Hi everyone :wave:
Hi Taylorsmummy! and Mumof42009!

I was actually thinking that we haven't heard form some people in a while and I hope you're doing well.
We're good. Had 2 interviews and just waiting to hear back. Would love a 9-5 job just so it would be easier for childcare but at the moment all I seem to be able to get a chance at is shift based. Oh well...we'll just have to wing it. On the plus side, it looks like we're moving to Suffolk (up til last week it was 'East Anglia' lol), looks like the Ipswich/North Suffolk/South Norfolk area. So it's all positive - we just need to find a 2-3 bedroom house for around the £500-550pcm which is proving difficult as the rental market seems to have shot up in price....grr if it's not one thing it's another
Earl is getting on well with his walking and his talking. He's learned to blow kisses too....it's too cute.
We've decided to just have a family get-together. Bit of food, cake, that kind of thing for Earl's birthday. He's going to be spoiled rotten with pressies...have a list as long as my arm of things I'd like to get him. I have to remember that Xmas is only 2 months away (eeek!) and I can get some of it for then. I just want to spoil him though!
Aren't all these Bumpkins getting big! I can't believe it's been a year! Only 6 months until we start TTCfor number 2 as well....my goodness, the concept of 2 Earl's is mind-boggling!
Anyhoo....I'm off to trawl for yet more houses, jobs and holidays, handy manny DVD's and chuggington cakes! lol
Bless the not so little babies!