Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Harry's very vocal too. Sometimes too much, lol, & coz he's so high pitched it gives me a headache, hehe.
He says the usual mum-mum, dadda, nana (although pretty much anyone who's adult gets called nana), tedda (teddy), ta, yeah, hiya, no (said in whiney annoying voice), erro (hello), arra (harry), baby, bubba (boobie), ta-ta (toe toes), pop, puppa, (poo poo), way-way (wee wee), look, wassat (what's that), dat (that, said while pointing at stuff), poon (spoon), bup (cup), boop (book), jack-jack (for his Jack Skellington toy) see (for horsey, which is is what he says to his rocking horse)... Umm, I think that's it. His fave words at the moment are 'a baby!' while pointing wildly at a canvas photo of himself on the wall in the lounge, 'bubba' while pulling at my top, dadda every time he hears a noise which he thinks is daddy coming home, & 'boop' lobbing his books at me to get me to read them with him. :) He's a proper little chatty man.

Got Harry weighed yesterday & at 1 yr, 1 week & 1 day old he's now 19lbs 7oz. He only put on 4oz in the last 5 weeks, but the HV said it's prefectly normal & that weight gain slows dramatically in the 2nd year so not to worry, so I think it's all good. His 6th tooth still hasn't cut & is giving him some gip with eating the harder solids, but otherwise he's doing really well. Still no unaided walking, but he's never still these days- he's always using the walls & furniture to wander around & holding onto our hand & leading us places, which he finds highly amusing.

congrats to Chloe on her first steps & happy birthday to James, Phoebe & anyone else celebrating 1st birthday this week. Hope Monty has a lovely day on saturday too! :)
Hi everyone,

Work was ok actually - got there in time and the day was good, even with time to read a book and eat my lunch all on my own for the first time in a year! lol

Blimey we're a chatty bunch! Earl is walking at about 75% of the time now and he's not quite as vocal as everyone else....walking is far more important lol.

We can say 'Hello' and 'hiya', doggy, muma, dadda, nana, yum-yum (for food) and I'm sure there's a couple of others as well but none are clear enough for the general public (maybe with the exception of hiya) - he's still chatty but in his own language (loves to blow raspberries and to say 'goob!' which if you've watched 'Meet the Robinsons' is hilarious and we call him 'Little Goob' as a result! lol)

Anyway, I'm off to bed as I'm up at 5.30 tomorrow....yuk! But still, only til the 18th December!! House viewing on saturday and birthday shopping for Earl too!! :thumbup:
Hope everyone has a nice weekend,can't believe its been that quiet in here today! I have been on my uni course today. Chloe is feeling unwell, not 100% sure why, think she has a cold coming on as she has a runny nose and horse voice but she is very whiny and cuddily. Not complaining about the cuddles! Just wish I knew what it was to make her feel better apart from cuddles as she isn't sleeping very well and she is shattered poor girl.

Take care all :flower:
feel better soon chloe!

hope everyone has a great weekend lined up.... i for one would like to hibernate, lol.
Hope Chloe feels better soon :flower:

Harry sounds cute with his big vocabulary!

Aimee, glad to hear your first day of work went well :) Did Earl have his first day in daycare too? If so, I hope it went well too :flower:

I'm so tired- the babies' naps were staggered this morning and I had the bigger kids so no break for me (no BnB during the day either :haha:) By the time I dropped off the kindie kid, went for a walk with the babies and then got Emma's little friend down for his nap, I was ready for a nap myself. Took a bit of convincing to get Emma to nap though- my kid is like the Energizer bunny :wacko: Anyway, just a quick hello while stuff is in the oven for dinner and Emma and hubby are playing in the basement- hope everyone has a good weekend! :hugs:
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY MONTY!!! :happydance: Hope you are enjoying your party with friends and family!

Ugh- another sick Bumpkin here :( Emma had an unsettled night from about 2am onward, culminating in her vomitting in our bed Exorcist-style at 7am :sick: I thought it was weird that she kept waking up and crawling around the bed but not wanting boob- I guess she was just trying to get comfy and knew enough not to add any more milk to her tummy. She's passed out on the couch now, on a pile of towels (just in case...). The paranoid mum in me is now worried about dehydration- logically I know that puking twice in a short span isn't really going to dehydrate her too badly (if she'd been at it all night, then I would probably have cause for concern) but I can't help but want to try to get some fluids into her.

Oh well, if there's an upside to all this, it's that I managed to get all my menu and activity planning done for the week while she's been sleeping it off :thumbup:

Hope everyone else is healthy and having a good weekend :hugs:
Oh poor Emma; I hope she's back to her usual self quickly Kaites :hugs:

HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY MONTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a lovely day celebrating :cake:

I didn't get harry to bed last night till nearly 11:30pm.... thankgod he slept through till 7:30, then fed & went back to sleep again till 10am, or I'd be the walking dead today! I started operation get harry to cut back on his 10 or so BFs a day... it was just getting silly with him wanting boobie so much.... so now, unless it seems really obvious he wants a BF, I'm not going to offer or ask him if he wants one & offer him more snacks (good old dried fruit n stuffs) during the day, because I reckon part of the reason he upped he feeds so much is that he didn't know how to ask for food, but knew he could ask for 'bubba' whenever he wanted.... So far it's going pretty well, only 4 feeds since 7:30am, which is a huge improvement from what he has been like recently, lol. Hopefully we'll get him back down to his 4 or so feeds a day again & then it'll be operation get him to drink cow's milk instead of taking a mouthful, spitting it out, then throwing the cup on the floor.... Damn harry for being as stubborn as his daddy!

How's everyone's weekend going so far?
good luck with the "less-booby-mission" Flora :) I've been working on it too- I know that Emma can go for longer periods without since she went from 7:30am-1:30pm on Tuesday when we were out of the house for her appt. I think it's a comfort and boredom thing when we are just hanging at home with the other children ("you are my mummy so I get your boobies"). She likes cows milk but hasn't learned that it's a replacement for BFing- we're taking that one slow for now.

Well, Emma woke briefly for a feed and is back asleep again. I don't think I'll get the grocery shopping done today but I have finally got some reading done (I've renewed this one book 3 times now so I should probably try to finally finish it off!). I guess it's nice having a lazy day- hubby is working so it's pretty quiet in the house!
Hope Emma is feeling better :flower: Ick with the sick! :sick: :hugs:

Chloe is still out of sorts still but thankfully less whiny today. I gave her a bottle earlier and she was just sat on my knee afterwards and then she fell asleep on me. As cuddily as she is, she has always wanted to be put down to go to sleep, she only napped about 20 mins though. She went to bed later than usual to but thankfully I cheated a lie in. She was up at 6 so I brought her into bed with me and we got an extra 2hrs :happydance:

Flora :hugs: Glad things are going well with weaning Harry off the extra boob :thumbup: Love your new avatar and tickers too :D

Not really done much today, the usual clean, clean, clean. We are holding a party for family next weekend for Chloe's birthday, I only just realised its the 24th which was her due date so that's kind of nice / special in a way. It felt odd celebrating her birthday early in a way. So the cleaning and prep starts now! You would think with all the bloomin' cleaning I do I wouldn't have any at all! Argh! :wacko:

Happy Birthday today Monty, hope the buns are going down well Colsy! :flower:
he ended up having 7 feeds in total yesterday, so it seems to be doing the trick! He's had 4 again so far today, so I think it'll be 6-8 again today... I think 6 (or less, lol) is acceptable for his age & stage of weaning, lol

quick Q: what kindsa foods do you guys give your LOs for lunch? It's taken forever to get Harry to eat something other than snacks for lunch, and during the past few weeks he seems to have gone off bread & rice cakes, so I'm now kinda picking my brain for quick & easy (and healthy) lunch time foods for him that don't involve bread or rice cakes, lol.
I do leftovers from the night before- quick, easy and all food groups are there :thumbup:

That's great that he's dropping feeds so quickly for you! Emma seems a bit better today and has had 2 feeds so far (it's almost 3pm here)- not too sure if it's fewer than usual because she has been sick though. She seems much better today- no vomitting always makes for a better day :)
Morning all,

Kaites: Glad Emma is feeling better :thumbup:

Colsy: Hope you had a fab birthday weekend for Monty! :flower:

MummyL: You were here not so long back, just wanted to wish a belated;
:cake: :flower: :juggle:

Flora: I get so stuck sometimes and I only really have 2 days where I have to feed her meals :wacko: Generally for lunch I give her fish fingers (x2), peas and a small potato, new potoato. Yesterday I did some mackerel (de boned) in tomato sauce with pasta. Pasta, peas and cheese sauce is a good one too. She has cheese sandwiches / on toast (I know you said without bread but i'm limited :blush:!) Scrambled egg is a good one, or boiled egg. Usually followed by a banana for pud. :flower:
Thanks for all the birthday wishes :-) We've had SUCH a good weekend, people everywhere, in spare rooms, campervans and B&Bs. Trips to the pub, walks, pressies galore, village wanderings, lunches, big family meals in the evening with excessive consumption of red liquid :winkwink: Oh and to top it all off, Monty slept til EIGHT o'clock today. EIGHT! In the morning! OMG! :thumbup: He was literally whacked after such a busy weekend, bless him he was sooooo good and happy all weekend with all the attention. He most definitely LOVES being in the limelight :haha: He's in theory sleeping in his pram right now with Nanny and Grandad, and then it's early lunch followed by swimming lessons. I, meanwhile, am meant to be working. But I'm so buzzing after all the excitement that I've done sod all this morning and now it's almost time to pack up for the day. Ooooops. I can see some evening work needing to be done today, otherwise my client won't be too happy.:dohh:
Happy belated birthday Monty! :happydance: And to all the other bumpkins I've missed..
Happy birthday monty and any other bumpkins I haven't said happy birthdya to! :)

Erk. I still have no laptop so I can't catch up on stuff easily! :( how's everyone doing?

Ikes walking everywhere now! I'm so proud of him. He's still not saying much though. Om busy planning his birthday party. Got him loads of presents... Now I just need to buy more wrapping paper, a cute birthday outfit, party food and other party stuff... Then I'll be all sorted. His birthday party is going to be in a community centre so it's gonna be a big event! Only 10 days left. I'm so excited! .)
argh- seems I spoke too soon about Emma getting better. Nurse actually said she's probably caught a second flu :dohh: Fun times in our household since one of the parents of my daycare kids is back to work this week (she can't take time off work), hubby had some work commitments too and my parents are out of town (my grandmother died over the weekend so they are at the funeral and can't help out here). At least hubby is going to try to get home early. Is it really only Tuesday?!?!

Anyway, enough of my venting, how's everyone else doing?
argh- seems I spoke too soon about Emma getting better. Nurse actually said she's probably caught a second flu :dohh: Fun times in our household since one of the parents of my daycare kids is back to work this week (she can't take time off work), hubby had some work commitments too and my parents are out of town (my grandmother died over the weekend so they are at the funeral and can't help out here). At least hubby is going to try to get home early. Is it really only Tuesday?!?!

Anyway, enough of my venting, how's everyone else doing?

Awh poor Emma, hope it clears up soon. :flower: What do you do with poorly kids for your policy? At the nursery if it's chicken pox or a sickness bug it's a no-go, she has to stay at home, but sniffles etc she can go in. Sorry to hear about your grandmother :hugs: I think Tuesdays are becoming as equally evil as Mondays! :hugs:
I have a similar sick policy. Normally Emma would be quarantined with a family member (or a family member would be running daycare while I hang with Emma) but it hasn't worked out that way this time. She's in a baby carrier on my back today, sleeping though. I know she caught it from one of the boys- we're having some problems with the older boys getting sick but still coming to daycare (long story, too many details, lol).
Hi ladies,

Well what a nightmare (I'm sorry it seems that all I do at the moment is come on here to moan!:blush:).

Life has become a little bit complicated since I started work. MIL is taking care of Earl full time temporarily until he starts nursery on the 4th november. Monday night was a warzone as she seems to think that this entitles her to take care of him full-stop, even if we're home to have him. Hubby and MIL have fallen out majorly, and it looks as though we've outstayed our welcome.

Work is good, if a little dull, but hey, it's money! I got my timesheet through for last weeks two days work and I'm due £98! lol :happydance: Just think of all those birthday presents for a certain little boy! lol

Earl is doing great (despite all the upset at home) and is chattering away like a good'un. He's perfected 'Dog' and 'Hiya' as well as 'Oh God!; (you can blame me fr that one :blush: lol)

Money troubles are really getting us down at the moment though as we are flat bottom broke once more thanks to bills, cars needing to be MOT'd and we have found a house we like so we have to pay for all the proceedings on that too. We also have to go and see my Dad on Saturday as he has agreed to eb Guarantor, (as MIL and hubby wont do it as apparently they'd need to see the paperwork and our finances laid out etc - maybe we're just not trustworthy :shrug:)

I really should be off to bed as I was up at 5am, left for work at 6.30, did an 8 hour day, got the train home, and finally got back to the house at 7,15. I've had no tea and just need sleep lol. Arghhhh I really hope Earl doesn't get me up at 2,3,4 and 5 again tonight lol :sleep:

Have a lovely night ladies..

Happy Birthday Bumpkins that I've missed:thumbup:

Hope you feel better all poorly mum's, dad's and babies. :hugs:
Morning all,

Oh Aimee! That does sound like a nightmare :hugs: MILs and their 'great ideas' :wacko: :hugs: I know your saying you have out stayed your welcome but it's not as if you haven't actually been trying to get out! Glad your Dad is helping and good luck :flower: Hope you got a decent sleep in the end too.

Kaites: Hope everything worked out in the end yesterday :flower:

Argh, I have to call my boss soon. I went to collect Chloe from nursery and they said she had had 4 runny nappies yesterday and looked a bit pastey (which she did) so I wasn't allowed to bring her in today! They suspect a bug as her key worker is off ill and Chloe's little friend Thomas was ill and pastey yesterday too. I don't know why I say little as they are practically the same age as he is an October baby too, they are both full time babies and started at the same time so have developed a cute little friendship. Anyways, I'm hoping she is okay today so I can take her in tomorrow, I am on holiday from Friday so have a few loose ends to tie, not the best time to be taking off, plus I feel like people will think I am trying to skive and extend my holiday when I aren't! She woke me up at 7am and went back to bed after I changed her bum so hopefully she is sleeping whatever it is off!

Best go, bottles to make and boss to call :wacko:

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