lol, again, thanks for all the birthday wishes... And yeah, it's great to see that so many of the Bumpkins are 'still' being breastfed

But also, in general, how much all the Bumpkin babies seem to like their food in general it seems!
Aimee, Harry's a dairy monster too. I swear he'd eat an entire 6 pack of fromage frais in one sitting if I let him; he's also vERY into fruit, especially blueberries & kiwi fruit at the moment; it's kinda costing me a small fortune in fresh fruit n vege, but hey, at least it's pretty healthy for him (and me!) rather than chocolates & biscuits etc...
Colsy, we just keep the toys kinda 'displayed' across one wall & corner of the living room. all harery's stuff is contained in there & his bedroom & everywhere else is adult only, lol. i am thinking of getting a wooden toy chest for his room in the new year & putting up a book shelf in thgere as he has enough books to start his own library, lol. (my mum n dad are teachers, so books are given at every darn visit, in a mulitude of languages, lol)
Happy start of Thanksgiving to the North American folks on here
so, i said i'd tell you about Harry's birthday... well, we got up really early for achange & took him to get his 1st proper hair cut; it was an awesome place that specialises in kids & they did a great job! then we went to the soft play centre & spent 2 hours there, where all 3 of had a blast; there was so much there for him to play with & he loved every second. we had some quick lunch, then home for a nap. in the afternoon we went upto the leisure centre n went swimming; i was a bit worried he wouldn't like it as it had been 4mths since we last went, but he loved it still & was kicking his littlre legs n splashing us all & laughing his head off. i wish they allowed cameras in there, lol! then we went to Nandos for tea & harry devoured a quarter of plain chicken, pitta bread n hummous, then kept trying to nick my fries! then it was home to open his presents, have some cake n p[lay with all his new toys before we all went to bed exhausted!!!! it was a lovely day!
here's a pic of the haircut chair thingy- BnB for some reason isn't letting me upload any more photos, so I'll try again later with a couple of others.