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iv been dignoised, was at 3months past birth.

been an horrid rollercoaster ride this past year :(
I didn't have postnatal depression but did get clinical depression for other reasons when James was around 6 months old.

Well you may wonder why I am posting at stupid times lol. I am on my 3rd night shift and feeling like crap. I am on my 2nd course of antibiotics cos the chest infection and sinus infection is back. Just hoping this kicks it. I don't know why I'm suffering so badly this winter. My stupid body is all over the place. Think its all down to the implant which is why it is coming out. Havn't had a period for 9 weeks. Had about 36 hours of spotting last week but that was it. I've got constipation worse than usual, tingly boobs, lots of headaches, constantly tired, peeing for England, and starving. I'm so miffed cos I lost weight before christmas so my tummy was almost flat again, and now I'm all bloated and struggling to do up my work trousers grrrr.
LK & Taylorsmummy ~ I found with the depression it is all consuming; it kind of takes over your life. The catch is you can't run away from it. You can be in a room full of friends and family, yet you feel all alone. As though there's no way out.:cry: My happy pills took the edge off it, but didn't take it away...:nope: Kind of numbed my emotions, which was ok until my life/family started to fall away from me and I couldn't stop it.:cry::cry:

Hence coming off them, much to the Dr's disapproval; :growlmad::saywhat: In all fairness, I think I needed a boot up my butt to give me the sense to look at my life slightly differently. What's important to ME. :saywhat:

Just wanted to say, it can and does get better. Maybe we need to change our perspectives of things...:rain::change:

:hug::hug::hug:All around!
Morning :coffee:

How's everyone doing today? Emma has yet another new boyfriend- she likes slightly younger boys apparently, taking to the the new kid at daycare :haha: Poor little guy wasn't too sure about all the hugs and kisses- must have been a bit overwhelming for him, getting pinned to the ground for all this lovin'! I'm always a bit cautious when she's getting all huggy-kissy with the boys, just in case she decides to start biting since she's getting to the right age for it. Either way, she's already proving to be a handful with the boys.

Kte- the xmas/ny celebrations were good. Emma loved her gifts- well, the ones that were toys and boooks anyway. She played strange with BIL again but was fine with my side of the family so it wasn't too bad and she seemed to get over it fairly quickly. Emma's on a later than usual sleep schedule now too and her naps are all over the place.

LK- Hope you feel better hun :hugs:

Taylorsmummy- no experience with PND either but I hope you're okay :hugs:

Just had a thought- must be close to Maffie's due date. Hope everything goes smoothly for you hun :hugs:

Well, time for me to pour another cup and get off my butt! Hope everyone is well :hugs:
my dad's been moved from intensive care, to the acute medical care unit & today he's now been moved to a normal ward, so he is defo on the mend. he's on oxygen & nebuliser & they did something to 'shock' his heart back into a normal rhythm. Generally my dad is a picture of health & has never had anything more than a mild cold in about the last 20 years, lol. It never rains but it pours. My stepmum says all he keeps saying is he's sorry, like it's his fault he's ill. He hates hospitals with a vengence, so he's not exactly impressed about being in there & wants to come home already! Typical dad really, even though he's poorly. he should be home by the weekend :thumbup:

What did you all do for NYE? I was in a hot tub with champange & fireworks- awesome!!! harry slept through the whole thing. He's got a stinking cold now though & is cutting his first molar (he has 7 other teeth) so he's grizzly & clingy today.

Hope everyone else is ok. :hugs:

How's everyone this morning? This week feels like it's seriously dragging! Hubby has to take Emma back to the hospital for a follow-up appt today. She's finally getting her flu shot at the same time. She was supposed to be going to our family doctor for her 15 month jabs (chicken pox here at 15 months) but because of the IVIG treatment she had, the live vaccines can't be done for 6-12 months, throwing her vax schedule wayyyy out of whack. Oh well, I can't see Emma complaining about delaying things- only problem I see is that she'll be bigger and harder to pin down by then :haha:

Flora - Glad to hear your Dad is doing better :hugs: Poor Harry too- the molars aren't fun! We were a bit lucky with the first- it cut through when Emma was in hospital and loaded up on various fever meds/pain killers so it wasn't too bad. Her second is coming through now and every so often she has a little fit where she all of a sudden needs to bite down on something- I'm just waiting for that "something" to be me :dohh: Sounds like a nice NYE :) We celebrated Christmas and NY together this year so NYE was our xmas eve- family came over, stayed up late hanging out in the bar in our basement lounge.
Morning all,

Ugh they are doing maintenance work here and all day long all we can hear is drilling :hissy: I can't really think straight at all!

Well, my Sis is at the cardio ward hoping to get them on her side for a planned c-section so i'm really hoping the next message I get from her is good news! She really needs someone on the inside to help her, they just keep trying everything to get her to have a natural birth which is freaking her out understandibly due to her heart condition.

Flora: Glad your Dad is on the mend :thumbup: Hot tub and champs sounds lovely, we really didn't do much at all. We watched Carry on Camping which I have seen so many times as a kid (so wrong I know but I honestly didn't twigg! :blush:) and something about the worlds most dangerous airports. We then woke Chloe up for Big Ben as, oddly, Nij and I like to hear the chimes on NY, must be our 'thing' :shrug: and then it was off to bed for the lot of us! That will be it for a few years now since he will be working :dohh:

Eswift: I'm defo coming into your line of thinking and as much as the doc's said no I think you certinly did the right thing coming off when you wanted too :hugs:

LK: Feel better soon :hugs: How long until the implant can come out? :flower:

Kaites: This week certainly is dragging! I hate shorter weeks at work as they always seem longer. Hope everything goes well for Emma's follow up appointment and the jab. :flower:

TaylorsMummy: Sorry to hear you have had a tough year :hugs:

I decided to treat us to a chinese last night and I finally cracked open a bottle of red I have been meaning to open all Christmas and NY long! It was sooooooooooooooooooooo nice, I don't treat myself enough (and I was being nice and treating others at the same time!) so that's going to change! I'm not putting me first, i'm just remembering me at times too! :wacko: :haha:

Chloe is still not impressed with the early mornings even though it was a 'lift in' day today and she got to sleep in a bit; serious grumps getting dressed I can tell you! I hope next week she has settled down back into a routine.

Lots of hugs to all the Bumpkins and Babies out there :hugs:
Argh stupid hospital won't help her, would rather her try for natural birth and go for emergency c-section even though cardio specialst says she is at a higher risk than most and eligable for a planned c-section but maternity won't listen to him! All he can do is advise them on how they can inject her heart at the critical moment. It shouldn't be this hard for a obvious case! It's absolute madness. I'm trying to help her see if she can switch hospitals. She only has aprox 6 weeks left!
Kte, that's awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know in my PCT area, they are trying to cut down on the number of non-emergency c-sections (dunno why exactly) so maybe that's what they're doing up your way too. I hope she gets something sorted; surely all this anxiety cant be good for her heart either? It'll mean she'll have to be monitored throughout the labour & wont be able to move about much i imagine, which will then probably make the labour longer, and more stressfull, resulting in what might be a c-section anyway... silly Drs. it's not like 'normal' people opt for c-sections for no reason at all? :shrug:
I think they thought some places were becoming 'op-happy' and it's all down to costs at the end of the day, but if they know much she is at risk, my colleague who used to work in a hospital, says that it would mean having someone on standby anyway which also costs. She has mental health issues from the strain of it all now as well, she really is in a bad state and I'm really worried about her . . . I just want to get to her and kick some ass! (She lives in Teeside area.)

It just all seems so unnecessary putting her through the stress of it all and if her body freaks out how on earth can that be any good for baby? :wacko:
:hugs: to you and your sister. I hope they come around and offer her the c-section. Hospitals are the same here too, avoiding them unless it's an emergency situation. Wow- not much longer til the baby's due!
Where has the time gone this week? I can't believe it's Friday tomorrow. And I STILL haven't got round to talking about Xmas with you all. Well, we had a lovely long holiday. As we predicted, NONE of our guests could make it for Xmas in the end - they were all snowed in. It wasn't as bad as that sounds because we had all our Xmas food safely stored in the freezer, as we had an idea it wouldn't happen because of the weather. So our Xmas Day was just the three of us (like last year), pretty quiet. And Boxing Day too. Monty still had loads of pressies, even though he didn't get any from our families until they eventually made it up to us. The first lot of family arrived on the 27th and the next lot the next day, and then we had our Xmas. It was surprisingly relaxing, partly I think because we had been so organised. Usually there's an argument or two when I spend too long with my family, but amazingly they stayed as house guests for five nights and we didn't have a single to-do!

Monty just loved having so much attention. He got heaps of books and lots of lovely wooden toys as presents. And he got a fab trike with a parents' handle so we don't break our backs pushing him along. He was a very lucky boy, so much love and attention from everyone.

New Year's Eve was less good. We went to a first birthday party in the afternoon, and then we came back home to have a quiet leftovers dinner with my family (OH's had gone home by then). OH's birthday is New Year's Day, so we wanted an earlyish night so he didn't feel knackered on his birthday. We played a new board game and then all drifted off to bed. Then the night began ... first I was violently sick. Then Monty woke up and screamed and didn't go back to sleep. Even though it was my 'turn' for night duties, I asked OH to do it because there was no way I could do it. So OH ended up sleeping on the nursery floor. And then he was sick. And then for the rest of the night we were taking it in turns. All I can say is I was SOOO grateful my family were still staying (miraculously, they'd meant to go home the day before but changed their minds at the last minute), as it meant they could have Monty on New Year Day while we slept it off.

So that was my OH's birthday! And also our rather inauspicious start to 2011. Fingers crossed, the rest of the year will be better than that! As some of you know, I have a big thing about puking, so needless to say I wasn't happy at all.

Now back to the present, I had a bit of a milestone this morning - I didn't give Monty his morning BF. This was mainly because we were running late to go swimming. He didn't notice at all - or if he did, it didn't bother him at all. He still BF this evening, as I certainly don't want to stop all at once, but I haven't decided yet whether to BF tomorrow morning or not. I shall sleep on it ...

Time for my beddibyes now so night-night all (feels weird doing this in the evening - I almost always BnB when I'm working in the daytime).

BTW, any news from Aimee-Lou?
Happy Friday :happydance: :yipee: :wohoo:

This has been one seriously long week!! New kid in the daycare is settling in better than the others did, but it still makes for a very tiring week. The mess at mealtimes seems to have increased exponentially too :wacko: Emma had her flu jab/follow up with the infectious disease dept at the hospital yesterday. Hubby took her to the appt and he said she was a social butterfly in the waiting room, going up to the other kids and "chatting" with them. He looked a bit exhausted when he got home- I think she tired him out with all her wandering off and him having to chase her :) I guess the only time she fussed was when they were taking blood and the nurse gave her a teddy bear to keep (she's done well for stuffed animals from the hospital this year, lol!). Hubby was saying that she was about 29.5lbs when they weighed her (:shock:) and 34.5" tall- I'm a little surprised by that because I thought she lost a huge amount of weight while she was sick but she has been eating massive portions since she got home so maybe she has put the weight back on already :shrug: I think I mentioned yesterday that Emma was supposed to have her 15 month appt with our GP yesterday but I had to call and cancel- well turns out the secretary doesn't speak much English and she misunderstood and thought I was saying that Emma was being readmitted. On top of that, turns out my mother had the appt right before when ours was originally supposed to be yesterday and so my mum calls me all in a panic, saying that everyone in the doctors office is worried about Emma having to go back in hospital and what's going on because we hadn't called my mum to tell her :dohh: Yeah, so I think I need to call back today to straighten things out :wacko: It's sweet that they are worried though- I did some course work with the secretary at uni and I think because she knows me from outside of work, she's always extra concerned about Emma.

Colsy- Sounds like you had a lovely holiday- well, minus the sickness! Glad to hear you are all feeling much better now and that Monty didn't catch what you had :) Sounds like Monty enjoyed the visitors too. I love those trikes with the parent handle- the day Emma was taken out of isolation and released from hospital, she had the opportunity to ride one of those around the hospital and she was so excited to get to play with it (we rode to the hospital's library- books too so doubly exciting, lol). I've been looking for one in the stores ever since and I think it must be the wrong season around here because I can't find them anywhere (must be stocking sleds instead- not that we have any snow this year!). I bet Monty will have a lot of fun playing with that in the summer :)

Anyway, as per my morning usual, now that I'm done my first coffee, I should go mop the floors/vacuum the carpet- bleh... Hope everyone is having a good day! :hugs:
Morning all (just!)

Colsy: Sorry to hear about the sickness but glad the rest of the time you had a lovely time :flower: Not heard anything from Aimee either, wonder how her moving is going?

Kaites: Oh dear about the doctors getting the wrong message! :dohh: Like you say, its nice of them to worry / think of you/her like that. Your poor Mum freaking out though! Glad Emma's appointment went well, cute she gets a teddy :D I think we have your snow, its hit Yorkshire again, both the sky and ground are pretty much white!

Oh for once I hope it settles as we bought Chloe a sledge and have yet to use it as the snow melted :haha: :thumbup: Excited now, whats the bet it's not deep enought or doesn't stick!
Colsy: Forgot to add, love the new avetar! :flower:
Kte, did you manage to sledge before the rain came down? The snow settled deep and quick here this morning, and it looked like it was around for a while ... but it's since rained much of the afternoon so I reckon it's all gone now.

What you all up to this weekend? We're braving Meadowhall tomorrow morn - ridiculous I know, the first 'normal' Saturday after Xmas, but there's a few things we need to do that can't really wait. We'll go to the soft play thing while we're there, and prob have lunch and then drive home so Monty sleeps on the journey home. Hopefully got friends over tomorrow eve, providing their house guests are happy to babysit for them for a couple of hours. Dunno about Sunday.

First day back at baby/toddler group today, so that was fun. Not many there though cos of the weather I guess. Monty was in such a good mood all morn, despite me missing out the morning BF again. Had a crap nap though - half a bloomin' hour all day - and now we're paying for it :dohh:
Katie ~ I'm not sure but I think they're trying to cut down on c-sections because of they reduce the chance of natural births there after...

I went and saw dr today, he's given me anti-biotics... Hehehe ones we can still try to conceive with; got a pat on the back for coming off happy pills... Funny how different dr's react differently. I've laryngitus and sinusitus again...

Hope everyone's ok... We've had a day of all weathers today, sun, wind snow and rain... Urgh...
Eswift: I guess there is that too but sometimes I think they take those kinds of stats into consideration more than the individual case. My friend at work had problems with her first birth, so much so that they shouldof given her a planned c-sec the next time as there was no way baby would of come out naturally as he was bigger than first baby. She had an emergency c-sec then but with her third baby they were still trying to get her to deliver naturally when he tried to come early, she did actually have a planned c-sec in place, date set, yet they weren't wanting to give her one. They did in the end thankfully but even with the birth history they were still reluctant. Plus, how many consultants do they have to ignore? I just feel so sorry for my Sis becsasue she always has to fight in life, no one listens to her and quite often she is right which makes it all the more frustrating. Plus I feel like they have marked her card like they did me as 'lazy' or something when it's not the case at all! Maybe i'm just getting all frustrated remembering how I felt at Chloe's birth being ignored too?!! Glad you have the anti-biotics to help and hpe they start working soon. Your right about doc's I went to one at the start of the year and one basically told me 'that's life' :shock: The second was more than helpful and supportive, glad they were pleased with you :flower:

Colsy: Nope, the snow had gone before we had the chance! Ah well, it will keep for another snowy day!

Had a nice little sleep-in this morning and we're just chilling with some coffee while Emma is pretending to feed her doll- her doll set was one of the best xmas pressies :thumbup: Not much planned for today- I think we are going to head over to Walmart for some storage bins- the outgrown clothing pile is starting to take over Emma's room again and I think we're going to attempt to put some of her baby stuff up in the attic to save in case of another LO (although these days I'm quite happy with staying a family of 3 and contemplating not having anymore so maybe I should just sell the stuff...). I think we might go to the mall also so that Emma can have a wander- she loves the shopping centre. It snowed a tiny bit yesterday so we might go out ffor a walk with her sled tomorrow (lots of snow storms in Canada this year, but they keep missing our area).

eswift- Hope you feel better hun :hugs:

Colsy- hope Monty enjoyed his trip to the soft-play centre :flower:

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