Happy Friday
This has been one seriously
long week!! New kid in the daycare is settling in better than the others did, but it still makes for a very tiring week. The mess at mealtimes seems to have increased exponentially too

Emma had her flu jab/follow up with the infectious disease dept at the hospital yesterday. Hubby took her to the appt and he said she was a social butterfly in the waiting room, going up to the other kids and "chatting" with them. He looked a bit exhausted when he got home- I think she tired him out with all her wandering off and him having to chase her

I guess the only time she fussed was when they were taking blood and the nurse gave her a teddy bear to keep (she's done well for stuffed animals from the hospital this year, lol!). Hubby was saying that she was about 29.5lbs when they weighed her


and 34.5" tall- I'm a little surprised by that because I thought she lost a huge amount of weight while she was sick but she has been eating massive portions since she got home so maybe she has put the weight back on already

I think I mentioned yesterday that Emma was supposed to have her 15 month appt with our GP yesterday but I had to call and cancel- well turns out the secretary doesn't speak much English and she misunderstood and thought I was saying that Emma was being readmitted. On top of that, turns out my mother had the appt right before when ours was originally supposed to be yesterday and so my mum calls me all in a panic, saying that everyone in the doctors office is worried about Emma having to go back in hospital and what's going on because we hadn't called my mum to tell her

Yeah, so I think I need to call back today to straighten things out

It's sweet that they are worried though- I did some course work with the secretary at uni and I think because she knows me from outside of work, she's always extra concerned about Emma.
Colsy- Sounds like you had a lovely holiday- well, minus the sickness! Glad to hear you are all feeling much better now and that Monty didn't catch what you had

Sounds like Monty enjoyed the visitors too. I love those trikes with the parent handle- the day Emma was taken out of isolation and released from hospital, she had the opportunity to ride one of those around the hospital and she was so excited to get to play with it (we rode to the hospital's library- books too so doubly exciting, lol). I've been looking for one in the stores ever since and I think it must be the wrong season around here because I can't find them anywhere (must be stocking sleds instead- not that we have any snow this year!). I bet Monty will have a lot of fun playing with that in the summer
Anyway, as per my morning usual, now that I'm done my first coffee, I should go mop the floors/vacuum the carpet- bleh... Hope everyone is having a good day!