Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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:grr: the cheek, surely it's illegal? Like you need that added rubbish :hugs:
Well meeting up would be fab, although I am not exactly sure where we would choose as a location. We're a rather scattered bunch. Any suggestions? (Hmmm, how about Sheffield!!!!)
Hey everyone, hope all is well? Jacob is still bunged up with cold and chesty cough, and he's really off his food these days too - all he seems to want to eat is bread and bananas - worries me a bit as that's all I could really eat while I was pregnant due to the hyperemesis.
Aw you girls are lucky, living in Northern Ireland here a meet would be no good to me but I want to see plenty of pics if you do all get round to it! :)
Hi gals, busy weekend followed by two more busy days, with loads of family stuff. We've had a really enjoyable few days, even though I'm full of snot (nice) and Monty has tooth #14 (a canine) poking through

We think he's saying a few words now - we can decipher 'snack', 'pear', 'banana' and 'bird' (slightly disconcerting that they're almost ALL food-related!). He also does a few animal noises - 'moo', 'baa', 'quack', 'buzz', 'woof' and 'miaow'. This has all happened really suddenly, so I'm guessing the whole speech thing is like one minute it's not there, the next minute it is.

He's obsessed with his shoes and walking outside, to the point that he now yells for a few minutes if we get ready to go out and then put him in the pram or car. He also tries to put his shoes on every time he walks past them in the front hallway, which is cute and tedious at the same time!

Finally, we thought he had grown out of the screaming-every-time-a-door-is-shut thing, but he hasn't. He HATES it. Closing a door anywhere can cause an all-encompassing full-on grown-up tantrum - if he is steady on his feet, he can actually jump so both feet leave the ground; otherwise he stamps his feet alternately, all the while screaming blue murder and banging on the door. It's embarrassing to say the least. Do any of your Bumpkins have tantrums yet? I don't really know how we're meant to react. I'd like it to stop soon, cos it's bad for my eardrums and blood pressure ;-)

So it's leek and pot soup tonight cos we've got a shedload of leeks, with my homemade bread to go with it. OH cooking the soup as we speak. Talking of food, I just did an Ocado delivery cos they sent me a 20% voucher. I've had my shopping list saved up on the Ocado website for ages, been waiting for the next voucher to come through. Was getting desperate as we've got very bare cupboards LOL. (We do grocery shopping about five or six times a year max and buy in bulk, hence I really wanted that 20% voucher as it's a fairly massive shop.)

Have a nice evening every one xx
Colsy, harry's just started not so much throwing tantrums, but he will now attempt to cry & cling to you if he doesn't get his way... I dont know how much of that is a stage or due to him being ill though?

harry's still poorly & has awful butt rash at the moment. Hopefully the suggestions people gave me (Chaos in particular!) on FB will help it clear quickly. These double teeth sure are taking their time too. ggggrrrrrr.

and I just bit a huge chunk out of my tongue so i'm sat here with a tissue on my mouth to mop up all my blood n spit.

writing today off, lol. At least it's playgroup tomorrow so hopefully we'll have some fun there.

Hope eveyione's ok though other than the snot bags?
James throws tantrums. He throws himself backwards and stamps and screams. I tend to ignore him and then when he stops and is behaving I praise him for being good.
Oh Jacob throws tantrums too, he throws himself down on the floor screaming lol
Geeez!! I didnt know there is a thread about october bumpkins 09! I saw one of members who posted in my journal a while ago and saw her link in her siggy.

So sorry to miss all of it! Xxx
So they're all having tantrums then! I must admit, I'm surprised. I thought they started around age two, hence that term 'terrible twos'. Ha, I remember in years BC ('before child') seeing people with kids having tantrums and thinking 'no child of mine would ever do that'. Well what the blooming heck did I know? I can't believe I even thought that. Ho hum, you don't know nuffink til you've had a baby do you?!
Hi everyone,

just posted this on toddler section - would be grateful for any tips : https://www.babyandbump.com/toddler-pre-school/525688-stay-bed-technique.html#post8955571

Tantrums - Oh yes Earl has tantrums, although hubby and I have always adopted the 'oi and ignore' strategy of dealing with them. they NEVER acheive anything and that sometimes can be embarrassing but we try to let people see that we are dealing with it, rather than just give in. I had to give him a time-out in the park the other day as he kicked me during a tantrum as he wanted to go on the slide but it was wet. Cue meltdown, I picked him up and asked him not to be silly, he threw himself back (and he's a big lad and knows how the throw his weight!) and kicked me hard in the stomach. Instant time-out with us - 1 mintue on the park bench with 2 other Mum's watching! lol - ha, I deal with him how I deal with him. I could hear one of them tutting, but hey, I'm hoping that by deaing with them now, I'll avoid a handful of them in the future.

Talking - Colsy, Earl has 'explosions' of words, and vitually all his words are food. He knows Milk, tea(as in the meal not the drink lol), breakfast (which was more of a noise but definitely breakfast), toast, drink, biscuit (again a noise but going to be biscuit lol) and a few others. We also go a few greetings over the past couple of weeks - Hiya has been perfected, and we also have Kiss, bye-bye and goodbye (which appear to be interchangeable lol). It's crazy as I was starting to get a bit worried about him, but he's definitely a thinker and while he gabbles away in his own little way for hours, occasionally he will come out witha doosy - He asked for 'downstairs' tonight while I was putting him to bed! :wacko:

A meet would be good but I'm in Norfolk now so miles from anywhere lol. Let me know.

Fraggles - What's happened? I don't have you on FB either.

Back to work for me tomorrow. Had to take yesterday off and also today as neither me nor Earl was up to much but we're very much recovered. Earl has been generating huge amoutns of phlegm all day, and he's looking a lot better and hasn't required calpol all day :thumbup: I haven't needed any aspirin since this morning either, and slept for 3 hours this afternoon. Fingers crossed - all abck to normal. hacks me off I still owe the CM for those 2 days....sods law they're the longest days and cost the most! lol :dohh:

Hope we're all ok. Sorry for the mammoth post! :flower:
We need some kind of conference meet, skype or something, free where we can all get together! lol That way, no one is left out! Not that I have a clue how any of that works! :flower:

Craftymum: How odd he is sticking to the same foods as when you were pregnant, I did wonder about Chloe but I couldn't go near fish and she loves it. Hope he feels better soon :hugs:

Colsy: Oh my, yes, tantrums a plenty, usually when she can't walk where she wants to. Its getting mighty tiresome as she is in the pram a good hour on the way home. Yesterday at nursery she screamed so much they all came to see what was going on - they have never heard her. She is 99.9% happy gal but ever since she was a newborn, when she cries you sure hear it! If I have eliminated all possibilities, toy, food, drink etc of what she wants then its a case of just letting her get on with it. Think I mentioned the paddy on supermarket floor . . . one passer by said 'think you should pop that one back and get another one!' in jest :dohh: I tend to not give her what she wants but it obviously depends on the situation. As for the supermarket incident, she didn't want to walk, she didn't want to go in the trolley and she didn't want to be carried, hence I just had to let her get on with it. Mostly its 'overtired' tantrums. If its 'I want chocolate' (thanks a bunch MIL!!!) I refuse to give in to her and she has to just get it out of her system so she doesn't get rewarded for the tantrum behaviour. I kind of anticipate when she may 'go off' and distract her in some way and that sometimes helps. Hmm that reply was longer than expected! :flower:

You just reminded me of yesterday too . . .about seeing other kids and thinking 'mine won't do that'. Yesterday I had a huge bus delay mishap and ended up being in the bus station at about 6pm with Chloe screaming her head off. The amount of people looking over, I felt some violent tendencies I can tell you - it was as if no one had seen it before! Alas I thought the same though but its like recently Chloe now sits next to me on the bus and she stands on it too but I hate kiddies standing on chairs, I would like to teach her to sit and I do try but it isn't fully happening but I have to remind myself she is 15 months old just and will learn fully one day and I have to keep at it and sod what others think! She is so investigative I don't want everything to be so negative all the time. Eep . . . more! I digress!

Nanaki :wave: :hi: Welcome back and congratulations on your new pregnancy :flower:
Kte, thanks for welcoming me in this thread. Cant believe I didnt see it a year later!! Grrr. Xx
Ok girlies so I need some advice. Have this on my FB too but had a bit of a fright this morning. Went in to get James up and he was so eager to get out of his cot that he grabbed hold of the side and climbed up to the top of the side like a little monkey. I grabbed him so he wouldn't fall over the side so luckily no bumps. But now I am in a real tizz about what to do! Should I change his cot into the toddler bed? The problem is that he still moves around the cot alot in his sleep.
Ok girlies so I need some advice. Have this on my FB too but had a bit of a fright this morning. Went in to get James up and he was so eager to get out of his cot that he grabbed hold of the side and climbed up to the top of the side like a little monkey. I grabbed him so he wouldn't fall over the side so luckily no bumps. But now I am in a real tizz about what to do! Should I change his cot into the toddler bed? The problem is that he still moves around the cot alot in his sleep.

Maybe a toddler bed but also one that has/fits a barrier? Sounds like he will want to get out regardless so him being closer to the floor is better iykwim? :flower:
Yeah you can put one of those mesh barriers onto his cotbed but I can't really afford one right now. My wages were well short of what I needed this month so basically I'm a bit screwed with finances right now.
Still may be worth doing it, popping it to toddler bed without one :D

I hear you on the finance side of things :hugs:
Well ladies & babies / toddlers! I just can't focus today, I need this thing done for tomorrow really. Hoping I can get bit out before I leave and then slog tonight and tomorrow too. I hate it when I know what I want to put but can't!

Chloe was hilarious last night, I turned around to find she had emptied the washing basket next to her (clean clothes I may add). I had left the undies, knickers and socks basket downstairs for Nij to pair up the socks once he got home from work. Anywhoo . . . there she was with a set of knickers over her head and playing peek-a-boo through another :rofl:
Yeah you can put one of those mesh barriers onto his cotbed but I can't really afford one right now. My wages were well short of what I needed this month so basically I'm a bit screwed with finances right now.

I opted for cot mattress on floor as N would jump off a bed, he jumps off anything and everything

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