Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Good morning :)

The flu roller coaster continues in our household :wacko: Yesterday I actually contemplated bring Emma to the children's hospital for dehydration around lunch time since she refused all liquids and was really lethargic (also hadn't peed in a while and no tears when crying). Hubby raced home shortly after lunch and then lo and behold, she starts to make a huge recovery, drinking again, playing and an all-round happy baby (decided against going to hospital at that point). Fast forward to 9:30pm when the vomitting starts again... I ended up calling Telehealth (kinda like our version of NHS Direct, I think... ) and they recommended seeing a doctor today since it's now been more than 24hrs of vomitting so I guess we'll be trying to get into the clinic this aft. I guess I've been lucky with Emma's health so far (only really had a stuffy nose a few times) but always knew that running a daycare, esp with school aged kids, would expose her to lots more viruses. Blah! At least it's Wednesday and the weekend is almost within sight...

Aimee- I hope you manage to get new living arrangements sorted fast :hugs: MILs can be such a pain!! Glad to hear Earl is doing well with all the changes :hugs:

Kte- I hope Chloe feels better soon :hugs: I hope the call to your boss goes well. If your boss has kids, hopefully he (she?) understands. I always call the little boy I care for "Emma's little friend" too- he's only 3 days younger but he is a lot smaller.

Anyway, I better get my butt in gear, get dressed and do some quick vacuuming- fx'd Emma stays asleep. Hope all the other Bumpkins are doing well. :hugs: to those that need them!
Oh and a quick Happy Birthday Aidyn!

I sometimes see jlosomerset on the thread but we haven't heard from her in ages- just a quick birthday wish in case she is checking today ;)
Aw Kaites, I soooo hope Emma gets better ASAP.

And Aimee, :hugs: Have you found a house to buy? Or is this a rental? Am guessing renting, because you won't know where hubby will be working after he finishes his PGCE.

We have a sickly boy here, but it's a simple cold I think rather than anything too scary. He's pretty grumpy with it though, and not sleeping too well. Well, nights are OK but daytime naps are VERY short at the moment, because his blocked nose keeps waking him.

Talking of naps, has anybody gone down the route of actively converting two naps into one? I have a feeling Monty would be happy with just one longer nap now, but I'm not quite sure how to start merging them. I presume you don't just stop one nap from day 1 ... surely it happens gradually? But how?
Shed load of Qs today. Anybody in this situ yet: https://www.babyandbump.com/toddler...bling-without-eating-crayons.html#post7373516 ?

Other Qs posted elsewhere by me today if anybody's interested:


Colsy, I still just let her nap as and when, she doesn't normally nap for too long but seems to need the short sharp bursts. I'm not too worried as the nursery doesn't operate structured naps until the older rooms so I guess there may be a reason why :shrug: Off to take a peek at your crayon link, don't think id be much help with BF one :flower:

I have a Q for ladies . . . what are you doing about giving normal milk as a drink? Now our little Bumpkins are at the 1yr stage. I'm having problems figuring out how to transport it if needs be . . . formula is much less complicated! Chloe is on 3 feeds a day, do they still need to be reduced?
I have a Q for ladies . . . what are you doing about giving normal milk as a drink? Now our little Bumpkins are at the 1yr stage. I'm having problems figuring out how to transport it if needs be . . . formula is much less complicated! Chloe is on 3 feeds a day, do they still need to be reduced?

With her rice milk I just take an insulated lunch sack and put an ice block in it and leave it in the boot of the car till I need it. She is back on formula also at the moment so she can get the correct amount of fats, so I just take the and powder separate and mix it as needed.
Morning ladies & bumpkins :flower:

Happy belated birthdays to Aidyn and Theo for yesterday. Just incase JLo and Mellie do pop by, hope your well ladies and your LO's had fab birthday celebrations :flower:.

:happydance: :cake: :juggle: :pizza:

:happydance: :cake: :juggle: :pizza:

Chloe is back in nursery today. I was a little worried I would be turned away if they suspected it was a 48hr bug but they were quite happy to let her stay. She was fine yesterday apart from being a sleep-monster in the morning but she was active etc so I wasn't too worried, she just needed to catch up on some well needed :sleep: !
Good morning :)

The tummy bug is still holding strong- Emma went to the doctors' yesterday with hubby and apparently it's just a "stomach virus" and since at that point she hadn't vomitted for the day, it was looking like she was on the mend. Of course she vomitted at 3am, so now I'm still taking her back to see our usual doctor this afternoon (she saw another doctor in the practise yesterday). I just want her to be better- it's been 6 days now :cry:

Colsy- I've sort of attempted to merge Emma's naps (works better with our in and out of the house dropping off older kids to just have one nap). Emma's ready for one nap, just not at the time I need it to be at so we're not pushing the issue atm (also because she is sick- she just sleeps all day now anyway). Her little friend is no where near needing just one nap (definitely a 2 naps a day kinda fellow) so that's another consideration for not forcing the one nap. RE: Crayons, I just let her eat them :haha: Actually she is getting much better than when we first started to try her with drawing (around 10 months). Now she'll draw for about 5 minutes before she starts to taste test them. It's funny because when I watch her face, you can actually see her give into her curiosity. I'm always doing crafts with the older kids, so I do try to include the babies in what we are doing too, albeit not always successfully. RE breastfeeding: I did read that there is a window between 10 and 12 months where most babies will naturally try to wean all by themselves so maybe that's what is going on? I know Emma hit that window around 10.5mths and had dropped a pile of feeds but then started to teeth and it all went out the window. Although I'd like to feed as long as she feels she needs boob, I also read that once you've missed that window, it is a lot harder to wean them so I'm a little worried that weaning won't be as smooth as I had hoped.

Kte- Glad to hear Chloe is feeling better :hgus: When I've sent hubby out with milk, I've just used a small insulated lunch bag and cooler pack too. I think I read 16-24ozs a day as a limit for cows milk :shrug: Emma thinks it's a novelty and I'm lucky if she will drink an ounce :dohh: She loves having a bottle just like her little friend, but then just wants to play with it, offering it to Mummy and Daddy.

Well, I better get going- time for a second cup of coffee before munchkins descend upon my house :wacko:
Kaites - Hope Emma gets better soon. :hugs:

Kte - I haven't started giving Isaac normal milk yet. Haven't even thought about it tbh lol. I guess I'm just so used to giving him baby milk!

Colsy- I've replied to the crayon thing, but as I don't BF I couldn't reply to the other one. Hope all your questions get answered. =]
Kaites: :hugs: Hope Emma feels better soon, go away mean sicky bug! :flower:

Thanks for the milk advice, I have a little thermo bag for yoghurts and things so I will just do the same with milk. It just feels odd that she will be on 'just milk' soon, I feel like I am loosing a safety net even though she is a gannet and I know food wise she will be fine. I try and give her a balance of foods and she gets a balance at nursery for sure! She has milk on her cereals so I know she okay with it . . . its just going to be odd as a drink. I don't know why I am 'flapping' :wacko: :haha: She has 3x 6oz formula a day and she drinks more for thirst now I think than for food, so she will be fine, it's just me! Nefert Chloe has it on her breakfast but it was just her formula is running out and OH mentioed should we start her on normal milk which has sent me off. I want to wean her onto it as such rather than a major jump but I guess it just got my brain on overtime!

Awww, happy birthday Noah :happydance: Hope you're doing OK lass.

Just written a post in Toddler Club https://www.babyandbump.com/toddler-pre-school/443462-naps-do-he-refuses-go-sleep.html#post7401658 Anybody else find themselves posting in tod section rather than baby section now? Isn't it a bit weird to think of our little babies as not being quite such little babies any more? I have mixed emotions re this :cry:/:cloud9:

Kaites, I soooo hope Emma gets better ASAP. That's a looong time for a tummy bug, the poor sweetheart. I also really hope you and OH, and all your childminder kids, don't get it.

Chaos, not seen you for a bit, so hope you're hanging on in there :hugs:

Aimee, hope things have settled down with OH and MIL. Hope you get the house and have an enjoyable time with your dad.

Monty still full of snot - it's gone green now :-( I always said I've never let a child of mine have a runny nose, but now I realise ... isn't it bloody difficult to stop a little kiddie from having snot everywhere?! Plus he hates having his nose wiped. (Not as much as he hates having his nappy changed though.)

A quick Q - has anybody else's littl'n started to not like baths? Monty was always a bath fan, but lately he's started to refuse to sit down in his bath, so I have to hold him while OH cranks his legs into in a sit-down position! He then yells somewhat once he hits the water. Not sure whether there is some connection there with him starting to cry whenever we do underwater stuff at swimming? The other thing I wondered is whether his bot is sore and the water makes it feel worse? I know he's teething at the mo, and he's got a bit of nappy rash, but nothing too bad.

Love to y'all xx
Happy first birthday Noah! =]

Colsy- I think at the moment I post about equal amounts in the toddler and baby section. In the baby group on Tuesday, the health visitor referred to Ike as a toddler and I almost cried lol! It felt really weird because there was a baby born the day after him and the health visitor was referring to him as a baby! XD
Ike still likes his baths. He keeps standing up in the bath though. I'm always scared he might slip. =/

I can't believe it'll be Ike's birthday in 6 days! I think I'm taking him to the fair tonight. Hopefully he'll love all the lights and stuff.
Colsy: I'm glad I'm not the only snot-buster at the moment. Chloe is a stream and she looks horrendous in the mornings as she rubs her face and ends up with it all stuck in her eyebrows and eye lashes. I was on the same pretense of 'my child will not be snotty' but I agree, it's not easy to avoid and she also hates being cleaned. Re baths, she was much better when I made sure it was extra warm in the room the other day and the water was a little warmer, although she isn't so fond of being spashed anymore. I look in both threads but find myself relating more to the toddler area now too!

: Oooo enjoy the fair, hope Ike does too :flower:
A quick Q - has anybody else's littl'n started to not like baths? Monty was always a bath fan, but lately he's started to refuse to sit down in his bath, so I have to hold him while OH cranks his legs into in a sit-down position! He then yells somewhat once he hits the water. Not sure whether there is some connection there with him starting to cry whenever we do underwater stuff at swimming? The other thing I wondered is whether his bot is sore and the water makes it feel worse? I know he's teething at the mo, and he's got a bit of nappy rash, but nothing too bad.

Love to y'all xx

I don't think its hes not liking them .. he just wants to stand in it! This has become a favourite habit of missy at bath time too. She still loves her baths, she just likes to move around, stand, pick up the bottles and screeches like a crow if I sit her down. I pick my battles and just work around her standing when I wash her and her hair lol, its not worth the fight to get her to sit! Warm water should make a sore bum feel better.

Happy Birthday Noah :)

Um so .. yesterday missy was doing something and I told her "Autumn, NO!" .. she looks at me dead in the eye and told me .. "Yes!" .. then I told her NO! again, she told me Yes! again. Why am I arguing with a 12 month old?? ;)

Happy Birthday Noah :)

Um so .. yesterday missy was doing something and I told her "Autumn, NO!" .. she looks at me dead in the eye and told me .. "Yes!" .. then I told her NO! again, she told me Yes! again. Why am I arguing with a 12 month old?? ;)

Oh dear, I thought that was when they hit 2?! :haha:
Chaos- lol! Did Autumn win the argument?

No longer taking Ike to the fair. It's too rainy and I don't have a raincover for the pushchair. Might go tomorrow night if the weather is nicer. =[

Hope everyone is well :) I think Emma is on the mend- no vomitting in over 24hrs and now a bit of smiles and babbling again. She's still pretty tired so we're having a laid back morning- no kids until after school at 3:30 so we're enjoying a day of snuggles until then (and online shopping- bad mummy :blush:)

Colsy- Emma's not a fan of the bath either- she stands up and signs "up" to be picked up and taken out. Just a thought: could it be that now Monty associates the bath with bedtime and that's why he's resisting the bath? I just get right in the bath with her now- probably not the best solution, but I was missing relaxing bubble baths too so it kinda works for us :blush: I hope Monty's cold clears up quickly :hugs:

Kte- Emma's little friend is FF and his mom is going through the same thoughts with the switch to cows milk- sounds like Chloe is getting lots of nutrition from her solids now too but I know it's probably good to feel like the formula is there for back up if she needs it (I guess I'm probably the same way with BFing too). I hope her cold clears up soon too :hugs:

Neferet- Enjoy the fair tomorrow! :flower:

Chaos- uh oh- Too bad "yes/no" are such easy words to learn and say :haha: Hope you guys came to a good compromise :)

So any plans for the weekend? I think it's just the usual groceries and relaxing for us. It's turned really cold so I should probably haul out the winter shoes and pack away the flip flops too- then it will really feel like summer is over. Anyone started their xmas shopping yet? I bought Emma some PJs and put them away for christmas last week.

Hope everyone is having a good day! :hugs:
Hi all!

Sorry I've not been on much lately but I broke my lap top!

Hope everyone is ok and thanks for the birthday messages. Phoebe had a great birthday - trip to Knowsley Safari Park on her birthday and little party the last Saturday!

I started back at work on Monday and it has been ok! Glad I'm not working Friday's though. Think it is going to be a bit tough at work once I get into the full swing of things and my workload increases. Oh well I guess I'll cope.

Not read everything but re the milk question Phoebe has been on cows milk since a couple of weeks before her birthday. I do still breastfeed her if she wants - perhaps once of twice a day - but she has had a bottle on a night for a long time and she was fine when we swapped her to cows milk! I know she is getting all she needs so was quite happy to swap to cows milk.

Hope you all have a good weekend and haooy birthday to all those turning one x

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