Ann - congrats for your sisters news missed that one!
on the baby front - DH had always wanted two close together, and I was planning TTC from July/August when Dylan would be 1 and I would have returned to work. Up until now I was thinking no way as am knackered enough with Dylans lack of sleeping but this week I've been thinking stuff it, why not
only problem is I now don't have a job DOH!!!!!
Claire - swimming is a bit of an epic isn't it - can't imagine it with two
glad you all enjoyed it though!
Moggy - we want my parents to move over. In the short term, they can be really helpful with Dylan, and baby number 2 if there is one, in terms of childcare (I would find going back to work easier knowing he was with them, and still would only go back part time for now). In the long term, we can care for them better as they gradually fall to bits lol, as my mum is needing more and more help, and my dad isn't much better since his hip replacement tbh. Between them they manage Dylan though lol - what one of them can't do the other can
Originally the plan was to find a house and build a granny annexe, or just have them rent somewhere nearby (they currently rent a bungalow as my mum can't do stairs). When DHs boss mentioned his bungalow (his dad passed away) we weren't interested til we realised his aunt owns the other semi, and hasn't yet put it on the market.
We are going to have our bungalow, plus knock through the upstairs of their bungalow so we'll end up with enough bedrooms etc as we wanted at least 4. My parents will be happy down on the ground floor of theirs with more space than they even have now. We'll share the garden, but have our own garage / drive / living space so we don't drive each other mental.
The houses are really tardis-like - I had seen pics of our one on the internet and wasn't sure but they are bloody massive rooms (except the stupid little room with no purpose) - only one has been dormered so far, at the front, so there is potential there too to make them all bigger. They both need cosmetic updating which again we like to do (I want my nice bathroom for a start
We can get the pair for under £250K I think, because his boss has had enough of maintaining it and wants rid of his dads and hasn't managed to sell it yet, and with the other one not being on the market yet, a savvy developer hasn't spotted them and thought hmmm giant house potential lol. Also the lack of fuss for having us buy the pair and not faffing with an estate agent etc. One a few doors away has just gone for £200K on its own after its been done up so by the time we want to sell on and the market has improved hopefully should be a good investment
plus the schools nearby are fab primary-wise, and the private secondary Ash went to is local.
God I've rambled on now, but Dylan is napping
Heres the link to ours not many pics and certainly don't do the dimensions justice but looking forward to gutting it and making it pretty