Morning all,
Oh dear, 2 days left, we really need to get out of these late lie in's! Well, new years day went off with a bang, literally

Well, it was bedtime and I put Chloe down but she was past tired and refusing to go down. I had come down but she was screaming and I was just to go back up to her and *bang* We ran upstairs and I tried to open the door but unfortunately Chloe had fallen out of her cot and landed behind the door. I had to move her out the way with the door to go get her

She had a few speckles where there were a few burst blood cells but no bump or big bruise, I put a cold compress on her and we took her downstairs to keep an eye on her, played with her and made sure she was okay. We checked NHS website but it was ridiculous, it said got to A&E but it also said you can try 'X,Y,Z' first - so what does that mean?! It totally contradicted itself! So we called them but got an automated message saying the que was 2 hours and if deemed unimportant they would call us back within 4 hours! That's just crazy!!!!! She sat in bed with us for a bit, hyper, beating up Nij

haha: good girl!) and then I just kept on getting up and checking on her. Her bed was also lowered before she went back in it too!
Oh and we think MIL has gone haywire again too

She called up yesterday saying 'Happy New Year' which you would think is innocent enough but she
never calls unless something is up, all she said was that and asked about how we were, Nij said and wished her HNY back. So then Nij contacted his Dad to say are they coming tomorrow and did he know MIL had called. FIL called up saying what did he say to MIL as she said 'not now after the way he has spoken to me' !!?!! I was there, it was a completely normal, very brief conversation. Apparently since she has been asleep and when Nij called up again this morning about 9 she still wasnt up. So yeah, that lasted long, I must of jinxed it!
Speaking of jinxes, I got a new watch! But I bought it myself with some Christmas money so I'm betting this one lasts a bit better than the others
Have a good day all