Hi everyone,
just posted this on toddler section - would be grateful for any tips : https://www.babyandbump.com/toddler-pre-school/525688-stay-bed-technique.html#post8955571
Tantrums - Oh yes Earl has tantrums, although hubby and I have always adopted the 'oi and ignore' strategy of dealing with them. they NEVER acheive anything and that sometimes can be embarrassing but we try to let people see that we are dealing with it, rather than just give in. I had to give him a time-out in the park the other day as he kicked me during a tantrum as he wanted to go on the slide but it was wet. Cue meltdown, I picked him up and asked him not to be silly, he threw himself back (and he's a big lad and knows how the throw his weight!) and kicked me hard in the stomach. Instant time-out with us - 1 mintue on the park bench with 2 other Mum's watching! lol - ha, I deal with him how I deal with him. I could hear one of them tutting, but hey, I'm hoping that by deaing with them now, I'll avoid a handful of them in the future.
Talking - Colsy, Earl has 'explosions' of words, and vitually all his words are food. He knows Milk, tea(as in the meal not the drink lol), breakfast (which was more of a noise but definitely breakfast), toast, drink, biscuit (again a noise but going to be biscuit lol) and a few others. We also go a few greetings over the past couple of weeks - Hiya has been perfected, and we also have Kiss, bye-bye and goodbye (which appear to be interchangeable lol). It's crazy as I was starting to get a bit worried about him, but he's definitely a thinker and while he gabbles away in his own little way for hours, occasionally he will come out witha doosy - He asked for 'downstairs' tonight while I was putting him to bed!
A meet would be good but I'm in Norfolk now so miles from anywhere lol. Let me know.
Fraggles - What's happened? I don't have you on FB either.
Back to work for me tomorrow. Had to take yesterday off and also today as neither me nor Earl was up to much but we're very much recovered. Earl has been generating huge amoutns of phlegm all day, and he's looking a lot better and hasn't required calpol all day

I haven't needed any aspirin since this morning either, and slept for 3 hours this afternoon. Fingers crossed - all abck to normal. hacks me off I still owe the CM for those 2 days....sods law they're the longest days and cost the most! lol
Hope we're all ok. Sorry for the mammoth post!