Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Fraggles, hello! Ooo dear, I see you wrote that post at 4 in the morning. Hope everything is going beautifully with your two boys. :thumbup:
Fraggles! :happydance: :hugs: :happydance: :wave: :happydance:

:haha: I just text you to ask which one you treated yourself to! Didn't get my phone out of my coat all night then I saw your message and daren't text you so late incase you'd managed to get some rest. (Although now I hope my morning text didn't wake you since you were on so early! :blush:) I love they way they suddenly managed to get it all together! They delivering it to your home? :flower:

Kaites: I was wondering how you were getting on with the bunch of teethers! :hugs: Hope now that it's Thursday the week speeds up for you :flower: Hope the newbie settles in with the routines a bit more too :flower:

Chloe managed to go to bed last night without a fight but it was still 7.45. I'd rather that than go backwards though! She did wake up about 10 upset and rubbing her ear, I can't decided if its teething, as she has 12 teeth already, or if its growing pains :shrug: I have checked her ear/s and they don't seem too waxy or anything so I don't think they are infected. Otherwise she seems okay with the exception of her stylish streaming nose, baby bogies, joy!

We are at inlaws tonight as Chloe is sleeping out all weekend at my parents :cry: Think there may be a Daddy~Daughter day tomorrow. I know she will have a fab time at my parents and it will give us chance to have a huge sort out but I'm seriously going to miss her! Silly soppy Mummy! :dohh:

Hey Nerefet! :flower: :wave:

2 more days til the weekend! Anyone with special plans? We're thinking of heading to the canal to go skating- I can't wait! Last year we had to use the stroller on the ice but I think we're going to use Emma's little sled this time around since she loves it so much. Everytime we go for a walk and I wheel the stroller with the kids back into the garage, she gets all excited when she sees the sled sitting there, going "This! This!" and pointing at it. I don't know how comfy it'll be for a longer ride, but I don't think we're going to do a super long skate anyway.

Fraggles :yipee: :hugs:

Kte- I'd be the same way if I ever left Emma for a night too- nothing silly or soppy about it :hugs: I hope it allows you to get everything sorted :flower: That's good that her sleeping pattern hasn't gone backward, lol :) We're still having issues because of the teeth- I'll think that everything is fine before bedtime so I don't bother giving her tylenol, only to have her wake up a zillion times :dohh: The whole hospital experience has put her off any meds during the night so it's a bit of a nightmare trying to give her the stuff once night rolls around. Yeah, I'm hoping daycare kiddie settles in soon too- part of the problem is the timing of when they are dropping him off and picking him up and how's it's messing with the flow of our day (sounds so cheesy) but I can't really do much about that atm :shrug: Hopefully things improve- my wine rack is taking a hit with all my post-work/pre-dinner unwinding :haha:

Anyway, hope everyone is having a good day! :hugs: to those that need them!
Kte I took the pram there and then I think a small independent store couldn't afford to turn down such a big sale. I'll collect the few missing bits when they come in.

We have a very small awake window every night. J suffers bad wind between 1 and 4am but he also takes at least 3 BFs during that time too but he's in a good pattern of BF 10pm then straight to sleep till 1am ish then at 4am back off to sleep till gone 6-7am so I dont mind.

N teething badly and has a cold so he's sleeping less than J I actually feel much better this time round energy and sleep wise.

Colsy I like your new avatar picture shows how much your little bumpkin has grown, was he watching any animals beyond that gate?
Kte I took the pram there and then I think a small independent store couldn't afford to turn down such a big sale. I'll collect the few missing bits when they come in.

We have a very small awake window every night. J suffers bad wind between 1 and 4am but he also takes at least 3 BFs during that time too but he's in a good pattern of BF 10pm then straight to sleep till 1am ish then at 4am back off to sleep till gone 6-7am so I dont mind.

N teething badly and has a cold so he's sleeping less than J I actually feel much better this time round energy and sleep wise.

Colsy I like your new avatar picture shows how much your little bumpkin has grown, was he watching any animals beyond that gate?

That's cause your body has had 15 odd months to get used to sleep deprivation ;) :hugs:
Thats so true Chaos I actually feel normal after a 4 hour sleep give me anymore and I get that over slept feeling.
Argh lost my post, I'm far too good at doing that lately! :dohh:

Fraggles: I get you now, its the bits that are coming later. Well done J on the sleep but shame wind is getting to him and hope N's teeth cut through soon enough :flower:

Kaites: It will be 2 nights :shock: My mum has bought Chloe some toys to play with and a Peppa Pig blanket ready too. We are picking her up Sun lunch time, for once I will want the weekend to go quickly! :haha: Shame Emma doesn't want any meds, its understandable though bless her :hugs:
Kte its hard when you dont see them isnt it. I got snowed in at the hospital so I didnt see N for nearly 48 hours I was in tears from not seeing him everyday.
I'm getting sooooo stressed already about it! Its the main time we get all day together too and I won't get that this week :cry: It's hard enought for me but you have N by your side all day :hugs:, it just seems odd not having her around, even if she were asleep upstairs, its still different!
Just think of those big bigh hugs she's going to give you and big smiles when she sees you. Melts your heart when their little faces light up wen they see you.
Okie, I gotta a question .. has anyone elses kid(s) ever been on a albuterol nebulizer? (sometimes called Salbutamol back home .. like the blue inhaler)

I dunno if you remember in November, missy had Croup (that was just the start! Mix that with a spider bite, double ear infection (twice!) and a cold lol) Since then she's just had a cough all the time .. worse at night, or if she gets upset/over excited/out in the cold. We've had chest xrays/blood tests. Well the Dr has now given her the nebulizer with asthma treatment to try. She said try that for a couple weeks. If the cough don't improve she has to go to a pulmonologist.

Well I just gave her a treatment an hour ago and she's now down for a nap .. so far no coughing!! I'm excited that this might be working, the poor cow aint had a proper nights sleep in 7 weeks cause of waking up coughing all night.

So has anyone elses kid had this .. how long did/do they need/have the medication for .. I'm wondering if this is going to be a long term thing or if its just that the croup really irritated her you know?

Frags ~ How you feeling girl? Adjusting well? You need to put some new pics up!! Being snowed in sucks. Frosty the snowman just took a huge dump over here. I refused to leave the house for 3 days cause last time it snowed and I did, I went flying down the drive way and spattered my self across it lol.

Kte: might be teething, my mates 15 month old has 16 teeth (!!!) already lol.

Kaites ~ You're braver than me at going skating .. I'd end up with too many bruises. Coordination and balance aint my strong points ;)
Chaos: My nephew has really bad asthma and when he was little had lots of different inhalers, he had a large mouth piece to fit over his nose and mouth whilst my Sis pumped in the medicine. Also, my cousin was really bad but I don't remember as she is just under a year from me but my aunt got this old case out once and was telling us about how bad she was, it was like a camping stove / mini brief case and it was a nebulizor (sp) she had to have often and it was electronic. Both of them have the blue inhaler now, I should know the drug as I am supposed to have one too but my asthma is very mild so I don't often use it. I think I heard if you have asthma when you are young it improves when you grow older, you can even grow out of it, it's just in my nephew and cousin's cases, they were pretty bad with it, they are quite extreme cases, like I say, they have the preventer's still. I'm not really sure about its relation to croup tho. It might be one of those things that you just need to carry with you in future 'just in case'. I hope the meds help Autumn and there is nothing more wrong with her / she doesn't have to go for more checks. Glad it's helped her get a good nights sleep :hugs: :flower:

Kaites: The skating sounds fun!
Morning all :flower:

Well tonight is the night Chloe will be off going to my parents to stay for the night, eek! I have booked the day off Monday and we are going to try and get all the sorting and DIY planned done before then so we can all have the day off together, we booked Chloe a day of too :happydance: Feeling much happier knowing that :D

Inlwas was pretty much okay yesterday, MIL kept on trying to give Chloe lots of chocolate and buiscuits, after 2x youghurts, but we managed to avoid that disaster! Every time we tried to correct Chloe, like 'gentle' when stroking the dog or pulling at a flower display (not naughtily, she was exploring, but she has to learn) she kept on saying 'its okay, its okay' - argh, no not really, she has to learn somewhere and nice correction now is better than shouting at her in a few years time! Ah well. It could of been worse.

My sis made me a bit mad this morning (oh, Chaos, after my inhalor rant yesterday, my nephew has allergy problems related to hair and it's bad at the mo so he is back on the brown inhalor every day). I asked her ages ago if she wanted a moses basket as we were keeping once and getting rid and she said no, so sold one and kept other. Then a few months ago she asked if she could have it, I was a bit pee'd becasue I had already offered and sorted stuff out but said yes as it's my sis(!) . . . so it's been in a pile ready to go to her. She text me this morning saying a friend had set a moses basket and stand upstairs and her OH had said since eldest nephews allergies were bad don't have one downstairs. I asked her what she meant. Eldest nephew is having hair allergy problems (it used to be cats, now its people too, even his own hair) so she doesn't want the moses since we have cats. Which I am completely fine about but I wish she had actually told me so we could store the thing properly! She is reverting back to asking me stuff then completely ignoring me or what I say and I just think 'bleugh' get on with it then, I'm only trying to be helpful. The moses basket hasn't been near a cat in over a year but fine . . . what I do think is, well if that is the reason does that mean we can't send middle nephews birthday preseants for fear of hair, or visit them, or even visit when baby comes?!! I think it's all a bit OTT but Sis isn't well so I am not saying anything, as I am sure she isn't thinking straight, they will come round. I just said 'I recommend you get another one for downstairs as it's really practical, I heard there is an ASDA baby event on soon x'. Ive just left it at that, sorry ladies, just needed a rant! :flower:

Hope your all okay :hugs:
Gosh its quiet in here today :cry:


Hope your all okay ladies & babies & you all have a lovely weekend :hugs:
Chaos, chloe was given inhalers when she was young, i was in and out the dr's for years before they did anything about it. she doesnt have bad asthma, infact we went for her review today and they said she's doing well and probably growing out of it! anyway she hardly uses her blue inhaler and just has to take the preventer one now (Brown) to keep any symptoms at bay. also my cousin had really bad asthma as a little kid and i think he has grown out of it also.

ok so i had my uni interview last week and am now full on stalking UCAS lol i NEED to know an answer like now lol

dunno if i mentioned this before, those of you on my FB already know but OH proposed on christmas day :)
Jo- Congrats!! That's exciting :) How do you think the interview went? I bet you're happy to have that over with!

Kte- Hope you have a good weekend :flower: That's cool that you were able to book off Monday- glad to hear you'll still get your snuggles :)

Chaos- Poor Autumn! Sounds like she's been through a lot lately too- :hugs: to both of you! No experience with inhalers either, but I have noticed that there are more students in the younger grades with them than in the higher grades- might be that the older students have outgrown them :shrug:

grr- crying baby (again!)- better run... Hope everyone is having a good day- my weekend starts in approximately 1.5hrs :happydance:
Chaps I've had many a times on nebulisers since I was a kid n enough steroids too! I have bad asthma even now but defo easier to control now than in my preteens at least. I used to have my neb for 20 mins each night before bed, plus my 2 inhalers & 6 steroids tabs. It was annoying, but meant I was still able to do all my sports. Most kids do grow out of it though.

Maitre n fraggles, harrys suffering with his molars at the mo too so he's waking up in the night at the mo too, but at least the 3 of us see getting ova the cold n coughs at last. Nice to see you here again frags!

Kte- hugs!
jo, ya kno I already said congratulations to u but I'll say it again Hun . Xxx
Coley- I like the new avatar of month.

Swift- are u better now?

Anyway must go as I'm on my iPhone n it hurts my eyes typing on here not to mention the mistakes!
Jo- Congrats!! That's exciting :) How do you think the interview went? I bet you're happy to have that over with!

I really dont know tbh! I had to sit through a nursing talk and listen to a breakdown of the first year. Then go sit at a desk with a woman and talk about myself and why i want to be a nurse for 5 minutes then talk about the effects the VAT increase has had on me for 5 minutes, we had a laugh though cos i said it hasnt really cos it only happened 2 days before my interview. My auntie is a nurse and she said they would be watching us interact with the other applicants too, usually im really shy around new people but made a point of joining in conversations and talking to the 2 3rd yr nursing students that were with us.

I just found out too that i can study the advanced diploma through Bournemouth Uni and its studied at Yeovil which is only about half hour from me so i quickly amended my application and added that to it, just to give me another choice incase Plymouth tells me no.

I also got feedback from my tutor today and i got 2 more distinctions for biology today :happydance: hopefully im on course to get 2 more distinctions in the next week too - this module was on the heart and stuff which i found fascinating, maybe something to look forward to for the placements.
Morning Ladies!

I've only been MIA a few days, and been really busy playing catch up; OH Mum been stirring, OH bro being a pr*tt so. So we've been getting our furniture backfrom OH Mum's garage and having meeting and phone calls about what's happened etc...

I'll be much more settled when OH can just get on with his life, without his family playing games; OH Mum's neighbour described it well yesterday. OH Mum changed the flavour of the week between the 3 kids that were local, depending on her mood...

I'm just glad my house is so much calmer and the kids are much more settled, I'm sure OH will be okay very soon... Rather emotional at present... Understanderable like, just a shame as it's not him normally...

Fraggle ~ Congrats! How you coping with the 2 boys, hope you're not too buggered!

Right stinky baby to clean... Why doesn't the smell bother them?

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