Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Happy Birthday to all the bumpkins who are turning one! Phoebe will be one a week on Thursday and like all of us I can't beleive where the year has gone! Back to work in 2 weeks too!

Think I probably have one of the biggest bumpkins. Not had her weighed since she was 8 1/2 months old but she was 24lbs then! Might get her weighed on Thursday but suspect she will be around 28lb but we'll see! She is really really tall though and has constantly been on the 99th percentile for height and weight which I guess is no surprise considering she was very long (they didn't measure her as could see she was long enough) and 9lb12oz at birth!

Hope everyone is ok! Phoebe is at nursery again this morning and cried and clung to me when I dropped her off! Hope it gets easier!

Have a good day everyone x
Morning all :wave:

Bingers: Aww hope Phoebe settles down a bit soon :hugs: :flower:

Aimee: Thanks :flower: I have seen some pretty shoes in Clarks that are £22 :shock: I can't remember the last time I bought shoes that cost that much for me! (I'm not tight, just skint! :haha:) I'm so looking forward to getting her an array of nice shoes and of course some wellies!

She does have big feet too, they are quite wide. We got her some pre-walker 12-18 month trainers and they didn't fit :dohh: I have big wide feet, size 8, so one thing she must take after me with.

They did these really cute 'ghost feet' at nursery yesterday. They got some black paper, painted the babies feet white and did some prints on the paper. Then they cut around the foot prints, turned them upside down and then stuck googlie eyes on the heel part. They look fab! I want some for home!
Good morning!

Just a quickie from me :) Emma had a rough night last night- she was battling a bit of a runny nose yesterday and she seemed to be having a bit of trouble breathing last night because of it. I'm tired today- hopefully I can catch a nap with the babies later :)

Eala- Hope the mountain of school work calms down a bit for you :flower:

Kte- that is a cool art project- I might be stealing that idea! :haha: I've done ghosts with hands before (same idea but the fingers have to stay all together- not easy to ask a baby to cooperate with that one!). Yesterday we drew with white chalk on black paper- they just made little dots and then tried to eat the chalk (one of our less successful art attempts)

Bingers- I hope Pheobe settles into her childcare soon. I bet it's hard leaving her when she's clingy :hugs: At least she should be settled before you are actually back at work.

Random Q- do your kiddies like messy activities? Emma loves them (a little too much, lol!) but her little friend who is the same age has absolutely no interest :shrug: Obviously there is a spectrum and the two of them are at opposite ends of it but just wondering about the other Bumpkins. Yesterday I set up a small paddling pool in the kitchen with lots of towels around and a tiny bit of water (like one large mixing bowl) in it with cups, a watering can and other toys (floaters and sinkers) and Emma had a ball splashing. She actually climbed over the side and right into the pool :dohh: but her little buddy grabbed the plastic lobster and walked off to the other room. Similar with fingerpainting, Emma dives right in, covered in paint by the end of it but I actually had to help the other kid even put his fingers in the paint. Just curious whether you guys have "messy" kids too :)
Welcome to snot lake. Missy woke up with a stinking cold this morning. She actually started sneezing yesterday, but we went to ride ponies yesterday and I thought maybe it was them as they were making my eyes itch yanno?

Well its just in time for her 1 year check today, so I said I didn't want the Vaccinations till next week cause she's already in a grotty mood .. I can't put up with a double grotty mood!

She's 20lbs 13oz (25-50th %ile) and 30.5 inches (90th %ile)!!! She must get that from my sister cause I'm only 5ft 5inches lol.

Re her milk allergy, the rice milk does not provide enough fats for her brain development in her 1st year so I have to supplement with Alimentum formula .. about 15oz a day. Its a special formula where all the protiens and such are already broken down .. so is basically for babies with food allergies. .. only thing is .. its bloody expensive!!

Bingers ~ Wow she is big! Thats ok tho, the boys like tall girls ;) Are you and your Mr tall?

Re shoes ~ Button is exactly a 3 (USA size) which makes her a UK 2. I'm temped to put her up a size tho as they are exactly fitting her now, toes right at the end. I started to put hard soled shoes on her .. it makes me laugh cause she walks like she's walking thru trickle with them haha.

Kaites ~ God, my kid ... I can't even begin to explain. I don't bother but clearing up once a day at night time, because she totally destroys the house with in about 3 minutes if I do. She is SOO messy!

Ok shes napping so I think I'm gonna get my head down for a couple mins.



Girls, can I ask you all how much milk your babies are having now? Monty is having a BF first thing in a.m. and last thing before bed, and that's it in terms of milk to drink. He has extra milk on his breakfast cereals, and he has quite a lot of cheese and yoghurt, and then he has water the rest of the time. But I have no idea whether this is sufficient in terms of calcium intake. I am seeing HV later so I'll ask her as well, but I thought I'd just do a check in here to see what others are up to.

And while I'm here, I see it's Harry's and Emma's birthdays today, so massive :kiss: to them both :thumbup: xx
Sounds like Monty should be fine Colsy :flower: As far as I am aware you can count the yoghurt as a milk and obv. the cheese will count towards his dairy too.

Chloe has 3 formula bottles now, one in the morning (7.30-ish), one at nursery, usually 10-ish and one on the way home (5.30). She is in bed at 6/6.30 on a weekday so I class the last one as her bedtime bottle if that makes sense! She has milk on her cereals at nursery and sometimes a yoghurt for a pudding.

During the weekend she has milk on her breaksfast and a yoghurt each day either as a follow up breakfast or a pud as well. She also has some juice or a baby version of a cup of tea (weak and milky) and so she doesn't tend to drink as much formula, well she doesn't ask for her 3rd one as much as during the week, so sometimes she has just 2.

Hope some of that helps! Sheesh I can't half waffle!
Thanks for Emma's birthday wishes :) I'm letting her have a bit of extra sleep this morning so she's still in bed. We're having a joint birthday this aft at daycare and then it's the "real" party this weekend with family on Sunday. I had to laugh- I woke up at 2am because I realized I never closed the garage door yesterday after putting away the stroller (I'm afraid of animals taking up residence in there since it's getting cold at night!) and that's the exact same time I woke up to leaky waters. This time last year I was working on pushing the munchkin out (she was born at 8:11am). It was a short labour though, so my "this time last year"s don't go on all day :haha:

Flora- HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY!!! Hope Emma's birthday buddy is having an awesome day! :)

Chaos- I hope Autumn is feeling better soon. Emma's got a runny nose too but it's not slowing her down yet (really hope a full-blown cold doesn't hit this weekend!!). Glad to hear my child isn't the only one who can tear apart a room in 30 seconds flat, lol :) It's the books on the bookshelf that always make me laugh since she grabs and chucks them on the floor one by one and then reads them all after :wacko:

Colsy- not too sure what "normal" is meant to be since Emma is still a huge BFer but it sounds like he is getting enough calcium to me though since he's got some dairy in his diet too (and then there are all those veggie sources of smaller amounts of calcium too...)

I better get going- I still need to decorate the living room with birthday decorations before the kids arrive. At least baking the cupcakes is going to be our morning activity (followed by some Playdoh fun :thumbup:). :hugs: to those that need them!
Checked with HV, and she reckons Monty's milk intake is fine. He weighs 10.6kg ... let me just do a metric conversion ... that's 23.3lbs. Still just above the 75th line.

Got the chimney sweep coming any time between now and 3pm. Really hoping he's earlier not later so we can go out in the sunshine. Ooooh, knock at the door ... gotta go, it's him! Great timing!

Girls, can I ask you all how much milk your babies are having now? Monty is having a BF first thing in a.m. and last thing before bed, and that's it in terms of milk to drink. He has extra milk on his breakfast cereals, and he has quite a lot of cheese and yoghurt, and then he has water the rest of the time. But I have no idea whether this is sufficient in terms of calcium intake. I am seeing HV later so I'll ask her as well, but I thought I'd just do a check in here to see what others are up to.

And while I'm here, I see it's Harry's and Emma's birthdays today, so massive :kiss: to them both :thumbup: xx

At Autumns 1 yr check yesterday,They give you a little cheat sheet, here's what it says about your question:

At 1, they need 800mgs (or 3 servings) of calcium a day to help build strong bones.
1 cup (8oz) of milk or yoghurt supplies 300mgs, a slice of cheese has 200mg and 1/2 cup (4oz) of fortified orange juice contains 160mgs of calcium.
Iron is equally important for toddlers to prevent anemia. Good sources of iron are red meat, chicken, fish, liver, bran cereals, spinach, broccoli and other greeg veg. Pastas, brads, raisins, dates and prunes.
Full milk is a good source of calcium but provides little iorn, so do not regularly exceed 16 - 20 oz a day.
There will be a decrease in appetite during the 2nd year of life.


Cause Autumn can't have milk products (yoghurt, cheese, full milk and so on) we have to find it else where. We're trying her on the Alimentum, but it stinks and tastes like old feet and she threw it at me. I'll keep perceiving till her vacc app next week and then ask for any other suggestions. At the moment she has about 15 oz of rice milk a day for calcium but it does not have the correct fats as whole milk does for brain development.
Chaos, you prob already looked into this but are there any vegan alternatives to aid brain development? :flower:
Happy birthday to all those I have missed!

James is in a 4G right now. He has massive feet lol. Eats like a horse! Only problem we are having is that he is being a little monkey with his wanting to feed himself. He refuses to be spoon fed and will only really eat if he can pick it up himself. I can occassionally get him to take from a spoon but I'm really struggling! Any ideas what I can give him?!

Also happy birthday to anyone else I may have missed xx

Colsy- I could have written that post..Ethan is exactly the same, breastfeeds morning and last thing at night with the occasional quick one around 3-4pm depending on whats happening that day really but has full fat milk on cereal every morning, eats cheese daily and is a total fromage frais MONSTER..I think he's addicted to them!! My HV told me this was fine and I only have to look at him to know he's getting enough of everything- shiny hair,clear skin,sparkly eyes and into mischief every waking min of every day!:cloud9:
happy birthday emma :) :) :) hope you had a lovely day with her kaites!

thanks for all the birthday wishes for harry! he's had a lovely (but exhausting) day. will post pics tomorrow when i'm more awake, lol.
Happy Birthday bumpkins :happydance:

I can't believe how many of our babies are still BF :)
Happy birthday Emma and Harry :cake:

Colsy sams milk intake has actually gone up recently, he has 8oz in morning then 8oz at nursery, 6-8oz about 3pm and anywhere between 3-8oz before bed, he also sometimes wakes at 5am for milk and has about 6oz this is aswell as stuffing his face with food all day!! he eats loads lol i have no idea what he weighs as he wont sit still on my scales and i cant get to the HV cos of work.

LK sam wont be spoonfed either, but i give him all sorts - fish nuggets, new potatoes, any veg, cottage pie, spaghetti or pasta with tomatoes, the list could go on, he'll eat anything oh except bananas!
Happy belated birthday wishes to Emma and Harry!

Just waiting for Phoebe to wake up as she is at nursery 8 - 1 today for her final settling in session! She likes her sleep but usually up just before 7.30 but I suspect she fanices a lie in today! Typical!

Hoping she gets on ok as had her first full day on Monday!
Morning all :D

Looking forward to the pictures flora :flower:
Earl is a milk moster too...I've actually stopped him having formula in the day now and have swapped to cows milk as he has

Milk on his cereal - 2-3oz
Beaker of milk with snack - 4oz
1-2 fromage frais at lunch time - 4oz
Sometimes another 4oz beaker of milk at snack time but I usually try juice lol
Rice pudding or custard or semolina based pudding
7oz of formula at bedtime
8oz of formula at 10pm
4oz of cows milk at about 4am sometimes (I'm weaning him off at the moment and it's working! :happydance:)

So as you can see....anything dairy! lol. He also loves cheese in any form, and will quite happily eat as many yoghurts as you can throw at him! :wacko:

Earl is getting on fab with his walking! He's toddling about all over the place now and can get up to his feet from the floor without assistance! :thumbup:

I'm currently trying to get him some childcare as I managed to get myself a proper full time job (call centre, M-f, 9-5! :thumbup:) which starts next Thursday and we have to be sorted by then :wacko: I've been emailing and things and will try calling a few places this evening...I can imagine that childminders aren't good at answering phones!. Kaites...I wish you were over here! lol

Happy Birthday to all the bumpkins this week...I've lost track with all the excitment.

Oh and we've officially set a date for Earl's birthday party and sent out the invitations...such as they are. It's just going to be a birthday tea on the Sunday (so that we can all be there! lol) and we've invited a few family members etc. Lots of pizza and cake to be had! lol :thumbup:

Have a good one peeps! :kiss:
Hello girls, do you all have toy boxes for your Bumpkins? And do you make a big deal of putting toys away at the end of the day so baby understands how to put their things away before bed? Just a bit of a random Q - am in one of those moods!

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