I'm back!
So, first of all, happy birthday to all the little Bumpkins that have just passed their first year.
Now some catching-up Qs for some of my fave Bumpkins, cos I can't trawl through so many pages of text to see what I've missed!
Chaos, I don't think I've seen any posts from you since Autumn's bday, so I hope you had a lovely day and that you managed to forget about the sad times for a while at least.
Aimee-Lou, birthday buddy and everything-else buddy, I hope you had a lovely birthday. It's great to hear you've got some work now, even if it isn't exactly what you were hoping for. Fingers crossed the real thing comes along soon for you. How's OH's teaching going so far?
Maffie, I don't think I've read anything from you in ages, so I hope everything is going fine with Noah and his baby-brother-to-be.
Florabean, I know you're having some tough times. I don't know what's up, but whatever it is I hope you're getting through the hard bits and managing to find some smiles in there somewhere. I hope OH and Harry and keeping you happy.
Kte, how's you and Nij? I hope you are still happy families. Are you still working almost full-time? Must be hard for you.
Kaites, really pleased to see the daycare is working well for you so far. You're SO brave ... both in terms of your own sanity and your house! Is it a bit weird having other babies there as well as your own, or have you always been very much a baby person?
Megan's Mum, I don't think I've seen any posts at all from you, so I hope everything is OK for you. I know you've had some hard times, so it'd be good to know you're all right. BTW I emailed Pam re Sleep Sense, and I mentioned you, and she knew straight away who you were

I didn't use her in the end because we wanted a clinic based in the UK, but she definitely sounded a lovely lady in her emails.
Have I forgotten anybody. I sincerely hope not, but if I have please shout at me and remind me.
So ... to those of you who've asked about sleep ... well, we chose the Mill Pond sleep clinic in the end, as they're based in London so easy to get hold of, and also because the lady who runs the clinic also runs some NHS clinics, which suggests to us that she must have some credibility. What can I say, except that this is quite possibly the best 225 quid OH and I have ever spent. I don't exaggerate when I write the next sentence. From the day we had our first telephone appointment with the clinic, Monty has slept through the night

That was now more than a month ago! (I may be tempting fate when I write this paragraph, because he isn't very well today, so I have a feeling he may wake tonight. But hey ho, once in a month ain't bad is it?!)
Um, what did they do? Well, basically we completed a sleep diary for a week, along with a very detailed questionnaire about our lifestyle and parenting etc. and then we had our first phone consultation. The main point from that was to give him a breastfeed before his bath, to make his bath quite warm and deep but much quicker than usual, and then to read him some books - almost all done in the dark. Then into cot and then walk away, without looking back ...
We were then meant to use CC while he dropped off to sleep. But we didn't need to, cos he fell asleep straight away!
We were also meant to use CC if he woke in the night. But we didn't need to, because we left him for a few minutes if he grizzled, and then he just went back to sleep on his own!
The hardest bit has been sorting out the early waking. He is still waking around 6am, sometimes earlier, and basically we are meant to leave him in bed until 6.30am if we can, even if he cries. Sometimes he simply grizzles really quietly, which is fine, but if he really yells we go and get him up. The idea is that by leaving him until 6.30am, eventually his body clock will get the idea of not waking until then.
What can I say? I can't quite believe I feel like I do. I feel awake, I feel happy, I feel able to do things, I feel entirely at ease with my parenting abilities, I am happy in my relationship again, I feel ... normal. I knew previously that I was feeling knackered, but it wasn't until Monty started sleeping through that I realised quite how unwell I'd been feeling. I look back on some of those times when I'd had no sleep in days, and TBH it was scary to think how on earth I even managed to get through an hour, let alone weeks on end! And because OH and I are sharing parenting and work, he has always done his half share of the nights, and so he is feeling similar to me.
I tell you, I never ever thought I could feel like this again. And I do

The only negative thing is that I'd kind of been thinking about when would be a good time to start TTC again, but now I've got my sleep back I'm really concerned about the idea of losing it all again!

So it could be a few months at least yet. We would definitely like our babies close-ish, and I'm the wrong side of 35, so we ain't got forever, but I don't want to rush into things and end up missing out on Monty's development.
Er, is the longest post ever written on BnB? Can you tell I'm feeling just a little light-headed with all this sleep? I think I better go and put some blankets on Monty (no good doing that till he is fast asleep, cos he moves about so much while he's dropping off) and then go and find OH to do yesterday's crossword.
I think I've probably missed out loads of stuff that I should have told you, but I don't want to bore you all, so I'm off until Monday morning.
Toodlepip xxx