Kte, I agree with you and myself more than ever today
Emma has officially caught "the bug" after a long ,drawn out losing-battle to keep it at bay- and so have all the other kids and myself
I was literally covered in clear snot by the end of the day yesterday and now I've got a sore throat too. Emma woke up a lot last night and I had a bit of a row at 1:30 with hubby about helping give Emma her meds (she's still taking stuff because of last month's hospital experience too). I'll admit I was in the wrong for flipping out on him, but honestly, I've reached the end of my patience with Emma and having to give her medicine. All she does is spit it out everywhere, no matter how far back in her mouth I shove the syringe, what I mix the stuff with, etc- she's even taken to spitting her milk and water everywhere
Anyway, all the frustration came to a bit of a head last night when trying to give her some tylenol at 1:30 
Kte- I hope Chloe's conjunctivitis is better soon. At least it's usually pretty quick! Sorry to hear the new baby room isn't as good as the last
This illness "entered" our house when one of the parents wasn't exactly truthful about how sick the kid was- I realize that it's inconvenient to take time off work but now everyone else (including that parent) is sick 
Fraggles- Hope you manage to catch some quality naps with the babes today (but not so long as to mess up the sleep schedule again!)
LK- Glad to hear you had some fun yesterday with James- esp with all the stress atm
I hope your neurology appt goes well 
Oh yeah, and Emma's little ride-on car was delivered yesterday
She loves it- wanted to be pushed from room to room last night, making little zoom-zoom noises and putting her doll in the trunk. I think it'll be so much more fun than a stroller when we are out at the mall.
Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good day!
to those that need them

Kte, I agree with you and myself more than ever today

Kte- I hope Chloe's conjunctivitis is better soon. At least it's usually pretty quick! Sorry to hear the new baby room isn't as good as the last

Fraggles- Hope you manage to catch some quality naps with the babes today (but not so long as to mess up the sleep schedule again!)

LK- Glad to hear you had some fun yesterday with James- esp with all the stress atm

Oh yeah, and Emma's little ride-on car was delivered yesterday

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good day!