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Dunno if i said before but I had a letter from plymouth uni to say that they have received my application but to be fair to all applicants they will wait till UCAS closes in January to make their decisions :growlmad: i am the most unpatient person ever and i NEED to know now!!

Jo, forgot to say, thats annoying that they aren't letting you know until January! Is Plymouth your only choice of Uni? They (Uni's) all have different ways of making offers, still, hope you get in :flower: :thumbup: :hugs:

Yeah pretty much is my only choice. Mainly due to travel. Even though its Plymouth uni, which is about 2hrs from me, the course is actually studied in Taunton which is about 10 minutes from me and the placements are all nearby too. Its the only uni near me that does the nursing diploma, i chose to go for that cos 1 its easier to get into, 2 I can up to degree after 2nd year and 3 cos its so close, being on my own here with the kids it is a big priority to be close by. Im stressing over Statistics tonight - i so dont get it!!!! It's 10.45pm and i've been looking at it all night and done nothing! Ive still got so much to do on the course yet it scares me that i should be having it finished by March, feel like im not gonna get it all done.
Reedy: :wave: Chloe started at around 11 months too, must of been mid-11 as I didn't think she would be walking before one and then she just decided to do it! I'm like Chaos and Kaites, now she is mobile that’s all she wants to be! I can see the pram becoming redundant in Spring / Summer because even now if she gets a moment she wants to be out and exploring.

Jo: Yeah, travel to Taunton would be super ideal! I really, really do hope you get in :flower: I hope you managed to get some of your statistics done. I hate it when sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get into focusing on something even though you know you have to! :hugs:
Morning ladies :)

I can't believe it's only Thursday- this week is really dragging!! Not much going on here- we worked on our fake xmas tree on the bulletin board this morning (kiddies shredded tissue paper for me) and we'll probably head outside after lunch but it's really cold so I don't see that being very successful. There is usually one of the 3 kids who grumps about being in the cold but it's never the same kid. Emma loved being outside yesterday- I gave up on putting her in her snowsuit and just did lots of layers so that she'd still be able to walk and that worked well. Her little friend kept falling over with his snowsuit on, and then couldn't get up. It was actually pretty funny to watch- he looked like a turtle, stuck on his back. Should be interesting once the real snow is on the ground (we've barely got a dusting on the ground now) to see how well they navigate outside then.

Reedy- Emma's a more recent walker. She took her first couple of steps around 11 months but never really walked until 13.5 months- by that point she'd been cruising and practising doing squats for ages so it was really more a case of just letting go of whatever she'd been cruising on since she's been steady on her feet from the start of the real walking.

Hope everyone is having a good day :)
Afternoon girls, been out shoe shopping (but if you read this https://www.babyandbump.com/natural...llen-socks-slippers-toddlers.html#post8142876 you'll see we didn't end up buying any) and swimming and for lunch and for a quick whiz round Waitrose. Boy, did I feel the need to make the most of getting out the village for a few hours! Last night OH finally dug the car out the snowdrift that it's sat in for ten days, and today we headed off into Sheffield, rather tentatively as the roads are still lined with walls of icy snowdrifts and there's still quite a lot of slush and ice going over the moors.

Haven't had a completely wake-free night for a few nights now, but to be fair most of the time Monty is just going back to sleep again by himself. It's just once I've woken up, I'm crap at going back to sleep quickly. His superbly happy mood continues apace. It's just lovely :happydance: I think this past fortnight he's had a huge development spurt, and that's all gone hand in hand with some serious teething, which is what's affecting his sleep and his daytime naps. He is now officially walking I would say - he does still collapse to his knees randomly, but for example at swimming today he walked holding my hand all the way from the changing rooms and round half the pool to the steps. He has also discovered how to play independently - seriously, this has happened almost overnight. I can now look at him at the corner of my eye and he'll be really intently playing with something and not give a toss whether I or OH is playing with him. He's also eating and drinking really nicely - in fact we went out for brunch today and he didn't have a bib, and he came home looking neat and tidy still ... this is a HUGE step forward for our boy - he usually gets food EVERYWHERE! Um, what else, oh he's now doing the stairs backwards to come down (he's been climbing them for months, but he's only just learned how to get down again).

But the biggest bestest thing of all is suddenly his cheerfulness even at the end of the day. He always had a bit of a meltdown period around teatime, usually cos he was hungry and tired by then. Now, so long as he's fed and watered, he's still happy even if (as has been the case a lot of this week) he hasn't napped well. It's bizarre, it's like he's almost ready to drop his one nap. The only thing that isn't so fab is that despite having less and less nap each day, his night time sleep isn't increasing to make up for it. But hey ho, can't have it all ways.

Right, I need to get a bit of work done and then it's time for the dreaded MMR jab :cry:
Good morning :coffee:

Friday!!! Finally!!! What a long week :wacko: I think we are supposed to get a few cms of snow today :happydance: I chickened out and didn't bother bringing the kids outside- when the radio said it was -12 with a wind chill factor of -21, I thought that was a bit too chilly! I think we are supposed to get a bit more snow on Sunday though- I hope so- we need snow for it to really feel like xmas :) Anyway, Emma has swapped boyfriends in the daycare. Her old boyfriend is teething so not as fun to be around, lol :) I looked over at one point and she's standing with the other little boy, two of them are in an embrace, eyes closed, mouths touching and Emma's giggling softly- if she's this bad at 1yr, imagine what I'll have on my hands by the time she's 13?! :dohh: It was ridiculously cute to watch though.

Colsy- Sounds like Monty is growing leaps and bounds these days! We've had the sleepless nights lately too- I think it's teething but not 100% sure. Hubby made the comment, "she knows how to walk, what next? Doing a song and dance?" when I suggested that if it isn't teething, maybe it's a developmental spurt.

Hope everyone is well :hugs:
Hi girls. This week has really dragged. Really missing having a computer but simply dont have the funds to buy one. James has 2 new tricks. He growls! Proper growling. And he also climbs into my tumble drier! Not a good trick I must say. Sleeping has totally gone to pot. I'm not entirely sure whether its due to the confusion of Tom leaving, or teething, or something else. He had his MMR and pneumococcal yesterday and boy has he been miserable since. Last night he woke screaming at 11.30pm, 2am ish and was up at 6am. I'm shattered! So glad its the weekend.

Hope everyone is well.
Evening all,

I have a hyper madam this evening but it's cute to watch her lol. Bed time soon so I'm on 'oparation calm down!'

Choas: Forgot to say, 15months! Its just ridiculous! Someone needs to tell these LO's to stop making time fly so much and slow it down just a teeny bit! I thought last year went fast but this year seems to be even quicker!

Kaites: Cute about Emma, does Daddy know? Nij thinks it's cute that Chloe best friend at nursery is a boy but boyfriends are a no lol, he say's she isn't allowed one until she is 40 . . . mmmm somehow I doubt that he will have his way lol. -21 sounds awful, it was bad enough here being at -6, it did reach -15 but that was at 1am and so not many were out and about in it. Hope you get some christmassy snow :flower:

Colsy: Monty really seems to be coming on :thumbup: Did you manage to find any slippers? How did his MMR go? Hope he is okay :flower:

LK: :hugs: Hope santa can manage a laptop for you, if not, hope something gets sorted for you. Hope James is feeling better now after his MMR too :flower:

Well, today was Chloe's last day in the baby room, I kind of feel :cry: and :happydance: and :cloud9: all at the same time, if that makes sence?!! I'm happy because she loves it in the new room already, she has had a few odd days in there to get her used to it and she was there when I went to pick her up tonight. They (the keyworkers) all know Chloe anyway as she is such a chatter box :blush: She was running around with all the other toddlers shouting at them all and some have already learnt her name! I'm only sad because that's it, she is no longer in the baby room, it's like, she started school and now she has moved up to the next class iykwim. I'm struggling to explain! :wacko: :dohh:

I MUST go, its someone's bed time, think the cats will be pleased they are being chased all over :dohh:

:hugs: :flower: :hugs:
I got an interview for Plymouth Uni!!!! YAY ME!!!!!!
Morning all,

Just a flying visit, have to finish sprucing the front room before inlaws time and I want to get some good play time in with Chloe and make a thank you card with her for her her keyworker and the other baby room staff. We had fun making christmas cards yesterday :D

Chloe has discovered her climing bug, she can't get onto things yet but she ends up trying to pull up and has one leg in the air :dohh: It looks quite funny bless her.

Hope everyone is well and having a good weekend :flower:
Kte - James does this also. He used to be able to drag himself up onto the old sofa but the new one is leather and so he just slides straight back off! Its hysterical to watch but he gets so frustrated. James got his first christmas present yesterday from my best friend. She lives miles away and so this was the only way she would see him open it. Its a duplo type police station. James thinks it is absolutely brilliant. He kept pulling it apart as I was building it last night. This morning he seemed to have forgotten it came apart, then picked it up by the top part and it of course came off. Well that was just an invitation then! The whole thing came apart lol.

He is being such a monkey with his sleeping right now. For 2 weeks he has been getting up at 6am no matter what time I put him to bed. I'm getting to the end of my tether with it. Any ideas?! He wakes crying at between 11pm and midnight, then goes back to sleep, then sometimes wakes at around 3am, goes back to sleep and then is up between 6am and 6.15am. I have tried later bedtime, snack before bed, allsorts!
Morning :)

Quiet day here- crappy weather (alternating snow and freezing rain) so I've decided to hibernate :)

Jo- :yipee: Hope the interview goes well! :flower: When is it?

Kte- enjoy your Chloe playtime :) I hear ya on the climbing- Emma and friends are all climbers now (I think Emma actually taught the others how :dohh:). Emma can climb the ladder up her little slide now too- that always makes me nervous :wacko:

LK- Emma's doing the exact same thing with her sleeping atm. No suggestions (I'd be trying them myself, lol) :shrug: Does he have his molars yet? I'm thinking that the molars might be our problem.

Had my parents and brother over for dinner last night and Emma once again made strange with everyone but snapped out of it in about 20 minutes. My mum gave her a bath after dinner and Emma enjoyed splashing grandma :haha:

Anyway, I should get going- hope everyone is having a good weekend! :hugs:
He has 4 molars already. Although it looks like he may be cutting a couple more teeth. He has 4 bottom front teeth, 4 top front teeth, and a molar each side top and bottom. Looks like he might be cutting a 5th bottom front tooth, and another molar.
Love the new avatar picture LK, he looks so grown up! :flower: Sorry, no ideas on the sleep front either :nope:

Kaites: Glad Emma settled down after a bit :hug:
Inlaws :grr: Is all I can say! Apart from the fact the wound Nij up big-time as per lol I have two gripes that really annoy me! 1) Chloe has a teddy with a dummy on it and I call it 'dummy-duck' pretty much what it is, a duck with a dummy lol but FIL kept on saying 'dodie-duck' it was like he just had to say it a different way, he doesn't call dummies doidies normally, bleugh! 2) Even worse tbh, when Chloe is chattering away sometimes they think she is saying katie. Now why on earth they think anyone would refer to me as katie where Chloe is concerned I have no idea, so they say to her, 'where is katie' . . . this has been p'eing me off for weeks now so this week I just said loudly to Chloe, 'im not katie am I, i'm mummy!' Bet they still didn't get the picture! :dohh:

We have had some fun before that (them turning up) though, I felt I was cleaning too much yesterday. Chloe tried to climb into her pink bouncer car we got her for last Christmas, I'm so glad she is still into it :D Well tea / dinner time before I burn it hanging out here, then finish thank you cards before Chloe's bath time and my get ready for the week time! It comes around far too quickly!

Take care all :hugs:
Woah, how did I totally forget about this?!

Nice to see so many people still around, hi everyone from me and Brady :wave:

I have been frequenting different parts of the forum since Baby Club went a bit :wacko:

I shall have to read a few pages back to catch up a bit. I cant even remember when I last posted here.

Brady is sooo much fun right now, I'm loving being a Mummy at the moment. I went back to work when he was 8 months old which has actually been quite nice (although it was lovely to have a whole snow week with him last week).

Aimee - Earl is so cute, he looks so grown up with his hair cut bless him. Brady is only a bit smaller than him, do people keep trying to interact with him as if he's older? We got put in the wrong group at a music thing I take him to because they thought he was 2! They were asking him colours and things and he was just whizzing round the room!
Katies the interview is 6th January, i havent had a proper interview before! The one i had for my job now was only cos i put a reference on my cv and the boss then went to school with him and knew the family so was only being nosy, she asked more about him than interview me lol

LK sam has started being restless during the night too but i think he has teeth coming through, that said he is ill at the moment too, he woke at 3am had half a bottle and promptly puked all over me as i was cuddling him in. I think he's got the sickness bug thats going round as chloe was off school during the week with it too. I really hope i dont get it aswell. He's also got a rotten cold too poor baby. So i've had to put off his MMR again.
Happy Monday :)

I can't believe the weekend is over already :( We managed to get our little xmas tree set up in the basement lounge. Emma was cute, helping put the decorations on the tree. She seemed to know exactly what to do with them (a little weird considering I don't think she remembers last xmas!), but she didn't know when to stop- there were some safety pins at the bottom of the box and she added them to the tree too. I still haven't decided on when to set up the big tree with all the munchkins around though.

I was going through some of the stuff that I've bought Emma for xmas and discovered that the little trainers I bought her a little over a month ago don't fit her anymore :dohh: I think she may have grown a bit over the past month- her arms seem to be able to reach stuff that was previously "safe".

Emma's latest "thing" is taking her toy stethoscope, putting it around her neck like a doctor, and then holding her play cellphone to her ear and pacing the room, talking to herself. I don't know where she picked that one up, lol, but it's been pretty amusing to watch, especially when she starts to laugh like the pretend person on the other end of the phone has said something funny. I need to get a video of it :)

Jo- Hope Sam is feeling better :hugs: That's nice that the interview isn't too far off- maybe that's another good sign, kinda like you are near the top of the list of potentials if they start all the interviewing after the holidays?

Dom85- :hi: The babies have hit a fun age, haven't they :) Emma gets mistaken for older all the time- I feel bad for her when it happens since she's doing just fine for her age group. Brady's a gorgeous little guy :flower:

Kte- argh in laws!! I'd have been so annoyed if mine had been refering to me by name with Emma too. It's almost like not acknowledging that you are her mother. I don't know how you cope with having to see so much of your in-laws :haha: :hugs: Hubby and I always complain that his parents aren't involved at all but honestly, I prefer it that way.

Well, time for me to get out of my PJs. I think I'll let Emma have a bit of a lay-in today since Grandma and Grandpa are coming over to babysit tonight while hubby and I are at his Christmas party and I'm sure Emma will be up late entertaining :)

Hope everyone is having a good day :hugs:
Gosh, all you girls putting up Xmas trees! Don't your babies eat the decorations or pull them off the tree? We decided we just couldn't risk it this year, as Monty really does grab at everything and then most of that goes in his mouth. We've got other decos up, just in case you thought we were totally unfestive :-) On the same issue, my family have come up trumps for a change and realised that being here, with their grandson/great-grandson, for Xmas is a good idea. So I take back what I said about them a couple of weeks ago and give them a bit of credit for a change.

Like Emma, Monty is also playing 'phone' all the time. He loves to pick up the landline handset every time we're in the hallway. He also loves grabbing my and OH's mobiles. But he hasn't realised yet that remote controls aren't actually phones, so he tries to make calls on those too!

We've got our baby group Xmas party tomorrow. They're having a mini bouncy castle, which I predict Monty will adore. He loves standing at the end of the bed holding on to the bedframe and bouncing really high, so I suspect the bouncy castle will be THE thing of the week. The hard bit will be making sure he gets off once the bigger kids go on it.

Right, gotta make tea. Then must do some Xmas plans, now that family have finally let me know :-)
Morning ladies,

Hope your all well I just got an email from my Mum and half of me wants to just get it all out and the other half just thinks there is too much to say and just shrug it off. It's a relatively short tale in theory, just too much background info to slot in first *sigh* Somedays I wish we had still moved to Bridgewater! After Sunday and the FIL & MIL we were saying at least we had my sane parents :dohh: Anyway, enough of the cryptics!

Chloe had a fab day in Baby Room 2, although she did keep shouting and waving back at her old keyworker. She was quite oblivious to the fact I had come to collect her and seemed quite happy with her new keyworker too - I think all this change is harder on me :wacko: :haha:

Oh and she also decided to climb onto a box in her bedroom last night and was jumping up and down, almost hopping :wacko: She was making the tub wobble on purpose, I was right by her making sure she was okay having a mini heart attack! She was so pleased with her standing on the box she had climbed she was cheering and clapping :dohh: Think I need to get her to one of those soft play centers and fast!!

Colsy: We have a small tree on top of a high cabinet! Dec's wise, Nij has gone crazy! I have never had this many decs in my life, inside and out :blush: Enjoy the Christmas party and hope Monty has fun on the bouncy castle :thumbup:

Jo: Hope Sam feels better soon :hugs:

Dom85: :wave: Welcome back :flower:

Kaites: Hope sorting the tree goes well when you decide to brave it :flower: Emma seems to be a right little helper! Chloe would defo be wanting them all off to have a good intricate investigate. That is really cute about her pacing the room playing pretend :D

LK:Hope James has been sleeping better :flower:

Best go :coffee: time (argh just remebered I forgot to bring some crisps for lunch :dohh:) and get on with it all as my colleague is off with her poorly son today so my workload is x2.

Have a good day all :hugs: :kiss: :flower:

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