Morning all
Well tonight is the night Chloe will be off going to my parents to stay for the night, eek! I have booked the day off Monday and we are going to try and get all the sorting and DIY planned done before then so we can all have the day off together, we booked Chloe a day of too

Feeling much happier knowing that
Inlwas was pretty much okay yesterday, MIL kept on trying to give Chloe lots of chocolate and buiscuits, after 2x youghurts, but we managed to avoid that disaster! Every time we tried to correct Chloe, like 'gentle' when stroking the dog or pulling at a flower display (not naughtily, she was exploring, but she has to learn) she kept on saying 'its okay, its okay' - argh, no not really, she has to learn somewhere and nice correction now is better than shouting at her in a few years time! Ah well. It could of been worse.
My sis made me a bit mad this morning (oh,
Chaos, after my inhalor rant yesterday, my nephew has allergy problems related to hair and it's bad at the mo so he is back on the brown inhalor every day). I asked her ages ago if she wanted a moses basket as we were keeping once and getting rid and she said no, so sold one and kept other. Then a few months ago she asked if she could have it, I was a bit pee'd becasue I had already offered and sorted stuff out but said yes as it's my sis(!) . . . so it's been in a pile ready to go to her. She text me this morning saying a friend had set a moses basket and stand upstairs and her OH had said since eldest nephews allergies were bad don't have one downstairs. I asked her what she meant. Eldest nephew is having hair allergy problems (it used to be cats, now its people too, even his own hair) so she doesn't want the moses since we have cats. Which I am completely fine about but I wish she had actually told me so we could store the thing properly! She is reverting back to asking me stuff then completely ignoring me or what I say and I just think 'bleugh' get on with it then, I'm only trying to be helpful. The moses basket hasn't been near a cat in over a year but fine . . . what I do think is, well if that is the reason does that mean we can't send middle nephews birthday preseants for fear of hair, or visit them, or even visit when baby comes?!! I think it's all a bit OTT but Sis isn't well so I am not saying anything, as I am sure she isn't thinking straight, they will come round. I just said 'I recommend you get another one for downstairs as it's really practical, I heard there is an ASDA baby event on soon x'. Ive just left it at that, sorry ladies, just needed a rant!
Hope your all okay