Aww- poor Chloe
I hope it was a carpeted ground. Emma does the head-butting thing too! Actually so does her little daycare friend too- pretty funny that they have all learned it from our cats
Although, hubby now does the cat head butt with Emma when he says goodnight to her too
I should be prepping a turkey- ick-definitely one of the kitchen jobs I hate the most! My mum made Emma a duck birthday cake and emailed me the piccies- looks cute- will have to get some pics of Emma with her cake tonight. I'm looking forward to being able to play with her presents
I've been good and kept them wrapped up until the family party. Oh another Q for you: Do your babies still "make strange" and cry at people they aren't familiar with? The reason I ask is that Emma started to bawl when she saw my brother yesterday. She hadn't seen him in about 3 weeks. I'm pretty sure that she'll freak tonight when BIL comes over since she hasn't seen him in a few months and she hasn't seen MIL since mother's day so I'm expecting tears for her too. I know she'll outgrow it- she doesn't always cry- just mostly for her uncles 

I should be prepping a turkey- ick-definitely one of the kitchen jobs I hate the most! My mum made Emma a duck birthday cake and emailed me the piccies- looks cute- will have to get some pics of Emma with her cake tonight. I'm looking forward to being able to play with her presents