LK: Glad you had a good day, minus the screaming 8yr olds and the food mix up! Chloe has been a bottomless pit today too maybe its just a growing time or something?! Sounds like a nice meal James had
Trying to think where to begin . . . it's been a good day lol Spent lots of quality time with Chloe, lots of giggles and fun. She has been a bottomless pit though when it comes to food today, she had weetabix for breakfast with a bit of apple and some grapes, then some yoghurt. A banana (not emergency lol) and some of mine, a big scrambled egg for dinner, some soreen, a buiscuit, some more apple, some more grapes, some baked beans (whilst tea was cooking as she couldn't wait!) then some tea, chicken pie, wedges and peas, then a mini choc bar and another yoghurt
She was really brave today and has decided she wanted to tackle walking down stairs (holding onto me). Before she has done one or two steps at the top holding onto me and then asks to be carried but today there was no stopping her, she kept on climbing back up and asking for my hands so she could hold onto them and walk down. She did try and grasp the banister a few times but it was still a little out of reach / awkward for her to grip. It was so nice to see her trusting me and being so brave walking down
Nij called me up earlier too to say he'd booked me a hair appointment at 2.30

I didn't even get around to moaning it needed doing
Lastly, we booked our summer holiday

I sold enough gubbin's on ebay to be able to afford the sun holiday

We're off to Wales! We gave Chloe a crayon and asked her to draw on the map they give you and the first place she hit we would go . . . and she chose Wales. I'd excited as the last time I went there was to Cardiff with my Mum and Dad years and years ago so it's going to be nice and different.
Colsy: Sorry forgot to reply too. Clothing wise, hmmm well really I am a 12 not on top and a 14 on bottom, but I managed to get some PJ's from M&S at Christmas and the bottoms were size 12 too. I managed to loose quite a bit of weight last year (trying hard to maintain, darn current sweet tooth) as before I was top 14 and bottom 16.