Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Good morning :coffee:

Late night last night out at hubby's work xmas party- whoever chose a Monday night for a party is insane. Emma was golden for my parents so clearly it's just the uncles and in-laws presence that set her shyness off :shrug: My mother is a little OTT with taking photos of Emma so we have the entire evening chronicled in photos :haha: At least I can see she was happy while we were gone. I had a "gosh, she's not a baby anymore" moment while looking at the photos- she looked all grown up with more hair, all her front teeth and walking. I love looking forward to all the new little things she's learning but a little sad when I realize how fast the baby years are going. sigh...

Colsy- that's great that your family have decided to do xmas with you this year :hugs: With Emma, letting her help decorate it seems to have curbed some of the desire to investigate the tree.- maybe Monty would be the same? I think I might buy some cheap plastic (aka non-breakable, no sentimental attachment) ornaments for the big tree to keep at Emma level. I just know that the boys will be tracking them all through the first floor of the house like they do their toys though and I'll be redecorating the tree every evening after they have left for the night :dohh: I hope Monty enjoys the bouncy castle- sounds like fun!

Kte- Hope the issue with your parents isn't too major :flower: That's great that Chloe has adjusted so well to the new baby room! Sounds like she is a little daredevil too :)

Anyway, not much else new here- we finally got a few cms of snow so I think we'll be playing outside lots today as the kiddies love being pulled around the garden in circles on our baby sled while sing jingle bells :) Hope everyone has a good day :hugs:

God, it's been wayyyyyy too long since i logged on here! :dohh: i dont think I stand a chance at catching up, so if there's anything major, fill me in!

we're ok here. We went away for a week to visit my grandparents in Norfolk as my grandad has prostate cancer :( And my nan was in hospital with C-Dif (or however it's spelt). Then I've been ill with a stinking cold & also managed to drop the top freezer shelf on my foot- thought I'd broken it, but it's just badly bruised & really hurts! I'm on the mend though.

harry had his 1 year check yesterday (just a bit late) & is doing great- they were incredibly impressed with his speech & said he was very advanced vocally, so that made me feel very proud :thumbup: He's now 20lbs 1 oz, 74cm long 7 head was 46cm round, so all following the 9th-25th centiles for his age 7 sex, so no worries at all :)

How are you all? I really need to get my arse in gear with BnB again!!!!
Thanks Kaites,

Just going to read properly yours and Flora's posts but I was in the middle of an essay! I decided to get it all out of my system so there is a post in GS Parental Stress

Kaites: Playing in the snow like that sounds like fun! I hear you on the baby years, I was looking at Christmas photo's of last year and its just crazy to think she was a little baby asleep in her moses basket most of the day . . . hmm not going to happen this year lol Hope you enjoy your day and you don't suffer too much from the party :flower:

Flora: :wave: Yes missy, get your butt back in here pronto! :haha: Great news about Harry :happydance: So sorry to hear about your Granddad and Nan :hugs: Hope your foot gets better too :flower:

Best go, have a box of coursework I forgot to stamp from this morning :dohh:
So how many of you have walkers?? Finley isnt walking yet but will stand alone & take steps from me to DH & so on but nothing more than that.
He's far to lazy lol x

:hi: Harry was 13 months 1 week when he walked properly; before then it was just the odd occasional step here n there.

also, here's some random recent pics of Harry for ya'll, just because :)


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Good morning :)

Quiet in here over the past few days! We've been busy trying to get xmas stuff done around the house and I was taking the opportunity to nap when the babies were napping too. Emma's been waking lots at night- molars are a b*tch! She's got 3 coming up atm- one has broken the surface but still has a long way to go before it's totally through and the others are still just under the surface. The other 2 kiddies are also teething so it's been a fun week :wacko:

Flora- Sweet piccies of Harry :flower: Sorry to hear about your grandparents :hugs:

Kte- :hugs: I wrote a reply in the GS but then my internet connection crapped out and I lost the whole thing :dohh:

Hope we're all okay :hugs:
Hey girls, I'm here but have a mad glut of work suddenly, which is great because we haven't had much between us the past couple of weeks, but not so great when really I'd rather be doing Christmassy stuff! Anyway, went to swimming class this morning and Monty had a great time, really started to enjoy it again, so I'm glad we've persevered now that he seems to have got over his temporary dislike. Then whizzed into Sheffield very quickly, grabbed lunch at John Lewis cafe and then did some Xmas shopping. Plan was to beat THE WEATHER - but I'm afraid it beat us, and by the time we were driving home, the snow was in full pelt. Seems to have stopped for a bit now, but not too sure on how we're looking for Xmas visitors - they all have a long journey (a good couple of hours), which they won't do if it's bad snow or ice - totally understandable, just a big shame if they don't come after all. Still, all the food we are making will be in the freezer, so we can always have a delayed Xmas instead. I made lemon curd ice cream last night - huge YUM! Tonight it's mince-pies (two types, Russian and English) and choc truffles, all to go in the freezer.

Right, better and go and finish this job before OH asks me to take over Monty duty so he can chop some wood.
Bleurrrgh :growlmad: Burnt some of the first mince-pies. Then I realised I had no eggs so the Russian mince-pies will have to wait til tomorrow. Plus I remembered I used the cream yesterday, so again the truffles will have to wait. I'm well annoyed - I had it all planned :growlmad:
Morning all,

Just a quick pop in, having some 'fun' sending some files to Shanghai :dohh: and am awaiting some email addresses to have 2 mins!

Will pop back later for a proper update, just wanted to say :wave:

(Colsy: :hugs: Sorry the cooking has turned disaterous, hope you have better luck today :flower:)

Speak soon all :hugs: :flower:
Morning ladies :)

Yayyyy another weekend on the horizon :happydance: I probably shouldn't be so excited because it just means we are a week closer to xmas and I still haven't accomplished much off my xmas to-do list- maybe this weekend... probably not though :blush: We're heading over to BIL's for a little get-together on Saturday and I'm sure we'll head to my parents for dinner on Sunday (I'm sure my hubby could sympathize with you Kte about having to see the ILs so regularly, lol). Maybe we'll get the big xmas tree up this weekend- sounds like the parents of the daycare kids already have theirs up and no disasters so far at their homes so we *should* be okay to have ours up too :) I still have visions of one of the climbers hauling it down though-my dad suggested putting it in the corner of the room and anchoring it to the wall so I might give that project to hubby :)

Kte- Hope the work stuff isn't too much of a hassle and you have an easy Friday :flower:

Colsy- Glad to hear Monty is back to loving swimming lessons :thumbup: Hubby is planning on enrolling in more swimming with Emma in the new year too. I think it's nice for the kiddies to have a little special activity that they enjoy :) I hope the weather isn't too bad for getting out to pick up more baking supplies :flower: I also hope the weather doesn't keep your family away for xmas :hugs:

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend :hugs:
Another flying visit!

Kaites: Hope you manage to get some of your christmas stuff sorted!

Argh lots of things to say but it works Christmas lunch now - so yep after this mornings fun I get to relax a bit! :D
We went out last night & left Harry with a baby sitter for the first time. (we've left him twice before, but once was with my sister for 2 hours on valentines day, and the other i was still in the same building, so that doesn't really count!). We went to OH's work xmas do. It was a nice evening & i managed to not worry myself silly, hehe! Apparently Harry was fine & spent most the evening ether eating or dancing (he's gotten really into dancing to everything & 'singing' yeah, yeah. yeah!) then fell asleep on our babysitter. He cried for about 5 mins once she put him in his cot, but then slept through till 9am, so all good. :thumbup:

on another note, we have a little mouse in our house!!!!!!!!!1 Totally freaked the hell out of me, so we laid a couple of traps... nothing caught as yet, but we know he's (I'm probably kidding myself into thinking theirs only one) living in the downstairs cupboard under the stairs & using the pipe holes to move between rooms, the little git! I've spent the last 2 days on crazy cleaning missions & anti-bacing everything n anything & vacuuming everyday... I even felt the need to descale the sinks, kettle & showers today just in case Mr mouse had touched them too, lol. I'm terrified harry will decide to befreind the mouse if he sees it, or worse still, try to pick him up & shove it in his mouth like everything else!!!!!!! Hopefully mousey is too quick for my clumsy harrybo though!

Random Q, but at what age do kiddies learn to jump? like, on average?
Today's Xmas post ... both of our credit card bills and my tax bill for January. Nice one :thumbup: Oh well, at least we knew they were all due.

Not much to report. Or rather I'm dead busy so I don't have too much time to chat. Got a baby group night out tonight (without the babies obviously!). Gosh, I haven't been out of an evening for a very long time, so should be good. I just hope I make it down to the bottom of our lane, cos it's icy as hell out there. I'm guessing my party shoes aren't going to be order of the day. How about pink wellies with my dress?

Not sure how much I'll be on between now and the new year. I should be in and out occasionally, but just in case some of you don't read much before Xmas, let me wish you all a massive big Xmas hug to you and your lovely babies. Happy partying - to those of you who have them to go to (tonight is my ONLY party - goodness me, where have my days gone where I had places to go almost every night during the run-up to Xmas?!).

What a day! Emma somehow managed to rip her cornea today- our best guess is that she nicked her eye with a fingernail. It's so bad that I can actually see it with the naked eye and it looks like she has something on her eye. Hubby took her to the doc's this aft and she wants to see us again tomorrow morning. We've got drops, an eye patch that keeps getting ripped off and orders to sleep lots :thumbup: At least with lots of sleep there is a chance that it could be on the mend by tomorrow- I hope so, she's in so much pain with it :cry:

Kte- Glad to hear you had a laid back afternoon :thumbup:

Flora- no clue when they start to jump :) I'd be freaking out if I found a mouse in our house- rodents are pretty much the only thing that really creep me out. I hope your little visitor decides to move house soon :flower:

Colsy- Have fun tonight! Merry Christmas to you and your family if you aren't on again til after the holidays :hugs:
Goodness, I hope Emma's eye heals ASAP. That sounds horrible :-( xx
Well apparently babies heal fast- her eye is looking much better already but now she's running a fever and the doctor wants to see us again on Monday if it hasn't broken by then :dohh: Looks like she's caught some kind of virus to top off the teething/cornea fun. My mum always says stuff happens in 3s so maybe there is some true to it :shrug: I hope the rest of the household stays healthy in time for xmas....
Oh poor Emma. James has a chest infection right now and so do I. He is absolutely miserable and the only meal he will eat is breakfast. Yesterday he ate half a bowl of sugar puffs, a few raisins, 2 pieces of satsuma, and a fromage frais. And that was with lots of persuasion.

Hope everyone has a lovely christmas!
Afternoon all,

Fleur: Glad you had a good night out and Harry was happy so you could relax :thumbup: Eek, I'm not bothered about pet mice but wild mice I'm not so keen on, especially in the house. I would be like you and on extra bleech duty! Hope you manage to convince it / them to move home soon! I'm sure you have been told but choc is a good enticement for them! Good luck :flower: Jumping wise, i'm not sure, Chloe can't jump but she likes to kind of catapult herself on the couch sometimes, I don't think she knows how she is doing it, its not at all controlled, she just moves fast and ends up at one end from the other! I keep telling myself I should tell her no so she gets out of the habit but it's sweet watching her giddily bounce about on it. :flower:

Kaites: OUCH! Poor Emma! :hugs: I'm glad to hear it is healing, that must of been pretty nasty :nope: Hope she gets better from the virus soon too :hugs:

Colsy: Happy Christmas for when you can get on! Hope the family can make it after all for you :flower:

LK: Hope you and James feel better soon, you seem to be having a run of it with illnesses too, hope they clear up soon so you can enjoy a nice Christmas together :hugs:

We managed to see Santa in his grotto yesterday! Chloe loved it, more loved looking in his grotto at all the decorations rather than being bothered about Santa but it was nice, no tears! I accidentally ended up in the picture too :dohh:


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Well, I can now say we've had our first trip to the hospital with Emma- not really a milestone to be excited about though! Her fever spiked this morning at 41.1C so we called Telehealth and were told to get her down to emergency since she also didn't like being moved around and I think the nurse just wanted to rule out meningitis. Of course by the time we drove there, the ibuprofen had kicked in and her temp was just slightly elevated and she seemed to be a bit better, making me feel like I was over-reacting (they were super nice and still pretty thorough at the hospital though). She's napping now- still won't eat but seems okay otherwise :shrug:

LK- I hope you and James feel better soon :hugs:

Kte- Aww that's great that Chloe enjoyed her visit to see Santa :) She looks so grown up and tall in the piccie too!

Well I better get some stuff done while Emma's asleep since she's super clingy when awake. Hope everyone is having a good weekend :hugs:
:hugs: Hope Emma is feeling better and has a bit more of an apetite :hugs: Its awful having to do the hospital visit but always good to be sure :hugs:

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