would only be too happy! xx
Thank ou - ps I love your current pic, can I steal you gorgeous son too :haha:
Hi Ladies!! I hope you're all well.

I can't believe how much all of our babies are changing and growing up, so scary but exciting too!

Ann - DHs marker is now out every round of golf, he loves it!

Took J to be weighed today, she's 13lb9oz, so still just below the 25th centile line, but its steady gain now, so I'm inclined to feel that she's just found her natural weight. I had the formula/weaning lecture again, but I'm still undecided as to what to do, I've got baby rice sat in the cupboard at the ready, but because I wanted to do BLW I think I'm reluctant to start TW incase it limits the BLW, although I know Moggy and Claire have done a combination of types successfully!

I also think I'm going to start BLW a bit earlier than 6 months, she's obsessed with our food and eating, she keeps swiping food! I've read around quite a bit and provided they tick all the 'ready' boxes, 6 months doesn't seem to be the magic number. The HV didn't even know what BLW is!!

Lia - did you start Dylan a little earlier than 6 months?
Hi Ladies!! I hope you're all well.

I can't believe how much all of our babies are changing and growing up, so scary but exciting too!

Ann - DHs marker is now out every round of golf, he loves it!

Took J to be weighed today, she's 13lb9oz, so still just below the 25th centile line, but its steady gain now, so I'm inclined to feel that she's just found her natural weight. I had the formula/weaning lecture again, but I'm still undecided as to what to do, I've got baby rice sat in the cupboard at the ready, but because I wanted to do BLW I think I'm reluctant to start TW incase it limits the BLW, although I know Moggy and Claire have done a combination of types successfully!

I also think I'm going to start BLW a bit earlier than 6 months, she's obsessed with our food and eating, she keeps swiping food! I've read around quite a bit and provided they tick all the 'ready' boxes, 6 months doesn't seem to be the magic number. The HV didn't even know what BLW is!!

Lia - did you start Dylan a little earlier than 6 months?

Yep - once he started swiping food, we did. I kept it to fruit / veggies / porridge til about 6 months tho :thumbup: He was probably just over 5 months. My HV doesn't get BLW either yet my friends HV (same TOWN!) actively recommended she look into it as she said its great for BF babies :shrug:

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