Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Hiya girls!
Happy birthday to all the babies just celebrated/celebrating their 1st birthdays!! I too just can't belive how rediculously fast the time has whizzed past us,but it does and the up coming years seem to go even faster belive me!! Ethan is 11 months today and already I have been feeling the emotions stirring up. He's doing fantastic, had him weighed on Friday,he's 19lb 4oz..hardly put anything on as he's never sat still. No unaided walking yet (he knows crawling is much faster YES he stopped the rolling as his method of getting around and discovered crawling:wacko:) Can stand unaided short while, he loves his Vtech push along walker,he walks everywhere with it. He has a thing for cat food I think as I'm exhausted from scooping him up off the cat bowls like every 5 mins :haha: oh and he had his 1st balloon popping in his face experience earlier on this evening..balloon on a stick..waving it around,chatting to it,happily banging on kitchen floor then BANG!! Cue 2 mins of terrified crying!
He says Ta when he takes something from me, plays 'so big', nods his head and grunts when he wants to say yes, shakes 1 finger at me when I say no no no (this is a brand new trick!), I've most likely forgot something,he's come on so much in a short time. He has a massive love of Mickey mouse,has done since he was 4months old so I'm making him a mickey cake for his birthday, I'm all excited about it,hope it turns out ok! No big party happening here, hubbys booking day off of work,our other kids will be at school so just Ethan,mummy and daddy will be going out somewhere then a small family celebration,like a little tea party when kids home from school.
Just recently booked his 1st holiday abroad..taking him to meet Mickey and co at Disney World :happydance:

Well, still no teeth for Ethie!!!!! but we think we can see his bottom 2 through his gums,,he has like 2 white teeth shaped bumps,you can see then when you pull his bottom lip down...my other 2 never had this, does this mean teeth are about to cut through? I'm sure I read that another bumpkin had this ages ago right before they cut teeth...could have been Autumn?? So maybe he'll have teeth in time for his 1st birthday,who knows? :wacko::haha:

Love to you all xxxxx
aww, He3lz, sounds like Ethan's doing great! :) Harry just cut his 5th tooth today, so it is as I thought with him & that he is like a bus... none for ages then all come at once, lol.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Bumpkins like Thom, George, Dexter, Romilly, Jacob... Sorry if I've missed anyone, but those are the ones that sprung to mind 1st.
And happy birthday to Jo's Sam for tomorrow... (pr today since it's past midnight)

Kim; I love Dexter's cake :)

Colsy, wow, that's fantastic news about the sleeping!!! WTG MOnty! :) :) :) :happydance: And thanks for asking how things are my end... Still kinda crappy but kinda working on it. I keep meaning to write a post in the GS section coz it's not stuff I want public, but everytime I think about writing I just think 'ugh!' & sigh & give up, lol. But anyways, things are getting better, and I always have my yummy Harry to make me smile when things are not so great, so in reality, I guess I'm lucky :)

anyways, sorry it's a quicky, but I got to go to sleep... Harry's been sleeping really badly the past 4 nights thanks to the tooth cutting through, but hopefully now it's finally cut, he'll go back to sleeping well as usual. I hate this teething lark as he turns into a sleeping nightmare & uses me as a human dummy day & night like e's a newborn all over again. Oh well, such is life.

anyways, massive super lollipop hugs to you all ladies! :hugs:

:hugs: :flower: :happydance: :juggle: :pizza: :thumbup:
Morning all,

Well my PC is super slow at work today. Typical! Sorry if I missed anyone, I daren't go back a few pages again due to risk of losing what I have already done! You would think in a place like this the internet would be a tad faster! :wacko:

Colsy: So glad Monty's and your own sleeping has improved! Plus glad that things with your OH are better too :flower: :happydance: Nij and I are doing really well thanks, happily plodding along, I can cope with that! Yep, I'm working full time still, how is your work going? :flower:

Flora: Hope Harry's tooth/teeth cut thorough so you can both can get a bit of rest. Chloe has a bottom one yet to come and I'm not looking forward to when it does as they give her more grief.

Helz: Happy 11 month to Ethan and well done on all his milestones! :flower: Hope his teeth cut through soon with minimal grief, sounds like they are due to make an appearance soon!
Hello again! So, in my excitement to tell you all about me and sleep, I forgot to update on Monty's achievements of late. He is crawling RAPIDLY, cruising round the furniture by standing and holding up, and rushing up the stairs (not ideal in a cottage with four sets of stairs plus additional steps everywhere!). He has his front eight teeth (four top, four bottom) and two molars are coming through. He eats for England and there's hardly anything he doesn't like - apart from egg that looks like egg (so he loves French toast but hates scrambled egg on toast :dohh:). He is vocal all the time but doesn't say anything that sounds like a real word. Keeps saying mum-um-um, but I may be kidding myself that this means 'mama' or 'mummy'. Cute though :kiss:

Less positive is that he is still very much an eat-it-and-bash-it baby when it comes to toys. So everything - I mean EVERYTHING - still goes in his mouth and he would definitely rather just chuck his wooden shapes on the floor rather than learn how to post them through the shape-sorting holes.

I am quite surprised how he still puts stuff in his mouth, as I thought he would have grown out of this a bit by now. It was hard work on the beach in Devon, because there we were digging holes and sandcastles but all he was doing was eating the pebbles LOL. Some of you were saying about babies drawing - I did try with Monty the other day, but you guessed it .... he just ate the crayon:wacko: I am so excited about all the things that we can start doing soon-ish, like drawing and baking so I kind of hope he begins to grow out of the oral investigation stage soon!
Colsy: Chloe still puts things in her mouth toy wise too, well, anything she finds wise! I was also hoping she would grow out it too, I guess we just have to wait a bit longer! :haha:
aimee-lou - I'm gonna get Ike loads of arty stuff for his birthday and xmas too. =] Ike also has massive feet!

Colsy- Isaac still puts stuff in his mouth. I keep having to hoover about 3 times a day so he doesn't pick up little pebbles and stuff from on the floor! When I was painting with Ike the other day, he got paint in his mouth... he didn't seem to mind though lol!

Happy birthday Sam!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!! Hope you are having a good day!

Colsy- Emma puts everything in her mouth still too. She plays with things "properly" too but eventually some part of the toy always gets chewed on. Playdoh has been especially unsuccessful, lol :) I'm so glad to hear that the sleep counselling worked for you and all has been well since! :hugs: Emma still has her sleep issues but we are now co-sleeping again and it's working out really well for now- with hubby back to working insane hours and Emma having to share me with other kids for 10hrs a day, it's a nice way for her to have mummy/daddy snuggles while we all get decent sleep. We'll probably work on moving her once hubby's work is regular and she's used to sharing me though so it's interesting to hear what has worked for you. Daycare is going well, thanks :) Experience-wise, all mine is previously with preschool/kindergarten aged kids so the babies is something new for me but I'm enjoying it (actually more than the school-aged kids but that's a whole other story). I guess I've always enjoyed being around babies but never really had to spend so much time with other people's babies though. How's work going for you?

Flora- :hugs: for whatever's going on with you atm. Hope Harry's teeth finish cutting/causing him grief soon!

Helz- happy 11 mths Ethan!

Today was my original due date but of course Emma kept us waiting a bit longer :) I'm getting excited for Wednesday but a little sad too- I don't want her to grow up so quickly!

I better get going- kids arriving in about 20 mins so I should get out of my PJs and wake Emma up properly (she's fallen back asleep in my arms here). Hope everyone is having a good day! :hugs:
Less positive is that he is still very much an eat-it-and-bash-it baby when it comes to toys. So everything - I mean EVERYTHING - still goes in his mouth and he would definitely rather just chuck his wooden shapes on the floor rather than learn how to post them through the shape-sorting holes.

I am quite surprised how he still puts stuff in his mouth, as I thought he would have grown out of this a bit by now. It was hard work on the beach in Devon, because there we were digging holes and sandcastles but all he was doing was eating the pebbles LOL. Some of you were saying about babies drawing - I did try with Monty the other day, but you guessed it .... he just ate the crayon:wacko: I am so excited about all the things that we can start doing soon-ish, like drawing and baking so I kind of hope he begins to grow out of the oral investigation stage soon!

I think this is pretty much a universal thing until all those teeth are through. Autumn still carrys things around in her mouth with her hands are full. She tests the world thru her mouth .. pick it up, look at it, bit it, lick it, throw it, on to the next object lol
Just got back from the health visitor appointment with Ike. He weighs 22lb 15oz. Just wondering what all the other bumpkin babies weigh...
Just got back from the health visitor appointment with Ike. He weighs 22lb 15oz. Just wondering what all the other bumpkin babies weigh...

I wish I knew, could do with getting on the scales tonight with her!

Aimee: Is G a width size for a shoe? Have yet to get Chloe's feet measured, where did you take Earl to get it done? :flower:

TaylorsMummy: Do you already have a flesh hole or want one hence stretching your ear?

Flora: :hugs: too for your tough time :hugs: x
Emma was 26.5lbs at her 9 mth appointment and when I tried weighing her on our home scale a couple of weeks ago, she was between 28-29lbs but that isn't very accurate :shrug: She's got her 12 mth appointment next Tuesday so I'll know for sure then. I think she may be the biggest Bumpkin though, lol :)
Darn I forgot to weigh her tonight! :dohh:
Thanks for the birthday wishes for Sam, i just cant believe he is 1!! We had a nice party yesterday and he has spent all weekend walking :happydance: We're gonna go get him measured for some proper shoes next weekend i hope :)

Happy birthday to all other bumpkins over the weekend :)
Kte - Clarks do a measuring service and the shoes are the cutest, if a little expensive lol (Earl's were £28) but worth it as I have terrible feet thanks to cheap shoes growing up! G is the width....it goes from E to H so he's got big feet for his age apparently! lol

Neferet - I weighed Earl on the scales at home at 10 months (24lb 2oz) and at 11 months (25lb 10oz) - they're not the most accurate but he has grown a heck of a lot this week and has put on a lot of weight - he feels really solid! - so I reckon he's about 26lb now.
Just got back from the health visitor appointment with Ike. He weighs 22lb 15oz. Just wondering what all the other bumpkin babies weigh...

I got Romilly weighed on Wednesday last week (so 4 days before her 1st birthday) and she was 17lbs 7oz :)

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes for my little girl :) We had a lovely weekend, hard to believe that it's over now and I'm back to the University slog! I still find it really odd to look at her and think "She's a 1 year old!", especially as she is so small :cloud9:

Colsy - so glad that you have sleep again! I'm really happy that the sleep clinic worked for you :hugs:

Aimee - We got Romilly measured for crawlers when she started wanting to "walk" holding our hands outside. She's normally barefoot, but not always suitable outside around here! She is a 2E, and even then, only one of the 2E shoes was a good fit - most were still to wide! I think she's going to be like me and have narrow feet - I foresee years of nightmares finding school shoes now! :rofl:

Flora - big hugs :hugs:

Kaites - hope you had a good time at the lake, and that it wasn't too too cold!

Sorry if I'm missing people, I'm trying to catch up on posts in between the absolute MOUNTAIN of Uni work I have to do! Apparently 3rd year is even worse than this - no idea how I'm going to survive!!! I need a Time-Turner :rofl:

Big smooshes and hugs from me and Romilly for all the Bumpkins who are having their birthdays soon! :D
Just got back from the health visitor appointment with Ike. He weighs 22lb 15oz. Just wondering what all the other bumpkin babies weigh...

Dunno, she's got her 1 yr check tomorrow. I suspect a good 22lbs. Shes put on loads of weight since we sorted out her dairy allergy and she can actually keep food in her belly.

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