Hi ladies!
Sorry I've not posted for a few days. Uni is hectic (only the 2nd week!) and you all post so fast
Got Romilly weighed today and she is 17lbs 7oz, I'm really pleased

Her birthday is on Sunday, how on earth did that happen?!
Flora - we're going to see how the weather is on Sunday, but I think we'll probably end up at this mahoosive soft play which is right next to a mahoosive shopping centre. The first Zingzillas CD is out on Sunday, so we need to make sure we get that!
Aimee - congrats to Earl on him walking!! That's just so fab, clever boy! Good luck on the job hunt, I hope this one you have an interview for turns out to be just what you need
XTaylorsMummy - happy birthday to Dexter for Friday!
Chaos - happy birthday to Autumn for tomorrow
Labour, hrrm... This time last year I'd had a scan to make sure that Romilly wasn't breech, as she had engaged so well and was so far down, that my MW couldn't figure out if she was feeling her head or her bum
My memories of labour are mixed... It absolutely wasn't the labour I had hoped for, but things could have been MUCH worse, so I try to take from it that the only thing that matters is that she got here safely in the end
Anyways, on her actual birthday, we're going out for the day, just me, DH and Romilly. The day before, we're having a little "party" but it'll just be the 3 of us, my parents and the in-laws. Just don't have the time/money/energy to do a bigger party just now. She's having a Zingzilla's birthday cake, made by the wonderful taperjeangirl, and I'm so excited about it
anyways, best I head off and do some more work (ick). Have a great weekend ladies, if I don't get the chance to be on beforehand!
(Oh, before I forget - if anyone happens to watch CBeebies, I sent a card in for Romilly's birthday. Got my fingers well and truly crossed that it gets shown. Any more crossed fingers would be lovely
