Eswift: Hope the sickness eases and you manage to do just enough cleaning so you can feel better some it done but not have to gutt the place! Hope CC teething is easing off a bit too.
Neferet: :wave: Nice to see you back Hope you and Ike?
Fraggles: Hope you can get the tooth sorted soon. I really need to sort Chloe's clothes out again, she has been growing as well as teething so many sleeves are 3/4 again! Must be nice to be able to reuse some fave's for J. Yep its William - she seems to be doing fine, be nice when we visit tomorrow. Lucky mare hasn't had sore nipples and he is quite a good sleeper too so I thinking whoever said colic before is a bit cuckoo! Only down side so far is she was covered in poop the other day when his nappy was off and it even went in her mouth

Sorry, TMI!! She can't believe how quickly he is growing already - think we all know how that feels even now!
It has been busy but things not exactly gone to plan. We did go to inlaws yeaterday. There was no carboot today

We arrived to find a building being built on the old spot and there was nothing about it on the internet when we looked! Ah well. We ended up in Tesco for a breakfast and bought Chloe some tops in the clothing sale, 4 tops for £3 - not bad! In the afternoon we went to the park which was nice although Chloe's trike broke

the stupid handle snapped off, so at least it will be good when she is older and can pedal but still!
Sisters tomorrow but we are setting off after the bin men have been as we have to pop the wheelie bin on the street kerb and so we don't want to be away and it be left there. Can't wait though. Feeling a bit pee'd with Nij at the moment, bar a few moments when we are in all he does is sit on the bloody lap top or is texting arranging to go out with his photographer urbex mates. Its driving me mad and I dunno why I haven't popped but I am feeling the rage right now and am going to have to say something. He put the 'Kerrang' TV channel on today we were listening to it and then he is on the laptop whilst I am playing with Chloe saying how crap it is - well turn it off, might be an idea, come back into the room and communicate with people perhaps! Its mad how you can be in the same room as someone yet feel like your not there or strangers or something. There needs to be more of a balance with real life and social networking and forum life! I can do it with B&B and FB so he should too!!!!!
ANywhoo, I really should sort some more of CHloe's clothes to go in a wash.
HAve a nice evening all