Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Hi! Hope everyone is ok! We had a lovely week in Mallorca but things have been pretty mad since we got back.

Phoebe had her first settling in session at nursery on Friday and she was not happy at all! Found out why within an hour of getting home as she suddenly developed a rash and was really sleepy which is not like her so managed to see a doctor at the end of surgery! She has been diagnosed with a virus and is definitely not feeling well! She has just woken up so best go see how she is x
Hey everyone, just a quick hello from me. Me and oh are working on things now :) he's still living in Wales but he's got so much work there that its better him staying there rather than moving back down here, but it suits me now we have the routine without him here (hope that dont sound nasty!)

I cant believe sam is 1 a week today, its flown by so fast! We're just inviting a few people round for food and a few drinks for his birthday he probably wont remember it anyway lol

All is well with sam, no unaided walking yet but he is trying. His new word at the moment is dog lol every animal he sees now is dog lol not good when we have 3 cats!

Also i found out today i got a distinction in one of my modules today - distinction? me? lol Am well impressed with myself for that lol

Chaos massive massive hugs to you x I hope you have a lovely day thursday for Autumns birthday :hugs:
Bingers - Mallorca sounds nice! Hope Phoebe gets better soon.

jo - Congrats on the distinction!
Good morning :)

Just a quick hello from me before the kiddies arrive- the little boy who is a couple days younger than Emma started yesterday and now I have a newfound respect for parents of multiples, lol! I was definitely exhausted by the evening. I have another baby starting care in November so hopefully by then the first two will be settled into a routine.

Jo- congrats on school and that's great that you and oh are trying to work on stuff :hugs:

Bingers- Glad to hear you enjoyed Mallorca :) Hope Pheobe feels better soon :hugs:

Colsy- :hi: :)

Neferet- glad to see I'm not the only one who has those urges to dress her kid up in silly glasses/hats and take piccies :haha: Cute pic of Isaac :)

Kte- lol @ Chloe and the cat poop :haha: Emma has tried to play in the cat litter box at my parents (doesn't have a hood so it looks like a sandbox :dohh:) but hasn't "sampled the treats" so far- just a matter of time I'm betting. Emma did have an incident with the zinc oxide cream over the weekend though- hubby left the lid off and on the table beside her change table when he was in a rush and Emma found it and started to play/eat it. I had a major freak out since the side of the container says to seek immediate medical attention or call poison control. I ended up calling poison control because I figured she hadn't actually eaten much (maybe 1/2tsp) and she was fine in the end although she did poop a little more than usual. I keep thinking at least it was my own kid and not a daycare kid- needless to say, hubby will never forget to put the cream away again.

ANyway, hope everyone is well :hugs: I better get going since kids should be arriving in a few minutes
i cant belive this time last year i was in hospital waiting to be induced lol!!

My baby boys bday on friday :'(

Anyone planning any more babies? x
Afternoon all :wave:

Nij and I think we saw a foot/step/walking movement yesterday . . . I thought I saw her lift her left foot when she was stood unaided, her skirt was blocking the view a little but then not so long after Nij saw her do the same but she kind of turned at the same time and flopped down. I'm keeping a keen eye on her the next few days, see if we get any more sightings!

Kaites: We have a litter tray like that too, I had been so pleased with myself that I had kept her away from it, as you say it looks just like a sandbox and you can guarantee those mitt's would of been in it if she had of seen it! :dohh: Glad Emma's eating escapade didn't turn out too bad either :flower: I'm sure you will get into the swing of it with the younger babies soon, although I can imagine its pretty tough!

TaylorsMummy: It is scary looking back isn't it! I wasn't even on MAT leave this time last year, it's seems weird that everyone's LO will be one soon and Chloe hasn't even hit 11 months yet! No future plans for me.

Jo So pleased your OH has come to his sences (!) and you are working things out :hugs: Congrat's on the distinction! Can you do my assignments for me please?! Seriously though, well done getting a distinction, especially with juggling everything else at the same time - go you! :flower:

Bingers: Hope Phoebe feels better soon :flower:

Well best get on with some work . . . . and maybe a trip to the shop for some chocolate!
:hi: all, nice to see some 'old' faces back on here too :)

HUGE mega :hugs: to you Chaos...

Jo, I'm glad to hear you & OH are starting to get things sorted out & making progress. I've been keeping my finger's crossed for you that things would start looking up after all email convos. And also thankyou for listening to me rant on... & on.... & on the other week. :hugs:

Bingers, poor Phoebe! I hope she feels better soon!

and mega congrats to Aimee for your job news. Hope it all goes well for you once you start.

oooh, & nope, i'm not pregnant, lol. just had my wonderful 2 days of spotting again. i have to say, a girl could get used to these barely there periods!

Harry's doing well. He stands for a couple of seconds on his own & likes to hold my hand to walk, but wouold still prefer it with both hands to hold onto. He seems nervous to be too adventurous with unaided/ barely aided walking just yet. Talking wise it's hard to keep him quiet!!! He's certainly a chatterbox. His latest words are 'pop' & 'bum-bum', hehe!

Umm, what else? Things kinda still suck big time in my life right now (except for my Harry) but I had a nice 29th birthday last week at least. My mum took me to Tony & Guy as a surprise so I could get my hair done- had it chopped from almost waist length to just above my shoulders & highlighted so that made me feel a whole bunch better about myself. Hubby bought me a load of new winter style clothes (to stop me moaning about how nothing fits me, lol), some books, a CD & some Tony & Guy vouchers so I can get my roots done in a few weeks time, haha! Dad bought me stuff for the house like I said before & my (very senile) Nan sent me the usual £5 bless her. So not too bad. :)

Now trying to sort out what we're gonna do for Harry's birthday. OH managed to get the day off work, so that's cool, so we;re thinking of taking him swimming in the morning, then to PlayShack, which is a soft play centre locally that has just had a new toddler section built, so we're thinking of checking that out in the afternoon. Present-wise, we've got him clothes, clothes & more clothes in all kindsa sizes (love the sales!), a shaceship ballpit & balls, an awesome outdoor water park thingy (technically it's for next year, but it was on sale so we took advantage of it), lots of cool books (have become a bit addicted to The Works) & his new carseat (a huge great big rear facing one that is pretty cool too).

What's everyone else doing for their baby's 1st birthdays?
Hi girls! Sorry I've not been around :( Been absolutely manic here. Anyone give me a brief overview of what I've missed? How is everyone?! I've missed my B&B girls like mad I tell you!

James is doing well. Can't believe the bumpkins are almost 1!!! No signs of walking this end. Think he is going to be a late walker after doing everything else so bloomin early.

Is anyone else insanely broody? Can't shake it even though I know now is not a good time.
im broody!! but im sooo glad i got the coil fitted else i would be pregnant! Saying that i was 2months pregnant on taylors first birthday lol. I want to wait till my two are at school so it feels like im pregnant for the first time again iykwim? Like going shopping for brand new things, being able to have a single pushchair lol and being alone with the baby in the day and not having to worry about having two toddlers running around
Hi everyone -

I have a walker!!!! He literally stood up yesterday and walked the entire length of our front room (about 15 feet) in one go. He can't get to standing without something to pull up on yet, but he would rather wait for you to get there to help him stand up, then walk lol. He's given up on the walker and if it gets stuck, he just lets go and carries on! It's nuts! :wacko:

Oh and we were playing with his telephone yesterday and I was playing 'telephones' and kept saying 'Hello' and he walked up and just looked at the phone, took it off me, and said, 'Hew-wo'. Arghhhhh he's growing up too quickly!

Oh, and finally, we have discovered ITNG and Iggle Piggle is the best thing ever!! lol

Hi everyone!! :wave:

XTaylorsMummy - I am really broody (Earl is just so fab I can't wait to have 2 of them lol) but we have a set TTC date to get the age gap we want (2 school years) so we're not starting until March at the earliest. Hopefully by then we'll be in our own home, and 'll be in work and we'll be on some sort of track! :wacko:

Errmmmm what else? Oh I'm still on the job-hunt :dohh: - I still have my job to go to but we need to move to Norwich so we're trying for a late November, Early Decmber move....really don't want to be here for Xmas (sounds horrid I know but I want Xmas to be ours, not MILs).

I think that's about it...oh apart from I spent an hour on the phone trying to get a refund from the train company. Finally got it sorted as it was our only money (they tried to double charge us :growlmad:) and so Hubby has the textbook he needed, his train ticket home, his joining fee for Sub-Aqua club and fuel to get to Uni tomorrow too.

Busy, Busy, Busy!! :wacko:

Hope we're all ok. I'm going to have to go as I have to ring someone about an interview...I applied ofr a job, got an interview, but can't find the chuffing job spec so it says Part time....no idea if that means 8 hours or 32 hours?! :shrug: Hmmmm.....how on earth am I going to call this woman without looking like a moron? I guess we'll have to see. :dohh:

Have a lovely day everyone xx

Happy birthday for tomorrow Autumn!! :flower:

Happy Birthday for Friday to Dexter! :flower:
WTG Earl!!! :happydance:

So this time last year, I was 21 hours in to a 40 hour labour. ooooo eeeeee!
Flora - Earl's 1st Birthday isn't going to be a big deal - can't afford it and Hubby is at Uni. I'm thinking of taking Earl to the zoo or sealife, as he's really getting into anything like that. We will have an Earl 'friendly' tea as a family - probably home made pizzas and fruit salad - yummers - followed by cake! :thumbup: Hubby and I are going to attempt to make a 'Wilson' cake from chuggington (Earl's favourite!). Present wise I'm spoiled for choice as to what to get him. Clothes from family probably as they're sending vouchers, and some ELC toys (particularly a tractor and trailer I've seen lol), and maybe a ride-on fire engine that I've seen in Argos lol. He's getting a Trike for Christmas so that's settled. He needs hat, gloves, scarf etc for Winter. I have made a massive list, so we'll see what we can get for the budget and what's available on teh day we go shopping lol
Chaos - Hubby has said he's going to do this thing that Jamie-lee curtis used to do to her Mum. At the time when she was born, she would call her Mum and shout down the phone 'Push Janet! Push!!' lol

Are you looking back fondly at the labour? Or is it bringing back horrible memories of contractions and fluids, oh so many fluids!? :sick:

I don't know about anyone else but sometimes I'll look at Earl and think - 'Did I really make you?' or 'Did I really push you out? You're huge!' :haha: (He was 25lb 4oz at his weigh in on Sunday!!)
Chaos - Hubby has said he's going to do this thing that Jamie-lee curtis used to do to her Mum. At the time when she was born, she would call her Mum and shout down the phone 'Push Janet! Push!!' lol

Are you looking back fondly at the labour? Or is it bringing back horrible memories of contractions and fluids, oh so many fluids!? :sick:

I don't know about anyone else but sometimes I'll look at Earl and think - 'Did I really make you?' or 'Did I really push you out? You're huge!' :haha: (He was 25lb 4oz at his weigh in on Sunday!!)

hahah I think that too! When she lays on me and puts her head on my chest, her feet dangle at my knees! I'm like HOW did you come out of me??

Oh lordie, labour .. Ick. I just remember throwing up a lot and then nearly ripping DH head off cause he kept crinkling a bloody crisp packet while I was in the hight of like a 4 minute contraction haha. I would have made babies with the epidural man if I wasn't already pregnant hahaha
Way to go Earl! Congrat's Aimee! :happydance: Aww it's cute him saying "hew-wo" too :D Good luck with job hunt No2! :flower:

Chaos: I can kind of relate to the crisp packed a bit, Nij put on Elton John in the pool room and boy did that make my contactions worse, I just shouted at him big time to get it off! Is it odd with it all being a year ago?

Oh the memories! My labour was weird, so many days, well three days, in and out of hospital - visiting FIL and pretending that I wasn't having contractions so MIL wouldn't get all giddy and so FIL didn't realise what was going on either. Very bizzar looking back. The Friday was funny when my waters were leaking, OH went off to visit FIL with MIL and I was stuck in all day, when they came home I was scratching at the door to be taken to the hospital but they were like 'lets have tea, MIL started cooking and I can't even remember what Nij was doing but it was so surreal they were acting as if nothing was going on and made me eat some tea and then I was like . . . erm now I really need to get to the hospital please! :rofl: I still look at her and have the overwhelmed feeling. I'm still amazed im her Mummy!

Flora: We are holding a mini party a few days before for parents but her actual birthday im really looking forward to. We are taking her trike bike thingy we bought her for birthday that she can open on the day and hopefully, weather permitting, we can take her for a stroll near a beach on it :D
Hi Ladies!

I haven't been on this thread for a loooong time! Probably since Bobby was about 1 month old!!

Time goes so quickly, I can't believe all our babies are coming up to their 1st birthdays!!

Bobby is walking everywhere now, really need eyes in the back of my head. He is such a content baby though, we really have been so lucky! We have started TTC #2 now but had 3 months of no luck so far :cry:

Anyway hope you and your LOs are all ok??

Hi ladies!

Sorry I've not posted for a few days. Uni is hectic (only the 2nd week!) and you all post so fast :rofl:

Got Romilly weighed today and she is 17lbs 7oz, I'm really pleased :cloud9: Her birthday is on Sunday, how on earth did that happen?!

Flora - we're going to see how the weather is on Sunday, but I think we'll probably end up at this mahoosive soft play which is right next to a mahoosive shopping centre. The first Zingzillas CD is out on Sunday, so we need to make sure we get that! ;)

Aimee - congrats to Earl on him walking!! That's just so fab, clever boy! Good luck on the job hunt, I hope this one you have an interview for turns out to be just what you need :)

XTaylorsMummy - happy birthday to Dexter for Friday!

Chaos - happy birthday to Autumn for tomorrow :D

Labour, hrrm... This time last year I'd had a scan to make sure that Romilly wasn't breech, as she had engaged so well and was so far down, that my MW couldn't figure out if she was feeling her head or her bum :rofl:

My memories of labour are mixed... It absolutely wasn't the labour I had hoped for, but things could have been MUCH worse, so I try to take from it that the only thing that matters is that she got here safely in the end :cloud9:

Anyways, on her actual birthday, we're going out for the day, just me, DH and Romilly. The day before, we're having a little "party" but it'll just be the 3 of us, my parents and the in-laws. Just don't have the time/money/energy to do a bigger party just now. She's having a Zingzilla's birthday cake, made by the wonderful taperjeangirl, and I'm so excited about it :)

anyways, best I head off and do some more work (ick). Have a great weekend ladies, if I don't get the chance to be on beforehand!

(Oh, before I forget - if anyone happens to watch CBeebies, I sent a card in for Romilly's birthday. Got my fingers well and truly crossed that it gets shown. Any more crossed fingers would be lovely :D)

Cant beleive how quick it has gone, feel abit sad too, George is 1 on saturday and i really cant believe hes been here for a year!! We have decided to TTC baby number 2, so fingers crossed!
Hope everyone is well and bumpkins too xxxxxxx
this time last year i was getting peed off and was waiting for OH to come see me in hospital!! lol ohh my im broody :( doesnt help that DD keeps asking "mummy have baby girl, daddy? please?!" then crys when we say no lol

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