Morning ladies
I have another late riser here too- Emma would happily sleep until 8-9am and stay up until 9-10pm at night if I let her

Seriously, between her sleep habits and pretending she's older than she is (a lot of the cause of her frustration), you'd think I had a teenager on my hands at times

Seems like the biggest cause of Emma's frustrations is her little friends atm. I'll give E credit- she knows how to share better than the boys and will happily pass toys to kids who seem interested in what she's playing with (probably because at one point or another the daycare toys were "her" toys) but the boys have started to just come up to her and yank the toys out of her hands now

We're working on sharing but it doesn't seem to be a skill that is easily acquired

I got a little upset with one of the parents yesterday who made a little joke about Emma's mini meltdowns (she rolls over on the floor with a wail and then immediately picks herself back up again)- I didn't say anything to the parent but I just thought, "come on, if you were 1 yrs old and had people coming into your house every day, stealing your toys out of your hands all day, how would you feel?" Yesterday was a bit rough- it was almost like the novelty of having her friends over had worn off and she was completely unimpressed with having other kids around. She's been asking to do more and more of the "daycare activities" (cornmeal sandbox, finger painting, waterplay, etc) on the weekends and I think she's realized that there don't need to be other kids around to have fun with those activities. I also kind of wonder if we are in for a few more teeth (still need to get all the canines) since she was crying for a few seconds with her hand in her mouth a few times yesterday afternoon
Aimee- Glad to hear Earl is on the mend

Hope you are able to shift your cold soon too

I'm always sending kids home in new outfits, lol

Clean up and outfit changes are a hassle but the messy play in all its forms is always a hit with the kiddies
Kte- Aww- glad Chloe had a good mummy-morning

I hope she has a better day today, sans hitting
Nanaki- Glad to hear you are feeling better
Fraggles- how's J's colic/reflux doing?
Eek- just looked at the clock- trying to write this, drink my coffee and looking up some knitting techniques/trying them all at the same time and wondering where the time went. Hope everyone has a good day!

to those that need them!