Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Aww- poor Chloe :hugs: I hope it was a carpeted ground. Emma does the head-butting thing too! Actually so does her little daycare friend too- pretty funny that they have all learned it from our cats :) Although, hubby now does the cat head butt with Emma when he says goodnight to her too :dohh:

I should be prepping a turkey- ick-definitely one of the kitchen jobs I hate the most! My mum made Emma a duck birthday cake and emailed me the piccies- looks cute- will have to get some pics of Emma with her cake tonight. I'm looking forward to being able to play with her presents :blush: I've been good and kept them wrapped up until the family party. Oh another Q for you: Do your babies still "make strange" and cry at people they aren't familiar with? The reason I ask is that Emma started to bawl when she saw my brother yesterday. She hadn't seen him in about 3 weeks. I'm pretty sure that she'll freak tonight when BIL comes over since she hasn't seen him in a few months and she hasn't seen MIL since mother's day so I'm expecting tears for her too. I know she'll outgrow it- she doesn't always cry- just mostly for her uncles :shrug:
Thanks :flower: Yes it was on carpet!

Ive not seen Chloe cry at people for ages but I think I passed onto my Sis who she hasn't seen for months and just went she prob would, she usually needs a short time getting used to a new person / surrounding, but I do mean short - like when she went to play with the little girl on Daddy-Daughter day, it wasn't long before she was playing and chatting away. She is very out going, usually saying 'hiya' to people waiting in the bus station, she is always watching people and nursery said on Friday the other babies can't get a word in edgeways when Chloe is about and she seems to have charmed all the staff. Although if I am around she would still rather be with me and will have a little paddy, or so long as she is with the nursery staff she knows she is okay.

Hope Emma will be okay with them, maybe having the other kids at daycare will help her with 'strangers' eventually :hugs: Hope the turkey prep wasn't too bad, I'm not good with raw meat! :flower: Oh and enjoy playing with her presents too! :D
Morning girls, how were your weekends? Ours was lovely. Went to Bakewell on Saturday morning to buy birthday cake candles and cupcake cases for Monty's bday cakes (I'm doing a load of cupcakes rather than one big cake). Sat afternoon OH took Monty to watch the village footie team get thrashed, while I did a trial run of cupcakes, made a huge veg chilli and then cooked an amazing gluten-free choc cake ready for my friend visiting that evening. She arrived with her 2-year-old and he and Monty played soooo cute together. Had a fab evening, veg chilli, couple of glasses of red, then Monty slept through (as he does now:happydance:). OH worked yesterday, but I didn't mind too much as my friend stayed till 11.30am. We went for a lovely morning walk in the sunshine and talked babies (she is desperate for another, but the first took 2.5 years of TTC, so could be a while yet).

So while I'm here, just out of interest, have any of you decided NOT to have the MMR jab? Or any other vaccination for that matter? Monty's had all the usual ones so far, but we've just booked the MMR and I'm still umming and arrhing over whether or not I actually want him to have it.

Whose birthdays were over the weekend? And whose are today? Sorry, I can't keep track so have to keep asking!
Morning :wave: :flower:

Here are the birthdays from the last few days / weekend but lots of ladies who don't pop by in the Bumpkin thread anymore (Happy Belated 1st Birthday's if they do see this! :cake:)


baby.love: Sienna Louise @ 11:24am,weighing 7lbs.
pink:Goddess35b:Eliza Rebecca Jean at 11.15pm, weighing 6lbs 9oz.
first alien: Finley, weighing 8lb12oz


Sparkle_1979: Ruby Grace weighing 6lbs.
jjj: Emily
Loulabell84:Cerys Ruth Howard weighing 8lb 6.5oz.


katethegeek: had her baby girl, weighing in at 8lbs 5oz.
Krissssiiii.x: Kayleigh, at 5.49am, weighing 8lbs 7oz.
MissL: Layla, weighing 8lbs 13oz.
znwinnie: Ellie Mae at 15.40 weighing 6lb 2oz.
Dom85: Brady Luke at 21:23, weighing 8lb 6oz.
Lindak: Zac at 22.16 , weighing 7lb 3oz.
Sobersadie: Cori Elizabeth, at 3:21pm, weighing 6lbs 7oz.

Next birthday now is James's (Little Kitten's James) on the 13th :thumbup:

Re: MMR, I will get Chloe it, I'll worry if I do and worry if I don't so in the end I'd rather she is immunised, she has to be immunised against it at some point. Not that I am going to enjoy her getting it, the tears were bad enough last time :cry:
So while I'm here, just out of interest, have any of you decided NOT to have the MMR jab? Or any other vaccination for that matter? Monty's had all the usual ones so far, but we've just booked the MMR and I'm still umming and arrhing over whether or not I actually want him to have it.

We've not followed a traditional vaccine schedule. She is still going to get them all, just at a much slower place. She only ever has 2 at once. Only ever 1 'live' vaccine. As for the MMR, we're not giving that to her until she is 2. We've been working with the Ped with this.
Re MMR, Emma's getting hers tomorrow. Like Kte, I know I'd worry if she didn't have it. It'll be her first live vaccine. Sounds like different countries have different schedules but the MMR is around the same time for all of us this time (I remember the UK bumpkins had their other jabs at 2,3,4 mths when Emma's were 2,4,6 mths).

Kte- I was hoping that daycare would take away the shyness that Emma has towards adults and it has in someways- she never cries at the parents of other kids, just her uncles and my MIL! She had another meltdown last night and my MIL just had this look of mild annoyance the whole time (hmm- maybe that's why we don't make an effort to keep her "involved"?!). She got over it eventually, but it was pretty loud for the first 1/2hr :wacko:

Colsy- sounds like a lovely weekend :flower: Are you getting excited for Monty's first birthday? I can't remember if you mentioned what you have planned already.

Today is Canadian Thanksgiving (lucky Americans have Columbus day today and their thanksgiving in November- I feel like we've been cheated out of an extra holiday, lol). All the stores are closed so it'll be a quiet family, without our usual weekend running around. I think we'll head out for a walk later- the leaves look pretty now that they are changing colours. Emma had a late night partying, so she's still in bed! She was up late playing with her toys- she was showing no signs of tiring out, so we let her stay up with our guests. My parents gave her the Little People Kitchen and she loves it. Definitely a good purchase (even if it is all plastic and batteries :dohh:). I also let her stay up late because she seemed like she was getting more daring as the night went on with her walking attempts. She's taken single steps twice before and she did it again last night. She was also standing up from the floor without hauling herself up on stuff. I have a feeling that when she really starts walking, it'll just be full tilt straight away like my brother did.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings :) Time for a second cup of coffee... hope everyone is having a good day! :hugs:
Kaites, hope Emma's MMR goes OK today. Monty has still to discover the 'I don't like strangers' thing. Assuming he's in a good mood, he'll pretty much go to anybody. I don't know whether this means he just hasn't reached the separation anxiety stage yet or whether he won't ever get it - I'm hoping it's the latter! I do wonder whether both me and OH giving him equal time has helped - so because I went back to work half time quite early on, he's pretty much spent equal times with OH as with me, so he doesn't look on me as his 'main carer' and therefore his only source of affection and protection. Do you see what I mean? Or am I rambling?

He did this weird thing this morning. He was having his morning BF (he has that one plus one at bedtime still) and he came off and absolutely yelled for about five minutes. I couldn't console him at all. He wouldn't go back on, wouldn't be held, didn't want to crawl about, just laid on his back or tummy alternately and kicked and screamed. I can only assume he had a tummy ache or a tooth, as it was almost like when he had colic.

Talking of BF, who else is still at it?

Yesterday was swimming. He has always loved his swimming class, but he's started to be very wary of going under the water, whereas previously he never minded it at all. So now he cries just before I pop him under, and of course he can now anticipate what's going to happen, so it gets worse throughout the course of the lesson. The rest of the class he still enjoys, so I am really focussing on that bit, in the hope that he'll forget about the underwater bit. Anybody else found this?

If anybody's in touch with Maffie, send her my good wishes. I think it must be Noah's bday soon.
Morning all,

Kaites: Hope Emma's immunisations go okay today and they don't upset her too much :hugs: Stranger wise I wonder if she can just 'sense' something from them? Like if they are apprehensive she is going to cry on them, she can tell something is up and ends up crying?

Colsy: We have never taken Chloe swimming (hoping to on our week off :happydance:) but she is reacting differently to water. Usually she loves being splashed and loves playing in the water but lately she doesn't like to be in for too long. I'm not sure if it's due to our bathroom getting colder though, something I need to sort for next bath night! Hopefully if you carry on as you are he will soon be okay with it again. I'm in touch with Maffie so I'll pass on your wishes :flower: Hope Monty is okay now :hugs:
Good morning ladies :)

Geesh- I think long weekends actually go faster than the regular ones! I spent some time looking into the MMR jab yesterday and I think I feel pretty good about the decision of letting Emma have it. I'm not looking forward to the actual jabs though- now that Emma is older, I think it's going to be worse :cry: I wasn't supposed to have any kids coming to daycare today (Emma's little friend also has his jabs today too) but the older kids are now coming and I have to bring the kindergarten kid with me. I have some colouring pages printed and will bring some of our own books along but I know it's not going to be a smooth trip- this kid does not like walking and I will be taking the bus with him and there are long walks to and from the bus stops (seriously, kids these days spend wayyyy too much time in front of the TV and are so out of shape!!). At least I have the afternoon off so I can give Emma lots of cuddles.

Colsy- we're still BFing too :) I wish I could say we were only down to 2 feeds a day (more like 4 but they aren't very long, plus some night feeds). Part of me is ready to be done with it, but I know when it happens, I'll miss it so we're gently working on getting down to just morning and night atm. I suppose the upside to all the boobie-time is that I'm still AF-free, lol :) Emma had an episode just like Monty back in July- freaked me out too. With us, she had a bit of a rash (the eczema flare up incident) and then she bit me, startling me and I think the combo of not feeling 100% combined with my reaction set her off. Hasn't happened since though- I hope it was just an isolated incident for you guys too :flower: I hope Monty enjoys swimming classes-we haven't been to classes since she was about 6 months old so I don't know how she'd react to being put under the water now. She didn't like it much back then so I can only imagine she wouldn't like it much now too. Most of the swimming we did this summer was in lakes and rivers and I tried to keep her head above water to minimise the risk of ear infections (I'm paranoid, I know!).

Kte- I'm convinced that Emma's stranger anxiety with the uncles and MIL is just what you said- she's reacting to them and the "vibe" they send out since she's fine with other strangers :shrug: My BIL tells a lot of animated stories that just make him sound/look irrate and I really think it freaks Emma out and now she's reacting to the 3 of them the same way (although she always warms up to my brother really quickly). Emma doesn't like her bath as much anymore either- this past week, I've taken to hopping in the tub with her and she's been enjoying it more (I love the smell of her lavender bath products :haha:). We also brought a little space heater in the bathroom too and that seems to help.

Right, I better go get dressed and wake up Emma before the kids arrive. Hope everyone is having a good day! :hugs: to those that need them :)
So quiet in here these days. It's just me, Kte and Kaites a lot of the time now - but at least I'm in good company :happydance:

Been thinking quite a bit lately about when we will TTC again. Those of you who want to TTC, but not quite yet ... I'd be interested to know your reasons for not wanting to straight away. I have two reasons. First is very selfish - I have soooo got used to sleeping again that I don't think I want to upset that and go back to sleepless nights. My second reason is the complete opposite of selfish - I am concerned that having another baby will impact heavily on Monty as obviously I won't be able to devote anywhere near the amount of time to him that he currently gets. I am guessing these are both quite normal reasons, but I wonder how people come to terms with them in the end, in particular the one about how on earth do you manage to give time to both children.

Right, back to work again. I have a BIG project on but I am working flat out in the hope that I'll finish it tomorrow and then get the rest of the week off with Monty.

P.S. Does anybody else's baby have a huge thing about doors closing at the moment? Monty screams each time a door is closed while he's watching it. It's not that he doesn't want the person to leave the room, because he does it even if you come into the room! I think it's actually because he suddenly decides he wants to go through the door and obviously he can't if it's shut. He makes a right racket, serious screaming, like a right proper toddler tantrum. I've started closing doors really quietly in the hope that he won't notice, but that's probably a silly thing to do because he's gonna have to get used to it eventually!
I guess I'm kinda lucky, coz Harry pretty much only cries maybe once a week :shrug: And it's usually coz he's done something stupid & hurt himself/fallen off something/can't get to something he wants. He's too laid back & smiley to cry most of the time, and instead (like when he wakes in the night) he just does a horrible nasally whinge that I find more annoying than if he was to just flat out cry, lol.

Harry only has stranger issues to my FIL. He couldn't care less about anyone else; with most strangers, he's just a bit quieter than he normally is for about 10 minutes, then he's all huggy & kissy & giving them his toys so they play with him, bless him. But with FIL, he cries/whinges & wont go near him the whole time he's round... but when we're out in open spaces (like a restaurant or park or shopping centre) he's pretty much ok with him, which has always perplexed be & OH, coz there doesn't seem to be a reason why he acts that way with him when he's in our house :shrug:

Thanks for the tips re: discipline. I will start saying & signing 'stop' & see if that makes a difference. We've been doing a lot more redirection with him this weekend too. His main 'naughty' things that he does are turning the TV on & off, bashing the TV with random toys, pulling all the DVDs out of the shelves, opening the cupboards in the kitchen (my fault for not babyproofing in there yet), trying to pull things out of the bin (which we've now hidden under a coffee table & out his bebepod in front of so he can't get to it) & if he's in the hallways, he tries to eat people's shoes, lol. Granted, that's nothing too major, but obviously I'd prefer for him not to do it, lol.

Colsy, we're still BFing too. Harry's having an awful time teething atm, so he majorly upped the amounts of BFing & he seems to have shot up a lot this past couple of weeks too, so probably had a growth spurt in there somewhere too, so he's been having anywhere between 4 & 10 BFs per day, which is a bit exhasuting. He refuses to take a bottle now & also refuses all forms of milk (wont even take ebm anymore) from a beaker or cup or anything- it's like he's decided milk is from boobs only, so dont even bother trying, lol. He drinks about 10oz of water everyday too.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to everyone I've missed recently & also to those with b'days coming up :happydance:

Harry's got the MMR booked for 9:30am monday. I really hate seeing him jabbed :( OH looked into having the injections separately & more spaced out, but then we just kinda decided to get them over & done with at the usual times & ages...

Ummm, what else?


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if he's in the hallways, he tries to eat people's shoes, lol.

Arrgh, shoes. Monty is obsessed! He tries to lick the soles. YUK! And if they have a good chewy sole, like DMs or walking boots, he really goes for it :dohh:

we're still BFing too. ... he's been having anywhere between 4 & 10 BFs per day,

WOW! That's a lot of BF. 10 feeds reminds me of newborn days. Harry must really love snuggling up with you. Do you still feed in public? Or do you just plan your day so you're not out around a feed time?
generally, went we're out & about, he's not as interested & more distracted so he doesn't usually ask for any feeds & is happy with his water & snacks on raisins n stuff, but if we're out for a long time, and he wants 'bubba' as he now calls it, he starts yanking on my top & trying to whack them out himself, regardless, lol. It can be a bit embarassing. I dont often feed in public, but if I need to, I'll go to John Lewis or feed him in a secluded area of a cafe, rather than in public-public if that makes sense.
When he's not teething he only has 4-6 BFs a day, but that still included the fact he wakes up once a night too. And only 2-3 of his feeds are what I would call good ones, where he's on for more than 5 mins & has a big full belly afterwards. I think he's a snack feeder & when it's just me & him at home, and especially if the weather is crappy, he just wants to be permanantly on me.... I think once he's finished this bout of teething, he'll cut back dramatically.
And I'm totally with you on the chewy soles- he was a nightmare with my flipflops & OH's big old Vans trainers this summer.
So quiet in here these days. It's just me, Kte and Kaites a lot of the time now - but at least I'm in good company :happydance:

I read every day .. just don't feel much like posting since.. well .. you know. It will pass, I just need time.
Nap question ... what naps do your babies get now? Monty is on about 45mins in morning and a hour and a half in the afternoon. I know they often start merging naps around now, and I like this idea - one big nap seems easier to fit in around daily life than two short naps. I wonder whether it will just 'happen' or whether it's better to nudge the naps ...
Nap question ... what naps do your babies get now? Monty is on about 45mins in morning and a hour and a half in the afternoon. I know they often start merging naps around now, and I like this idea - one big nap seems easier to fit in around daily life than two short naps. I wonder whether it will just 'happen' or whether it's better to nudge the naps ...

Its changing right now .. uses to be up at 8, nap for about 30 mins to an hour at 10 and then a 2 hour nap about 2pm.

The last couple weeks, shes been skipping her morning 30 minutes and taking a lonnng nap about 1pm after lunch.
Chloe's naps are all over! It varies at nursey, she has 1 or 2 lasting 30-45 mins usually. Hardly anything at all. Today she only slept 30 mins. It means she is in bed for 6/6.30. She used to sleep on the busses but that seems to of stopped now even when she is tired. Weekends she is up at 7am, nap at around 9, somewhere between 12-1 depending on her eating pattern for the day, nap at 4, bed for 7/7.30/8
Emma's naps are all over the place too :wacko: The other baby is the same too though :shrug: There are some days where Emma will only take one nap at 1pm and other days where she has 2, one at 10am and the other around 3pm. I'm trying to nudge her in the direction of dropping to just a 1pm nap since that is when the kindie kid is out of the house and I'd like a nice 2.5 hr break, lol :)

Colsy- we've been talking about when to ttc again too. I'm on the fence for timing too- I'd like to wait til Emma is older but the downside is that she'll probably go through that jealousy developmental phase right when we want another (2.5-3yrs old). We could try sooner, but I want to give my body a break from baby making and BFing before ttc again and with me being self-employed now, there is also the financial aspect to consider. Hubby is actually the one bring it up more now. He was even telling his mum that if the next one isn't a boy, then we might try for a third (I quickly intervened with a "we'll see about that!"). We're both getting older (I'll be 34 in March, he's 37) so that's another consideration. I know what you mean about there being pros and cons to either trying soon or waiting though.

Flora- Cute piccie of Harry in his ball pit :) We bought one for Emma for her birthday too and she loves it

Chaos- :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Emma had her doctor's appt this morning- she's now 28lbs even and 32.5" tall. Doctor made the comment that she's taller than some of the 3 yr olds in her practice :wacko: She is now big enough that she got her jabs in her arm instead of the thigh. It's definitely harder to pin her down for the jabs now- I felt bad for her but she did really well and the tears didn't last for very long. We stopped at the play area in the mall on the way home and she was crawling up the slide (:dohh:) and zooming around on the ground, so she doesn't seem to be hurting from the injections.

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