Morning All!
Kte ~ My sister's not due back until March! Seems such a long way away but yet, seems as though it's going to come around so fast.

.. Guess that happens because we've so much to still do... Glad you're finding the inner strength to deal with all life has thrown at you

. Send your sister my empathy, CC was so worth all the urgh from my body... Not too long now... Count Down!!!
Florabean ~ Hope you start feeling much better soon, I've another 2 days of my anti-biotics, still run down but feeling as though I can move and breath! Such a bonus...
Social worker has been intouch to let us know that OH Mum has to sell her house, good luck to OH Bro & wife, they're dealing with it all; still not dealing with stuff as a family.

I couldn't get OH Mum to go to the house, they've found that she has got some underlying mental health issues! Finally...
Still in the process of trying to get our house in order etc, gosh! I've filled my bin already an we've a week to go before collection...
Funny though, my life has become so much easier and OH is much happier, love life is getting back on track

; we're starting to bicker much less and I feel are almost back to normal...
CC & DS are much happier and are both laughing more, just shows how we are does affect the kids.

.. CC is trying now to put her trousers back on after pulling them off...