I think she is, she was really bossy on Monday, e.g she had a toy right next to her and would look at it and then me and whine at me! Lazy / cheeky madam! On the bus tonight though I ended up rubbing her tummy and she quietened down, I did it because she was rubbing her eyes like she she does when she is tired . . .most of the time when she paddies I leave her to it, she was on the floor in the supermarket once, she soon realised she wasn't getting anywhere (she didn't want anything, just didn't want to walk, or sit or be carried etc). I have to say, she was in a much better mood when we got home today than the breakdown yesterday. I'm not sure if it's also because she has had me for a whole 5 days and now she is back at nursery so she is testing me, plus they just went and swapped her keyworker over without prior warning. Then again, she is usually so laid back about that stuff, I think, like you say, she just want to boss me about and she what she can get!