Evenin' all.
Chloe is much better today, her bum was on best behaviour

It's still a tad smelly but I haven't been inundated like the past few days which was great because we were due to visit Fraggles and I didn't want to be passing on anything nasty. It was really great seeing her and chatting, time always flies far too quickly, I did feel guilty too - for keeping her up as N and J were zonked for ages when we got there. J was so small and so cute, I totally forgot what a tiny baby looked like! N and Chloe were really funny playing together too.
Not much happning tomorrow, someone is coming to collect a cabinet from ebay but that is about it, oh and I have a few bits of shopping to do otherwise the cats won't get fed

I guess washing and ironing too but I will worry about all that tomorrow!
Aimee: Hope the take away was nice, which kind was it? Good luck with finding a new job

Really lovely pics of Earl too,
LK: Ooo enjoy girlie film night, sounds like fun
Kaites: Lovely new avatar too!
Have a good evening / day tomorrow all