Good morning!
We had a much better night last night- only problem was trying to get Emma to settle down once she realized that the cat had joined us all in bed. She accidentally kicked the cat when she was getting comfy and the cat let out an annoyed meow, giving off her position. Of course Beasty is a rockstar to Emma, so she immediately sat up and started to pet the cat, excitedly saying "ohh Ti-Ti!". That was fine until Emma decided to take it a step further and try to hug the cat

Cue the hissing and growling but the cat didn't move an inch- she had obviously decided that Emma was the one who was going to have to move- she was on the bed for the night! I was eventually able to coax Emma away from the cat but being able to pet Beasty was definitely the highlight of her day

I think it's molars causing this recent round of sleeplessness- got a bit of Tylenol into her (what she didn't spit out

) and Emma slept much better last night

Now the key is fighting off the cold that her little boyfriend has

Of course yesterday Emma couldn't keep her hands off him, probably giving him extra hugs and kisses because she saw that he didn't seem happy. (resisting the urge to vent about parents bringing sicks kids to daycare

Kte- Poor Chloe- I hope that the bug is a quick one and well on the way out of her system
Fraggles- I hope N is okay too

Two kids all day and night would leave my brain cabbaged too
LK- How's James feeling today?
Aimee- Hope the finances work out for you

HOw's Earl doing? I hope the vomitting wasn't a tummy bug!
Well, my Friday *looks* like an easy day- just one kid from about 8:45-3pm (I thought yesterday was going to be easy too but then ended up playing nurse all day). Potential early start to the weekend! I think we are still going to brave the cold weather and go skating, probably tomorrow- clearly I've gone mad to agree to this