Well done LK,
KTE sorry to hear you're now feeling a bit under the weather too

Florabean - poor little Harry

I hated Jacob's MMR too, he didn't cry at the time but he had a reaction to it and it really knocked him for six for a couple of weeks afterwards. Sounds like Harry will be fine though.
I haven't had Jacob weighed since a couple of weeks before Christmas when he was 26lb 5 must pop him on the scales soon to see what he is now.
I do wish he would start attempting to walk as he is soo heavy and my back is actually killing me carrying him around

It worries me a lot, as he doesn't even try to pull himself up, so he doesn't cruise and he wont stand if I hold his hands. He walks on his knees but that's it. When I spoke to the HV she wasn't worried and told me they don't worry until 18 months but it's hard when I go to Mums and tots and Jacob's the only baby of his age now that isn't walking.

Also people can be so insensitive with their comments and are always asking is he not on his feet yet and when I say no they look utterly shocked and make me feel like crap as if it's my fault. I always try to make a joke out of it but it does really upset me
I was at the Docs about me this morning as I've just been really run down and my periods are so heavy it's scary, so she's referred me to get the merina coil fitted and took bloods to test for anaemia also. I just hope it does sort things out for me as I seem to be so lethargic these days and no matter how many hours sleep I get I still feel completely drained.
Anyway sorry for the moan, hope everyone else is well!