Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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:hi: Aimee- good to see you back! Good luck with ttc next month :flower: We were thinking of ttc in June but since the xmas hospital drama I've been quite happy to keep our family at 3 so who knows if we'll bother "trying" for a second LO. Emma is in 2-3 clothing too (it's labeled 2T here)- she actually outgrew a pair of 2T jeans about a month ago. Both too tight and too short :dohh: I hope the bed transition goes well for Earl!
Morning girls. Well just about lol. James is slightly better this morning. He woke at 5.30am having filled his nappy so had to get up and change him. Then he went back to sleep til I woke him at 10. I got up at just after 9 and by the time he was up I had a goulash on in the slow cooker and a sausage casserole on the stove. I love my batch cooking days. Will cook all day today then be portioned up and stuck in the freezer minus a portion of something for dinner tonight.

James is now pottering around playing with his workbench which he hasn't done since Sunday. So must be on the up me thinks.

Its so weird to hear you guys talking about TTC again. Me and Tom were meant to be TTC this summer and so I should have been starting my prenatal vitamins next month. Rather odd to have to put them away (had a surplus from James lol). Don't think they will even be in date when it comes round to TTC again. Good luck to all those TTC and NTNP x
LK your sounding super organised! :flower: Glad James is on the mend, hope it's not long before he is 100% again :flower:

. . . . As Flora requested, some of you have my FB but this is one you certainly haven't seen (:blush: I'm pic happy what can I say!) as it's one we just got the other day from nursery. This is Chloe in Baby Room 1 at the start of December doing a Christmas picture using some red, glittery, jelly type stuff!


Forgot to say the other day ladies, it was kind of freaky the other day because when we had the clear out I found my old Baptism certificate (Christning Certificate) and it turns out I was Baptised on the 31st October 1982! Little did we know that twenty seven years in the future that would be the day little Chloe was born!
I'm feeling a little low today :( I'm not even sure why. Feeling quite lonely. Only really hit me when James went down for his nap really but boy am I feeling it now. Can't even motivate myself to get off the sofa. I am sat watching I am Legend and keep crying. Its bugging me cos I'm not normally so emotional. I've eaten 3 mini swiss rolls already grrr. So much for losing weight.
I'm feeling a little low today :( I'm not even sure why. Feeling quite lonely. Only really hit me when James went down for his nap really but boy am I feeling it now. Can't even motivate myself to get off the sofa. I am sat watching I am Legend and keep crying. Its bugging me cos I'm not normally so emotional. I've eaten 3 mini swiss rolls already grrr. So much for losing weight.

:hugs: Your allowed to have an off day :hugs: Don't beat yourself up other things like not moving or the mini rolls, just take time out and treat yourself. You've had some hectic shifts and illnesses to deal with on top of everything else :hugs: :flower:
It really does't help that 3 of my friends are pregnant, and my next door neighbour has a baby....and I am broody as hell. Think it would be easier to deal with if we hadn't be planning on TTC soon. Mostly I am coping with it and am fine. But then I get days like this where it just overwhelms me and I just so desperately want another baby and it gets me down.
LK I think becoming single has a profund affect on us and even when we are ok most the time I think sometimes those lonely moments can just creep up on us.

:hugs: dont beat yourself up over being demotivated or what you eat it's just a blip and you'll pick yourself up and carry on as you have a gorgeous little boy who you mean the world to :hugs:
Thanks fraggles. I've only cried once since he left and I think last night and today its really kind of hit me I'm on my own. I think its helped that I've had my parents around and now they've gone to Australia.
AIMEE hello! Fab to see you back :thumbup: This is the shortest post I've ever done. I've got to go now and pack for a weekend with friends, so hear from me next week I hope. Might not get much time as OH on a course next week so I'm not working at all, which means much less computer time for me. Hope the rest of you are all hunkey dorey and I'll pop in as soon as I can. Ooooh, just gotta say, we got shoes last weekend. Oh my, does Monty love them! And he LOVES walking everywhere. Wow, it's sooo cute.
And we are back to square one. Sat down eating dinner and heard this rumbling....looked down the back of his nappy and nearly threw up. Lovely mucousy diarrhoea again. And actually filled his nappy. I had to change him before he finished dinner cos it would have leaked out everywhere and I've already had to wash the highchair. He was unimpressed to say the least. Screamed until he was back in front of his dinner and then stopped instantly lol. Although afterwards it was rather funny. He was whinging and then Simpsons came on and he instantly stopped whinging...turned around and pointed at the TV and started smiling.
Awh oh dear not good nope: but at least he cheered up a bit now :hugs:
Morning all,

Well its Chloe's turn to be hit by the lurgi. Absolutely no idea what it is but I'm freaking out at home a little with her. She doesn't want to walk at all, she just curls up into a little ball and tries to go to sleep. She was sat on me earlier and just tried to sleep again. I've seen her sleepy in a morning but this was certainly something different. She lying next to me at the mo. She is drinking, has had more than usual so good but not if that makes sense. Im just monitoring her at the mo, she is responsive, just not her usual self. Nij is on a bloomin' training course and I wish he weren't in case she needs whisking off to A&E. I called NHS direct and they said monitor and take to GP tomorrow if same, any worse, depending on what, call back or call ambulance. She is just on the couch watching TV at the mo so i'm glad she is showing interest in things just movement wise she look pooped bless her. Her temp keeps reading at 35 but she feels hot as well and she isn't shivering or anything. So yeah, complete mystery and not good :cry:
Aww poor babies- I hope Chloe and James both feel better soon :hugs:

I have a sneaking suspicion we may be hit next- one of the daycare kiddies was starting to cough yesterday and didn't seem himself. Try as I may to contain it, these little viruses always spread like wildfire with this age group :dohh:

LK- I hope you're doing okay hun- sounds like the past little while has been stressful and busy for you :hugs:

Not much else new here- been a less stressful week since one of the kids was off for a couple days, lightening my workload. We finally got a few more cms of snow and a second sled for towing munchkins so we've been having fun playing outside and I've been practising towing a sled in each hand, lol. Emma's sleep has been totally erratic- I think one of the molars is finally finished coming in, but of course the other 3 are still cutting through. I'm really hoping that the sleep problems are molar related. Tylenol doesn't really seem to be helping much these days (probably not as effective as it used to be after taking so much of it while in hospital). Ibuprofen has always worked well, but she can't take it atm due to being on asprin therapy- grr...

Anyone with plans for the weekend? I think we were planning on a skate-date on the canal but it's supposed to be stupid-cold (like -17C) so I think we might rethink those plans :)
Sorry to hear there are so many bugs going around. I thought today was going so well but Earl managed to sick up his entire lunch by sticking his dummy too far down his throat, and I've just had to change bedding and both of our clothes. Thankfully he's fine, and just more washing, but I know the nap will be cut short now as he's managed to sick up a chicken sandwich, half a dozen crisps, 6 grapes and a strawberry fromage frais! :dohh: Hopefully some of it stayed down or he's going to be grazing for biscuits all afternoon - which to be honest I'm likely to give him! :blush: poor baby I hate to see him be sick!

I hope everyone is feeling better soon though - :flower:

Earl's bed has arrived. it's huge and so cute. I think we'll put it up next weekend (we have visitors this weekend and he's starting at a new CM tomorrow so too much disruption really.). We'll see how it goes!

I'm not a happy bunny today though. I've been off all week while hubby went back to Uni and until the CM could start (which is tomorrow). I've so enjoyed my time off with Earl and I'm gutted to be going back to work tomorrow. It's hell to be honest and to add insult to injury the money isn't quite enough to see us through so I've got to sit down once I've finished writing this and figure out a way to make ends meet. Apparently we earn too much for housing benefit, and because of the way the student loans are dealt out we don't qualify for childcare element of CTC so we're pretty much bolloxed! Thankfully we've managed to get everything paid off that we needed, and all the furniture etc is here now so we can survive....just. I just think it's an absolute joke that with income each month of 1000 and outgoings of 1200 we don't qualify....lord knows where that extra 200 is going to come from.....I may have to take a cut in hours or quit my job and find other work (meanwhile go on JSA) as that would at least mean we would get help. :shrug: (what a sad thing to say).

Anyway, enough of my moaning. We had a nice day yesterday shopping for a desk for Hubby (that also arrived today) and a set of loft ladders so we can get everything stored away and get our house in order finally. Can't wait for hubby to get home so we can do that. I think we have 5-6 more bits of furniture to get, but they will have to wait I guess.

Hope we're all ok otherwise....have a nice afternoon. :kiss:
Hey all,

Chloe is down for another nap, she isn't great but I am happier as she wakes, eats and drinks, then has a mini play before being worn out again.

Aimee: Oh dear poor Earl! Hope he isn't too hungry now after loosing all his food :flower: Certainly sounds daft about the money situation. I don't get CTC, I use 'Apple Childcare Vouchers' that take money for nursery out of my wage before tax, there are a few similar companies out there that do the same and your can set it up still even if your employer isn't already in the scheme. My ex-CM used to take the vouchers too, maybe ask your CM see if they know of any schemes too? Does his Uni offer any support, ours does something called an Access to Learning Fund. My friend had to leave her partner and rent a property, she applied and got some money to help get some essentials in at home. Its more to help stop life getting in the way of being able to go to Uni. It might be worth seeing if his Uni does some kind of initiative? It certainly is wrong the your not getting any help at all, utter madness and its only going to get worse - but I hope you get something sorted! :hugs:

LK: Hope you and James are having a better day :flower:

Kaites: Hope the bug doesn't go around, like you say though, they are at that age and these things go around. Brrrr -17 sounds far to cold for me! Hope if you have to change plans its still something nice :D
James is a little bit better today. He actually ate a fairly big lunch today...by far more than he has eaten in days. And he is playing which is a big improvement. We still have the diarrhoea though which sucks. On the major up side I was meant to be at work today from 9.30am til 12.30 in a study day and then back to the office til 5pm. Well got to the office and they'd forgotten I was in cos I'm on leave most of the week so said I might as well go home! So I was home by 1.15pm and my nan took me and James out for lunch hehe.
Evening all well got J registred and N seems a bit off he's been asleep since before 5 so not even had dinner.

My brain is feeling cabbaged today :dohh:
Fraggles: :happydance: for getting J registered :flower: Sorry to hear N is not feeling well, hope he is okay :hugs: Hope your brains feeling a little less cabbaged too :hugs:

I woke this morning to fine Chloe had been sick during the night :sick: She didn't make a peep all night but must have done it before she woke up as some of it had dried into her hair (sorry TMI!) She seems much more awake today, has eaten her weetabix and found a packet of crisps she asked me to open :dohh: I'm hoping there will be no more :sick:, she did have an awful lot of milk yesterday as I was keen to get fluids into her and she wasn't taking much water / juice so that could be why. So now its just her bum to contend with, it looks like cute newborn milky bum (sorry TMI again) but ugh the smell! So obv yesterday she was fighting some kind of bug and today its trying to get out her system! Joy!

:hugs: to all that need them :flower:
Good morning!

We had a much better night last night- only problem was trying to get Emma to settle down once she realized that the cat had joined us all in bed. She accidentally kicked the cat when she was getting comfy and the cat let out an annoyed meow, giving off her position. Of course Beasty is a rockstar to Emma, so she immediately sat up and started to pet the cat, excitedly saying "ohh Ti-Ti!". That was fine until Emma decided to take it a step further and try to hug the cat :dohh: Cue the hissing and growling but the cat didn't move an inch- she had obviously decided that Emma was the one who was going to have to move- she was on the bed for the night! I was eventually able to coax Emma away from the cat but being able to pet Beasty was definitely the highlight of her day :) I think it's molars causing this recent round of sleeplessness- got a bit of Tylenol into her (what she didn't spit out :dohh:) and Emma slept much better last night :thumbup: Now the key is fighting off the cold that her little boyfriend has :wacko: Of course yesterday Emma couldn't keep her hands off him, probably giving him extra hugs and kisses because she saw that he didn't seem happy. (resisting the urge to vent about parents bringing sicks kids to daycare :grr:).

Kte- Poor Chloe- I hope that the bug is a quick one and well on the way out of her system :hugs:

Fraggles- I hope N is okay too :flower: Two kids all day and night would leave my brain cabbaged too :hugs:

LK- How's James feeling today?

Aimee- Hope the finances work out for you :flower: HOw's Earl doing? I hope the vomitting wasn't a tummy bug!

Well, my Friday *looks* like an easy day- just one kid from about 8:45-3pm (I thought yesterday was going to be easy too but then ended up playing nurse all day). Potential early start to the weekend! I think we are still going to brave the cold weather and go skating, probably tomorrow- clearly I've gone mad to agree to this :haha:

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